HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-06-06EO-207 " RESllxNTIAL" 22s ttorth stt't streeAPPL;cATr,ll /PERl,rr SprJr.gfielC, Cregon 97 -,177 truL Ldlrll DL1)1.SLOI 726-37 5"3 SPFiINGFTEI.D *{ Date: ?*&, GeneraL Plmbin4 Alert Plumb gleetr.icel Peter l-0 Van Buren Eugene, OR ani 987 Fayette Ave Eugene, OR 484-2405 345-3055 Job Locaticn; 1099 44th Street Springfield Aesesoors .t!a? i L8-O2-O5-24 Tas bt # 3400 subdiuisicn: Lucerne Meadows Lar 3? Empire Financial Services, Inc.};ner: .td&ess: 895 Country Club Rd. A-200 Phone: 686-8081 citu:9740l-Eugene, Oregon Descrt be llot'k: NEW SiNGLE TAMILY RESIDENCE VLIATTACIIED GARAGE 4-22-A3 {-t 1 Date of Apg vaiue $63,300 , ) )-' r-' ^- RattoCeL )lechcriccl N,/A Saniluy seaer ecpled .t p?cp.?-4- Li!".e Septic totk y,,ryed ad. filled uith gratel Le Electr|cal Cotnectaon - Blcekit4, set-ut and. pltnbing conx.ections nr;st be apprctei be;'ore requesting electrical ;-nsgeeiiot Accesso,g Builiing Blocking otd. Sec-ug PLunbin7 conneccicns -- s€1ne? ad, utaier Pinal - !.ftar :crehes, skirting, decl,-a, etc. de cctn?Leled. Conslrrcticn_!gruk!_ lour Cifu Desigra.ted Job llwtbet, Is I! ie lhe reaponc,ibi-Liiy of _tl1e pernit ho|.d.er. to see that aLL inapectiotls cre -,ad,e at lhe propet tine, tla.t aach,zddrese is rea;at^ieiron S;n stteet, anl;iuc the petmtt c.til. ie Located at the f?ont of t\".e otooetfii. '3ui\Ciry huicion cp?tw^ed ptin shcll remain on the iuiidi"g- S.t.t"'at "lt'li;ir."- P12C9DUPE, ?0R, IilsPrnI)il.lijtitES?:CALL 726-3769 (reeorCet) state you" City Cesig"r,,zted job nzmber, iob aiiress, type of incpec=icntequested a*i uhen'gou trill be recdy fo_r inspecticn, Conttdctcrs oir 1unets'r,ane Lrd. plone nunbet.- ,2equests rebe;uZd befcr"-'Z:00 ct'-iLL be nade the sane Ccy, requests natie aftet ?:00 od viLL be taCe the ne.st.,sorking'da.g. t7l uweee:cz3 ?LU:B ilc Mlcr.AltrcAL :rAt@of floor insula,xian oy Cecking. ffi Posr no ae*l: lo be r.cde prlor lo,r i GidiGr.ici Jloon irsui.axion or decking. tr frf toaosyc,n: Aften instaliation islh I arryLeteci. ff cupa a A-ppncac{ .appoiu: A,atet lornsV) a'. e".eA-ffiiVo" to pottz-:r,a concrete. ftVl SIDEWI.LX t tRI'.qlA'I: For all ccn-6) cretenAlQ-E;Fn st"eet risht- of-uzy, tc be naCe after all- e*ca- uating cataLete .tr forn uprk & sub- base trcterial in plaee. tL4S1!li?l: Steel Location, bottd beans, gzouting ot, uertieals in accortlorce vith U,3,C, Section 2415,. !!IICE: 'r{hen conplate -- fuouiie gates o" aouable aections through, P, U, E. m m E t SE! i;ts?lc::)il: To be rruia alter cauaticn, but prtar b se! up of