HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-29i, . ,,'t1.:RESIDFNTIAL" APPLICAT'._ /PERMIT 225 North |th Street Springfield, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 \N b3SPFIINGFTELD Job Locaticn,i/. 3l sl 5-/-.- *, 2@ Assesso,e Map# \f )DatqiJ'd r6iLotr \D[O(Y) sub,tittision: fr,--- ?S,ZOaZ - .r?t-y-p ,funZ,-o&/ €"-l d Chutrl,to- h. E/ArnuOxmer: 2zip Address City Phonc: f7 Descrlbe tr'ork: S,a5 1u F.*./7 l?"rrJo"-e.- value /a(, dtYODate of App Li.caticn ldditian RemoCel ol"l racLor r-s General -lu-< t, 6,.l qo vds3t lV.{ o1,-r )-. E, PJ unrbi.ng olt ("?o 7 -//?be<r l.lechan.lcal 7y/- a.2oL_DL 4O,o €*,* t t*{. ti ctt-*d e{c.-/-5'1 7,{c-31o7 ?-<, L10c [anSrrerv ].s E1 e('tr: IO!: OR |:OVE' BUILDrIGS Sanitary seter eapped ct property' Lire Septic tank purped and filled uith gra:sel Final - Lrlten abcue itens are canoleted and uhen Cenclition is complete or st!'ue- ture nioued and prenises cleaneC up. llcnes Bloakirtg and Seb-up Pl.Lmbing connections -- saner anl uat.er Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up and plunbina connections nr;st be apprc"-ed beforc requesting eleclrical inspeclio:t Accessori- BuilCing Final - After pcrci:es, sklting, decks, etc. an'e ccnpleled. Page 1 of 2 after ttenchee are etcat;ated anrl forns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. UNDIRGROUIID PLUMgINC, SSWR, W,ATER, DRAIIQ1!: To be nnCe prior to fil- 71fi-66nchee. UII DERFINOR PI,UI.E ING & I|ECIIA,N TCAL : ot floor ineul,ation or decking. P1SI AUD BEAM: To be made priot' to iGTdTTEf,6{of floor insulation ot' decking, ROUCil PLUI|B!'IG. ELECIRICAL I I,lECIl:_ ANICAL: No uork is to be couererT ililTthese inspections haue been nade and approrted., FfI?EPLACE: Prior to plccirtt facinl1mcterials and. before froning inspec- ti.on. FRA\NG: lhtst be requested aftet, approttal of rough plunbing, electri- cal & nechanical. AL! roofing bracittg E chtnmeya, etc. rmtet ba eotnpleted. llo ttork ie to be cotl- eecled unti,L thio inepection has been nade anC approl)ed. FTIIAL PLUMBIIlC FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECT'RICAL INSULATION/VAPOR TTARI|I ti? I\]SPECTION : ?o be made after al.L i.nsul.;ticn a:d required oapor barriers ale tn pLace but before any Lath, glpswn bcarC or tnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulation is aoncealed. DRYWA|,L IIISPECTI1N: Tc be nade afl;er aLL CrguaLL is in pLace, but pt"iot to cny taptng. MASONRI: Steel Locati.on, itond Tiffiilgroutino or oerLical:; in aceorrlance uith U.B.C. Seclioti 24 15. It io the responaibility of tte permit holdez, to see that aLL i.ncfccti.ons are nade at the prope" tine, that ecch addresa is reaCable fron the street, and. that the penrtt card ie Located at the frant of l.lie property.*Buildiyq Noiciot approxed plan,shall remain on tha Buildirq :;iti i7t aLL tines. |E\CSDUPE lOR INSPECUPITE$IES!:CALL726-3769(recordet") state your Ci.Ly ,Tesigrnt.ed job nunber., iob aCitess, type of _inspec--ictleadyfot,inspection,co,7traetotsc.r:(hsners.runeLndphonenunbcr.Pequestsreceitedl;efcre7:00clttill be made the eane dcg, requests made aftet, 7:00 on aiLL be madc t.he ncrt wt'king day you" City Desigrrz!;ed Job Nunber fs SITE INSPECTION: To be made after ezcauation, but pt"ior tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHTilICAL: To be made before any uork ie eot;ered. FCO?INC & F1UNDA?ICN: Io be rmCe 3 B E m / g w WW AfLer i.nstallabLon is CURB & APPRCAC]I APNON Afle;, fonns are ;:recbeC l;ut