HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-09-16I hlr clrY 0F SPRIIIGFIELD_- --. CJiEIIIRTION APPLiCATION/PERMIT 7 37 Jo$ Address l-ega I Descri pt ion EIIERGY RCES Hea llater Heater Ranqe Sq. Ftq. l'la Sq. Ftg. Access Sq. Ftc. Other__ Y I'lew Add Al ter Pep. -Fence DE-mo Chan-nqe/Use _0 ther- =NDc ss $ , .t^ ffi--;til Value of l,lork:? r1c ea -Bull?lnq-Fernlit Info: Descril Fan i l v Res i dence t,li th Attache< re l,,lo rk ( I Garaqe l;€ I Build Single Address r Phone Construction Lender /5'k} Addre s s Phone T name 'I Pri ma -\) S tructura l Electrical l"lechani ca I TR P 5 I 'i al 1" llecha n PLUIlSI iIG ELECTR I CAL 14ECHAN I CAL FEE CHA PGF NN FFF CHARGF nrn FFF 2Al Each single fixture /i PlS. rt ?i L\. Residence of SQ FT furnace/burner to BTU. s Re.l ocated buiiciing (new fix. additional) New ci rcui ts al ts or extensions Floor furnace and vent S.F. P.esidence(l barh)SERVTCES ,:! L],*r;Recessed wal I Soace heater and vent 1,-.Duplex (1 bath) each *rrs, iOo fiMfr,lStrn Qaa; Additional bath Temporary Construction Apoi iance vent se Da rate I [,later servi ce Chan res'i ge in existing dence Stati onar-v evap. cool er t Sewer multifamily, coffin. or Tndrrstrial b Vent fan with sinole duct 3ao / tae ,I Storm Sewer 0f amps. Vent system heatinq or A apart from .c. c0r4r.r./lND. FEEDERS ,*Mechanical exhaust hood and duct {,sb 2.'7, a,. I nstal I /al ter/rel ocatedistrib. feeders l'lood stove/heater 0f 7'00 amp s.;5.m Vti;,a ISSUAIICF 0F PFRI'IIT i,,.;. ^. TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES / lC.ca TOTAL CHARGES F,f aa I^JHERE STATE Ll',^l REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an E shall not be valiJ until the label has been signed by an Electrical S 'lectrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit uoervisor and returned to the Buiiding Division H IXAIl the comp eted appl and 0reg the B '1 ca t 'i 0n fi0 r DE rmi L and do h ere b.y c ert I tha t a I l j n forrnation hereon is true he 0rdinances of the City NC OCCUPAI,ICY w.i I I be made tion r,r'i th the Builder'sis noted hereon, and that and correct, and I further certif-v that aof Soringfield and the Laws of the Stateof any structure without the permission o Board is in full force and effect as requ ny off a I I wo rk oe rfo rmed S hall be do -work desc further cf exemot t .055 rri II ne I n a cco rd an CC t h t on DC rtain ng Di 701.0 '|n d the r i bed he re I n an d tha t U i I di s I on I .t fy tha t m.y req i s tra I red by nD(55 th t j he ba s I S for e xemot I o n on I v su bco nt ra cto rS an d emp I 0yee n r,omcl i ft, Lc wl th 7 0 1 used on L h 'I s p ro,j ct */-,WI,lAtlE(piease print)S IGi{ATURE DATE Zo \7 T,voel Cons t 7 - ,J LJni ts Fire Zone - Eedrooms Flood Plain,r;f Stories Load 35 S q. Ftg. Access jB{oc ii.l x J'l,a C v lue f.?r ''l3tg, ao lj{.-Group r-:.i t it-1 Sq. Ftg. Other l rx I I i .. l)- BUILDING PERt.lIT Clrarges anC Surcharges #ntuqE- A r") Plan Ck. Comm/Ind 65i/B1do Per Fee .Lb's.3O Svstei;rs Deve charqe (1.51 opment .l lQA n.n*v J -,,'a v. . Plan Ck. Res 30%/B1dq Per Fee ?NC PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Fence Zo-cryU ,7 D6mo fl.C H Drr6.4t,1e ELECTRICAL PERIIIT Charqes an, Surct.a roc s I{ECHANICAL PERMIT Chargei and Surcharges sf ,*,a-.!LV-.-!+-.- '1^.r.: ..i r_) Si dewa I k A/C Paving Curb Cut ,-1r/' Tota'l Comb. Permi t \{ T,S E. /.2,qfl TOTAL 7 3'.1t9, g* Ax-11-Ltl iL, 94oo -s6rnr i.sal o* L1T t<l t\\,12, iq7 ST, exnl resN TEAI.I pYn r rpqACTORS f, 7 I r i] AQNF TOTAL VALUATTOU i ''i5, !.eC.z:d + A '1C Dt)E. , ar ^---iL-lZr--9- C- coMBINATI0N AppLICATION/PERMIT (CAp) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Lega l Descriptionl. examole_ Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map ReferenceI7-0T-432. example_ Lot_1. Block 3, Znd Addition toSprin-gfield Estates \E5 :ITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Holl Springfield, Oregon Doporlment of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT ,,t I C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender0. Energy Sources 2 examol