HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-07-23.. RE;DENTIAL.. 22s North sth streey?PLrcArr)N/PERWT Spnngfield, 1regon 97477 BuiLdtrq Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFiINGFIEL.D T/\ Job bcaticn: Tcz f-ot #oo Subdi;tision: 36AesessorE Mao ll t qn PhoneAddtess: CLmer: 5K-2 Desct+be htork: VaLue llqa "5 Date of App Licati,an J-.>- [-Oic--Addition RentoCeL vl,!eciur:iccl netrnf ?ofnit ^o t.^tE\ Sanitary seuer eapped .t ptope""r- Li/:a Septic totk p;,rped and fnlled a-ith graizZ linal - l,ltett abcue itens oxe cctwleted. and ahen Cqtcl:,tion is eoralete br stnie-ttee noued, od pre*ises clZaned. tp. Hcnes otd, Sat-:,tp connections -- €a/)e? od, aalet Pinal - After Vcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. @e cenplelad. inspec!io:: L Ccmnee tslockir4 and.eonnectioneLwnbing(qprcxed elec'.ricalbefote requesttng Accessor; Suiliing !aa2 I ot 2 CALL 726-3769 (tecotdet) state your Citg desigmzted job nulber, job aiitess, type of incpee2icnready for inspection,Contractcrs ct Asnez,s nane cnd plnne ntntbcr. P,equests receiued befcre 7:C0 a:ibe tade the sane chy,"equests nade aft* 7:00 an urill be rmCe the aect xrkin4 dag I-t ie the reepoas:ibi-Lity of -the permit hoZd* to Bee tlut aL! inspectiona d?e nal,e at tle ptopet tine, that 234fi -iirss3 is nen;abi.e Iry. -tJg st?eet, and, tltat the -per,ntlt eatd is Laated. at the frcni of the propertg.*9ui!dir.q D.iuiciot nipoteti pLot eiu.ll reaain on the Bunl<iing site bt aLL' tines.' Construeticn_Lewig!_ iou QT40 Tlt.DFaatait. "scauatl;;; but forne lTilAL PLAI{BIIIC PIIIAL I4ECAilICAL FINAL SLECIPICAL To be afterprtar tc set up of TNSULA?ION/VAPAR BARRIER IIISPgCTIAN : ?o be nad.e after aLL insulaticn ed. required oqor berie?s @e in place bzt before ay l,aih, Wpsl.tn board, or tnLL eouering is applied, azd. before oty insulatton is concealed. DRYiALL llsPlercil: ?c be nwde after aLL dryaall is in p7a.ce, but prtor tu cng taVLng. !,|ASONRI: Steel Location, botti beora, gzoutin4 or ueyticals in accotdotce ,,,Lth A,B.C. €eetion 241,5 . your Ciby'Deoigra,ted Job ttunbet Is:8a )5?I ( ANDERSLAB PLU!,$IIG, qLECTRICAL A \EC\{A.!|ICAL: ?o be nade before any t'totk is coueyed. P)1glc ! ?)|JNDA?ICN: ?o be tmCe @ffifu a1.e eseaated and forns ate erected, but oricr to pourtr,g ccncrexa. UNDERCRAUIID ?iL,M9TilG, SIilgP..'IA?IR, DRAillAGE: To be nad.e pnoz, to fil-Lirg trenches. UIIDERELOCR ?LUI.DIIG 1 I|ECEAIIICAL : ?o be naae prior irc instaLl,ation of floot insulction o" decking. P)Sl AND AEA!4: ?o be nade prtor toinetallatian of floor insulation ot decking. 30trci! PLu|tsIilG. ELEC?RICAL A MEC,q- ANICA.L: llo 'sork is to be eoteteci,tt: 'these insoeetict:s itcuo- beer, mad.e od. approoed. FIPZPL.ACE: bLo? r.o plcctr4 fccingna-terials and. before fratanq inspeb- tion. ER4.llIllG: ttust be tequested aftet approual of rcugic plwrbinq, electri-a.L & necitoieaL, ALL noofing brae-ng 1 ehinmegs, etc. rrust be conpLeted. Jto wrk is to be caz- . cealed. until this insoeettcn ius'been tad.e caC cppror:eti. wc0Ds?0,r8: enpG;A. After installation "Js A!88-4 p$AAC,Y A^DP1N: After fornsa,e;rectdEt@ to poumng cofie"ete. SIDE\IALK & DRfr,El,lAl: For aLL con- cTete pauing aithl.n street z*ight- o|'-ucv, to be naCe after ali ecca- oating canplete & fozn tntk & sub- base nu,terial in place. ?E!