forms. UIIDgRSLI.S ?LUi,EIYC, ZLZCTPIC,II. 1 iECi!;.;lICAL: ?o be narie belore cnywtk is ecueyei. PCC?itG ! l)UilDA?lQtt: ?o be naCe ait er ;t "-nciri{ ari-ez ean at ed anL forns ate erectei, but prior to poutl.ng ccnc"eta. u llDiR G1C tl:t D p at.;!.tE I:i G, s l,t?p, il.47 g R, DRAillAGi: lo be rm.ie prior eo ji,L- Lir4 -"retchee, Ailias-: : .::o i,0!ai L ,ee?e '. rsc e cJiotc,s ha",t e b e m naie nd. zoorcyel. tior-. IRA-lliilG: i,lttst be requested afler cpprov,;L cf rough ;Lw:,binq, electyi-cal 1 nechanieal,. ALI moilr4bracirq 4 chirmeys, etc. *"tsx be ccnr?Lered. llo ,;crk is to be con- cealed until this insoecicn ha.s been nade cnC ap.oro,*ed. FIIIAL PLU:ISI:IC FI;IAL :,IEC.IAIICAL .!:IAL ELZC:?I'AL V)required oqor bor.ie?s @e in place but befone ory Lath, Wpsun bcatC cr unLL couez,ing is cpplied, ard. beforeay insulc,tion is eoncealed. fTV DRIT ALL illSPlCllCll: Tc be raCe |AlfiAzn@t-is in ptace, - buc prtor xo cny ;apinq. ..-.,'-"crd before frornrq inapec- A ALL proieet ca-Citions, suck as the installaxion cf slreet irees, :an_clerion cf tiLe rcquined Lanl.scoir.g, etc., nust be saxisiied be;'ore the tsUiiDIliG ?MAL :cn be raqttesteC. 1l\ il-NAL EarLDrttc: The Einal But-Ld.in7 rnsoection xlzist be requested ciier the ii&.L ?twnbiftg \-/ llectrical, anC }lecinr.iccl inspecttcns ",tauc been nacie ar.ri'==crouzi. 'ALL !.tAllHCLZS AllD CLEAN1UTS IIUS? BE ACCESAItsL1, .4DJAS7:I::1! lO 3E:.LIDE !1.? tt? fsf TC CI:y ?cie 1 oi 2 baa-a I 2u Final - ll4ten abcue itens ote ecnaietei arC uhen deqclltion is cor.rLele by s:t-;t-ttse noueC ai =re=)ies clbazed up. b21 D-aa I 5 L-CO G+ Plumbing Permit llo persan shall constntct, install, al,ter or elange .ny net cr e:isting pltnbin4 cr drainage eyste'n in aiple or in pctt, unless such person ie the Legal possessor of e ualid plunber's License, escept tl.at a pelson ta'4 do plurbing uotk to p"opert! uhich is ormed, Leased or opercted by the dpp'|.i.- cant. Electricol Permit I{here Stcte Lan requines tlnt the electrical uork be done bg qn Electrical Contzdeto", the eleetrteal ponlion of this pernit shall r:,ot be taliC until the Label iu.s been aigned by the Electz"ical Contz.dcto.. Mechqnicol Permit JOB NO I of Stor-es ?otal- HeiEht ?opogt -ong rcx so. Fcs. AAq l.t 1 cJ'icv :aserage 2O%72/ !v" d-2% Euildinc Penrt,t lotal Ch,angea !?::4 Plunbing Perrit Penrit te i:h.anst HooC PewrLt issu,ance Mechaniccl Pe"nit SOLAR r. -CESS REQ.