HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-14# .. RESID-\TlA["SPFIINGFIEI-D APPLTCATtoN /PERl4rT 22b Nonth Stii Street spr.'Lnc.;fLet-<)"' ategort 97 47 7 BuiL&Lng Diuision 7 26-s7 53 Electr c 1an Date res 26-3769 (tecordet) state yortt City Cesignted and plnne job tan';ber,job aCCtess, type Requests receitedinspection,Conttactov,s or Otmets ncme aftet ?:00 on vLLL be rrude the nett rwking dag Srr rt ie the reepowibility of tlc penrtt tto_Lt* b aee tlnt alt inapee_tiotts oe nad.e at tlp ptope" tine' that 24sft atl'b2ss is ren4ahle frua tlu et?eZL and tfrt the p*ttt.cal ie. lnotgd at.!h3 ftotrt of th.e-rydPe"ty. iauitding Noicion apprw-ed p[ot shcll ranain on tle Building sitc at aLL tlmes. PRoctDUPE EoR rNSPEcrr1N REQWST :CALL 7 "@eadyfort'ill be nade the eane dcy, requests mcd.e of inspec:icn befcre 7:00 a:t You? CitA Desigr,ated Job Numbet Is:MoD'/ Romti-aoi Tnsnacti,ans ?cr Lot # "rob Locaticn Sabdioision: Assessors Map # Asaer: Phone ci. Address: eDiu Describe Hotk: 6/, f,2r.82- ValuebDate of Applicati an q Additi,on RanoCel r S Plurnb General ?.\tsztr 3I,techanical %4tDtZpL{6ectrica Page 1 of 2 8 a tr a w SI?E INSPEC?ION: ?o be rmde aften &calratl;",W priar tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHA.IIICAL: ?o be nade before ang ffio,tered. POOTING & F)UNDATICN: lo be ttaCe I_T) INSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : l2!7 required oqor boriers ee in Place bui belore oty Lath, WPswn baatC or tnLL eooering is qplied, and before oty irnulation i.s concealed. DEI.IOLITIAII OR BUILDI\IGS Sanitarrl seaer cappted at properQi Lir:e Septic tank punped ann filled ttith gra:sel Fi.nal - l{hen abcue itetns @e ecrnpleted and uhen Canoliti.on is eornplete ot stv'r.ic- bne notsed otd pranises cleaneC up- Hcmes Blocking od, Set-uP Plwbi.ng connections -- aarrer otd. uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking' eet-ua and pluntbing connections ttr;st _be apprc"^ed befire requeating eLeclrical inspectio;t Aeceesory Bui.LCing skirting, deeks, DRYWALL LNSPECTT)N: Ic be made aftet ttenches are etcaated and forns ate etected, but Ptior to pourins ccnerete. @er-dT-ew,iit fts in pl,ace, but prior to any t"fr"S. tuMSONRI: Steel Location, bond dffiiig""uting ot uerticals in accordarce ?,/Lth U,B.C. Secti.on 24L5. VOODSTO',/E: @mpTetea. After installation is UNDERGROUIID PLI]MgING, SEWER. W.|TER'aDRAi : -To be nade Pr"iot' to fil- @-6drches. IJTIDERELOOR PLUIEING & MECHANICAL:of flooz. insuLation or decking. fa1 posr ANp BEAII: To be nade prlor totZJ AAAmt;of fToor insuT)ti.on on decking. I-TI ROI]GH PLUIBITIC. ELECTRICAL & MECH. I /\l ANT1AL: No uork is to be cove"ed.u ffiTT-these inspeetio,-,s lnoe been C\IRB & APPRCACH APPON: After fonnsee ereciteC but prtor to pour-ing @no?ete. SLDEWALK & DRfIWAI: For aLL con- cr&; p*rfrAiffi street t'tght- of-,xA, to be nade aftet aLL e*ca- Dating canplete & fom tnz'k & sttb- base nateri,al in Place. Fitnl - After ete. @e coitF) pcr.ckes, 1 ^+-) nade atd. approued,. FIPEPLACE: Pttot, to plceirg facing matertals and before fronlng inspee- tion. FRAIIING: