HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-01-20" RESIDH{TlAL" z2s North r* irr"ff"'cAmoN/P,Rt/ffr Springfteld, )regon 97477 BwLlding Diuision 726-37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D Leceict # Signed /.,tsJ?O c- ( 1d o-, Date:t-ao43 ltq .S wtr flDt,Job tacaticn:L ?az lot #Asseesore Map I Subdixision: i,-at?f t t li no Yxr Lnattt;>t)tCLmer: Adtress:,-q/ /4 -Y/tA{,{, rltffi ,n*",74 )-.ery/ffiffi'*,Q747-City: YU,,)ry uab.t*rry DescrLbe i,!ork: Additicn O t-t Nen ValueDate of -l I l- Liac. #Phonecont?actors Address Ezpires cenerat, F1, -'r* ^ i( /7 ,!Onfi\, , &65 7), .Cxtr1 746',33t I ()PLmbing Sati--utt se.,ter capped ct pz,opert:i Litce Septie to* puryed and. inlled vtth gra;;el Pinaf, - Lrhen cbcoe itens ate ccnoletei dnd uhen Cqtclt ttot is eonrplete a? st"uc- ture noued od greaiaes eleutei ug. Mobi ficnes Blocking otd. Set-tg Plunbing conaections -- sare? orC uatet Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-uc and pLwnbing eonnectione m;st be apprc"-eC before requeeting eleetrieal inspec2io:': Accessory BuilCing tcrekes skiz,f,ing, CecksEi?nL - Aft.r etc. @e ccnp ConslPtslion_len(lCr It ie thd respottsibt)Lity of tle penrlt hodq to see ',hdt aLL inspeeti.otts oe nade at lhe prope! titne , thdt eceh address is readabl-e fran tlu atreei, and tiat the penrit cal, ie Laated. at the froat of the property,a3uilding D"!.uiciat approu*ed plot slc,Ll yetaain on tle Buikiing iite at aLL- times. PR)CIDAPE F)R IllSPEtrI?ltE1WE!:CALL726-3769(reccrdet) state Aous Ctltg Cesigttzted job @eadg for ircpection, cont?dctor" oi ainers'ncme "ad pu)e -"iLL be ncde the eane dcy, reqaests ncde aftet ?:00 an aLLL be naCe the nest:,nrking day. Iont City Desigr,ated Job Nunber Is trsor8 // SilS iltSPEC?I)N: To be nade after*cffiffi prtor tc set ip of forns. UNDSRSLAB PLUNBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH{ilICAL: ?o be nade before any uotk is eouered, FO)TIWG g F1ANDATICN: ?o be tmCe @"t t"ffid"rcaated and. forms ate etected, but pnior in poun'ing ccncreta. ANDqRGROUIID P'UAEING, SEW,q.'T.4TER. DP*4iilAcE: To be tal.e prior to fil-Ltrq trenchee. UIIDERPLOOR PLAI,EflG & IIEffiANTCAL :@o1floor insulatian or decking. ?OEL4N.D BEAM: To be nade prLor to -^- installaticn of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLT]!,!BIi]C, ELEC?RTCAL & I,{EC1: ANIC,IL: )lo uork is co be cou^ere(i ffii-these insoeetions 'naue been nad,e and. cpptoueC. FIP.EPLACE: fuLor to plccirq factng natet tals and. before frartng inepee- tior-- FRLI.'IIIIG: ltust be reqttested after opprortal of rough plwrbin4, electz-i- cal & nechotical. ALL roofittg braeing & ch*meys, etc. nast be cornpleted. llo acrk ie to be cott- cealed. Lottil this inspeetion ltas been nade anC approued. INSULA?ION /VAPOR tsARRIER |IISPECTICN : ?o be rmd.e after aLL tnsulaticn cd, requ':,red uqor bavie?s de in pla,ce tat before ory Lath, Wpston baarC cr unLL covering is applied, otd before ay iwulation is concealed. DRYiALL IllSPlC?fAN: Tc be nade aftez, aLL fuuaLL is in pl,ace, but prtoz, to cng taping. W: Steel Location, borui bearts, gwuting or terticcls in accordor,ce ,iith U,B.C. Section 241 5. ,IOODSTO'/E:@a.After installation is WE & APP-QA H APNN: After formsa,e ,"ecidT:utV6 to pou.mng &nc?ete. SIDZWALK & DRfIEWAI: For all con- ffi@Atffi