HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-04-01RURAL ADDRESSING c H EC h-D l,'lAR 2 7 GYG ' a-7 Rf LK 3^ 27 L ane - County Ari ihotl-iffiion for, Ga ra oenstructi on encl osure caroort to a T\CWN-SHI P 17 FANGE 02 19. 3.4 400 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application/ Permit *? o o.t6 USE OF PROPERTY Re s idential Commercial [-l rndustr:-aI fleuuricVIapprLOTIpARCTELBLOCK I,OCATION ADDRESS 25.l5 N. 3lst, STI].EET L-I?Y ZLP Springfi eld 97477 STRUCTURES -cuRnsurr-v oN PRoPERTY SFD DIRECTIONS TO SITTJ Il05 to Mohawk exit, L on Mohawk, R onto Marcola Rd.1/2 mi then L onto N3lst, 1/2 mi on right side.20 Y I DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED _ BE SPECIFIC = OF BEDROOI4S # oF SToRIES # OF E},IPLOYEES WATER S LY Proposed Existi O;iNER'S NAI',IE AND ADDRESS SChIARTZ, David T. TELEPHONE NUMBER 143 747 1182 CONTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR #TELEPHONE NWBER TT]I,!:PHONE NUMBER I HAVE CAREEULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLTCATION !-OR pERMlT, and ,lo hereby certify t-hat all infomation hereon is true and correct' and that r have the following legal interest in the property,ffitornu. of record; Icontrau!. prrrchaserif]authorizetl agent. r f:rther certify that any and all work perfomed "h.t:. u" done in accordance with thc ordrnances of lane cowty and the Laws of the state of oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY witt be nade of arii st-ructure without !h:-!.Ti""i:".of^the Building Division. f fur- iher certity that registration with the Builtter's Board is in full force and effect as required by oRs 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors ad emproyees who ale in compliance with oRs 701.055 will be Ged on this Ploject- r HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. >a 3-26-86 DATE YOUR AUTHORIZATION IIAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Date: rnstallation Record rssued? [ v." f w" Use /L)JE:CTIoArs 4 -/ -AG 2,pDaLe: & I ,m, COIII.IENTS Date front c L,s idecL, -zA-r\e B. P. #SANITATION: s. I. * R RE.QU IR READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY orn")L Parcel size COT{IENTS: I4aximum Depth of Trenches Lineal Eeet of Drainfield Ga1lon Tank Installation Specifications : I plaus EXAMTNATToN: coMlrENrS: Cntt interror I ,"r"Gf llA Partition #- Parcer *.PLANNING,/ZONING : Minimum Setbacks:rear I ht U -/ -8G PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING oFFICIAL,/DESIGNEE (Der oRs 456 I DATE LANE COUNTY DEPABTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT OIVISION,687.4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATION ct4-.25 R* TAX LOT I lour oFSECTION 484 2lsame SETBiTCKS AND OTHER CO:iDITIo:JS OF APPROT.TAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OF T:lIS PERI1IT, CITATIO:J UNDSR PROVISIONS OF LANE COU:;TY'; INFRACTION ORDINAN\CE, AND/OR OTHER REIIEDIES ALLOHED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR INSPICTION, CALL 68?-1065. A MINI}IU}I OF AT LEAST 24 I]OURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- TION REQUIISTS I1UST BE GIVEN. Have the following information ready: permj.t number, job address. type of inspectron, when.it wiIl be ready, your name and phone nunber, and any special directj-ons to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED TITSPECTIONS : 1". Foundation Inspection: naterials for the founda plant (comonly termed " To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aIItj.on are deLivered on the job. l{here concrete from a central mixingtransj-t nixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. and rough Concrete Slab or Under-i1oor Inspection: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor buildingE-ervi.c*ql-ipmot, uauit, pfling eaEEssories, and other ancillaly equipment items are in PLace but before any concxete is poured or floor sheathj-ng installed, inttuainq the subfloor. =..}!9 & rnsulalion rnsj!g!!gl:: To be made afte! the roof, all franing, fire blocking,bracing are in prrc affil-I- p-i!es, f .ireplaces, chinneys, and vents are 6omprete and alielectrlcal and plumbing are approved. AIL wal1 rnsulation and vapor barrier are in pl-ace 4. Lath and/or GyPsun Board lnspection: To be made after all Iathing and qypsum board, interior 5nileiF*Ior, 1s-in-pTrce-Eut-EEEue any plastering is applied .^a uetoi!- gypsm board joinrsand fasteners are taped and finished. 