HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1975-02-251 oo Lot 9, O1d Windmill P1at. Thi s agreement of an eight (B) inch front foot anci does se\.Jer user charges, Perty owner. By: U<I LE:.772. S'rATE 0F OREGON 5S 0i'r D o ME FCR E H KUP ,i,opi icat ion is hercby made by thc under: lnntd ProPerty owner for permi ss ion toconncctthefo.llorvingdescribedpropcrtytoJa"I'iIv-!unitarysewerline,ovtned anci nrainraincd by rhe city-of s;;";f;Lra,-:::.' asree i? P"v,such a hookup charge of $4.!0 per front loo.- of tr,e proPer.y io"th" tittt 150 feet in depth to be served by such c,i.ty server-iinu 'in iieu of an assessment against the des- cri bed proper.r.'-in ;;i.ional $0.03 p". -rquuie ioot wi t t be charged for any additional p.op"tty'beyond the first' 150 feet' PropertyDescription2Address.-310North32ndStreet 70 feet C $4.50 Per front foot = Sewer hookup charge: ($4'!0 per front foot) $ ------ has been computed as being one-ha'lf (*) of_the equivalent cost , lateral sani tary sewer- at. the 'ut" o? $4'50 per abutting not include the'lost of a house connection to said city sewer' plumbing permia'-l''oir'"' such costs to be assumed by the pro- ) )CountY of Lane BE IT REMEI4BER ffie, the unders sonai iY aPPear ED, that on thi s yof P ,, 19-/:'-- before and State, Per- known to me to be ithin instrument d voluntari lY. 4da 1 l-- Publ ic in and or 6i the sai d CountYigned, a NotarY ed tlre within n amed individua I desc ribed i n and wl'ro executed the w the icent icai executed the same freelY an anci acknowledged to me tha \,JlTilESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written' / L/ Nota rY Public 5- My onimi s s i on Expi res I-lrY oijPRINGET-Lq C ITY OF SPR Ii']GFIELD. OREGON V PROPERTY O\,JNERS: 1 (