HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-11-28tl aa RESIDE?,.TIAL" APPLICATIOIIt /ERMIT SPRINGFIEI-D 225 North |th Street Zlo*t'"b'ft.ta' oregon 97 477 iuilding Diuision 7 26-37 53 ob ssessotc llaP t z ,iler: qddress: ci edditicn ?c.r Lot ll Phae: DescrLbe l{otk: 3/s ! r /bs/s \*,.*tt I q€4 /,k, rJ\r Date: ?^? ct vou"€))-f 4r4 Dat,c of APP Cener al P Iurnb ing tlec a ecC,r a lour CitY Desigrated Job Nwibet Is: forne. * tnrk is coocrecl' w##;"J2,21#" 7.i" i" erected, but Pnior to pouring ccncPete' TiS-iGnches. ,1 ioii t"u"t"tion or decking' PoS'l AND BEAM: To be nade,Prior to #;tm;of floot insulation or To E rade aftet priot tc set uP of inspectiona have been ffi*ffi;"T"3:,#":" but Ptiot to anY taryng' MASONIY: Steel loeation' bond'ffi;x'*i1",i,izi'LZZ!,1.': 24 15. WCODSTW4: After install'ation ie arnpleted. #*#ffi',!b!,i,ioli-" concrete. SIDEIIALK & DRIltEl'lAI: Fot all con- ffiatm st?eet *ight- \Xx, ":,X,2 #i" i!#;x!r' ; ::"i'- base'tsterial in Place'nade attd. aPPnooed. FIIIEPLACE: Priot to plceir4 facing ,nc;epldl-; and before froning inspec- tion. PRAMllC: ltust be tequeated aftet ffit o,i rough plitr,bing, -.electti'iltl a ^oct-nica-L. ' ALI roofitrg braeing & chinmeYa, etc' mtst be conolelcd. llo ucrk is to be con- . o"il"d until thia insPection lns 'been made anC aPProved. deckitq No FITIAL PLUMBIIIG FTilAL I4ECIIAiITCAL PINAL ELEC"TRICAL IENCE: hhen conPlete '- tuotsiCe ffii on'irable sections thnougli P,U.E. ALL pt'oiect conditions' required landsecPi'ng' c such ao the i.natallation of alt'eet tree9.'- t7.-,-rrru"t be aatisficd befoie the BUILDINC FrilAL BUrLDnlc: The Finat Building rnapection na|t be reouested aftet' <) ;;::i"i|;7:'27a il'ino,t""t rnspeetlioii 'horo been nade atd'approuec. co::olction of the PIieL can be nequested' the final Plwnbing s anilary " * ?, "*,fl:r!,, ii,,fiifi I:i Septtc tork y"urVed' ald fttled r'rith gta:tel Final - l{hen aircue ttens are ecnplete.d L"iin""'- i*riitio* .is conplete o? at!*2' ;;;"-;:;;-.d Ptemises oleanec uP' Lite 1,,'r ilr,i. 'i Blocking atd set'uP Ptwnbing connectione -- aa'e? and' ualet Etectttcal Ccmnection - Dlockitq' let-u? 'Zii pliil"g conneeti'ons nust be apprcv^ed ii\i,o requeating eleclricaf inspec"iott Accessor'; BuilCiry akitting, decks,ocrches, t'eted.FiruL - Aften etc. ate oanP .ALr, ilAilrcnns AND CttiANcUrS ttttsr Rn AC:CESSIBLE, AD,tUSTltEll? TO BE t'tADE /.T lt1 C1ST T0 CT?v Pq.:e 1 o' tr l tr tr JOB NO,soLAR AccEss REQ.-L-COG* +Bedtoons Lot Faces - P. t,.Ilouse Car.aee Accese Notith Enst II South ll . FTGITEM x Lue TOT TYPE fnterior Cornen Panlnndle Cul-de-sac l lbin Gcraoe CarDo"t Accessoru TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 7.5 x ITEM N0.FEE CHARGE Fi,atunee Resilenti.a,L (1 bath) Sanitary Setter l,latcn CHARGEN0.ITEM Pes. Sa. fta. llett/Exterd Citcuits faflpor@A Seruice CIIARGEFSEI?SM NC. /5 02htnaee P?U'S bhanet llood Vent For llcodstate /o oc 2C,{ z- 4.2 State Surchdroe Total Claraes . - Penilt fssuanca Neelanicel Permit -. ENCROACHMENT .. Secarity Deposit I Storage l,laintenance Pcrmi.t Cvtban! Sida,talk Fence Eleetrical tabel Nobile llone Building Volue & Permit This penrtt ia gnanted on the erpress eordition tlut the said-eonstruction shall-, i.n all r-eepecte, conforn to the 1rditunce adopted. tiy the City of Sptingfield, i.nctud,i.ng the Xoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn at'td, uce of buildinge, and nay be euspended or reuokeC at crry tine upon oic- l,a,tion