HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/20/2022City of Springfield SPRINGFIELD Development& Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Am. Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) —Type i Project Information A licant Name: D 1= (Applicant., Complete TK5 Section) Phone: Company if applicable): Email: Mailing Address: O p A licant's Re : KF -1 T Phone:.i 1 - -773 company: K)o Mailing Address: 532. C - Email: Of Property Owner: DAV Phone: S41 -%T* -4+* -S Com an : Email: Mailing Address:'3O$S20 NADE*4 A0. SORlptcaFtEl.1�,6K 4747& Assessor's Map No: 1 Z O Tax Lot No s. C3 S '4-00 Propertf Address: 749 N - SIREST 5MN417E{,b 0f, N City ❑ UGa Size of Pro6o' tad 7 Zoo n Acres X Square feet Type of ADD: ❑ Conversion of Part of House (describe existing use) ❑ Conversion of Accessory Structure (describe existing use) ❑ Addition to an existing dwelling & New Detached Dwelling Zoning: ;< R-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 Required Project Information Associated Cases: (City Complete This Section) Signs: Case No.: ` Z, - 'l Date: I Reviewed B : 1 S Application Fee: Technical Fee: -7% I Postage Fee: $0.00 Total Fees: 00-.' L) Project No.: 1 Revised 20.07.2022 Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: _ � Signature Date Print The undersigned acknowledges that the Mallon In this application is correct and accurate. Owner: — Signature Date Revised 20.07.2022 December 2022 Narrative Letter: Proposed ADU at 949 N Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 meets the required development and design standards in SDC 3.2.275 (F) and (G). 1). The proposed ADU meets all applicable clear and objective standards in this code that apply to the primary dwelling, including but not limited to, set -backs, height, lot or parcel coverage. 2). The proposed ADU contains a kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping area that are completely independent from the primary dwelling. 3). The proposed ADU does not exceed the 800 square foot limit and is less than the primary dwelling square footage. 4). The proposed ADU has its own entrance separate from the primary dwelling. 5). The proposed ADU includes a planned hard -surfaced walkway, minimum 3' in width from the entrance of the ADU to the street or walkway serving the primary dwelling. 6). The proposed ADU will provide its own address upon it's development. 7). The proposed ADU will provide an outdoor garbage storage area screened from view of adjacent properties and those across the alley with a minimum 42" tall 100% sight obscuring fence or enclosure on at least three sides. The proposed ADU plans meet clear and objective standards as follows. a). The proposed ADU is to use only non -reflective siding and roofing materials. b). The proposed ADU is to have a 4:12 roof pitch. c). The proposed ADU is to have 24" eves, or no less than 12". d). The proposed ADU is to have a covered entry no less than 3' wide and 3' deep. Stormwater Surface Filtrationlinfltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Project Information Project Name: ADU I Dave Hyland Data: 12/208022 Project Address: 949 N Street Permit Number: Springfield, Oregon 97477 Catchmerdl0: #1 Designer: Keith Dieter Company: KJO Drafting a Desion Instructions: 1. Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. 2. Provide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated with the site basin map to conelete the appropriate calculations with the facility. 3. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,560 SF) 4. For infiltration facilities in Class A or B sails where no infiltration testing has been perfamed use an infiltration rate of 0.5 iNhr. For all facilities use a maximum soil infiltration rote of 2.5 inthr for topsoillgrowing medium. Design Requirements: hoose "Yes" from the dropdown boxes below next to the design standards requirements for this facility Pollution Reduction (PR)Yes Flow Control (FC)J No Destination (DT) NO •a, mr.h.ioo facillly mushW O=ven as the f=elt, tyre to ni desesamn regm,e,nonrs Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 1050 fight Total Square Footage Pervious Area= 5365 sqh Impervious Area CN=I 98 Flow Control Pervious Area CNmi 85 Total Square Footage of Drainage