pt-t,or !;.o pouri.ng concrel;e. SIDEIIALK & DRI"tEl'lAl: For aLL con- cretp. paorllg ii.ih'i.i street right- of-t*:y, to be madiz o.fte-r aL! etca- ttatin(t conplete & fona tmrk ,Q cub- base nateriaL in pl.ace. IENCE: h1ten conPl.,:Le -- ProutCe gates or nooable secLiorts l)vougl: P. U. E, AL.L projecb corultbions, :;ua!': rts blrc-i.nsl;allation of sLreet trees, co:nletion of tig required Landsecping, ctc., mst t,a saLisfied before the BUILDII'IG FI!'IAL ean be requested. FINAL BUII,1tING: The tittal Bui.Lding Ins;,oi:l:iott nust be requested alter the Final Plwnbing ElectrLcal, and l4eclnnic,zl. Inspec!:i.oru: llava been made and approoei- ,At,t, t.tAN{tctES AND C|,\:ANOUTS NttsT DI,: ACCt:{;SrBtn, AD,ttJs'.rli|lt! ?0 BE I'llDE !.T l:O Cf:iT TO Cr?t' x K Dai;e Ilt.re k1 w L-co *SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO Bedt'ooms2 Zone Lot Sq. Ftg- Gr.?Ae-_ % of Lct ccuerage 2/?O # of Stories Total lteight /<2"' ?opography A'?% LCT ?YPE Xl tntenicr Lot Faces - !leat P. L.[!ouse Aacess CoPtl,er Panhandle CuL-de-sac o th hte st -- Fz:es -- ITEM liL)Va uc Building Volue & Permit 'l'lrispennLtit;granted.ontheeqte$sconditi<tnLlutthes'tid-construction sh,LL, irt a.tl respccts,''".",iiii"t, th-e. orclinanae adop.teil 5iy the c.ity of s1+'itt,.r.!'ield, includ.inll til-2uni"q cr<lina.nc.e' regulattng the ccnsttucl:-":..,^ nlnt u'l,L o.J'itui.ld.tnq,;,'o),,1- ',"'1 b':.'suspentled or reuokeC at cry tine upon u'ic' Lab'Lon o1: rnty prc'ttsions ol stt'it'l Ordtnances' TOTAL VALUE @ UC7.5 c Building Pernrtt Check Date Paid: Receipt ll Total '-'lnrges 2b *Signed NO I LL CHA}]CE Plumbing Perrnit No per'ton slut-Ll -constmet, inslall'. altet or clnnge -cny ned-ct ecisting plwnbtng o? d,yaLnage "y'itl" i" "noi" o' in part' inless such person is the Legal possessot, oJ." ":"i\a"pl;rti"1" 11"u""'e, eieept that a pepson nay do plunbing uot'k to propnriy'"'nl"i'n-it oom"z|, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Eiqtures Residential Statlt)4 2e--eSaniSeuer4 a2 Plltnbing Pet"n:it O State SuYcl".arqe #es NO Electricol Permit Ithet,e state Lcru requi?es thttt the electtical uork be done by an Eleett'ical Cont"actor" the etectrita"t'pl'it'u" of tlis-permit slnll not be ualid until tL'e 'Labet iurs been signe'l by the ElecLrtcal Cottttactor' Res Nau/Estend Circuits c> Sez'uic:e State €.2{ fotal Z5 ClIARCELIE'TITXM 4-4Ahtrnce PTU I S 4-tb,/ Eslwr.tst HooC a-T>tq-7 .2 -,Vent Fan -^ ca{b-llcodsto'oe ae -/ 4-A(e-.- ZO2 4z-se ?-/ b// a7 Mecho nicol Permit lleelwnicel Pernrtt Ud,tuRev -- ENCROACHMEN? -- itSecat'i Main Petmit Cvtbcut Sideaalk !ence L L Mobile Home /06* Signed TotaL f*L- 6I t'/"-* /2-?2ffifrate- I IIAVE CAREFULL. AXAMTNED tke conpleted appl.tcation for pennit' and do hereby certify tnat''o'tt-I'nlo-rryyiZn het'eoi is true and eotrect' otC I irn'ti""n certtiy that any o'd ott uork perfotned 1lnll b" *i1 in accot- danae vtth the ovdine)"L"-if it'n citv of 'springfield' .and' the Lans of the * State of oregcn p"";;;;;;;;g "to the wik Ces'cribbd herein, end tlnt N0 ,CCU- PANCY aiLL be rnace ;V-;;;;" "t;";iun'e aithout petmission of the Building Di'- uisiort. I J'ut'ther certify that only con-tracions and enplcyees aho an'e in .oiptlinn"o "rltt ons ?01-'055 uiLL be used on this project K/4 T)TAL A1'!)UNT DLrt: *aaaa?Da te la t: !..RESIDT\TIAL.. APPLICATTd{/PERILIT 225 Nor-"h |th Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BuLLdLng DLDLs'Lon 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.I) your