HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1964-01-24sEilFR_LrEN +Np coNNECrIo$ AGREgE$lr
KN0I,[ AI,L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in conslderation of the provlslon
of a public aewer facllity constructed by the Ctty of Springfield, a munlclpal
corpor atioB ln Lane Count the benefit here{n
Adrl v Oreson. for!{. tlard and Joan H. Wcrd
of the real propertv
, husband anil wf fe,
described, we an
Bhe legal osrners of the property, do agree Eo fhe placenenE of, aod grant to
eald clty a Llen upoo our property beaeflted and descrlbed ae follows:
Amount of Llen: $3OO.OO
Lot 10, Old Ulndmlll Tract, Sprlngflcld, Lanc County, Orcgon
292 ilorth J2nd Strcct
Springflcld, 0rcgon
Couoty of Laqe )
0n Eh-is 24*- day of . . -J.nul1 . , Lg6L, persoaalLy came
before t?ir1."8.."t"*t"Xt"l""B".t1 for.rsaid CounEy and StaBe, che withla aamed
to me personally to be ldenEical persons described ln and who executed the
wiEhtn lnstrume{E, aad aekaowledged to me that they execuf,ed the same freel.y aud
voluotarily fot the uses aad purposes Eherein named.
I^TITMSS my hand and seal thts day aad year lasE above r,rritteo.
Publlc of
6-l-l &:
-1 r.:
\f l_
My commtssion expires:8- I 0-67
Said real properLy described shall be held as securl.ty f.or the re-paymeot of
the sbove sum la tea equal seni-annual iastallments, pl.us accrued interest aE the
rate of 6% from the date hereof on the bal.ance of the unpaid assessment. The
tnttial payneoE of principal aod interest wi1L be made by the property ouner six
mooEhs from the date of Ehls agreeueot.
It i6 furEher provlded LhaE this llen may be foreclosed as other city liens la
accordance rsith the provisions of the Ordlnances and Charter of the City of
SpriagfleLd in the event that install.ment pa)rneots lncl.uding lnterest, are oot pald
srtthin slx mouths of their due date, Thls llen has been eomputed as belng one-half
(Ll?) of the equivalent cost of an etght (8) tach Lateral santtary selrer at the rate
of $3.40 per abutElng front foot for 90;0 - feet to ioclude the cost of a
coaoector T lnto a Erunk sewer Line and does not tncl.ude the cost of a house
connecti.on to said trunk Betrer, serrer user charges, pl.umbi.ng permlts or oEher euch
eosfo Eo be assumed by Ehe property owner,
fhis llen and agreemeut to pay the same shal1 be biodlng upon ttre undersigned
who are the ooners of the real properLy herela described and shaLl blnd thelr heirs,
executors, adolnistraEors, asstgns and successors in tnterest, and until paid shall
be construed to be a coveuant runnlng with Ehe laad.
Dated at Sprltrgfleld, Oregon, g1t1" 24th . day of J?ntla,ry ,Lg6b.
, ).''