@, i{hen eonptate -- fuo:tiCe gdies or notsable sections th.tough Diln ALL pro;ect eondi;iors, suci as che instaLlation of sar.eet ,"ees, cctplexion ol i;ie required LanC.secpix.g, etc, ' last be satisJ'ied belbre the BUfLDIIG iftlAl can be requesteC. .\llAL EUILDINC: The Fi.ndl Suil<iittg. Inspection r,rust be reqtested ciler the linal ?LunbingEleccricq.l, oi llechcriccl fnsgecticns i.ate been nade atd'cpptoveCI *ALL \4AIIHCLES AND CLEANOU?S YUS? BE ACCESST1LE, ADJUST:a\|I tO 3E fir.Di !.I !]O C:S? lO CIT:I Date: zie,QAl*l M7 ,rourr" ,r^u ?ece.iot# J1qz\tnt-{ r e2 SOLARAC iS REQ.-L-co c Beitoons 9ar"42 Receiot l: Electrico! Permit Were State Las reouires th.at the electr.ical aork be done by an glectrical Cont"actor, the eLeetrie.al poriion of this cernit shall not be oaliC until the l.abel lns beet"r signed by the ELectu iccl contrector. Mechqnicql Permit Lot Sq. E+4. % cf Lct Caverage _ * of Stor)es i'Otd.L :leLEht !ogoqqhy Stcte TotaL _ Intericr _ Corner ccfih.at1c Le Cul-de-sac CFA?CE PenrLt isstance Mechanical Perrtt Lot ?aces -Enerou Sources Teat or :'louse Cayace Access Vatet le-atzt llo"tit !esE i : LI'4D LaCe Sout|t rioocis;ou^o- ',lesx -- ?zes Building Volue & Permit This pertt)t is granted on the e@"ess cord,ition that the said-eonstzrtc)ion s|wLL, ;.n a1L te-scects, eoniorn to the Crdincr'ce edocteC by the :ii'g of Springftei,l., '.t".citui7ng the 3on'.ng Crrilna,ce, regulcti-r.g ;}ze ccnstmtei:.cn SO,. FlG Vaiue::Z:,1 X suepended Sriir"ances Si.gxed: S. D.C. 7.5 z or reuckei at a.! tine upon uic- n^aAf irlf t:? 2,,-'1 S.'-- 2^-; t lotal Chdtges State Sutch,aae cd, use of buiiJiTqs, attci nay be Latton of cny prcuisions of saiC Plumbing Permit No pereon slnZl consttwet, install, alter or cion4e cn! reu cr esisting plmbing cr dttinage systel in uhole oz. in part, unless such person ls the Legal casseasor of a talid plunbet's License, eleazt thai a pe:,son nay do plur,bing aork to p"ape!fu uhich is ot"t"ed, Leased or opereted by the applt-- ednt. Resil.ettti.al (1 bath) Seuer Pluniing PerftLt State Surcl"arge i'lO..-! | )', Pes. So. fta. N a,s / E rt ettd. C itctti t s lefiDCrdu bzz1)l-ce- looo t, C!!A.RCEii! F.ttn,tee E?UtS *ha$t HooC Vent ?ol 'ilcotistooe Stotcae ifiainterance -. ZNCRCAC|T\4E]IT -. Sec"u,i PLcn !zan1-ne" I IIAW CAR1FULU EXIIE|ED the conpleied applica-"ion fot permit, and da hereby certi;'y zhat aLL ilfo:,ra.;ion heveon is true ard. ccz,z'eec, a,C f faz'thet cerxif,; thav cny arri aLL aork penforned siu.L! be Co:te in aceor- Cance',rith the 1rdincnces of the Citg of Spr|ngfield, and. ihe La;s of ihe State of Cregcn pertainrng to the uork Cesq'.)bed herein, crd, iVan :lO CCCU- ?Allcl aiZL be r,a,ie oI' an7 stracxure uithout pez*nission of the 3uili,-ng D'--uision. I l,atther eerttfi tlut ctlg cont?cctors ad. a:tolcyees aho ete id conol:.ance uith 2RS 701.055 aiLL be used on +,his projeet <J ?_Z iC!.7L A},!AUI? DUZ: *g-o i NobLT.e llcne ^? JOB NO. State Sureheqe Total Ctsraes SLAenaLk al -:-r. -*-t{{lal:TNNNNOg|\rur+u6{ct\OorPutAadIt,i t or 6 10 N e k, e 1., 5 s E 5 I lrtl -l-r _L I-i- -i 6 _l "_l l -Ll- t--t- I -t-_t_-t -1_I)