Cit! Desigr,ated Job ltunber fs: INSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : To be rnade after aLL insulaticn ard tequired uapor bavie?a @e in place but before ary Lath, Wpsun baatC ot, tnLL couez,ing is appli.ed, and before ay insul,ation i.s concealed. DRYWALL filSP0trf)N: ?c be nade @erdT@d-ts in plnce, but prior to anA taping. I,|AS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beans, gz,outing on oerticals in accotdotce LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTO\IE: @ttpm;a. After irwtallation ie CURB & APPROACH APPON: (-\ General ectrica Elec tr c 1an qTry? TitcDc?nfnit. %cao;;lon,E, Io be aftet'prtor tc ee+- up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCH!-IIICAL: To be made before ang tloyk is coOet,ed. POO?IIIG & FOUNDA?ICN: Io be rmCe Afi;i tteWate *caated and. fonns ate etected, but prior to potfi"tng ccnerete trenchee ANDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECIIANTCAL: of floor ineulation or decking. Date: LL 726-3769 (recorder) state yout, Citg deei.gnated job nmber, job aCiress, type of i,nspec=icn for inspection, Contnacto?s o? Oumers ncne cnd plnne nunber. Pequests recei"-ed befcre 7:00 an nade aft* ?:00 on viLL be nade the nert aorkinE day. sq Srr It is the reeponaibilitg of the permLt lolder to see tlnt aLL inspections are nade at tle ptope" tine, that eceh cddvees is rend,tbie frn tlu at?eet, atd tlat tha petrrit eard id l^ocated at the frcnt of tle Wop*ty.*Suildins bi.uiciol app"w^ed plcn shcll remain on the Bualding Sitc at aLL- tines. PROC1DTIPE FOR INSPECIION RIQUEST:CA eady ,viLL be trade the sane dcy, "eEests t33L- DE].IOLTTIAT OR !.NW' BU- Scnitarg easer capped at properfui Line Septic totk ptmped a'nd, filled tith gra;sel To PQi! 4!p_PEaU: to be nade prLor toffit&ffilan-o| floor insuT,ation or deckitq. R)UGH PLltltBlllc. ELECIRICAL & MECE:- ANfCAL: No uork is to be covet,ed w:til these inspeetions h,aoe been nade and approted., ee erecteC but prior to conctete. After fonns ' pour"itq FTP.EPLACE:mai;i;C Pt iot to pkcirg and before frofting SfDillALl< & DRf',EllAI: Por aLL ean- cz,ete pattittg uithin street right- of-teA, to be made after aLL ecca- tsating corrplete & fomt Lsork & sub- base nwterial in pl.ace. PENCE: When complete -- ProuiCe gates or mooable sections thtough P. U.E. faci.ng inspec- tion. FRAIIING: l'tust be yequested after cppz,otsal of rough plurbing, electri- cal & meclanical. AL! r,oofirq fu,acLng E chinrnegs, etc. rrust be . completed. llo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspectton las 'been nade anC app?oued. FTML PLUAPIUG FIIIAL MECHANICAL FIIIAI! ELECTRICAL ALL project condttions, such ae the installation of street trees, conoletion of the required Landsecpitg, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FMAL ean be requested. PINAL BUILDIN?: The Pinal Bui.Ldtng fnspection rrust be requested after the Fitnl Plumbiry Eleetrieal, atC Meclnrical fnspectlons haue been made and appyoueC. Job Locaticn: Iaa Iat #Aaeeesors Map # Subdioision: eOtmer: Address: zip: Descz.tbe lt'ork: LobC-,nl) ( q Date of AppL icatian Additicn RemoCel ra Plumbi l.lechanica Mobile Hcnes Bloeking old. Set-up Plwnbing connections -- aaie? otd. uater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plunbing conneetions rrust be apprcoed before requesting eleelrLcal inspeeti,o;l Aecessory fuitCing pcrehes, skirting, decks, Leted. Firal - After etc. @e conp Page 1 of 2 I *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST:I\\II