HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-09-1150u 30&Job Locaticn: Tat Lot llAssessot,s Map # Subdioision: Otmer: Address: I t I $,J Phonel) Desct"Lbe L'ot'k: Addition Date of Applicati. ?t *- f 1 nn^oa"t- Va'/.uet-4{0 .. RESIDF'{TIAL.. APP L I C AT -'. *'PE Rl'lI T 225 Nov'th Sth Street Spr.ingfteld, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Rcce;"pt ll SPFlINGFIELD k14lbo L LL \ 4,()t Si Ddte: General Llechanica a1ec tfu P l urnbin S rrp erv Electr <r ia tt BUILDIiICS Sanitaty seuer eapped et pt'operty Lire Septie tank punped and filled uith grattel Final - h4ten abcoe itens are ccrnpleted and uhen Cenolttion is cornplete oP stt'u3- ture noued and premises cleaneC up. Le ltcnes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaoer and uater Eleetv,ical Connection - Bloeking, set-uc and plutnbing conneetions rntst be apprcted before requeeting eleclrLcal inspection Aecessory BuilCing Pinal - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. are eampleLed. Pege 1 oj' :: It ia the reeponsibility oi tle perwit hotder. to see that atl inspeetions at,e nade at the propet' time, that eech cddress is ?eadable fron the atreet, anC that the pentrtt cat'd ia Located at -lh-9 fton-t of the-propet'ty-'*euilding Nutciot apptoued pLan ah,:LL yemain on the Buildingt Stt; at aLL times. inspec tion, Contraators or Asners rnne and phone 'siLL be tnde the sone dcy, requests nade aftet' 7:00 on rrill be maCe the ncst 'sotki PROC9T)UPE FCR INSPEC?TOII RNSAEST;CALL 7 requested and ahen gyou utLL be ready for SITE INSPECIION: To be nwde after erca,r;;l;a but pr,ior tc set up of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBIIIC. ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be made before any GiF lTitsered. FCOTING & F)UNDATICN: To be maCe aft"" tr,**ies a"e etcaoated and forms are ev,ected, but pt'iot' to pout*ing ccncreta, llp,RCR)uNp PLUMETN?, s mltAl@; r; be naCe prior to fil-Tfi'lren.hee. UNDERFLOOR PLUI'EINC & MECILANICAL : of floor insulation or decking, POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Prior to TGTiTTill}lof floot' insulation ov' decktng, ROIJCH PLUMBIIIC, ELECTRICAL & MECH: lntcaf: No "sork is to be co.-ered ffiE-these inspections haue been made and. approued. FIPIPLACE: Ption to placirq facing ^at;;l;G anC befot'e froning inspeb- tion. {84!!!-AG: lfiust be requested after aWtortat of rough plunbing, e-Lectri- cal & mechanieal. ALt roofittg braeittg 8 chirmeys, etc. rrust be cornpleted. lto uork is to be con- cealed until this inspeetion lws'been made anC approued. 26-3769 (record.ev,) state your Citu desigrnted iob nwnber, job aCd.ress, type of inspec=icti nwrber, Requests receited befcre 7:0c t!'insda!'sq ?52Iour City Desigra.ted Job NwnbeP I8: INSULATION /VAPOR IIARHTFR ITISPECTTON : To be made after aLL insulaticn and requ'lred oapor batu'iers ale in place but before any Lath, gApsun bcarC ov' rnLL coueting is applied, and before ony insulation is concealed. DRYI|ALL INSPECTION: Tc be nade after ifl-e,anilfts in place, but prior to any taPing. MASINRY: Steel Location, bond iiffilgrouting ot' oerticals in accovdance utth a.B.C, Section 241 5. I'/OODST)VE: After installation is ccmpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH APP,9N: After fonns ar,. """.tA-r"t i;1." to pottring concrete. SIDEIIALK & DRIVEI,IAL For all con- cnete pauirui uith'in street right- of-uny, to be made after aLL etoa- te & fonn wrk & sub- in place. IENCE: tattten complete -- ProoiCe jatii or mouable sections through (\ ALL pyo,jcr:t (tot'ldtt'i.ons, such us bhe'i.n:ttallat'ion of street treee, conplction-of the tequired Lan)s,:cping, ek;., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC IINAL aan be requesterl. FINAL BUILDfNC: The I'inal Building Inspection mtet be requested after the linal Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechanicol fnspections ltque been nade and approtsed. P.U.E FTIIAL PLUMBTNG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL f-l 'N,r, LtANHCr,liS AND CLI:ANO||T!: ltttsT DD tlCL-[.tSrIBLIi, AD,tUSTllEllT T0 Bn I't.4l1E LT !10 C]ST T0 CM SS REQ.