HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1989-09-15SEWAGE DISPOSAL SITE EVALUAT {oo Job Written Directions tLta forr fu/-uJ. toN4 3 Subdivision -o Lot- B lanlz N o t1 oY -lol Z WATER SUPPLY APPLICANT'S NAME AND 0rc c 7,L) tl e.-U ?OWNER'S NAMEAND ETRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPOS ED USE OF above stalements ara true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner of record; -contract purchaser; -potential buyer;I horeby c-grtify that the L:{edtu or agent.I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner ol record, and that said owner is aware TEST HOLES Signatu r***r**rilr*rlr*irir**i*******rrr*ir*******r*******oFFIcEUSEONLYBELOWTHISLINE..t.* of this action. S]TE MEETS STATE STANDARDS Standard System Sand Filter 1 Foot Capping Fill NO T tr tr YES tr n tr NO tr tr tr YES ( n n Low Pressure Distribution Holding Tank Other LAND USE COMPLIANCE Zoning Acreage or Lot Size_OOTAL) Partitioning #-Parcel co FLOODPLAI N I NFORMATI ON [1 Approximate All or part of this site may be in a flood hazard Study Area area for which 100 year flood levels have not been established. Extra precautions may be appropriate to assure that the building site will be reasonably sale from flooding. tr Detailed Allorpartotthissitemaybeinafloodhazard Study Area area for which 100 year flood levels have been established. A building elevation above the 100 year flood level may be required. n Floodway Allorpartofthissitemaybeinafloodhazard area in which a floodway has been designatod. Building may b€ prohibited subioct to demonstration that the cumulative effec{ of proposed developmont will not increase th€ 100 yoar flood level at any point. 4. THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE. F/ .4a^_ q-tfff DATEZ- r ^urfroR,/:Eos)taryuae LANE COUNTY ENVIRONME'(TAL HI cs$32 EALTH, L25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, oREGoN 9740t (687-4051) ITRS, No'tt 4- oate 7 -t/- F? Itttttttttt*attttttttttt*t*t*altttttittlat r !':ltfil, !l:ii.;?t,.: - :: , sEwAgE DISPOSAL SITE ,EY ALUA I IUN4 -oe_-/ Lot-- Job Wrltten Directlons.: , .' i c t :..'. -.1;; .i UIATER ' li''IS NAMEANDAqD AiiFLtcmtrs NAME AND 7 loacrbrlha ownel and thdssld OFFICE USE ONLY THIS .{1iirF!,t li,1Al a .aa.a iaaaaaaaaaa aaaata CTURES ailarr PRO 10. rlf lir', i PROP i the rl lh iloi,:r -irdf lJrt i;rlr illrir rrrr.lt tttttllaa :r li, '{r'm ,d1t.'lrJ Pr' ir..,,r-.. -:1.i112., ',.iit lt:- ).1:":i!'F O ' ( r' tr Detallsd StudyArea tr Floodway ' been eslabllshed. Extra piecautlons may bo appropriat€ to assure that the bulldlng site w[l - be reasonablY sate hom floodlng. All or parl ol thls sll6 may b€ ln a flood hazard area lor whlch 1 00 year flood levels have been $teblbhsd. A bulldlng elevatlon above the 100 year llood level maY be requlred. All or part of thls sits may b€ ln a flood hazard area ln whlch a floodway has beon deslgnaled. Bulldlng may be prohlbited subJec{ to domonstratlon that lho cumulatlve otlect o, proposed development wlll not lncrease he i 0O year llood level al anY Polnl. :i. ,.. ... ;; -..::]i;r..1. 1 \ I.,AllE couNTY ENvI \ cs+se AL HEALTH, 125 EAST 8TH AYENUE, EUGENE' OREGON 9740I (687-4051) . I t-.::la ,IBloclg and STATE Filter GaPPing IZ, j .. . . -r.it..!,'1 ' .t i.r, : I'i.;l'. USECOMPLIANCE '.. i ":. !t r. iii. 'I il :1 1i'!If .- intr ...