l,tust be nequested after approoal of rough plwrbing, electri- ul & nechanical. ALt roofittg btacittg & ehinmege" etc. mtst be eonpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- cealed until this inspectton las been made anC approtted. PTilAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL FIilAi ELE7TRI1AL IENCE: When conPlete '- ProuiCej&66 or notsable sections through P.A.E. ALL project eon&Ltiow, such ae the i.nstaLlation of street trees, co:pletion-of the "nq"'i"L2-1i"ar,."pirg, |tu., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FrNAL can be requested. ?nNAL BATLDnNC: The Final Building Inspeation mtet be requested after the .oi.ral Plwnbing Electrical, otd tleelwnical fnspections hqtse been made and approtsed- reuA x a w *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE IiL4DE AT NO CCS? ?O CUY Hrq0 b 7 5+ ,-rlo. Fts. 4?.^ t Cooerage ? SOLAR Ac cJ.s s R EQ.- LCT ?WE _ Intez,ior Cotner L-co d 6-1-?aTdtr- J L, Eeight irap\ry TotaL Panhandle Cul-de-sac LN f ilAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED th.e conpLeted application for permit, and. do heteby certify that aLL infornation hereon i-s true attd correct, atd. I firthet certify that any ard aLL uork performed atnll be done in accot- dance tLth the Ordinanebs of the Cita of SprLngfield' anl, the La:,;s of the* State of 1regcn pertainino to the uoyk Cescribed herein, and tlwt N0 OCCA- PAIlcy titl bZ ,,a7. of ang" sttwctute tithout permission of the Building DL- uision. I futther ":n"tl,iy thct only contractors otd ertplcgeee uho ee in conpliance aith ORS ?01.055 ui-LL be used on this proiect DT House 7.rr;;. -1 No"th Carage_lt Fqn East ]I South It West -tl 'Const:BeCtaons:Lot Faces - SQ. FTG x VaLue 2p b6b 2-.147/or ^ 23f7 6! 575.82?OTAL VALUE (DCLUe)S.D.C. L.5 c Date Paid: Si,gned Building Volue & permir \is--pernttt_is granted on the erp"ess eondition that the satid._constmctionslnlZ' in aZl respects, eonfom to the Oz.dinance adopteC 6:y the citg of Spt'ingfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, ?eguzating the ccnsxructica aid u-se of buildtnqs, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- lation of aty prcoisione of eaid Ot'dir,anees.jnru aL 3\Db i':dtrutr' 9a7.3. Building PewrLt Iotal Clarges State Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, inetall' alter ot change -any neo-c? ezisting -plti*itrg or drainage eystaz in uhole or in patt, unless sueh petson is tle iegal pbsees"or of o u-oli.d plw*nt's Li,eensb, escept tlwt a pe"son nay 42pirn"Ui"g uork to propetta itrich ie ormed, Leased or operated by the appli.- cant. zo,* -),?, ao.-tu. FEE CHARGE @ ITTM Fi.oh&es Resilantial (1 bath) Sa,ter Plunbing Pernrit State Electricol Permit Vlteye State Lan reqttires tlat the electrical uork be done by an EleatrLcal Cant?actot,, the electTLcal portion of thi,s pernit shall not be oalil until the label ltas been aigned by the Electu"Lcal Contractor. * Neu/Eztend Circuits Set oiee State Iotal -- ENCROACHMENT -- FEE a-b z* .