-JOB NO.SOLAR A G+L-CO Bedrooms: Lot Paces -Enerqu Sources ?1lpe Setbacks lleat Df IIouse Carage Aceess.Water !!eate" Not,th Range Eas b FinepLace South Woodstoxe West % cf Lot Cooenage_ # of Stories LOT TYPE _ Intertcr _ Corner _ Panhand.Le _ Cul-de-sac Iat Sq. Ftg Total Height Topography -- lees -- This permit is Eranted on the erpress condttion that the said-consttwction slnll', in all r'ZspecLs, conforn to the 1rdirnnce edopted 6iy the City o.f Springlield, tneluding- the Zoning Crdinance, regulati_ng tlrc ccnstructicn and u'se of buildLngs, and mag,be suspended or reuokec at ar.g tine upon uic- Lation of any prcuisions of said 0rdinances. TOTAL VALUE Sigted: ITEM Value s.D.c. 1,5 c Euilding Pet:tnLt Total Clnrges State Date Paid: {. Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit No petson slall construct, install,_ alter ot ehange -d.nu ned-ct1 etisti.ng pttkttng or drainage saste:n in uhole or in patt, unless sueh pet'son is the iegal p"osses"o, oio ulolid pl*,bnt"s Licens-e, escept that a petson na'g d9 plitnbing uo,k l;,t prope,t11 ,ihi"h ia oumed, leaae'd o, operated by the app'Li- eant, Plunbing Pennit PEE CHARGENO. *1 State ITEM Fistt*es ResidentiaL (1 bath) Sani Seuer Electrico I Perm it Wet,e State Lau requires tlnt the eLeel;tical uork be done by,an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit sllalL not be oaliC until the Label lns been aigned by the Electrical conl,ractor' *Total Nan/Extend Citcuits Sentice khanst HooC NC ctD CIIARCEITSM ,Mechqnicol Permit Vent Fdt vcodstooe Permtt Issuance Mechanical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seeuritu Deooeit Storaqe Maintenance Permit Cvrbcut Sida,talk Fence Electrical Inbel Mobile llone tr */t--S.oL, PLafi Aronltler uaLe I HAW CAREFULLI EXAMINED Lhe eompleted application fo_r permit, and do |"inty "*ttyy that aLL infotrnation he,eoi is true and correet, amL f furtier certiig that any ard aLL uork perfo*ned slall be done in aceor-'dar.e ,,rLth th-e" OfdinancLs of the City of Spningfield, and th,e La";e of the state of 7regon pertaining to the uoik cescribed herein, end tlnt N0 )ccu- pl,Ncy uiLL b"e nnZe of any" structure Dithout permission of the Building Di- uision. I further certifg that only contractors a7id. alpLcAees dho are Ln conpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proieet Total Signed T)IAL AM)llNT DUE: * ,+ u,fuffirrrpurul l)agc No.ol t\-' d4r.A /4 ff FENCE CO. 1259 No. 35th Street P. O. Box 36 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Phone 746-8324 JOB LOCATION OATE Lo/Lo/8 JOB PHOI We herebY it specilications and estimates of chain link fence, using 6 ail to be L 5/B tubing PiPe' g pipe. Corner, end & gate- P pi-pe. W-T /% ,-** 4-^- foot Line oSTS o-Y J Bott,om t,ension wire to be 9 gauge ' Fence to have 3 strands of barbed wLre on toP' AllpostsSetincementonl0footintervalsorless. nencetoheneonbtzfootRollingGate,one20foot RoIIing GaLe u''a onu A fool Swinging Gate' Gates to have welded-cornersr covers same as fencet A].'lfittingstobepressedsteelorcast,galvanized. tb bb comPt eted within 3O working daYs from <late to prcceed with work Work to be charge d for at the rate of $6'10 Per foot' NOl IN CLUD ED IN E PRICE.,GATES ARE osi ?fr fi*a J?-**-T --.\ '3P furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specif ications ' lc Sr flruyuEl hereby to 00 dollars 3 ,57' TTIREE THOUSAND F IVE HUNDRED SEVEN'I Y Srx a .00/r ($..-- in fulasows I on comPletion or as negotiated' PHONE 7 47 -357 4 I LM,o rl-!: OATE OT PLANS -zl 30 withdrawn bY us i{ not accepted within This Proposal may be Authorized Signature Signature Date ol AccePtance: prices, specif ications L. You are authorlzeo ined above' roRM 118'3 coPYRlGHr 1960 - Available w* @'JiiiJ lnc. Glolon' t'1ir55' 01450 4 4)dY- encxttec! ed* /*f