5. FinaI Inspection: To be made after the buil"ding j.s conpl-ete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shalL be done on any part of the building or 6tructure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the ipproval of the uuitalng oificialsuch aPproval- sha11 be given cnly after an inspection shall have been made of each.r"c"".r.ie stepin the construction as indj-cated by each of the inspections lequired. NoTE: A11 building oermi-ts require inspect.ions for the work authorized, such as but not linited to: A. Block l"Jall: To be maCe after reinforcing is 1n p1ace, but before any grout is poured. ThisIit--pectT6i" is required for each bond bean pour. rhere will be no approval until the plumbingand electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. hrood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when instal-lation iscom.pletq fnstallation shalI be -in accordance with an approvea, nationally recognized testingagency and the manufacturerrs installation instructions. C. Mobile Hone: An lnspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approveds@ o7--E-eptic system for setbacli requirenents, blocking, footing connectj-on, tiebtwns,skirting, and plubing connections. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or asrecomended by the manufacturer. Iobi-le home minimum finish floor elevation shalI be certified when required by a flood-plain managenent letter. uob.ile home t-iedowns, when required, and skirting shaLl be installed and ready for inspectaon within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shaLl be installedper enclosure. D. Swiming Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete i.s poured. Above gradewlen prcl ls installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURIN*G WORNING HOURS. THIS PERIIrT WILL EXPIREIF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN lBO DAYS, OR IF T4ORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }1ORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPBNSION OR REVOCATION i'1AY OCCUR IF THIS PER.TIIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORTUATION. ANYONE PROCEEDIhIG PAST THE POII.]T OT REQUIRED TNSPECTIONS I,IILL Do so Aa THEIR oWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNAT]VE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1. Permlts shaLl be effectrve for one year from the date of issuance. 2. upon completing the consttuction fo! which a permi-t has been issued, the permit holder shalInotify the Lane County Department of Planning and Comunity DeveLopnent by submitting theinstallation record form. The Department shal1 inspect the construction Lo detcrmin; if i.tcomplies with the rules contained in this Civisj.on. If the construction does comply with suchrules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completj.on to the-permiti holderIf the co.struction does not comply uith such ruIes, the Depar-tment shaII notify t-he permitholder and sha11 requlre satisfactory conpletion before issuing the certificate. pailure tomeet the requirements for satisfactory completlon wrthin a reasonable time const.i.tutes a vio-lation of ORS 454.605 to 454.145 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal Septic Tank Drainfleld I 2 3 lnterior property lines ECae oi road rrqit-of-way BurLdinq ioundation iiieIls, other Hater sources r0' 10 | 50' 10, 1.0 , t0' 100, TRS/TAXL0T OI^JNER ApPLrcATroN # 7oo -ttCo APPL I CANT ( rF DiFFE JOB ADDRESS VALUATION REVISED PRIORt.l Dep. 0n1y UK"runa[ ] Amt. Duec5ti t on Correcti on 44a ADP I c.o 4,4o =7 B1dg. I nves t/o ,20 I Fee 3r4s'G 44.sa .So Z.c5o lo. oo @ 25. oo B5,cso @ 1 1o.Z I 136,+? (AMT. PArD) (AMT.+ffi) Mech. Pl mb. Fixtures SI,JR FThITR-FT RAIJ{ -FT PCK Surch a rge Si dewa I k F1 dp1 n SDS DEq Other zE.a? 3u. z.L { - z. ao-Jt.Ze z_zqre TOIAL REVISIONS CALCULATED BY: DATE:4-/- 8Q., PHONE 16.oo kh Zo,zG a ------:--------------- bne caJ/my ACTIVITh INFORMATION SH. :T COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! ilt' - I ROPE NER I MAI LING ADDRES S l7 7 C TE Z /t //ffi LE E BUS I NESS LEPH rNE #rOME TELEPHONE 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT F LIN D MBEFI ( from tax maps i n Department of Assessmen'or from tax stalement) /A 11,3-1 4 q-ffiffi t and Taxation 3 MAP 6i PAFICEL NU ( REQUIRED INFoRPIATI0N) Nf\ I 1 rte ,t( TOilN-SMTF N MINSETP NA_NGE SEETMN TOINS_H-TF MNGE SEETIOII Ttrx lor(s) oR PARCE L#ZONING IAX LoT(s) oR PARCE L#70N-IXtr- ACRES TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OI^INERSHIP: LOT BLOCK 4 SUBDIVISI0N ( if aPPl icable) 5 REQUEST (::tate exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRE CTIONS TO SiTE: r ** FOR ST AFF U SE ONLY **NUMBER DATE -{7lt1 -{ l- ZONE/L AND USE: BY : - DATE:-TII4E IN i- OUT:- LANTJ MANAGEMENT DiVISION I 125 E' Bth AVE' ' EUGENE' OR 97401 / 687-406I s7- I ,]