e- exa;;1"- re foota heat/electrical cei or forced lr as E. Squa ge or valuat oD' l{0. B 5476i- I () o .l iT ,.7 ! t 'r9 wa ter ter ec ca or so arer examp j e- examp'i e- check add 1250 sq.if new p , etc From 2 foot house, 500 sroject, check-new q. foot garag- if addition e ESSF. Bui )ding perm 'i t i nf orma ti onexamole - con struct single family house w.ith anattached ga rage remodel existing gara ge into fami ly roomconvert si ngle famil y residence intores taurant (change of use)ue of work as defin ed in Section 303 (a) of theStructurai Spec.ia H . DES I Gi,I TEAI,I AND C I ty Code ONTRACTORS Additjonal project Information: PLANS REVIEI,IED BY: To avoid desiqn or construction delays, BuildingDivjsion Stafi must be able to.oniult appropriatepersons.regarding design information or jbO ,it.--corrections, etc.Abbreviated p)umbing,, i,lechanical, & Electrical Schedu.lesA. rxcept wnere brink ap;;;s-;;;r; ;;';;" desriptionportion of the Hechanical anO Eiectricai Scnelufel,the applicant need fill_in onfV ine No. Boxes adjacent ^ to_the aporopriate item(s) to 6e-instatteOB' Ful I prumbing, llecnanicJi, ira'Et..i"icar Scheduresare ava.ilable at the Building 0ivision1. To conserve space on the-permii iorm the scheduleshave been abbreviatecJ?. J.f tne jtern(s) to be installed are not covered on ;trg,aouleyiSted schedute, yor r[ortO .onsrit-inJrurr schedulesC. BUILDIIJG DIYISION STAFF l^JILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND- CHARGES Oi{ iHE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAp, ah; label must be deiivered to theelectrical contractor fo. sitnutr"" [, nr, e.lectricalsupervisor- The generar .on[.u.to" i'r not authorized App I rcanL to sign and date Whenever possible, the initiai application will be used asa worksheet onlv. tJhere possibl!, Suiiaing D.ivision Staffwili.prepare u iype written .opy-jnJ-""iurn it to theapplicant ar the time the u.irui p".rii"is issueo for hiss i gna tu re. Fees and Charqes Plan.check feis are due and payable at the time of theapplication:,and-!9 pians wiii"b; ;";;";sld until theserees are paid. All other fees and cnargei'are due andpayable vrhen the permit is issueJ. -'-'r-" FOR OFFICE usE oNLY 2 exanole - efimDTe - ved F CC t*z- CO 0 oo C .qc) .(j(-1 { (. c € 3. G. Val II CD III IV AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE SXEI'ON'IURNAULL PRINIERS - EUCEXE OR 9"O! Perm'it Cl erk .t r, ---.2 t ilt i.-C nt Received PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI.ICY: Permit appl icant exempt from registratjon w.ith the Builder's Board because: name Si gna tu re da te I I a - 2q-4 /,/ I I' -')' TiCII PROCEDURiS FOR THE CIT T :PR -JILDIiiG DIVISIOiI 346 irrii,*rTP INSPTCTiOiiS 726-3759 IiIFORiiAIION rriul lEL:Jr3i 1a. ^1aat Lo-Jt )5 The follorvin indic d inspections are requ'ired for your constructjon atIt is the responsibi'lity are made at the proper time,d that the perrli t card i s of the permt that each add located at th holder to see t dL d 1 inspect on ress is readable from the street,e front of the property. - . S an 1. SiTE INSPECTI0N: To be made after 11. FRAi'1Ii'lc INSPECTI0TI: ltlust be requested 2. U\DEI?SLAB PLUI.IB I NG ELECTRI CAL & E CHAN I To be ma e ore any work is covered. 3. FOOTiIIGS & FOUIIDATIOII To be made ated and al I dryrrra]1 -i--fi11ace, any taping. excavation, Sut prior to setup of forms after approval of rouqh plumbinq, elec-trical & mechanical. AIJ roofinq, bracinq & chimneys, etc. nust be com-pleted. llo work is to be concealeduntil this inspection has been made and approved. 72. DRYi'JALL II,ISPECTI0N: To-rdl rer trenches are excav forr,rs are erected, but prior topouring concrete. i3. SEr//ER. bIATER & DRAIi\lAGi LIITIES:4. MASOiIRY I.IALLS Prior to fi I I jng in trenches eams , grcui'ing cordance r.rith U.B.C. Section 2415.74. SIDI!./ALK & DRIVEI.JAY:Required for all concrete par,,ng rv bem but ade afterprior to b Steel location, bondor verticals in ac- 5. UiIDTF.FLCOR PLUI1S I i,IG & i'lECi-1AN I CALTobe ,.na o e prior ro jnstallation 7. ROUGH PLUi\iBIIIG . ELECTRICAL & l'1[ c l-]A)l o v;ork i s ro be jn street right- of-way; to be made after all excavat-ing complete & form r,,ork & sub-basematerial in p1ace. 15. l,J00DST0VES: After installation is conpi eted. i6. SPECIAL IIISPECTIOI,IS:lJhen required bythe Building Code, soecial inspector to be present when rvonk is in proqress. A copy of the spectal testing report to be furnished to the Buildinq Division. ! L m of floor insulation or decking. 