- Ctotti: LCT ?Y?E X rnteticr _ Cormer _ Panitaruile CUL-de-sac Building Vcllue & Permit This pertn"Jt is granted on the erppess eond.itlon tlat the said-constntccion shall, in tl.L tesoects, eonfor.e to the Srdinance tCo.oted. by the CitT cf Sprttgl')eld, tncl-uiing :he ionir.g Crdinar,.ce, tegulcting lke ccr.actuet')ct etzti use oi butltiinqs, cnd n=y be ;uscenrjei oz. teuckei at cr-, t')ne u2cn u'tc- T.atian of .my prcuisions of sa".C Crd.ir,ances, 3ecraons Lot ?aces -lnerau Sourees !toe ,r i! ous e Canaoe Accesa 'rld.r.e? :!ea:er ',ito"th >r aaRan€2 East tJ?,iireoLace South -n//2t i,lood.stove i,/est 2./, -- Pees -- M:.t x VaLue ;.kzin /1"9 1iz:ce,q a./ :tCCeSSr?:) ?OTAL i,).LL''67.w.o IS.D.C. 1.5 e ?y?.v ? /s,'o Date Paidt,3o Rece.t pt #2Z FZi L Ullra .@ Signed !thpes Resi,C.zntial (1 bcth)/a'a4t1,C4t), Scziitart Sewer ,4pPtzarye.a P.tn Zr'c>,e a ,/.f,.4 /.*{6-* Res. so. fte. l6?t zu.e Na,t/Ertend. Circuits TqcP@u Semsice V,?Z'tff ) |,tc rf,; !.sr"zce ?TU'S I ?.so Vert lot t/5,n /?. oa 'rlcociscote /5'.& /O,oo 3t.So t.76 3?,76 -- a:1c,r.cAC!:.F:!? -- Sec"p.)tu Dzoosit Stotage llaintercr,te Permit /' z?'/ /.1y SiCatalk 7.* Electrical Label *?,fo :CTA' A,AOU:E OUE:, ##3-- f HAW CAREFULLY IXLUfilED ihe ccrn.oleted copltcation iat pernit, crxi io hereby cefiifg t\wt dLL ixfotnation hetecn :Js t?ue ar"C. ccz'tect, anC f fur'lher cert:-fy that anu crd aLL xork Veriomed slull be done in aceo*- dance '.tith the ord,insnces of the Citg of Spr,ngfieki, anC the Lat:a of the State of 0regcn pet'tainina to tke Do"k CescribcC herein, crL :)tct :i0 CCC'J- ?Allcl wtLL be ra..7e of c.nJ atructlt!2 uithout permisaion of the 3uiZdiry Di- uision. f further certifE thet o:tly ccnttaetors ad *tplcgees aho ate in cazpliance utth CRS 701.055 ttill, be used cn "hia prcject Mobile Ecne Signed */uz/As !ente 'icez'it: ! Date 0)&, I) ia .-he responcibili;y of tle penrt! itotder b eee tl@t aL! inspec?ions @e ,lade at lhe proper tlne' thet 23a|7 '-i'#233 is tead4i:'e ;'"oat t,i@ s;?e-et, anC liu.t the petrdt c'1.d ie Lccated at.r4? frcnt of t7'e-property.izuild,irq Vivi:lJo.. cpitov^ed plcn s'ncll remain on tha Euiiding Siie at aLL timas. Consin "'jcn_!g@g!_ iizi?L;,12: - ?zoCZDt:p9 iot? I:is?ifrcil RnU!!!:CALL 726-3769 (recorCet) state you" City Cesigr,ated job @eciy for irspecticn, conttactars oi a;nets- rcnte crd plone ltLL be nwie the sone clcy, "eqlests ncie aftet 7:00 an vtLL be nwde the n€et:,)orking dd7. , n'zibe?, iob aCiress, type of it'soec=icn n;tr,tber. Peques* receited befcre 7:00 a:i 1l t0?