of any prouieione of aaid Ordinances. * Building Permtt Plan Check Fee: State Date Paid Reeeipt l:Total Charges { Plumbing Permit I'lo pereon slall constract, instal!., alter ot change cny neD cn ezisting plunbing or d,nainage systen in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal poesessor of a oalid plwnber's License, ezcept, that a pe"son rnay do plmbing uonk to property uhich is ou)ned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plrnbing Pernit State * Electricql Permit llhere State tan requinea th.at the electrical oonk be lone by an Electnical Contractor, the etictrical portion of thie permit srull ,1,ot be oalid until the Label lae been aigned bg the Electtical contraetoe. Total ,t Mechqnicol Permit T[ati'Ercniner uaLe I HAW CAREFULLy EXANINED tle conpleted application fo-r permit' and do i":;;;; iiitiiv-in* oit-}"1o.r "t-ilon hereoi ie t,ue and. correct, cnl' r iinlTZ, LnrtiTa that ony i'd all uork pe^nfor'ned ahall be done in dccor-,;";z:;;l; ti"" oi7""ii'.a-of the citv.of.-sprinofield, anc the td;s of tha state of }regon p_"*tui717g-',to- tie-w\l<1esZriabd herein, cnd. tttdt No ccCU- pANCr uitl be nade o;';;;'ti"r";,i"i-i,it7irf i"it""ton of the ?ui'tdins D.i- oision. r further' ""-;:;?!";:;l--J"tv-Lo"t""itons o"d enplcvees uho are ttt Z::,pL:;;*-" L;'tli'-c-ns ioi'bis uiLL be- used on thie proiect T}TAL AL!7UNT DUE:' Signed f,\r tc ll Rar Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 of lct Cottenage_ ! of Stories Total lleight Topogmphy ?otal Claraee iln) Total Clurges ...,- , a 225 ?rYfft Sl?ESr SPRINGPIELD, OREGoN 97477 INSPBCTTON REOIIEST: 726-3769 OPPICB: 726-3759 0r .INSTALI.ATION I,EGAL SPRII. ;IELO EIJCTRICAL PER}ffT APPLICATTON Ctty Job Nuube:. ?h | 4zb 3. COI{PI.EIE rEB SCBEDT'I.B BELOS A. Nev Residential-slngle orHuItl-Pamily per dvelling unit. Servlce fncluded: Items Cost 1500 sq.ft. or less Each addltional 500sq. ft or portion thereof Each }lanuf ,d Home or -Hodular Dvel}lng Servlce or Feeder s 8s.00 s 15.00 $ 3s.00 B. $ 3s.00 $ 60.00 $ 90.00 s130.00 $300.00 $ 3s.00 c, D. ta o DESCRTPTION z tqil ODTOD Sum Permits a if vork Iof lssuan 180 days. Electrl Address Ci ty OITNER JOB DESCRI cal Contractor re non-transferable and explre - s not started vlthin 180 daysce or lf vork is. suspended for 2. CO}ITRACf,OR INSTALIATION ONLI Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Clrcuitslncluded). Insta1latlon, Alteratlons or .Relocation: 100 arnps or less 101 anps to 400 anps ,- 401 amps to 600 anps -601 amps to 1000 ampsover 1000 anps/volts - 8 ci td{runqpld,Phone 'l,lt 'AAsb Supervisor License Number lb86S Expiratlon Date l0 - I -qX- Constr Contr. Number O 324q Explration Date of Electrlclan 0uners Name Address Temporary Servlces or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteratlon or Relocation 201 amps to 400 amps - $ ao.OOOver 401 to'600 amps - S 90.000ver 600 ailps or'tboo-6fis i""-;i; a6F Branch Circults Nev, /\lteratlon or Extenslon per panel One Clrcult Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addtrl ten orportlon thereof 6-9o $ 1s.00 o $ s I 3s.00 50.00Phone 'l4b- 1i5rl The installation is belng nade onproperty.I ovn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: Hlscellaneous (Servlce/feedrir not included)-Each lnstallatlon Pump or irrlgatlon S 36.00Stgn/outline Lighttng- S ge.Oo Signal Clrcult orItmlted energ.y panel_ S 36.00 E 5 SUBTOTAL OP ABOVE5f Stdte Surcharge TOTAL DATE: RECEIVED 5. oa BY: I t7< 3h,,15 1'. I