HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1987-07-15Phone:Addzess: #" RESlDtr{TlAL" APPLICATION/PERIIIY 225 North ith Stneet SprLngfield, )t,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Ioeaticn:2,YD Aesessote Map # SPFlINGFTEL.D Ia* Lot # Subdioision: Amer: a\q a DescrLbe l,lork: 4/ YNa) {-t Additicn RemoCel ?o*o(/ zary a.F F'{z5.zrz-z 5'n fias' 2e'7'e st.srna, 0-O Date of Appli"otion 7-/5-8-7-VaLue GeneraL Plwibi.ng I,leehanical i Conatmctiott Lendet It ie the responsibi-Litg of -tle petmit holler to see tlnt aLL inspections ee nad.e at lhe prope" time, that 24sfu td,inses is reaCahier.yl-* atteet,. and that the-pezmtt-card ie Located at the froni of the property.*Buiaing Dit:ision appro,*ed plan slnll, renain on the a*Lal"lg- sile at aLL tines. TNSPECTTOII uhen gou L be nade the sane day,tequests ncie aftet, CALL 726-3769 (yeeorder) state yout, City desigrated job m.cr,ber,,neady fot' inspection, Contyactc"s or Asnez,s rntne end phone nu-,bcr. job alitess, type P.equests receixed of inspec=icn befcre 7:00 c:t7:00 an uttll be made the nett aoz,king day Iour City Desigr,ated Job Numbet, fs:?jc +? I SnE INSPICTTON: Io be nade aftet,ezcauation, but pz"ior. tc set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELIC?RICAL &tacwtttclt@ng uork is cooered. FCOTIN} 4 FOUNDATICN: To be naCeafter trenches are escatsated and forns ate erected, but prior to pour.Lr,g ccnerete. 7 uyosa c no ut.t D p LUI,IE_I N g,-_g!!n!,__Ul!E&,J Lirg trenehee. 71 wppllrlaR pLurErNG & r.iECltANrcAL:, , Io be ma4e pnior to installation of, floor insulation or decking. I P_os? ANp BEAM: ?o be made ptioz, toI installatian of floor insulation oydeckirq. ROUGH PLU-BIIIG, TLEC?RTCAL E IIECH-ANICAL: M.w:tiL these inspections lntse been nade ond approued. EIPEPLACE: Pt-Lor to plaeirg fceinamaterials and befot'e froning inepeZ-Lion. FRA!,!I\|G:, ltust be requested after approu,;L of nough plunbing, eleetri_ eaL & mecVnnical. ALt roofizq bracLng E chinmegs, etc. nrast'be . eonpLeted. lto ucnk is to be con-.-cealed untiL this inspeetLon lns'be9n made anC apptot;ed. INSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION :iobe@ t,equired ucpor bmrie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpsum boarC ortnLL couez,ing is cpplied, .cnd. beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRYTIALL TNSPEC?TON: ?c be made aftez' aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to ang taping. MASONRL Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or tsertieals in accordorce Lrith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODST)VE: After installation is ecnpLeted. CURB & APPRCACMPP.)N: After formsane erecteC but prior to pouting concrete. SfDEWALK & DRftEWAY: Fot aLL eon- erete paoing uithin stz,eet right- 9f-?,x1A, to be made after aLL esca-'uating canplete & forn uork & sttb- base naterLal in p\ace. nFttnf T4Tnf,t nD \BUTLDI;1CS Sanitatg seuer capped at pz,operfiy Line Septic totk ptr,ped and fi,Lled with gtalel Final - h\ten abcoe itens are cqnoleted and uhen Cenzcl.ttion is cotnolete by sttae-ture mooed and. pt'errLses cLZaneC up. tvtp'\r1 Hcmes Bloeking od. set-up PLunbing eonnectians -- aalte? od. uatet Electrical Canneetion - Blocking, set-up an"d plwnbing connecti.ons mtst be apprctbd befot,e requesting electr"tcal inspeelio:t i Accessory BuilCing i Fittal - After etc. ate comp',,r1;3:""' skirtins' decks, III : FTilAL PLUI{BING PINAL MECILANICAL PTilAL ELECTRICAL !$fi: h4ten conplete -- protsiCe gates or mooable sections thnough P.U.E. ALL pnojeet eotz&itions, sueh as the "i.nstallation of stteet tz,ees, co:mletion of tierequired Landsccpitg, etc., rmtst be eatisfied befote ttg aurLiiilb FfiAL can be tequested.. ?rNAL BUTLDTN1: The Final Building rnepection mtat be requested cfter the Final ptmbinXElecttical, atrC Mecharicat Inspectlor"'taun been naie- ard' ipprou"d. ,ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOATS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIITII? TO BE I.ADE /1.? NO CCS? TO ENY PageTof2! r il : trr I SOLAR AC.;'ESS REQ.-irqJOB NO.L-CO BeCroons: Lot Faces - lleat Df House Aeeess # of Stories Total Height Topogrcphy LCT lWE _ Intenicr _ Cotner _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Ca:erage West -- Fees -- I?EI,!FTG x TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Receipt #: Building Vqlue & Permit This pennit ts granted on the erpress condition tkat the said-consttaetion slnll, in aZL respects, conform to the Ordinance edopted by the City of Springfield, ineLuding the Zoning CYdinance, r'egulating the ccnsttaeticn and. use of buildings, utd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny tlme upon uic- Lation of dnA prcoisions of said 1rdinances. Euilding PermLt Total Charges State FEE CHAPGE Fi.Etures Resil.enti.al (1 bath) SeuerSant) {.)o ,)< 15 No pet,son shall construct, instal!-, altet ot' ehange -anA neil,cr etisting -ptt^htlng or drainage systen in uhole or in payt, unless sueh person is the iegal p"osses"o, of a u:altd pl*r,bez"s License' escept tlnt a pe?son nau 49plinting uork to prope?tA uhi.h is oaned' Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Pltanbing PerrrLt 1 Plumbing Permit ito FEE Nau/Ertend Cirs,tits Electricol Permit Where State Lau requiz,es tllat the electrical uork be done by an Electtical Contractor, the eleettical portion of this permit slnll not be ualil until the Label ias been sig:ned by the Electrical Contnactor. Total Fftr ITEM Signed: Mechqnicql PermitiriM bhanst HooC Vefit Ear 'tlcodstotte Seanrt Petmit Cuvbcut 5ida,:alk Mobile Home PezmLt Issuanee Meehanicel Perwit -- EIICRCACHMEIIT -- TotaL r HAW CAREFULLy EXANINED t?e cornpleted applieation for pennit, and do inr:nty cettify that aLL information het'eon is tt'ue an'C eorrect, and r fu,tk"er eertlfy that any ard aLL uonk perforned shalL be done in accot'- 'dance urLth the- zydinanc"es of the CitA of SpringfieLd, and thc La;s of the * State of Oregon pe?taining to the aork Ceseribed het'ein, cnd tlnt N0 )CCU- pLNcy witl be nnd.e oi any" st*u.ture uithout permissi-on of the Bui.lding Di,- tsision. I further cLrti"n that otly eont"ac'tors aiid enplcyees uho ate in cotapLiance dith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect \\'fr2r7 (_ -Jl'Ai Al4)ir:lr Dia:'37.",, t. 5 I