HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Sewer Connection Record 1966-09-13C I TY OF SPR { NGF'i ELD
840 Nortl'r Tttr Stneet
To the. 0ceupant of:
- ^68 South -35th-Ja1:oetSpf i"gf ield, 0rt'qs"
city eode, chapter ! 1, Art!e le 10, section l, requires that
a I I pers,lns mts in ta ir: ing pr i r,t'rri: ing upLlil prLrperty "ry!9Pe _nearest
bournhny lirre is withiR t'':rc ht.indied;;no t\,/enty (l?0) feet of a
publ iC sewen lai-eral rnur;I ,:Onneet to :;aicl Sek/ei- latenal.
At the date of thi:i rinr ice we f ind that Rc) connection for
the above addne ss has t.rei:'t n";:de to the ner,vly aaeepted SeWer
I ate na I se rv i ng you r a o't',a ,
You are herebv !lrvr:r: thiriY {:03 days fronn the date of this
not rce to obtain a"servei- tap pel-nnit ;:nd tcl c;onnee t to the Sewer.
ln t['le event that you are not the property
notif;r this of,f ice, eitrre'- by phone.or mail,,9i
and address of ti'le prese:.,I oiunen" {Phonc"t 7l*6-
v ir"rg
167 4)
r, p lease
us the name
Furtherrnore, if VoiJ hdve seei;ned a sewer perrnit Prior tO
rece ipI of t-his noE ice, p iease d isregand th is r:rden,
D a t ed : ___sept-__I3Jg66-__
Yours trulY,
Josepr: [. Rec.ves, JF.
Dineetor of' Bullding & Zoning
JF',R/ j j