_q .r-.1 si:ls :j'-cPjitlt.'J,' I I ezcduction, :ut JOrn3. ,I ?o be tnie ailet priar to sei u? of |JSULAI :O N / YAPOP 3.A.RRI!1 I}IS?!C!!CI| : To be nad.e aftet eLL ins.alai:icn sti requ'tted oqon bavie?s @e in Place but before otg Lath, W?sun bcatC ct tnLL couering is cpplieci, crd before c.! ,lnsutation is concealei. You? Ci.fu'Deaigr,ated Job Nwnbet Is: DRI|IALL i'\SPZC!fill: ?c be naie -.. zfter aLL azlual,L is ,in Place,but prion to any taPitt4. tIASClli?!: Steel iocatlon, bond frffilg"outir,4 orre?ticd.ls in accordorce ,nLth A,ts.C. Section U:ID!?SL;3 ?LU\BiIG, ZLZC:1T,\L 1 il:C;-.. tt-it! tO OO niCde Ce:Ole Cny - bb?K Ls ecu2lec. FCet:iG 1 !Ct-'::DAt:al: lo be taCe a$:r"-ncAs a'e ezcflated dd fcrtas cte ero-c'-ei, but prior to pou?ing ccnc?et€. ,J.1Ti? DRAI]IAGE: io--LLfs ifzf:cnzs Fat'c:l ?:a?:9::;c. !:3c:2::;t ) ;a:3- A:li:;.'-: .:o :ctl 'ls =c :e ao';ePo-c GIT- ;7.cse lrsaee:iars'nc;te b eet: ra=e :r-d. -crc:le!. i-l u.v:Ers:ccP ?:u:Brtc ), !'!c3.n!:c;3:i I Sbe ,eie plicr :o '-nszcllazton c1' !'ioor ..nsuia,=ion c: lecking. fr post AitD 3!A:1: lo be ncie :iot :o t | lr.st,cli-iiioi ilcor ir.sui.a.=tct or Ceckirg. 'tCCDS!01/t: --1 .-^) Aftet installation is ?r|ar ',c i'tcczrq i=etno crd, before ircing inscec- CtlP.B & APPRCACIT A?-D.CN: After forns,*e erecteC but pz4or to Panr|rq eorrerete. SIDgill.LX & DRI',EiAI: Fot aLL can- et,ece pauilg aixhln st"eet right- oi-r,zg, tc be nade aftzr aL! etcc- oating canolete & fozn wrk I sub- base r,aterLal in Plaee, lEt:rCE: 'lhen conplate -- *ottiie @ or novable aectiaas through Dtrz luv f)r*-X IlI tion. F?xti_l!e: ilust be reaesteC cfler @6ii cJ' raigh 7iurbi"4, e-Leclri- cal ! nec'ra,niea!. AL! rcof')rg btzctrq 1 ch')rncus, etc. ttsc be . ccrnplereci. ilo ';crk is to be con- . ceci,ed untiL :h.is insoecicn ias 'been nadz cnl. aporc"'eC. IT|IAL ?LU:131:;G I !JAla .1:2-E^J/Cdu aa.taf ?f=6df,-.,::LaAp eiav-.1-ray ButLdirg Inscecticn ntst be recuested :iter th.e ltrzal ?L"nbin3 inspecticns i"atc been naCe atd a?p"cu2.. ALL proje* ca.ditions, suei as the i.nstai-lacion of ;lteet ttees, :c-pleticn_cf z'ne ,"qrir"iri T,anasccping, ctc., iilst be saxisiied belcre the tsUif,DI:;G FIIIAL ccn be reqaeseeC- lIiiAL BArl,Di:tC: fr,e Fincl llectrical, crz ]leciur.iccl zzs ltorth sth sjtreeaP?L;cA?r0N/PERMrr Sortngfield' Cregan 97477 Building Dit;ision 726-37 53 ..RESIDENIIAL.. SPF?'AlGF'EL.D oqqJob i.occticn: Taz Lot #Aasesr,ors i!d? { 3.l)i.'i o-'rr. ');'ner: 7 Add-ess Ptone: oL! Deset4be llork:t-l .'l a,t VC LUC RanoCeL tcte of Appliea ceneral i!echct:iczL SUILD:;;CSDt!.101rT. Sanilot1 saser eqled .t P"2?.!"!