HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-22ilccei tl.. RESIDFNTIAL.. " APPLICAT, - /PERMIT 225 Notth ith Street Springfield, 1tegon 97477 Buildirq Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIEI.D D l+8b No&rrt 3t 5IJob tncation: Aeaeaaore tbp t 11 0A1og4 rc.r r.at t A 11 00 Subdiuision: a;ner: \10.4\,0 r .\\lr{ft-n& e/.'-eetl6 . \nE zip: 1l+otCity: t, , Describe h'ork: (€Pu*ce €r rs-n^rc t/1^. t{+u^e ur tTrs\ $tvrr.-aryq |{8"..,!€ fl llso- t--l Neu Value- z-0-81Date of App Licatian -11- Additian RenoCel rS $NB\T,RST Electriclanerv xr nS ICeneral Plumb l.Iechan Eri-ca 0R !.:owD Sanitarg seuer capped ab property Line Septic totk p'aped and filled uith gra:set Pinal - Ifiten abcue 'Ltens are cctnpleted and uhen Cenolition ie cotnplete o? strur- ture moueC and premtses cleaneC up. I'lobile Hcmes Plumbing connectione '- saiet trical Connection ' Blocking, sef-up-and olunbina connections mtst be foir e requ-e eting elec lrtc aL t. - After pcrchea' ekirting, decks, and ualer be apprcted inspection Acceasory Build'ing Locking and Set'uP etc. are cotnpleted. Page 1 of 2 ho temaln on aee a LL inapecttons are nade dt the proper tine thdt ecch cddrees L8 reaCab tlE Bui of the aL property L times. at are erec the fronLding Si t at p4gc1pl2g-tOlJtts;1scrlg!-_gg(lurllliCalL 726-3769(tecorder) state your City designated iob nrmben, iob aCrbees, laPe.of inspecti'cn ffiLLbereadyf,ortnepection,Co*rac!,,"o",0t,mers"tlaneL$pt,oinrunbcr.Reque8tsreceitedbefcre7:00c:t.-^iil be nade the edre dcy, requeete-iade afier 7:00- on ailt be nade the nez! wrkittg dag. Iour city Deoigr,ateil Job Nwbet "' 7 4 1 7 A ? SI?E I\ISPECTI1N: ?o be trude after e-."uati"",6t prtot to aet uP of forna. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELEC'TRICAL & utdui.ttrcar,: To be nade before anyffi76uered. FOOTI\|C 8 FOUNDATI)N: To be nade @s a,e e^cattated and forme ote erected, but Prior to pouting ccncrete. UNqIRGROUND PLUMBINGT SE\|ER, rt,lrlt?' DRAIIIAGE: To be ns,7.e P"Lor to JLL- Tlfi-66nchea, UNDERFTOOR PLUI,IBING 8 MECHAIICIL:of floor ineulation or decki.ng. POST AND BEAM: fo be nade PrLor to ffitaalffiffof floor ineulation or decking. R1UGH PLUDrttG. ELECABT?AL e MECH; ANICAL: No wrk ia bo be couered ffilfthese inspectione laue been nad.e and approrted. fii s ULAT r oN / v APOR B A n R r E R II\SP.ECT r 0 N,: Ti-6i,*E-"tter att insulattcn ed raquired tapor barrierla @e in place bui belore ary La!;h, gyPatn boarC or tnLL couering is applied, and befote ay inaulation is concealed. DRYHALL I\ISPECII1N: Tc be nnde ;ftur aTTWfie in ptaee, but pnior to cnY taPing. MASlNRI: Steel location, bond iffijgrouti.ng or Derticcla in aceordance wLth U.B,C. Section 24 15. VOODS'IOVE: 6n?TeteA. After inabaltal;ion ie After formsto pouring cot'ucrete. SIDEI,\ALK & DRIVEVAY: Fon aLL con- cr.t. p"ofi d$nl; atreet right- of-rxV-, to be nade after aLL ecca- oating canplete & fotn wrk & cub- base nnten'tal i.n Plnce.FIPEPLACE:,ndt;fiA; FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL NECIIANICAL FINAL ETECIRICAL Prtor to Plccirqatd before froning facing inepec- tion. FRA\IING: l,tust be requeated after appiooal of rough