6. P0ST & BEAtl: To be maCe prior toInsialEr]on of f I oor insul ationor decki ng. n I CAL: N covered until these inspections have been made and approved. 8. FIRTPLACE facing materials. 9. FIRE & SEPA,?ATIOiJ IJALL: Prior to plact'ng Loca ted ation ction must be requested after th have been made and approved. No Buildin g Insoection has been ma ISSU BY THE BU ION APPROVED PLAI,IS q E COiIPLETED IN ACCCROAi{ tructural Concrete: In excess of 3000.S.I. tructural t,lel ds: Performed on the job I u-Larn Beams: Inspection certi fi cateby approved agency) supplied to BLrild- ng Dfvision before beams are placed. i re Retardant Roofing: Before instal - r- ;tx S P construct accorcjing to plans. O.. INSULATION VAPO R BARRIER INSPECTIO :1.To be made a ter al nsu dL on and FiI'IAL BUILDING S G ( i r I lequired vapor barriers are in place r:-^ ,but-before.any 1ath,-gypsum board or lXit7. OTHER INspicriOtis: May be requ.iied intvall.coveringisappriLa,andbefore-ffiildinqCode,to-be any insulation is concealed. lng:qqted_in plans or by notice frogr- Building Inspector. FINAL PLUMBING E FINAL ELECTRICAL B,-,N0, I'IECHANICAL ffi ,,*0. FIRE OEPT. All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, completion of therequired landscaping, etc., must be staisfied before the BUILDII{G FIl,lAL can be requested. The Final Buildinq Insoe l4echani cal Inpseitions be made until the Final CATE OT OCCUPANCY I.IAS B L e Final PlLrmbjnq, tlectrjcal and occupancy of the premises can de and approved, and a CEi?TI FI - ION AIID POSTED ON THE PREi'IISES. Phone 7 -_)70 Da te Name of perm hol Ce Signature BUILDII,IG DI I.JORK I4U5T B HALL RETIAIN ON THE BUILDING SITE AT ALL III]ES, AND ALL C5 I,JITH THOSi APPROVED PLAIJS N0TE: All manholes and cleanouts are to be adiusted at no cost to the City. I m m m B B m m a m & ,.i i i( iul .1. i'r .i:,tt; f. :ti .."; ,V ',h JOB INVOICE 32J.7 lll'i,iliitll 0,,,* P[ : I{6- ggaS I heEby stisfactory compl"tion ot thc abov. described mA: orI. P,I. HELPA o oaY woRx o coxTn^ct O TRA AT'OUXT COXPLETEO ,4UrA . RfS/DEl/r/At . COt4n4EpC/AL GOq IAffi 8Y BILL TO / CTTY JOB NAME ARO LOC.ATIOT' D€S'CEIPTIOH OF WORK OESCRJPTION OF XATERIAL USED PRICE /aH /A fi\*u.r "otrrful) o(do arta-/ 3 .h4/r/6fu/ *ztda, LABOR AMOUI IOTAT lttlERtttsMECHANICS@ I(lIAT UB(lRHELPERS@ TOTAL LABOR SIGNATURE oA' TOTA.L a 'a L: I I il .i.\. ii' ' ti.,.' '!t,;j; ) ) w5rux6 u@u nu.lMrd I t-: I 7 L cITY OF SPRiNGFIELT LUI1BI NATI ON APPL I CATION/PERMIT 726-3753 d Jor. Address l-egal Description , RCES l.Jater Heater Range EI]ERGY Hea t 0wner;I Value of hlork:t f5o,-(rD.oa Ftq. t4ain 4-iloorq. Accei{@ Sq. Ftq. Other Xt,lew Add Alter*-TEo. - Jen-e_Derno Chai-ge/Use 0ther Sq Sq Addres s Phone'rgr // 5T Farni I Ga ra n c .e., Build Single Construct.ion Lender 5 Q,aattl Addre s s Phone I na Structura I Pri ma El ectri cal l'lec ha n i ca I CONTRACTI RS name add res s I'ics. no.exn i res )ohone no. )G I t PI rical r.,!e nt PLUIlB I ItG ELECTRI CAL MECHAN I CAL N0.FEE CHARGE NN FFF CHARG F tio _FFF C HARGF 30 Each single fixture RPI$, 6ilL\t S.oa /Shu Res idence of SQ. FT furnace/burner to BTU' s Relocated buildino (new fix. additional ) New circuits alts or extensions Floor furnace and vent S.F. Residence(l bath)/SERVICES 3OO fln1Ps 36roo Recessed wal l Soace hcatpr and vcni b Duplex (1 bath) each a t'f,*rs) l0o Fttfr,l$ta ldoo Additional bath Temporary Construct j on Apol iance vent seDarate I [^later servi ce ge in existing dence C han res i Stati onar-v evap cool er t Sewer Industrial multifamily, comm. or la Vent fan with sinqle duct 3ao /La,l Storm Sewer 0f s.Vent system apart from heatino or A.C. c0r,1t!./IND. FEEDERS 4 Mechani cal