-'l t-.:. REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURETHE ISSUANCE OFAFUTURE PLANS OR EXPENDITUBES MADE IN RELIANCE UPONTHIS REPORT owN IFSITE!SAPPROVED, SEE REVERSESIDE. A MEMO TO: APPLICANT FROM: LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SUBJECT: COND]T]ONS OF SITE APPROVAL lane county Any alteration of the natural conditions in the area approved for the on-site system or replacement area may void this approval. This approval is given on the basis that the lot or parcel described above will not be further partitioned or subdivided and that conditions on subject or adjacent properties have not been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit in accordance with O.R.S. 454.605 through 454.755 and Administrative Rules of the Environmental Quality Commission. Any such subdivision, partitioning or alteration may void this report. WARNING: This document is a technical report for on-site sewage disposal only. lt may be converted to a permit only if, at the time of application, the parcel has been found to be compatible with applicable LCDC-acknowledged local comprehensive land use plans and implementing measures or the Statewide Planning Goals. The Statement of Compatibility may be made on the attached form or its equivalent. Authorized Agent approval is required before a construction permit can be issued. This report is valid until an on-site sewage system is installed pursuant to a construction permit obtained from Lane County, or until earlier cancellation, pursuant to Commission rules, with written notice thereof by the Department of Environmental Quality to the owners according to Department records or the County tax records. Subject to the foregoing, this report runs with the land and will automatically benefit subsequent owners. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Quality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation. ) ) 40't l20' FIELD t PEGISTERTD PROFESSIOI"IA } S('RVE ,{ () ii '; ,t'.,1'/ 1 (; {.-) .{), 12 r.l 54 OLSOI.JLA!';'i'li-i.'ii:i tl /'t!:5 3xu;6la\-\f'fr ,V PA I FARCEL M 45A FIELO FARCEL456x l2O' 4 -a 46 0 \66 4v(6 DRAINflELD TOPOGRAPT/Y &. S/TE PLAIV for EARL McELHANY SEWAGE DISPOSIL PLOI PLAII IPPROUED A permit is required prior to starting oonstruction. SPR|NGFIELD PARTIT/ON 89 -06 - IO9 TAX LOT /7 02 t9 3 800 I Environmentat I25 East 8th Eug:ne, Or.egon 97401 Oil & THOMPS0il, lilC. scALE: corsur.Tutc EilGlllEEPs & suEuEroEE ZO7 A STREET DATE:Aug. 22, /989 DBAWil:LARRY OLSON R GFIEbD, OREGON 503/ t2s-5t04 dlOB ll0: toqe97477 TEITEPHONE : \/--r' l" = l@' SITE EVALUArICII FIILD I{ONK$IEET Ter Sqfcr.oacc lPplrcart D.pth Ptt I Ptr Ptt t -rar61po yo3ao Slop" 0t!cr Slta $po Sysrer: ""r ttal ScDlacqeag a-1. &,to:-7- Soil .16trix Color aJrd Hotrllng (ltorarioat,tCota!cSt:a'uctur6 [.yer LLtrltlng Soit Ocpch, ctc- t!p.ci 6or.tr6.rtcf stlslEt sPEqEIcl,rIOus Syst6 ^sr-r"t Dosro Fr.qr 4ffi )2t --Dd Systes sr-r"- ? f,Z-,' ,-___L_,, 50 g. yax- D6prh Absorprion raclllty (lnl 2 fexturc Pts fr 5,. Hax. Ocprh Abjorption facillty unt 4 (, t L ir\,,O l1 5 4-L -fr. .37 *Ht t., Spoolal Cor:dltl^n. f J ootrotro o i- =IJog J 5 t>l 4 O,- ,\$ e'\ ,ocofz HJnos H.t oaC! Sf,\' " 76rt rYULE rrtcr $, io(] tU ss\'SL\<qd ,rt'Ntu\> N\ or'-JsU-J Hr- tE ti[i iqt') Flilqil El= sleX l.{J] L(4 <ll{L t4\l! t-T-_l Il- -l () : I:o t"..,,..: :i:{ \ @dbqI oo'oot o @ rr v tr iJtluu . (JiS arr 'S'o @ ,ool o L1$ S '.ol H ,6 bous {t I t at' H ON & THOMPSON, INg.SGALE:a? DATE. JUN. l2.le89COIJSULTIIIG ENGINEEBS & SUP9EYOES ZO7 Q STREET t7477 TEbEPHONE : " DBAWI'I:ARR\' OLSONL JOB N0: ':.'. RINGFIEbD, OREGON 9 503 / 7ZB-5104 ro89 I ,.t ' b tE(ilsltlro Pnori:5S!l(.,t.t.^ i) !.llRVt (,(\il ,i rnv; lr:otsoll l,!"i PARCEL J PARCEL M artara .E , d ", iE (.t Ii: '. EARL McELHANY ,, i :. i ; i,'gPRINGFIELD PARTITION 89 -06. IO9 TAX. LOf 17 02 19 3 t 8@ . L STUAGE DFM$[ !. ..,, PUil TPPNOED fflor b 'tqrd..dto t$l .[i Olt & Tlt0MPS0ll, lll0. 8GrLB: ooltEut Tlll0 EltotIEESE t 8UtuEyo3E GFIELD, oREGoN 97t77 ato8 TEI'EPI|ONE: 503/t20.5i0t . DISE:1989Auo. l" = l@' .. LARRY ilSONZO7 Q STNEET DBAII'I | ':' t aao' I I ,. it