Area= 6415 aft Time of Concentration Post Developments, min weighted Average CN= 87 Time of Concentration Tested Soil Infiltration Rate= inlhr(See Note 4) Destination Design— infix Design Soil Infiltration Rate= 2.5 in hr Soil Infiltration Rate Re ulremenl 244bour Desi aStorm Pollution Reduction tOlnches Water Ouali Flow Control 3.6 inches Fbod Control Destination 36 inches I Flood Control Surface Max. Ponding Depth in Stonnwater Facility= Depth of Growing Medium (Sc 12119/2022-2:12 PM Facility Surface Facility Surface Perir Facility Bottom Facility Bottom Perir Basin V. Ratio of Facility Area to Impervious Pollution Reduction-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility 0.014 ds Peak Facility Overflow Rule- 0.000 ds Total Roman Volume to Stormwater aA Facilityd Total Overflow Volume= 0 d Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Drawtlown Time=hours =Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? Yc" Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? YEB Mees Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Control-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility = 0.093 ds ds Peak Facility Overflow Rate=rid. Total Runoff Volume to Stormv✓ate Facility= 1217 d Total Overflow Volume=d Peak Offsite Flow Rate Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 23.9 in Filtration Facility Underdram= Drawdown Time= 9.7 hours Pre-Development Runoff Data Peak Flow Rate= #DIV/O! ds Total Runoff Volume =1 #DIVIO! d NW Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? 1 NMZeets Requirement for Post Development offsite flow less or equal to Pre-Development Flow? NW Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rah to Stormwater Facility NIA cis Peak Facility Overflow Rate= WA ds Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater _ Facility NIA d Total Overflow Volume= NIA d Max. Depth of Stormwaterin Faciliry= N/A in Drawdown Time= NIA hours =Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? N/A Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? NIA Ilyleets Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? 12119/2022-2:12 PM FORM O & M: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE PLAN REQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY CODE Project Building Application No Owner's Name:_ L),4,4L �y LIiN O Phone Na. 5-+1- RS+ 4t4—S Madfag Address: 90570 R*DlE44 RD 5?tnat.FlfA o&_ g74-75!-. Site Address: '14-1 A. SjTKE,ET-5ftWf&a1 o%t 97 -77 Site Map and Tax lot No. 1703 2.6+3 OS 4100 Requirements 1) Stormwater Management Site Plan, (min.8/T. 11"attached to this mon) showing the lecatiuu uC the facility(ics) in rotation to building structures or other permanem monuments an the site, sources of runoff entering the faeility(Ics), and where stormwater will be discharged to aller leaving tic facility(tes'). The stocnwater manageinent Cacility(ies) shown on the site plan are a nquircd condition of building permit approval for rhe identified property. The owner ofthe identified property is regnirad m operate and maintain the facilily(ies) in accordance with the Oparatiovs avd Maintenance (O&M) Plan on file with the City. The O&M Plan for the facilay(ies) is are available at the Public Works Department, located at 1820 Roosevelt, Eugene. Oregon between the hoots of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call (541)(6824800). '_) Description of the Mancial method used to cover mono, operations and maintenance Check Orm Ho a se.ner's Assueiation ,ee Property Owner Account J) Paty(les)respausiblc for maintenance (only fother than owner). Daytime Phone no. C—) Emergency/After-hours contact phone no. (_) Maintenance Contact parodies) Name & Address: 4) Main[enznce pmmices and suhednle for the atonnweler fzcility is included in thefrcilily- specific O&M Plan filed with thePablic Works Department, City ofFiagere. The operation and maintenance practices are based on the publication dale ofthe City of Eugene's Stormwaler Management Manual. Preparation Date: .20 Revision Date: 20 Estimated Date of Installation , 20 By s mmg; below, filer accepts and agrees to the terms and condifians contained in the operations & maintenance plan and in any document executed by tiler and recorded with it. Signature or Filer: .,I Print Name