TO BE I.L4DT I.T IIO CCS? TO CITY E'A linal - l,lhen obate itens are canpleted and uhen Cqtolition is eonplete op stttic- ture motsed and. pternses cleaneC up. tr ; 7 ,ouorn r^n [l ,-, JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Gr LCT ?WE _ fnterict _ Corile? _ Panhandle C\L-de-sae t(0 a5 Beiroons: lnt Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cotez'age # of Stories Total Height Iopography ?otal Lot Faces - lleat Laee tou'e PLan I HAW CAREFULLy EXLAINED the eotnpleted application fo? pemit, and. dolereby ce"tify tLtat aLL information het,eon is trae ard. ebrueet, and f fut thet' ce"tifA that any ard aLL Dork perfomed slnll be done .in accot- dance trLth the )rdinanees of the City of Spr"ingfield, and the Laxa of the State of )regcn per.taining to the oork Ceeeribcd herein, cnd tlnt No OCCU- PLNCy rtill be rrude of any structure uithout permtssion of the Buitding DL-uision. I funther certify that onLy contractore a.d. anplcgees uho are in eonpliance Dith CRS ?01,05s uiLL be used on thie project z"Lg-?or' Df Ilouse Caraqe Aceess. Not,th Rant East South I Waoc llest I?EIi x Value tlain Gsaqe Carport Accessotu ?OTAL VALUE S. D.C. 1.5 x Date Paid Building Vqlue & Permit This pet'nit is granted on the express condition that the said. eonstyactions^lnll, in-al.L -respe,cts, eonform to the Ozdirwnce adopted fiiy the City ofspringfield' includtng the zoning crdinance, regulctZng thZ ccnstra"ctibn crtd .use of buildings, otd may be suspended or retsokec at crty time upon oic-Lation of drlA pncuisions of Laid 0rdinances. Building Pernrit ?otal Clnrges State Plumbing Perrnit trlo- person stn|L conshaet, instalL, alter or change dny nea cr esisting qlwnlirq or drainage sAstql in ahote or in patt, inlees sueh petson is'tle LegaL -possessor of a ualid plunber,s License, escept t|lat a pe"son nay dopltmbing uork to propertA which is oaned, Leased ot opetated by the oppli- cant. Electricol Permit Hhere State Lan requires tlat the eleett*Leal uork be ilone by an Eleefu,ical Contraetor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be ualil untilthe Label lns been signed by the Eleetrical Cont"actor. PernrLt NO,FEE CEARGE * NO ?otal Receipt #: Signed Elrtures Reeil.ential (1 bath) Nau/Ectend. Circuits Set"uice -- ENCROACHMEN? -- ntM NC.rt, A DaD Mechcrnicol Permit Ilcodsto;se Vent E@t klta$t Hood ,s Permit fssucnee Meclnnical Petmtt |gqtmtV Deposit Storage l,laintenanzce Pentrit Ctttbatt Si.deualk !enee Electnical Ia.bel Mobile Horne .|OTAL AI,!OU!I? DUE: *Signed Date ll I. L?CDltl Sanitar Saner il.r"- /a5cIF 'rn dfl . rf-f\\0 r )\lt'Plunbing Perlitw, ?otal Chdnaes I State &ecltnqe Total Chrnae.s ( 225 North sth s;treeAPPLrcATroN fi'ERM tI: Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuLlding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 .:RESIDENT_\1" SPFIINGFTELD -r-Job 3 Ian LoL llAssessor:; Map ll Subdiut'.ston: urt-lry' uOtmet:at dL -/,Addt'ess I'hone: f7 (zi'p: , ii,.:r' ': pt l! !;i11ned: Dal:e.: l: (Jsl) De:;aribp- tt'ork: r rirc tors qoGr:ncra l l*o'* f,t 4(.{o(,.') Irt Ncd t-_l (ot:*or-e s,a5 L e*./5 /l.,',Jo*- value /ad, dAOl:tate of Appltca tion ,t Additi.cn RenoCel )-3 i) I untb.i.-tJ l.1 '7 ?F-- I.Iechirrr Lca ,*t DL4O 7y,- ooo a_.o o lil.ec: t rica I Hr--"**l ; L- /;- ,d-7o 9vt_-3b7 ?