street mqht- of-txA, to be naCe after all, ezca- oating canplete & fotn rnz,k & sub- base naterial in plase. ' nober, job aCitess, tgpe of inspecticn nunber. P.equests receited befcre 7:00 ctl Ir I atnfr.lllen conplete -- PraoiCe or nouabLe seetions tlwough ALL proj reqired Dftn ect catditione, such as the installaticn of street ttees, ccnpletion of tie '. Land.sccpirg, etc., rrust be satisJ'ied beJ'ore the tsUILDItlC EI;'IAL ccn be requesteci.FTUAL PLUMBII|G FINAL AECUI,IIICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL n E|NAL B_arLDrNc: The Einal Build.in4 rnspection nust be requested. clter the linal Plunbing \J Eleetz.ical, otd Meclwnical fnspections hqxe been nade atd approtteC. *ALL ILANECLES AND 7LEANOUTS MAS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAS?lliitt rO EE:.uDE !,? lto :SST rO Ci?y PeEe 1 of 2 0,) I LLo<:<- tr T SOLAR r )ESS REQ.- Peqe 2 L-co c Receipt #: Electricql Permit llhere Stdte Lan tequiz,ea tlu.t the elec*"ical aork be done bg an 9leetz.ical Contnactor, the electricaL portion of thia permit shall nat be uali.d until the Label ias been aigned by the Electrical Contracto?, Mechonicol Permit lotal Pen,it fssu.stea Meelnnicel Pendt PLan itanlne? I HAW CARSFALU SX.LAINED the cornpleted qplication for permit, ad<i do hereby cettiiy that aLL itfomation hereon is trae and. ccn:ect, atui f f"uther certify that cny ard aLL uark pez,for,ned shall be done itt accor- d,ance vith the 0ydinqnces of the City of SprLngfield, and the La;s of the State of aregcn pertaining to the wrk Cescribed here:,n, cd. ll1at N0 1CCa- Ptl.NCY vtlL be nad.e of dtA sttwctun2 aithout permissian cf the Suilding N-uision. I furthen eertifg that only cont?acto"s ud. ettplcyees ul"-o are in expliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proieet !ence Mobile ilone JOB NO Bedtoons Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Couerege_ i of Storles ?otal Height Lq TWE _ Intericr _ Cor.ne! _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sacTopography Lot Faees -Enerozt Sor,Lrees Setbacks !!eat DT House Caraqe Aceess.,later leate"!'lorth Easx lireplace Woodetoxe Vest -- Fees -- ITEM F?C x Value Building Vqlue & Permit Trtis pernnt ie granted on the erp?ess eond.ition tlnt the saili_eonstruction shall, in all respeets, eonform t:o the 3ydinance adoated't:-u the Ciil cf Spt'.ngfield, .)ncluCing the Soning Crdinance, regulctitlg cke ccnstructlcn ard. use of buiLdi.n4s, otd. na'g be susoended or reuokei at eny tine upan uic- lattan of any prcuisions of aairi Crdir"anees, !O!.41 VALAE Building Permit Total CVnrges Sigzed: NO ELL Plumbing Permit No pe?son shall consfuwet, install., altey or eltatqe an! nev cr e-sisting plwnbing ot, drainage systez in ahole or ln pott, unless such person is tle Legal possessoz, of a ualid plunber's Licenee, e.cept that a ?erson nay do plurbing aork to p"ope"bJ ahich is otrned, Leased or operated by the appli.- caflt. Fi.ctutes Residential (1 bath) Sanet Plunbing Petnit ITEM tl0 !ET ,41^ -vt Res. So. fta. Na,t/Eetend. Circuits ?anporoy Seruiee iTlM !EX alt,t oaa Ffutn,zce PTU'S bhatst Hood Vent lol 'urcodstotle lD'bC o .- ENCRCACHIIE!]T -. Sean itu Deposit Storage Maintennnee Penrit Cutbcut Sida,talk JLECC?LC4L LAOEL !1IAL AMOU||T DUE: *tc hlatan State Suteharge Tetal- Chnnoe*