HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-11-04" RESID=".lTlAL" APPLTCATI)N/PERMIT 225 Noyth ith Street SprLngfield, ?regon 97477 Building Dttsision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFTELD F CC Date: Plwnbi.ng ,L l4echanieaL Constntction Lend.er Reouired I-t is lhe rceponcibi-Lil! of -the petnrit lo74a. to see ttnt aLL inapeetiotts ee nade at tle prope? tine, that ecch a4,lneas ,i,s vsarqhigfran thc at?eet' and that the petmit card, ie Located at the froni of the Drooerat.*Building bisiciott cpptoted plan slu.Ll vemain on tlp Bunlding site'at aLL' tihes." PROCEDUPE=F1n I\SPECTI1N,ll-9yESf;CALL726-3769 (recotder) state yout, City desigrnted iob nwnber,, job aCi.tess, tgpe of inspeelicnteQueated ed uhen gou triLl be ready fot inspeetion, Contraetoo" oi asnets naneLnd piane ntnber. -aequists re"eli:Za bZfq"'7:00 crtrtLl be ttade the sone dcg, ?equests mcde after ?:00 on urLLL be nnd.e the nect unrking'd.ay. Iou"r, City Desigr,ated Job Ntmbey fs: JobLocaticnt 12?4 A?'s/>7 57 ^o2-Aesessors Map #Tc,z Iot # Q*B O Subdioision: A Amer Addz,ess:Phone: -0h:*st Date of appliootion E'?7- 82 Descz,ibe htotk: Un Value Additicn RenoCel Contractot's Address L,, Genetal Page 1 of 2 SIIE INSLECTI)N: To be nnde after*caoation, but prior tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & MECHA-ilfCAL: To be nade before any .t'toyk ie cooet,ed, L1grING & FOUNDATION: ?o be nnCe @e!&et6e/tct;;-ateeccaoatedattd forns ate erected" but pz,iot, to pourtng ecncrete. UIIDERGROUIID PLUMBTNG. S!WEP,. WATER. DRAIIIAGE: To be made pnior to fil-7@-6-enettee. ATIDERFLOOR PLUT{BING & MECI]ANTCAL : To be mad.e pnion to installation of floor insul,ation or decking. !O$L y4ND BEAM: To be nade priot toffif,dof floot' insu'l;tion or decking. ROUGH PLA4BilIG, ELECTRTCAL & I,IECH: ANfCAL: No uotk is to be cotered mt-LL these inspections Tnue been nade and approoeC. TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IT\SPTCTIQN:DEI.IOLTTIOTI OR !;OWD m M m I E 7o be made after aLL insulaticn ed. required oqor burie?s @e in placebrt before any lath, Wpstan bcazC or tnLL couering is appli.ed, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRYTIALL TNSPEC?fON: Ic be rm.deafter aLL &gaall i-s in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRL: Steel Location, bond beons, gz,outirtg or oerticals in accordotce tLth U,B.C. Section 241 5. VOODST1W: After installation is cctnpleted. QURP & AI|PROACH APPON:After forns ' pouringee erecteC but prior to eonerete. SfDWALK & DRI'"rEllAY: For aLL eon- erete paoing ttthin st?eet right- of-ony, to be male after aLL esca- uating conplete & forn tsotk & sub- base natertal in plaee. Sanitaty seuet eapped ct propettg Lire Septic totk puzped ard fi.Lled tith gz,avel Final - kOen abcoe itens at,e eanpleted and uhen Cetnclition is eonplete o" st?uc- tuye moued and. pnenrLses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcmes Bloeking od. Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aaoe? and. ualet Electrical Connection - Bloeking, eet-up and plunbing conneeti.ons tnist be apptcaed before nequesting electytcal inspectiolt Aecessory Bui.Lding FT.OEPLACE: ,rrat;AaG Prton to placirg and before ft,aning facing lnspee- Pitnl - After etc. are ecrnp pcrckes, skirting, decks, Le'ued. tion. PRA|.,!ING: l"lttst be requested aftet, approual of rough plunbing, electz,i-cal & neclwnical. AL! noofing bractng & chimneys, etc. rrust be . eonrpleted. lto ucrk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspectLon las'been nade anC appz,o"*ed. FilAL PLUABINC FINAL AECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL UICE: hrhen conplete -- ProoiCe gates ot, nooabLe sectians thtough P, A.E. ALL pttoject conditions, such ae the i.nstalT.ation of street trees, corpletion of the required Landsccping, etc., mtst be eatisfied befote the BUILDING FfNAL can be tequested. ilNAL BUTLDIN7: The Final Buildi-ttg Inspection rnrct be tequested aftet the Fi.nal Plunbing Eleetrieal, and Meclnnieal fnspeetions hatse been made atd approoeC. *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I'IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEI\T TO BE WDE TT NO CCST TO CI?Y zip: 3 7? >8 l7 oourrn ro n aeee.:ptt /aL/92:-I tege z L-co dJOB NO Int Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooerage # of Stories Total Height Topogrqhy Building Perwit State ?otal Charges TotaL SOLAR A.C.CESS REQ.- Gr LOT TWE _ Interiot _ Cor.ne? _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac -- Fees -- qnl use of buiLdirqs, and mag be T.ation of @tA prcoisions of said Bedroons: or reuokeC at cn! time upon oic- This permLt ts granted Building Volue & Permit on the erpress condition tlat the said-consttwction , eonforn to the Ordinance adopted ?iy the City of the -Zoning Cvdi,nance, reguLating the ccnstructicn slnLl, in aLL Springfield, i reapeets .neTuding suspended 2rdir,ances Date Paid #: Signed: f HAW CAREEULLY EXAILINED the cornpleted application for pernit, cttd. do lereby certify tlnt aLL inforrnation heteon is true and eorrect, ard I furtket, eertify that any ard aLL aork perfotned sha.Ll be done in aecor- dance rrith the )rdinances of the City of Springfield, and. the Laxe of the State of 1regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, otd lltat No )CCa- PANCY tlill be nwd.e of any $t"uetu?e tithout pernission of the Building N-oision. I further certify that otly contractors ad eapLcyees uho ote in canpliance dith 1RS 70L.055 ui.LL be used on this project 1 Aecess st Df House Faces - ITEM x Value tlain Csaae Canoort Aceessot u fuzzz:2,.s EZ,7ftn TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 s fa Plumbing Perrnit No person slall constmtet, instalT-, alter or elange cnA ned cr etisting plwnbing or drainage s7stqlt in alale or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plutnber's L'icense, eceept that a pe"son mag do plwnbing uork to prope?ty uhich is omed, Leased or operated by the appli- edatt. /5 27 NO FEE CHARGEfiEM Fi.stut,es Residenti.a.L (1 bath) Sazzi Sa'ser 6e -z\ Pltanbing Perrrit State Total ITEM NO FEE CHARGE Res. Sa. fta .=2 Na,t/Eotend Cit'cuits Serwice Electricol Permit Whez,e State Lau requires th,at the electrieal uork be done by an Electtical Contz,aetor, the electyieal portion of this permit slnll rot be oali,C until the Label lns been signed by the Electr-ical Contractor. Permii & Iotal ITlM FEE CHARCE Mechqnicol Permit blnnet EooC Ilcodstoite Vent Fot Petmit fssustee Meclnniecl Pettntt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sectrity Deposit Storage Maintenance Ctttbcut Sida,talk ?ence IabeL 24 Mobile Hqne A d{€ *-VU?2s*1,2u ?OTAL AI'IOUNT DUE: *8z.a/Signed Date >Btz.a-Z s4.. P|-an Che-ek Fe.e: q- f = F //-ve Dat2