HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1987-10-21Reee"Jpt #3qo.. RESI* -NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERI/LIT 225 North Sth Sbreet SprLngfieLd, 2r'egon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPIIINGFIEI-D DIL L ufi q6) I \\\ a, 1 Signed:;!rc- Date: /O --9--/ &7 GeneraL Coagjructton_leder Remti-rei Tn snaoxi-an s It is the rceponcibilitg of tle pezmit hod* b aee that all inapectiotts ee nade at the Enope" tine, that ecch cddrees is nealabie fivtt the atreet, and, that the penrtt cal ie Located at the f$nt of the property.*Buitding Diuicton apprw^ed plan slcll remain on thz Bunlding Sitc'at aLL' ti-hes-- PROCIDUPE EOn INSP4CII1N R\1WST:CALL726-3769(recotder) state Aou" City desigated job nwibe?, iob aCdtess, type of i.nspeclicn tequested anduhen you uiLL be readg for inspection, Conttactoz,s or A,ners nane and pltone mtnber. P.equests receitedbefcre 7:00 c,:l t""iLL be nade the eane dcy, "equests nade afte.t ?:00 on tiLL be nnde the neat cotking day. _87e8b1Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Numbey Is: t"// N 3/ .9.rob Locaticn: Aesessors Map # I 7- O Z - 7 O - 7 - 4-rc.tlot#0+O0O svbdioision: ZeL F ENRLC{ Addtess: I3a{o N 3D Phone: 1)(c 0s& e Otmet:+ Str rincr$ e IJ q74 1pCity:LLl. <,!;,r t, l' \ r/ I { @(r oI \'1Date of L Er Additicn fr.rt-! Prt Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPEC?I?N: To be made after etcantation, but pt iot, tc set up of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELSC?RICAL & WCHAIIICAL: Io be made befoz,e angtlotk is cotlet,ed. FOO?ING & F)UNDA?ICN: Io be tnaCe @6ffis ax'e ezcaated attd. forns are etected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. aNDlRGROltltp pLaM?rNG, f;xl4lEE, tnAIER, IyEUlAlroN lvAloR B41!11:ER fiiSPEC?roN : Io be made after aLL insulaticn a.td. required oapor borie?s @e in plaee but befoz,e oty La.th, Wpsun boatC ot, w.LL cotseting i.s applied, and. before oty iwulation is concealed. DRYWALL TNSPECTT)N: Ic be made after aLL drguall is in plaee, but ptior to ang taping. ITIAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in aceordatee LlLth U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: @ttpTeted. After irntallation is CURB & APPR)ACH APPON: After fonns@e evecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SIDEI,IALK & DRfWilAI: For aLL con-c"etenau@Alffi street right- of-teA, to be nade aften all e*ca- oating corplete & forn w?k & sub- base naterLal in place. OR IIOWD BUILDI|ICS Sanitatg serser captped at Woperfui Lire Septic totk ya-,ped ad fi.Lled tith gzatel linal - h4ten abcoe itens are ccrnpleted and uhen Cetnalition is canplete or stntc- tute mooed od. pretrLses cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaue! otd, oatet Eleetrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uD and plwnbing eonnections rrust be apprcted before requesting eleclrLcal inspection Aceessory* BuiLding Pi.nal - After pcrekes, skitting, decl<s,etc. an,e c.anpleted. - T@Eenehee. ANDERELOOR PLUMBING & IiECIIANICAL : o7 floon ineulation or decking. POS! AlP BEAM: To be nade prLor toGi&T&6{of floor insu'htion or deckirtg. ROAGH PLU,IBING. ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANfCAL: No uotk is to be co"^eyed -_- wtil these inspections haue been mad.e and. approueC. ETPEPLACE: Pr.Lor to placirg facingma_terials and before fruning inspee- tion. FRAL'IING: I4uet be requested after approual of rough plwnbing, electni- eal & nec?nnieal. ALL roofing btacittg & ehittmeys, etc. rntst be conpleted. Ito wrk is to be con- 'cealed until thi.s inspection lus'been mode anC approt:ed. FTUAL PLUUAIIIG FINAL MECHAIIICAL FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL ?ENCE: Wen eonplete -- ProuiCe gates or notsable sections thnough P.a.E. fl tr ALL projeet conditione, suek as the instaLlation of street trees, conpletion of tie required Landscaping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIN1: The Final Building Inspection rnnt be requested after the Final PlumbingEleetrical, and Meclnx.ical fnspections haue been made ard-apptooeC. *ALL IiANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S I'IUS? BE ACCESSLBLE, ADJUSTI.1ENI IO BE 1L4DE /1.T IIO CCST fO CIy I tr { I r5 Z JOB NO. Building Pe;,wit State ?otal Chotges ?otaL soLAR A',-'ESS REQ.-L-co d Bedroons Ileat laee toxe -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is granted on the etp?ess eondition that the said constractions-ltall, in all _r.espects, conform to the 0rdinance adopte,T 6iy the City ofSpringfield, includtng the Zoning Cydinance, negulating thb ccnstruZtibn and. .use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC it e4 time upon oic-Lation of any prctsisions of Zaid Otdinances, * ,( Reeeipt # Plazt Esaniner oaxe f HAW CAREFULL| EXAUINE; t?e completed. applt.cation for petnit, and do hereby certify that aLL infolrnation hereon is tmte and cotreet, and f fut'ther certify that ang ard. aLL uork perfotned s?nLL be done in accor- dance ttith the 2tdinances of the City of Spti-ngfield, and the Lae of the State of )regcnlpe?taining to the uoz,k Cesetibed herein, end tlat N0 OCCU- PANCy urLlL be nad.e of anA st?uctu"e uithout permission of the Building DL-oision. f further certify that only contractors ad, mplcyees uho are in eanpliance dith ORS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this ptoject * Lot Faces - DT House Aceess Int Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooeraga # of Stories ?otal Eeight ?opography ID! ?WE _ Interiot _ Cor.ne? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac I?EM F?G x Value ?O?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 s Date Paid: No- person shall consttuet, instal!, alter or change anA nel ct eristing qlwnb_ing or dl,ainage sAstqTt in uhole or in patt, inlesi such pez,son is- tle Legal -poseessor of a oalid plurnbe!,s Licens-e, escept that a pZtsonnag dopltmbing uork to prope"ty uhich is otmed, Leaeed oi operatei by the oppli-caflt. Electricql Permit Where State Lan requiree tlat the electrical uork be done by an Eleetz,ical Contractot,, the electr.Lcal portion of this permit slnll not be ualil untilthe Label \ne been signed by the EleetrLcal Contracto?. ?otal Signed NO.FEE OTlAIlGL * Fi.ztutes Residenti,al (1 bath) Sati Seuer Plunbing Pernit Na,t/Eatend. Circuits Sertsice Plumbing Permit IT9M NC FEE CIlARCE Mechonicol Permit Ilcodstoue Vent Fot Exhanat llood. PermLt fssuar.ce Meclwnical Permit Secaritg Depoait t!9!oSn Mainterwnce Perwit Sida,talk Pence tdD Mobile Hatte /-t ?OTAL AI4OUNT DUE: A { o?) \q Llain Ctmaae Ca?Do?t Accessot u Watet State Sutcl",ange ?atal Cltarges State Swchanae ?otal Chanac,s Electrieal La.bel