exhaust hood and duct {rsZ 27,ai, Instal I /al ter/re1 ocatedistrib. feeders l'Jood stove/heater 3 of 2"O O amp s.ll,m '/€a ISSUANCF 0F PFRI1IT tddrt TOTAL CHARGES ./,td,a TOTAL CHARGES /'l0,oo TOTAL CHARGES ,ffoa WHERE STATE Ll\l,J REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permitshall not be valiC until the Iabel has been signed by an Eiectrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division tion for Dermit, and do hereb.y certify that all information hereon i urork performed sha'll be done in accordance with the 0rdinances of the Cityoertaining to the.work described herein, and that NC OCCUPAIICY will be madeDivision. I further certify that m.y registration rlith the Builder's 055, that if exempt the basis for exemotion is noted hereon, and that o.ru nq 7At 1 I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI1INED the comp.leted apnlica s true and correct, and I further certi f-v that any and a1 1of Springfield and the Laws of the State of 0reoonof any s Board is tructure without the permissionin full force and effect as re, of the Buil di quired by ORSonly subcontractors and ernpl0yee I ian 701.055 wi'll be used on this projectwi th tlAl,'lE(p1 ease pri nt)I GiIATU RE D F Bedrooms TorAL VALUATTON lg 3 tlp,,od ? c.y Group.*24 R-t !q Access 3ts6O F-l S ;W; Flood Ptain A/A S tori es oe/const. E-A/y' uni ts lla i lue 92,131o, oo lue JI.V t2a 0the r Fire Zone - Zone Ftg Ftg cy Load 33 Sq Plan Ck. Comm/lnd 65%/8ldo Ppr Fec L39 30 0VC Fqa rge tems De 1.&818-ooBUILDING PERI'IIT Charges anC Surcha rges yae Plan Ck. Res 30%/81dq Per Fee Fence t-PLUI'4BING PERMIT Charges and Su rcha rges /-€0r-o9- Dgrno 4X,1o gig. PI,CE Du€,44,qo Si dewal kJfD,oP- t A/C Paving Total Cornb. Permit 8t1r,s I Curb Cut Aqt t2.4n 31?9,4a/I,IECHANICAL PERMIT Chargei and Surc ha rge s 5{.oo_ a o TOTAL Go "rhrnrk t ,/ 74 q-{u-?C ?t-c ryA ELECTRICAL PERI1IT Charges and St!. "i,a"fgf, \7..r Y COMBINATION APPLICATiON/PERMIT (CAP)PERMIT VALIDATION Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legal Description 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. example- Lot 1. Block 3, Znd Add.ition to Springfield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources 1. exampl e-2. exampl e- E. Square footag heat/electrical cei 1 ing/or forced air gas wa terhEa terl gl_e.-iia;l7 or s6far e or valuati exampl e- examp'l e- check add 1250 sqif new foo on, etc.t house, 500 sq. foot garage project, check new - if addition, , etc F Building permit information: 1. example - construct single family house with an attached garage 2. example - remodel existing garage into family room3. exampie - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specia lty Code DESIGN TEAI,I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site u corrections, etc.II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except vrhere blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Scheduies, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacentto the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Eiectrical Schedules are available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. if the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consu.lt the ful I schedul esC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF l,JiLL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THI SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractoris not authorizedto sign the electrical label.III. Appl icant to sign and date Hhenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. l^lhere possible, Building Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his s i gna tu re.IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the appl ication, and no plans will be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. l/. FoR oFFrcE usE 0NLY Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITiONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAITCY: Permit applicant exempt from registratjon with the Bu'ilder's Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: name signature --- date ?-Z/-YO 1