HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1993-03-25CITY OF OREGO'U Fep SPRI'iIGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WOBKS M ET BO PO LITA N WAST EWAT E R M A N AG E M E NT 225 FIFTH STBEFT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97.177 (50s) 726-375s by' cabinet UER'l'tt'luD LE',l"l'Ek Iiarch 25, 1993 Ramona Peterson L1,92 N. 3Uth Street Sprrngtreld, 0R 97478 Sub-ject: Courtesy Inspection at 119b N. 30th Street Springfield, Oregon. ljear lls . Peterson: At the request of !'our tenant. the Springtield lJuilding Saf etl, Ilivision conducted an 1r)spectron of the properC!: located at the above address. 'Ihe rnspeccion revealed rtems whrch do not meet the minimum Cit1, Housing Code requrrements ancl must be corrected. l'he}: consist of the f oliowing: Housing 1 Z- f(odents appear to be present 1n the kitchen area, &S er.'i.denced scattered ro<.lent Haste. 'l'tre openrngs under the kr.tchen counLer allow tor the entrance ot rodents ancl shall be sealed. 'lhe carpet Has rqet 1n [r.lo areas whrch would indrcate moisture inf iltratiorr ttrrough the roof/cetling. It was not raining at the time of the rnspectlon so the orrgin of tlre nater source rlas not noted. l.'leather rntiltrati-on is a violation ot the Springfield Housing Code and requires repa].r. 'l'he above violations and required correctrons shall be completed withapproprrate rnspectron approvals from this office within 30 day's from thedate of thi-s letter or measures to discontinue the use of the building fia5rbe rnr.trated. 1f _vou need any further intormati.on or have an-v questions regarding the afiot,e requrrements. please contact the appropriate inspector noted below beLweerr Lhe hours of 6:UU-9:UU a.m., L:Olt-zzUtt p.m., or 4:00-4:3u p.m. atrZb-3159. lour antrcrpatecl cooperation ls appreciated. SrncereIl.', ',J*-u ft'\aury- trom ualx Uuil<Irng lnspecLor Dave Puent. Comnrunrty- It-ar:ev (ir.alrarn. I I )tr N Services llanager' SLith St.. Sprinqtield. OR 97478 CC: UNITED STATES P^STAL SE t-_i l. i lr- Official Business 5fd4 \-,[lJll. -:- a i;y $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here U! a PE}'AITY OF &.ca - U.S.ivlAiL Form 5. 6. opo oo o o o tro !ogo E0oololurlEIol ctl<l 2l EEIflFI u.rlEI =o I . Complste items 1 and/or "o Complete items 3, and. Print your name and adu. return this card to you- . Attsch this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. . Wiit6 "Retum R6csipt Requ6stsd" on the mailpiece bslow the article number. Thc Return Receipt will show to whom the anicle was delivered and ths date d6liv6rod. 3. Article Addressed to: Ramona Peterson 1192 N. 30th Street Springfield,0R 97478 for additional services. )u. -J on the reverse of this form so that we can I also u''-h to receive the\following les (for an extra feef: 1. [l Addressee's Address 2. E Restricted Delivery 7. Date of Deliverv tlnn 2 s tgg3 Consult for 4a. Article Number P 169 578 431 4b. Service Type n Registered fl lnsured [Xcertified E coo I Express Mail tr Return Receipt for o(, oo CL ooo 0c tr 3 q, G, o,c o o o ttro ! re 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) (Agent) PS , December 1991 * u.s.G.P.o.:1ee2-307-s3o DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT