HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1975-08-18CITY OF SPRINGFIILD AI'PLICATION AND ACR.EEi'MNT FOR SEWER }IOOKUP Application is hercby madc by the undersigned propcrty o\"rner for permission to conlccE the followilrg described property to a city sanitary scwer line, ovmcd and maintaincd by the City of Sprirrgficld, and I agree to pay such a hookup chargc of $4.50 per front foot of the properEy for the first 150 fcet in dcpth to be served by such ciEy ser.rcr line in lieu of an assessmcnt against the described property. An additional $0.03 per square foot will be charged for any addirional propcrty beyond the first 150 feet. Property DcscriPtion:Address:1322 North 30th Street Lot 8, Block 1, First Addition to Adams P1at, as platted and recorded in Book 15, ?age 2, Lane County Oregon P1-at Records, in Lane County, 0regon Sewer hoolcup charge:front feet G $4.50 per front foot = L2 644 square feet G $0.03 per sq. ft.379 This agreemenL has been computed as being one-half (\) of the equi.valent cosE of an eight (B) i.nch lateral sanitary'seirer at the rate of $4.50 per abutting front fooC and does noE include the cost of a house connection to said city setrIer, se\.rer user charges, plumbing pennits or oEher such cosEs to be assumed by the properLy olJner. PROP[R Oi.I]iERS: By TRUNK { Date:q7 lnr 1 identical individual /1 ., and acknorvlcdged Eo me tirat. escribe<l in and rvho cxecutcd Ehc rviEhin inst:rtttttcnE |-Ae ct - executcd thc same frecly and volurrtarily' 4 ) STATE OF OREGON SS County of Lane BE IT Rtrl'trIlBERED, that on this /?)d' - day of 4ttotr s{1-9 14 before me, thc undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said CounEY and Stete, personally appc ared the rvithin named 7-n /t tt f? rrl / knovm to me to bc the ) ) ) ll fa r /p,,- 7- IIITNLSS my hand and seal this day and year last above writtcn. (il"'ncA.-' Notary I'trb 1ic Clrtp/*,L.,f, /{t/ Lly Conuuil;s lort Ixpirt's crJY. oF .SPRTNpF-rE-LD.. oREGoN ht