* 5a * Mechq nicql Permit khanet Hood Ilcodstotte Vent Fot Permtt rssudoe Meclnnicel Perrnit Seanrtht Deposit Stotage lilaintetunce Penrrit /f--Citbcat sidanalk 6e'E?a Penee Eleetrieal ta.bel Mobile llone TOTAL AI,IOUilT DUE: */1'7?f a 7o l,/ood.sto,:e -Trar45' '-r,Z?-4//ara PLan Check Pee:fi( )._q?324. aa ./A lA 4?/. qa 42.*2 Wete,t, 5z>zut fu*rva /.27 <> ,//z-.c= fil A Dft v- s;a Z Z ?_ hrya l/srrr- .. REs'Dr^ITIAL,, u I rlortlt I tlt streelPPLrc:, ?i un'/PEt?tlu Spmngfield, 0regon 9?47? Building Diuision 726-37 53 ! SPP'tvGF,ET-.O ci tob Iacation: \aceaaors l,hp I Subdivision: O.mer: Aildness: addition Date of APpticatian, It io the S Descri.be llork: Date: Value to eee that all inaPec tione al:e nade at the propen time, ihat acch addteas ia readabie Loaated at the front of the propetty.I tines.on the Building Stte at aL 26-3769 (tecordet) state gour City deoignated job nwriber,Job aCd,reaa, tYPe. Requeats fecettea of inspec)ictr inopeotion,Contraotors or A,tnera narc ind plone nwnbcr.before ?:00 sl aften 7:00 on vttt be nade the nett wtking daY' Iour City Deaigr,ated Job Nwnbet fo: To nade 7.nau \ fran thetguilding responaibility of tlo permit holden atniet, atd that tha Pornit oard, iaI -Nui"lon approu*etl plan slull retnin Pnoc$uPE Fon IN,PE1II1N ='!-93|!EST:CALL 7 roqucatcd and uhen llou t'riLl be reaclY to-r r.,iil be rmde the aone dcy, tequests nade uNpEnsLAB PLU\'IB|NG. ELyqnrgAL E IIECHIIIICAL: To be nnde befote anY ,rlO UCfed. TOOTIN1 & FOUND{|?ICN: ?o be tmde 7f6ffifr o are -excauated atd forna.ate erected, but Pniot to pouring ccncrete. ugpgRcqouqp PLqMzINq. ssryEB. .rn,A1.I|18- DRAIIIACE: To be rade Prlor co tLL- ffiGnchee. unpERFLooR PLUllBrilc LMECT!4-ttr.c,AL: -To be nade prio,. to inotaLlatlon oJ floor inaulction or decking. SITE INSPEffION:ffiiiffi"t forns. POST AND BEAM:6iffi{o1 decking. nade arul approoel. Fil\EPLICE:tctertals FIIIAL PLUMBITIC FINAL NECIIANICAL lo.be nade afte* prion to eet uP of To be nnde to ot been DRYWN,L INSPECaI1N: To be mada iftet iTlffiy,NtTte in Place, bub prior to anY toryrrg. MAS2NRI: Steel location, boitd Effilgouting or terticala in accordance vLth U.B.C, Seotion 241 5. WOODST)VE: Aftet installation ie e^pt"t"A. cUnB & APPRCACIT AP!12N: Aftet forns arc ere;C[E; p;lor to Pourtng conarete. SIDE\IALN E DR|VWAY: For aLL con- 6et66trrsnntiii atneot tight' of-l;lcl-. to be nade after aLL eroa' ,Ltl",-g- conplete ll forn tarlrk & sub' base nstevtal in Plaoe. IENCE: l{hen conPlate -- ProtiCe lM on nouable aectiona thtough P.A.E. ;.: -atl prwjebc condibtona, ouch ae the i.natallation of etreet treee ' cctt't'Lcl:' .' ''" nequired Landsccping,-Lti,-',,urt l:e oit;-rf."1-L,orl-,- *r. ^ti' .r:''- :.a::i:, " :' be requeeted' FINAL Blli,utuv. tne i1-nal Butoaing Tnapection mtet ba requeoted alter tha Final Plwnbing EL:;;;AT'ia u"on""tiil inepeetiono hqoo been tmde atd-apptooed Prior to Plccirq arul before frwntng faaing'inapec- tion. FflAtlING: ltust ba requeoted after ffial of rough plirbing' e\ectri' dil I neelunical, All rcofiqi brcaing e ohlnneYal oto, rast be . conaletad. ilo wnk i,e to be con- ,.9e;!e! ungt| this inapafiien raatbcen ffide anil aitprciild, >i )I )ma Tc,s lot fl r Phore:43 I zip: Gcneral Plurnbi nica liJ,ec Er Srr Iilec t- r c lil l') BUI'rclt Sanilary eeo* capped at ptoperty Line Septtc tank y.oryed ad filled uith gr;tel Final - Mren abcve itqns are cupletcd and uhen donolition ie oanplete ot ottttc- ture wved otd pnenises cleaneC up. Blooking and Set'uP Plwbing connections " satev and, oaler Electrical Ccnneotion - Blooking, eet-up -intt otwnbinq conneotione nrtst be appnor;ed befirc reqieeting eleclrtcal inspecliott Acceesory BuilCittg Pinal - tlftet pcrchea, skirting, decks, eto. a?e conPleted. FINAL ELECINICAL IN,T, I.'ANIICLC{; AND CT,EfiNOU'I'S TIII!:'I N': ACCESCI Itt,E, ADJUS'.I',ltt:ttT T0 RIi tt.4qti tlT NO C)ST r0 cI'lY Pelte ! of il V ,ourr" o*n I n u I I li JOB NO SOLAR rt G' Gro ES S REQ.- L-co -P.L., ffi4 Neat % cf Lob Ccoetage. rct rvPE Interiot Cornet Panlandt'e Cul-de-eac I of Stories ToPograPhY xF?C Cc?ace Carpot't Accessofit TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Date Paid and use of buildings, and naA \e auapended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of dny prooieione of eaid ordinancea. ,t tion permt L" in ci,ty of tructicn reepeate. including a ta tImreP&eIUVclIdItUBng constntctlrcsalatlwttionoonditheonerpresstL8Thiegrantedthetedtothelrdi,nanceLalslal adop tivconform the ccnsCvdinance,thefield,Spring,negulating?oning Build.ing Pendt ?otal Clangea State Receipt il: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall conattact, inatal'!,, alter or clnnge cnlJ nel cn etistingptmbing or drainage oyltan in uhole or in part, unlees auch peraon ie the Legal poaeesson of a ualid plwrber,te License, e$cept that a pe"son may doptwbing uork to property uhtch ia outned, Leased oy operated by the appLi- cdnt. NO,FEE CIIARCE * ITEM Ftbturee Reeid,enti^a,L (1 bath) Sewen Plwbing Pemit State 7 Electricol Permit Vhene State tant nequiree that the electrical uonk be done by an Electnical Contnactor,, the electrical portion of thi.s permit ehall not be ualiC untilthe label has been aigned by the Electrical Contractor. t ,t ll au/ Extend, Ci,tcui t s Sentice Stcte ?otal -. ENCROACHMENT .. CIIARCE a Mechqnicol Permit Ezhanet, llood, lladatoue Vent Fot Permit ldau@oa Neehanical Pemit fpqryty Depoeit Storage t'bintenance Pcrmit Cutbcut Sidanlk .4ence Electrical la.bet tlobila llone PLat Eraniner.DAte t f ilAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tle completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL informatton hereon ia tnue and. correct,.aru| f further eettifg that any ard aLL uork perforned alall be done in accot - dance rtith the 2tdinancee of the City of Springfield, atd the Ia,ts of the State of 0regon pentaining to the uprk Ceacribcd henein, cnd tlat N0 )CCU- PANCy titl be rmde of any atruotute uithout permisaion of the Building Di-oision. I furthen certtfy that otly cont"acto"e and enplcyee* uho are in canpliance dith 1RS 701.05s ui.LL be uaed on thie ptoject q Signed taL Date frorth valuerqFMI ILk ;-n Plan Check ?ee: { ITSM NC.FSE htnace P:Tll'S State Swchatae Total Claroea ,rr/r,tAf tuhrti,o nilr.. a