HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1993-02-09CITY OF OREGO'U SPFlING.FIELO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS M ETROPO LITA N WASTEWATE R M A N AGE ME NT 225 FtFri S-i;i; SPR|NGFIELD OB 97;;7 t503i 720-3;5.1 FebruarY 9, 1993 Louis E. and Pearl A. Miller 231 N. 44th Street Springfield, 0regon, 97478 RE:SANITARYSEVERDEFICIENCYAT23lN'44TBSTREET'SPRINGFIELD'OREGON Dear Mr. and Mrs. Miller: In conjunction r.'ith the construction of the metropolitan I'astevater treatment olant and subsequent improveme";;-i; ip.ingti"ld's sanitary sever systems' the Eiil..,,;:; ;i;;-;;;re ceitain '"fii'" tL be-made to pri'"'ate sanitarv sever ;;;1";;. There-;;; tvo primary reasons for this action: 1) Many defects exist in the private sever system vhich allov storm vater to enrer the sanitary sever. As a i"iuit, millitns-of gaffons of vater that should not be entering the sanitary sever must be treated ai a great expense to the users of this facilitY' 2)Manyoftheproblemsthatexistintheprivatesanitaryseversystemare rear or potential';";ifi ;;;;r;.. Broken sever laterals not only ?11?Y-:::tT- vater to enter the sanitary sevlr, Lut they also allov rav sevage to escape lnto the ground. ln-"aaiiion, iault;-i";;;.oi ht"in vents mav also a1Iov toxic or expl6sive sever gases to enter into building' Recently, several segments of the city's sanitary sevel.system vere smoke tested to locate potential problen areas. Tire tests on specific segments of the City's sever system, "iro-rlr"a1ed thai the private sanitiry sever and/or plumbing drainage system ierving youf-piop"iiy'contains defects' The defect(s) are listed in the attachment. pf"."!-noi"-ift"t, depending.on the type of defect' it is not alvays possible to "p""ii; i;;-J;"i'a.tl"t or its exact location' For example, vhereai-imot<e testing r'"V-ir."" indicated a leak in the sever lateral' there may be r"r"i"i "auses f6t"iire leak. There may-also be-several defects in the same sever li;e. In these cases, although ve vilI be able to suggest a probable cause and location, ."i-otilt-"t ',If' other information as ve have available, it vill be up to you-(;;-; contractor hired by you) to locate and correct the deficiencies' Please contact Ralph Shav of this office as soon as possible regarding this matter. Mr, Shav is assignea to-the-progr", tnd vili assist you in locating and identifying plumbing defects.. -ie vili also t"spond. to your inspection requests as repair or replacement.yg.I P;;g;;;;"t.- rf ui' Shav -has not been contacted by you "ithin 30 dlys, he vi11 initiate contact' Ifyouhaveanyquestionsaboutthismatter'pleasecontactRalphshavbetveen the hours ot elq]oo a',' or 4-5:00 p'm' at 726-3665' SincerelY, d.i Q.*,rt{Lrr Puent \ Services Manager L David J. Communi tY ADDRESS | 23L No 44th Street REFERENCE NUI'IBER: 17023231 INSPECTION DATE: October 21,1992 TAx LOT:01600 DESCRIPTION OF DEFECT: During the smoke testinsystem, ground smoke appeared by the north sidarea between the fence and house, which wouldsewer line in that area. g of the e of the i ndi cate sanitary sewerhouse in the gardena broken section of corrective action may require some excavation and the replacement of ashort section of sewer pipe in in this area. rN(1a ) z/ra /?3 13 L( S+coP C*ll ,/tsl 614€q:4s Prn'/* l*olo LoLuu- l'*ok o0o 5 z/n ( &"-"**.-ftl-ezo- 6k F t"o ( -