HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-06-27'*...tE-t{) z-l Z- .. RESIDENTIAL.. zzs ttorth sttt streey?PLicAlr1* /PERMrl Sgm.r,qfield' 2tegan 9747,7 Building Dit;ision 7 26-37 53 I SPFIINGFIELD c? Date 83-8General ileclu*iczL ConstntcCca leruier_ tt Job Loccticn: ?e bt llAeseaaors !!ag I <2-5 U rz^fuditrisiol.: E COaner: Ad&ess: I PTona: Zip: q t t,tIO6LL FAHILY PESI DANCF ' Deaeibe l,lork: tCditicn lo <svou, te I\,..rntlate of Apglica, rq ilqs a AC ft ia Jhc reeponcibility of t4lr permi! ioldar to see ihat aL! inapeciiotts oe :-,ade at '.he ?toPerjlr tiu tttreet, artl;l'tcc tha pcn:ris casd ia l,ocated at -lh-e fra* of the-propetty.'r9ui!Ci:"q V)ui:lJot epTw^ed pbn a'o=LL retain on tha Euiltiitq Site at aLL ltnes. ?nOCSDtipS ?eR I;iSPiilIAil RSCUIST:CALL 726-3769 (recorCet) state yout City Ceeigr.z.ted iob ntnber @eciyforinspection,Contlactarsoias,.,":s-rcnei1dplonenunbcr.:litl be rade the eore Ccy, "equests made aftar ?:00 otr vtLL be rsCe the neat',nrkitg dag. Iout Ctty'Desigr,ated Job Nwtber fc:%ZitS t1ha, t,t.at aach cilress is rea;ai^'.2 ', iob oiiress' tlPe of irsPeclicn Pequests receitcd befcre 7:00 an d O omt t'-s oi 7n a p 4 S.'- 6v q m 9i:! ilS?E:!]!: To be na.cie aiter @ priar to ee! up of forms, U\IC|PSH3 ?LU|EIIG, ?LZC??T,\!.'I i.9ctt;ticti: ?o be rcrie be;'ote cny - w?K LS eCVClec. PCCt:tA , ?0U;tDAT:Ctt: lo be nal,c ffi*ffiacanated ard fcrna are erec1ai, but prior topow|q c.nc?et€. ;71 u:tDiRcpcu:lD ?aL?.!pf::c. s9'fr2,'J.1T!3,'d Lirg crer.chee. fr uawpp:co? ?t-trBEtG t lagCxAnrcAL:ll \ t fo be d.e tricr ?o ins;cl'cat'-on of floorJneula,cion'or Cecking. ffi mst Aitp 3EAtt: To be trcCe pi.or t-o t\l frxaTEiiof iloor irsulaticr. or &ckitq. fil F.cuc:l ?!l:!E!itc. iliT?lCA! " lliCflz I Xl Aiticsz: ::o ,c",,.'),t =c oe cotetec.g- - w:til ;hese ir.scec:ior,s 'n;ue beer: noie ard *orc:ie!. iV I F:?,?!.)CZ:' *tor '.o .c'tcc'Jr4 fcc'JnglA I EAAG crd befora ;'rarirq in"g.L- tior. 12 <<4tqtA<€ [-]-, 1 i:lSULAt l1N / vAP1 R 3.4f,Rf5.? il\SP9CIIA N :txt - requited oqor bariers ee in Pia,ce L'ut before ory la,th, gtPfln baatd or rxLL coueting is cpplied, atrd before ag insula.tbn is concealeC. l-; DRyIIALL ittSPICIICll: Tc be rsCe l^l;fra?ffi@ie in ptace, - buc prion to cty taping, DITIOLITIO!! OR Sanilaty se:ten capped:t prcgerty Line Septie tork yt4ed ad fiLLeC a'ith gratei Pinal - l,lhett cbcue itens ote cc:alecei and uhen .l,etzclitiort ia cqzziete bt st-"t:- ttse raueC ol. pne:rJses cleanei up. Blocking od Set-up ?Ltnbin? conneciione -- aa!)et ql, uclat Electr1ccl Conection - Blocking' set-vs attd pitnbing connectione rr;st be apprcted bei'ore requeetittg elee:rical insp ec:io:z Acceslo,V tsuililtt4 [uSC!ti?Y: Steel Location, botd ffigrot:itt4 or ve?tdccls itt accofulcs vith a.ts.C. Sect':bn 2415. ,tooDs!0,/E: TrraM.After iratallatioa 'Je E E CARB A APPRCACI| .A?.c3N: Aftet fotneffi@tupa*'i,ng @tu'"ete. SIDE,II.LK d DRI\WAI: IOT ALL COI-;tete@ffiffi Bt'..eet r'[ght' al'-tLc!, to bc naCe a;'!er aL!, etca- vatina eqttoleze ,1 for.z ":otk I sub- base rcterial in Plaoe. Final - After etc. @e cdp ' icrches, akirting, dec)a, FR.4J!MC: ltust 3e rectesteC cfle.t q.croual of raqh phnbing' atectr)-q,L ! neci"anical. ALt noiir.g bvctng 5 chLrmcye, ete. nusc be . cgiol*ad. llo tcrk ie to bc con- - ""il"d