HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-03-20.. RESID=NTIAL.. APP L I C A1\41/ / P E R I,! I T 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, Ot,egon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 SPFIINIGFIEL.D- Date Plurnbing eJob Locaticn:57 Aesessote Map #?cs Lot #264 svbdiuision: O.tner: Address:Phote /ep Ttro Dna Dftz;7,)Atpa*e/fu< Descz4be Hork:n Nan Date of App Lieatian 3-'Za^fO vatue Z'-ZOO- -> i.lobi Additicn RqnoCeL General Pc.ge 1 of 2 l,Iechanical Supe SITE INSPEC?I1N: To be rrude aftet ezcauation, but prtor to eet up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEC?RICAL & WCH4-ilICAL: ?o be made before anywtk is eaered. POO?ING & F)aNDATICN: ?o be naCe;FaW*s ate eecaated and forns are eyected, but p"io? to pout-tng ccnerete. 7 u tsogRcpoutto pLuttrlt gr__ggw!._wA!!&J lir4 trenchee, V utomrr,ooR zLUIETNG & MEclrANrcAL:ttof floor insul,ation or decking. tri.ca Elec tr c ]-an POST AND BEAM: ?o be made pr.iot, toinstallaticn of floot, insu Lation ot deckittg. PIIIAL PLUI4BIIIG PIIIAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL tr -]i;1 DRyt'tALL INSPECII1N: Tc be madelry ;fterzn@;L-is in ptace, - but prior to any taping. Iour City Deeigr.ated Job Nwnbez, Is INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPEC?IOII : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ad. requ'lred oapor burie?s @e in place but before ang lath, Wpsutn baarC or tnLL eouering is applied, and. before any ircul,ation is concealed. DEt.t)LrTI)tl 0R !.iowi BU. Sanitary setser eapped at ptoperQl Lite Septic tork ptrryed and. filled tith gra;;el I^t ie the respoaaibi-lily of tlo penrit holler b aee tlnt aLL inapections oe nade at the proper tine, that each addrees ia rsa?,a'-i" ty--t!y atreet,. and tlat the-petnrit-casL ie lacated at the frcni of tle Wope"t7.tauildi.w Noicipn apprw^ed plan slc.Ll z,emain on the Bunlding stte 'at aLL' tikes.- PPocgDUPE-Fo4 IltSPEc?IOll-El-qWSTtCnU726-3769(record.et) strlte !ou? City designated. job ntmbet,, job aCiteas, type of inspeelicntequested and. uhen you uiLL be ready fo_r'ittspection, contrdctats o-? atners nane -and phoie rutnber.' -Requests "eZ"LirZa bZpye'Z:00 cnt'LLL be rmde the eanre dcy, "equesta made aftet 7:00 @n vtLL be rmde the nert wtki$ d,ay. Final - l{hen abcue itens a?e ecnoleted and uhen Catpliti,on ie canplete bt s*tie- tuz,e mooed and. prertees cleaneC up. LIAS1NRI: Steel Locatton, bond beans, grouting or oerti,cals in aceord.otce tith U.B.C. Section 2415. l,lO0DST0t/E: After inatallation is arnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APP.)N: After formsee erecteC but prior to pourtng concrete. SfDEilALK & DRfT"WAI: Eor aLL eqn- crete pauittg uithin street right-of-tey, to be naCe after all ecca- lsating carplete & forn wrk & sttb- fu.se nw.terial in place. Mobi Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plurnbing connectione -- saier otd. uater Pitnl - After etc, ate e.cnp pcrekee 1^L^) skirting, deeks, ROUGH PLU,EII'IG. ELEORICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No aork is to be co.