pltur,bing' .electri-cal 8 neclanical. ALL roofing braeing E chirmeya, etc, truat' be . conoletcd. No r'tonk ie to be cot- ,r"il"d untt| thio inepeotion laa 'been nade and approoed. IENCE: hlhen conPlete -- PtooiCejil6i or nouable aectione through P.U.E. ILL proiebt conditione, such ae Lhe i.netal-Lation of street !!e-e_l-:. conpletion.of the ,nqfi."L|-ii"rip;rg, Lt"-,, itt be eatisfied before the BI)ILDINz FINAL can be requested' ?rNAL DUTLDING: The Einal BuiMing rnapeatiorl ,talt be requected clter the lirnl Plwnbiry neioirTi"-t,- ai Nechanical fnepectTon iaoa been nade atd approoed. .ALL MAIII\CLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJIJSTIIENI TO BE TIADE AT NO COST TO CI?Y {,- 9 ,,oorru ,o,u tr I u I tr tr [llr tr Date: L-co d OLAR AC SS REQ.. Zonc: JOB NO. [at Faces - Bedroone Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lot Covetage I of Stories TNT TYPE _ Intetiot !lea P. L. Corner Panlnndle Cul-de-sac Total Eeight TopograPhY -- Fe LTEM FTG Y Value Building Volue & Permit This pennt io gt nteion the erpreae condition tlat the aaid'consttuction stwll, in otl r"upccti,"';t;;'f;;i''-lie o"dli"ce adoptec bv Lhe ci'tv of sprinsfield., inctwt'-nt)'JnZ"til"i"i-ciiii"Z."' 'l"iuiit't"g Lhle acns-ttucticn ' and. use of buiLding.s,.'";;;4";.;:: e"ile"aed br rbookec at cnv t;'me upon ut'c tation of ony prcuisiona of aaid 2t'dinances' TOTAL VAT,UE { s. D. C,1.5 t P BuiLding Date Paid: State t: SignedTotal Clnrges NO Plumbing Permit N2 per.son ot-,11,?.1:,-t:;""i*iil^T,#:r""3t."i^';;f*irZil::,"";;":;Z:^tiio r.o" p-Lunbins or d:L:1s::,1"i;z"ri;;;;1i-ti.L'nr'nl-ic-e,pt that apnr"on^"v 42 3:r?f,1tri,X'""21";:i'"';;ozXii","iniTi"i',;;;e-''L;;"4 in opercted bv the appli- cant. Fi.rtures Residenti,aL (1 bath) Satti Seuer Plunbing Pernit I Stata Surch'ttrge { 1 ],1'EM NO.Electricol Permit Where State I'au tequittea tlnt the electt'ical uork be done by an gleotrical Contractor, the electriiot''po'l'ion- oJ t'nia ,pe1nL,t elnll not be uali'C until i:;;';L;;;L'"h"" i"i" aisned 4 tne Elec*i'cal contractor'Nas/Eztend Circuits Setwice State I TotaL a ITgM NC rEE CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit bha$t HooC Vent ?@t tlcodstote Permit Isauanee Neclwnical PetlTrit A -. EilCNOACITMEN? .- itSecari Permit Cvtbcu! Sida.talk NJ r5le Hone Total f HAW CAREFaLLy DXAMINBD tlw conpleted application fo-r pernit' and do hereby cettify tnoi"olt-1"io,"'otlb" heteii i'a tmte atd cbrrect' anC r'iun;i""*-.-nitl*y *"t'""y-i"a ilt u2rk pelfor-neil alnll be tune in accor' a,,|i- a* tn'n' orai""),i'nu'o7 lhn citv bf.nispti,Z!;;LXZrl:! "ff ,ffi' ,frt olllr-A state of 1regcn pertaining to the r,lrrk C pANcy tiitl be nace ;}"',;;:; ,;"r";iii- itiit permiosion of the Buitdins Di- uieion. I funthet' certif':l that otly oonT'oito'" od -mployeea uho are in-.;;1.i;""; "ritt, ons )ot.bss uiLL be- uaed on this ptoieat nnmt t ,rrn,lt,m ntrF. I tr\5 Date I S.'LS )'-.5.rs>n CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services 225 North 5th Street Building Division JobNo. 8?'Yl-1 JoBADDRESS /qfL ,f/o s t! €t-TO: Date e be kt /'"1-/4 I d INSPECTORCALL FOR REINSPECTION ****CALL FOR: - INSPECTION - INFORMATION : 726-3759 "*** o