HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1997-01-17F'F1t;:t4 i_!i-tL ff L I iiHT lt,tb Fat : 5/ll-30l-:[rl,a1E .fan 17 LF: i5 SI}F.IFJGF IELr) 22' I'IFTH STREET irnrircrrrl-D, oKEGoN 97477 - -^iN"ffAiou nsouEst " . 726'376e ;;;;;E;-- tzo-375s ':" I -i "h, EI.,ECTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION CitY Jo b Number COHPIETE FEE SCEDULE BELOS I'lev Resident ia1-S Multi-FamilY Per Service fncluded: ingle or dvelling unl t1. I,OCATION O F TNSTAJ.I,ATION A,Q I-EGA.L DESCRIPTION JOB DESCRIPTION Address CitY_ 3 A Cos t $ 85.00 $ 15.00 s 40.00 Sr.itnItems Permtts are non-transferablg '19 expire if r-rork j.s no, =i^rted trithin 180 days of issuance or lf uork is suspended for 180 daYs. 2. CO}ITRACTOR INSTAII'ATION ONLY 1000 sq. f t. or iess eacn adaitional 500 sq. ft or Portion thereo f Each Hanuf'd Home' or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder B f,lecirical Contractor Add.*ss 4oL9. I tl+b */? ciry1{-rr**fuao Phone A xa:5Jjo Super visor L j cerrse Number < *1?.1 Er1:iraiion Date - .- "__-- C<-rnstr Contr. uu*aer loLllAT Sign;r tut:e of SuPervising Etrectrician 1 Services or Feeders inut"ff.tlon, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amPs or less : 201 amPs to 400 amPs : aOl amPs to 600 amPs -- : 501 amps to 1000 lmPs- : Over 10OO amPs/vorts *- IReconnect OnlY C D. TemporarY Services or Feeders 'InstallaIiorr, o'i"tuiion or Relocatjr:r' i --^ /'Or rcb:l to 400 amPs -to 600 amps - amps or 1000 vorts 200 amPs' 201 amPs Over 401 0ver 600 1 30. 00 300.00 4CI.0,1 al,oTe- 50.00 50.0c 100.00 s 40.00 S 55 . tlcl s 80.00 see t'Btt Branch Circuits Nev, A1 teration or Extension Per Parrel t' onecircuit L s35'oo 35- Each Additionar, ^- ..-,: -a"iii"Li t or-ui th. service, s ,,..00 )'-oi P"*aut Permir -+- v Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder rrot i'trr-'r C:d) _Each installatron s 40.u0 F llll,Bl,il::-ii;fl1 *- ilt:tt =ii-i i"a EnergYr'comm e OffiER INSTALI.ATION The ir:stallation is being made on Fr'.)[,eL ty r-o''n'r'ii'it"it- -not intended tiur'r"rL ' Iease or rent ' 0,rrers $ignature: E SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE Si Stu.u Surcharge- ii ia,nittstrative Fee TOTAL 5 :--*-.------'--- DATE: RECEIVED j 1y,--* Phone -