^et,ed utztil these inspections haoe been mad.e and. cppt'oueC. FfP.EPLACE: Prior to plceirg facingnaterLals ard befote franing inspec- tion. FRA|NG: lhtst be requeeted after appzotnt of rough plutnbing, ilectri-cal & mechanical. AL! roofing bracittg E ehinmeys, etc. rntst be conpleted, Ito ucrk is to be con- . cealed untiL this inspeetion las'been rrud,e anC approoed. Electrical Ccmneeti.on - Bloeking, eet-up and plwnbing connections m;st be appr*ed. before tequeeting eleclrical inspeeliot Aecegsory* Buildnrq IENCE: gates When conplete -- fuotsiCe or motsable sections thraagh rI I P.A.E. ALL projeet conditions, sucl'. as the i.nstaLlation of street trees, cot:tpletion of t;E z'equired Landsccpit:g, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FIITAL can be requeated. /;\ PINAL BUTLDING: The Final Building fnepection mtst be requested after the linal Ptunbing \ r/ Electrical, otd Mee?wical Inspections h@)e been made ard approoad. *ALL \LANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIE\IT fO BE LIIDE t1.T ll0 CCST T0 CI?y TI ?p?jz./ Reeeipt # /Z-3 >/ u tr JOB NO. Zone: Iat Sq. Etg. % ci Lct Cottelage # of StorLes Total Height Topogruphy Building Perwtt State Total Clw,ges ?otaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- )qatpgney Qrt _ fntericr _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac L-co c BeC-t oons : Lot Faces -Sounce,s eat Range Lace toxe Building Vqlue & Permit This penntt is granted on the enpt'ess condition tlnt the said-eonsttaction shall', tn all rbspeets, confcrn 1o the crdinance adopted 6ly the City 9f Sprirq field, inc Luding the -Zoning CYdinanc e, r eguLatittg the ccns ttwc ticn &d use of buildings, azd mag be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cTtU time upon oic- T.ation of mA prcoisions of sai.d )t'dirances. t:y'a74 fi qary l,4z zYouf 7 fi<<-"rtu7= /S7z,/' l="-e- I HAW CAREFULLY EXLUTNED the eonpleted application for perrnit, and. do lereby certify tLut aLL infotnation hereon is true and. eot, ect, and f furthet' certifg that any ard aLL uork perfozned sLaLL be done in aceor- dance '"rith the )rdinences of the City of Spfingfield, anC the La:;s of the* State of Aregcn pez,taining to the wrk Cescribed herein, cnd tltat N0 1CCU- P!.Ncy tlill be rmde of any structute ttthout permiseion of the Suilding DL- rsision. I further certify that otly eontractors and enplcyeee aho are in eonpliance uith cRS 701.05s uiLL be used on this proiect .;,,r),2 Date DT House Ca?aae Aceess North East ltlSouth tlest ll IYEI4 SQ. FYG x Value Win Ceaae Carpcrt Aeeessoru 2/z>1,,-+rhnDn ee,.t > TO?AL VALUE ?&s> {.a= Plumbing Permit No pe?eon slnll consttuct, instalT-, alter ot clnnge anA nea cr existi-ng plwrbing or dtainage sAstql in u|ole or in part' unless such pet'son is the legal pbssessor of a oalid plwrbet's L'Lcense' e&eept that a pe"son nay do pltnbing uork to p"apetty uhich is otmed, Leased or openated by the dppli.- ecnt. Electricol Permit Whet,e State tat requites th.at the electt'Lcal uonk be done by an Elecf i,eal Contracto?, the electrtcal portion of this pernit stull not be oalil until the Label lae been signed by the Eleea"[cal Contracto!. L Pentrit FEE NO a Sani Seuer Date Paid: Signed: Receipt # fiEM Fi*tutes Resid.zntial (1 bath) Plwnbing Pernrit State ?ctal Nau/Eztend. Cirartts Sensiee State ?otal -- EIICROACEMEN? .- I LL CHARCE 4 Mechq nicol Permit bhanat HooC I,lcodstote Vent Fot PermLt fssustee MeclnniceL Petmtt Sec,tritg Depoait Storage Maintenance Perwtt Cutbat! - Sida,talk lence Eleetrieal Label Mobile Honte TOTAL AI4OU\|T DUE: *draz"6 Signed Zo rt99o Firep /zayD/.4f1fittffif /-?zI