w;il this i*gecicn i,,ae 'l6gn nade cnC cVon"^ed. [-] -"Eflf;g: ',then io,zplete -' tuouice l) gates or nottable aections through P, A. E. _.: ALL proiec". eor.dilions, cucl cs che i.nszallation cf street 11e-e-1.2:cG!ccicn-c1'ziten"q"7ii2--t-rrr:r"qir4, 2tu,, miat be sacisJ'icC be;'cie tLe luitDfi:c ?!!iAL :cn be teVesteC. ?IltAL BUILDI)IC: The Fincl Euildinq lna-oection atst be requected zi'ler the ?izz,L Plwbinl s teciriiil,- -a,1, l.te clariccl ins pe e io nc hato b e en naCe ard. approv a'd' .$. *,nt ?Lrr:Br:ic fl. nut :.!E.i!A:trcAL fi :tut zlic:etcAt €) ,ALL I.IA:IHCLZS AI1O CiiAilCUlS:tUS? 3E Acces;.fi1i, ADJAST:!Z:;!:o 3i:.:Arg t! !t0:3s7 ic crv ?:ia 1 ' tr ry-):/:sJoB *o.t, -L tot Faceg - Setbaci,.s Teat €<&7, <<4, zt ilouse Catace Accegs, iloPrh 5r Ran East -f,?'.X[ F,Jreolace O <<&B1r/<, Soui,h X tnter.ior z,= /a^42, - -<?/?% 1, x Lue Comer Panhand,le C-ul-de-eao l,ot Sq. FeE. Z of Lcc Cotterage ! of Stor)es lotcl leiEht Topogryhy 2?'?7', ilain /6za azzea qvd .lccessort ?0!.1t i,ALas €/,P.a ar6 3s.D.c. !.5: O Plumbing Permit llo peteon olu.ll constntct, inetal!, a'!,tet ot ehange cng /,.elt cr e=is;ing plunbiry on drainage syatel in olole or in patt, ta:Leas auch petecn ia the Legal poeaessor of a ualid phtnberts License, ece?t tfat a Pe"son:my do pl;nbthg xork to propetb! uhich ia ound, Laaead or operated by the qPLi- @tt. ob zf,,n za.4 OO a ;t0 eC<'/ eaState 8o 1 Perrit CIlAPGE Fi#z:les Reaidential !1 bcth) Sanen :io.C;1LE.CE 2a /-2?&1.). ll a,t /Est etd, Circr,ti t s lqcrq Sentice S-- /,"o4 CIIAfrCE -ct T,ttzzce ??a'S E=l6nst fioo,l,/?.fa Vent ?ot 1 7"*/?-'" 'Jcodstore /5'e /o.@?/ <a /-?63z.x -- erc, Sectrltu DzDooit Storaqe ihintercnze Penr,!.t cwben /- 20 '/?.ld sicexlk qS /aa? ?etee Z'l,actrical Lcbel llobila llare ?/6,€eBna.fuprrrffi 31/1. {o 2 SOLAR CESS REQ.-L-CO ir BeCrooms: Paid:to Building Vqlue & Permit This penrJt io granted on the e.??ess cotdition tl@t the sciid-conatrtccion shall', in all r'esoeets, eonfcrn to the Crditwtce edo.oted i2;y the CitX c.f Spmrqfietd, tncluiing the Soning Crdincnce, regulctir':g the ccnst:-.te'-')cn ad use of buildings, and mzy be suaoeruieC or revokeC at ca'! tine upcn vic- la.tion af rry prctisiona of aa.JC Cviirances. ?uilding Penrit State total Ci,aryes Stcte Permit Isataup l4echaniczl ?ernlt Stg:eC: { Electricol Permi t Vhere S&,te ta,t requirea tlat the electrteal uotk be done by an lleetrica,L Cottractor, tlu electrical porJion of thia pernit alnll rot be vali.C until tlu la,bel laa been aigned bg the Eleetrical Contnd,ctor. Mechonicol Permit 1-2 ?-e7 - /r,'/q L''r, f HAW CARSFULL gXN|IitED tla cotpi,ated coplication for pernit, cani io hereby certify that aLL infottai:-on heveon ie tnte atd earreci, ai i futlhet cet+-:-ig )hat any ard aLL uonk >eriortted altall be do':te it acocr- dance tith the 1rdinencbs of the Cily cf Spr+ngfield, anC lhe Lc:,;a of tha ' State of 1regcn pertaining to the Dork Ces*ibcC herein, sl' :itct :i0 1cca- Pi ltc'l viLL be naCe of cny acncturae uiJhout germissiott oi the Zuildit:g 9i' vision. f further :ertifg th-at o:tly ccnttcctola cd. aplcyees xlo ,;re in cc;pliaace aith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used an thia ptciect ?otal SEE u€ ?OTAL A,WA:E OUE:'/ " 6".7a Mi7 a Cdr:art Pfan ?hoaL ?oo: a:. , a