- oc tfl r'lSrrerv].san EI e(' L l: DDI.IOLIT OR Sanita,y seuer capped ct property Lire Septi,c tank pwped and. filled uith gra:tel Final - l{hen abcoe itens are eanpleted and uhcr Cenclition is eonplete or stluJ- ture naueC and pt,endses cleaneC up. I'lob Le Bloeking antl Seb-up Pl.wnbing connect'tons -- sa)e? and. uater Electti.cal Ccnnection - Blockittg, set-up and plunbino connections trust be apprcDed befot c requesting elec'-rt.cal tnspeclion AccessorT- BuilCing Pinal - Aften pcrci:es, sk:'.rLing, de-cks, etc, are ccmple-!.ed. loga I of 2 PnocsDuPE FoR INSPECTeL lllQlgtljCALL 7 eody for''-'tLL be nade the sane dcy, r,erptests mcde SITE INSPEC'I:ION: To be made after ezcaoation, but pr"tor tc set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL ,9 yLCJ!4i!fC!1L: To be made before anyioiTliTooered. IICOTINC & FOIINDATICN: ?o be rmCea1tii Tienc6ea areGrcauated and fotms ate erected, but prior to pouring ccnerete. rilIAL PLUMBINC TT\IAL I4ECIIANICAL FINAL ELEC?'RTCAL i-1 u logncaouN D pLUMe!ng-E!,'t!L- tl!!!:gL) Liry1 trenchee, 71 unomrLool pr,uqBrNc & uEctANtcAr,:i l@-{6nof floor insulati.on oz. decking. POST AND BEAI4: To be nade pri.or to TiiitTTfrGn of floor insulation ot' decki.ng, ROUCII PLAIIBITIG, DLECTRICAL & I,IfrC]!: ANICAL: No t,tork is to be cotererl unliTthese inspec!;ions lnoe been nade and. approted.. Ff:IEPLACD: Prior to placi.rq faci.nqmcterials and. before frarnittg inspec- tion. FnAMNC: Must be requested after approual of rouglt plumbing, electri- cal & mechznical. AL! noofing braeing E chittmeyn, et,c. mtat. be eomplebed. llo ucrk io to be con- cecled unti,L thit; inspec!:ion lws becn ncc:e anC approoed. 26-3769 (reaorcler) sl;abe yottt' Ci.L1l tlesigrn ncne cndtnspecl;ion, Corll;"actaps ot (hsntti"s aftet, 7:00 on rttll be madr: t:he nctb '"tot'ki.ng day Iour Cil;y Desigtttt,etl Job Nwnber Is a-s!!!,ru!!!!/Jl4!9!l_Jt t!t!j! !!J!!!! rr:!!!_w, 'I'o be made affer aLL htsulaticn a:ld rcquired uapor banriers are irt place but l>eforc any Lat;h, qupsun baa.rC or rxzll eouerino i.s ap1tlietl, anrl befone otg insulation is conc:ealed. DRYhIAI,L ilISPDCIION: I'c be made iy te;;tl-fiyu"ff is in p L.t c e, but pt t',or to anty ttqing, I'fAfi)NRI: Sheel LocaLion, l,ond 6iffii]17nouting or oert;tlcdl:t f,n aet:orrlance tttLh U. B. C. Seal i-on 2415. UOODS'1'OVF):;;ni;T;ia.Aft;et, i.rts tal.Lnt Lon is CU\B !9 \PPlC4gll llPP,Qlt: tlft.er fonnsat" ;rA;i;{ fi;n;r-;i !;o p,:;uriits conct,el;e. SIDL:ffAf,K 8 DRIl,tEUly: Por all. con- cre r.;-pdling-litnin s f reat right - of-t,r.:y, 1;o be made. o.fte-r aL! erca- oat;inq canplet:,e & font rnrlt ,9 cub- base mater|aT. in place, t.erl job nttn;her, iob adit'er;s, t11pe of inspeclictl pltone rurtbct,, I:c(tuests receitql l;e.fcre 7:00 ct 3 It ia tlte responsibility of the permit holder to see that aLL i.ncpocl:t'.ons are nadc al; the propet' ti.ne, that ecch cdtlreea is t'eaCabie fron the sltreet, anC that the permtt ear.d is Loeated at tlrc front of hltn property.r\uildirul Diviciot uppro"^ecl 1:Lan shrzll pemdin on tlp Du:.ldin3 ::LL.:,tt aLL ti-mes. IENCE: hhen conpL,tte -- Pt'oui.cle gates or inouablc sccLians l.lncuglt P. U. O. La tr i_l ALL pro;ject r:onditions, :;ur:!'i rt.s Llrc ilt;f.allat;ton of sltreet tree:;, c,o:tlsleLion of tite raquircd Lawlsccping, cta,, mt:;t l,e saLtsfied befoye the BIIILDINC FINAL ean be nequested. FTNAL BUILDINC: The I'LnoL Bui.Lding fnltpe.:tiot7 must be requested a!!.er the I'inaL PLmbiruS DlecLt"ical, arul l.leelmnical. lncpacl:ionr hantc been made and approocC. tA[.r lilNIlCt,!i:; ANl, cl,tiAN)tJ,rii tilt:iT Bt.: Ac(."L:!;:trBt,t.::, AD.ilrs'r!it:tl? T0 liE t!;1n8.,..'r Io l):iT T0 crTy Tr