HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1992-05-01DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS M ET B O P O LITAN WASTEWATE B M A N AG E M ENT SPFtII IELO .fr)/), 225 FIFTH SIREET SPRINGFIELD OF 97177 ga3) 726.s753 shal 1prevent on the Repl ace CERTIFIED LETTER llal' I , L992 Barbara l,lard +090 Main StreetSpringfield, OR 97!+78 Subiect: Courtes-rr Inspection at 1-206 N. 31st Street Springf ield, Oregon. Uear Ms. tlard At the request of !'our tenant, the springf ield Buildlng safet_v Divisionconducted an inspection of the property iocated at the-above .Aai"r=. Theinspection revealed items which do not meet the minimum cit-r; Housing coderequirements and must be corrected. They consist of the following: Plumbing The laundry standpipe is not properI1, trapped. Al1 fixture drainsbe provided with traps, or the diain- shali be properl1, capped, tothe discharge of ser.rer gases into the building. The discharge piPe from the temperature and pressure relief 'al*ewater heater shall not be reduced in size from the val\-e outlet.the existing \/2" discharge Iine Nith an approved 3/!,,pipe. The bathroom lavatory is not properll. secured i.n p1ace. AII fixturesshalI be maintained in st.able condition, properl1, secured to the structure. 1 ,-, {Leaks at the bathroom 1ar-ator1, sink require repairpotentiai f or moisture and dryrot damage. 'rhe trapconnected to the fixture drain under the sink The toiler is not properivtoilets create a potentialmoisture or drvrot damage secur^e'f to tire fLoor^. Impr-op€l..[r: secur-edfor leaks in the u,ax-seal and often r-esultin the urrdet'floor str-ucture. to elininate the arm is not properll itenls r.lrirh irrr clre,-'f tlie i:uildilig an,J Ir_,r-the i:,ui1oing. lhe requir-ed in uilding pernrits must be obtaineo Ior- the at,or-e..prairs or modifications to the plunbing s\s(en'r!- additions or rer-isions \-ou r.ish to raI:e to CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OBEGO'V Barbara t+ard I,lay 1, t992 Page 2 tion of 'the laundry stand pipe requires a permit. .q licensed is required to do the modification. any questions or need clarification of the above requirements, the Building Safety Division at 726-3759. fl^zfu Don Moore Structural fnspector CC Dave Puent, Building Official Sincerely, COI.'RTESY INSPBCTTON APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) DATE: ti'j - Jb-1r JOB NUMBBR:0 q b5 ADDRESS oF INSPECTI0N: l2A G vgu- 3lo ,9*rcef 8o,PHONE NUMBER:4 t -.-, l.{5OIINER:bro, tn)ar ol oIINER,S ADDRESS qO qO /y1 &l n -s* (ro nzie S Ke s{qr ,) RENTER: STGNATURE 0F OCCUPANT (RENTER): ffi,fl l qbJq bJ( PHONE I t, TYPE OF DI.IELLTNG: SINGLE FAMILY K DUPLEX BRIEF DESCRIPTI I'IAJOR PROBLEMS: MULTIPLE N,y, u c:o d2 -c,tro /. r?'h d DATE OF DATE FOR COMPLIANCE: o LL tc7-S z o e USE COURTESY LETTER SENT: COMPLIANCE OBTAINED - PEtr: Z A ,t-SL F4;P.4) FoR ACCESS To PRoPBRTv - TELErHONE NUMBER: 7.lC- ,<o 63 <- NOTICE AND ORDER TSSUN