- Lir.e Septic tank put=2ed atd. fillei tith Szatzi lindL - i'Ihen cbcue i;e::s ave ectaLecei arC uhen lertcL'Jtior is ecntle1e br st:'t:- ttse noueC ai pra:;,Jses clZanei up. t!obiLe Blocking od. 1et-up ?Lunbirq cctnec;icr-s -- sa)e! el acler ElectrJccl Ccnnectlon - Blcekin4' set-uz ard pluabing connections rr;st be acprcted. bey'ore reque sting electrical insa ec=io;: .{cc e s s o''i' Euiliir'g skitting, deci'-s,?2rehe€,Etra.L - Aftar ^{^ ?qa 1 o1' 2.ALL I.IAII|\CLES AilD CLE}.ilCUTS !MS? BE.lCCES,its'J, ADJUST:IZ:;I:O 3E:.!.4D8 !.? !:O C)ST T2 CI?! Jr^,wr{M\ W raFta ran ,4^b^?. ava ] l lll ?'ze 2 L.CO G+ 2,ea.l:ar.sSOL,TR ACCESS REQ'-JOB NO. iot2 Building Vqlue & Permit ?his pertrnt is granted on the ee?"ess eond.iticn tlwi,t the said. ccnarrtc;tonsha.Ll, ^i.n-zJl .tbs_ce-e.ts, ion!::n':c the )r4inance zdo=tel'ri :nr- :::=1 ,;jpr.'. rg l'-e Lri,'-nc ltzin g =he Jcn"J r.g !:Cinare e, r eoy Lc:irza :ke ecrs :=ti ; --c nztti.use oi but-ltiin4s, cnci n='g be suscetuiec or rZuckec Lt "ry tine utct: utc-Latton of ,t'ty pt'cuistcns of iaii Ordirances. S'"cte lolcl Clc:gea Plumbing Perz:it Pe=-! ls;ac,ce Me=hantecl ?erdt Plumbing permit t\o- pereon shall consfuact, inslal!, alter ot change dny nea cz. e:isiinq 4lwro.irW cr dtaina-ge sys-te! in aitole or in part, -,otes" sueiz perscn is" the Le-gaL ?ossessot, of a ualid pl.wtber,s License, e.cept that a pZtscn nay Copl;mbing aork to prope?tg ahich is ouzed, Leased or operated. ty tir" ci:plt-cc.nt. Mechqnicql Permit iat !7.ces ' louse,L,:cess Iot Sq. FtE- 7 cf Lci icoe"aie I of Stor)es a^+-7 ! -; -i? ?cpogrqig b-teior Cor+ter ?cniurile Ctl-ie-sac ,( L i-.at /P-LU! S.D.C. I.5 : i Plan I Reeezpt l: CLlP.T! -rzl=tures Resiential 11 bcth) Seuey :io. tla/Eateld. Circyils Sertice O Electricol Permit vhere state La,t requit,es tlu,t the eleetrlcal uork be done bg an Eleciricalcottractar, the electrical porlion of thie perait shall not be oalic untilthe /-a.bel ius been sig:ne<i tg the Electrical' Contractor, I Stcte arl 1ca? i-L-,a+ u^^) Tent ?an Vcoisxo:e -- t:tC:CAC:Z;.::::: -- Di n ;-n.,.-n L'AC2 f HAW CARETULLY lXA-+EltlD tt"e eoto Le ted cpclication icr pe??i:-:, cui iohereby cettify tltat dli infctnaxtbn hevecn is tzwe arl. ebttecx, anL if"u,lher cer+-ify 2hat ang ctd ail z'ork :eriotned shall be done in aeecr-danee vi.th the .-S:---^^^of the Ci:;y cf Springiiei.d, ani ;he ic;s o* Sbate oi 1regan PeTtalnLno to the oor.k Cescr-)beC herein, cnC :hc,= )i0P!.!ICI vili. be na.de oI'st?uctut,e uilhout tennlssiotn:, of the 1uidfl')uision. I f,.*ther ':et qtclcgees ui.-o ee iaccnpliance aith CRS 701.05 ),lobile ilcne Sectr.)t.g ge.csi: Curbet; )'.4.a)aLt 12-,2_() :CTA, A:.!OI!:U DUE:'tD.ba \ I L be used cn tht-s - ( at 97- llaran 'ou;it i.k:in a=-et .lccessc,t I