HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-01-04.. RESI['-NTIAL.. 22 s North stlt s;treeaPPLrcATr,N /PERMT? Spr.tngfield, Oregon /Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 - Reeeipt # JSPFlINGF!ELD (z79 ,r$-w VL tlt t q45 ^Cc- Date: GeneraL Conefuuctipt_tendg!_ Job Loeaticn:5 L Aesessors Map #Iaz Lot # Slbdiuision: A;net: Address: ,/ )e 7a&73 i/-Phone ci I - q-s? DescrLben ( VaLueDate of App Lication L Additicn t4echarical It io the respona:ibility of the pernrtt l.pZderi.!o,!_tlre stteet, and. that the piymit cazd. ie*Building Diuiciott cpproxed pllan sluti rZna,tn to see that aLL insoeetions are nad.e at the p?ope? tisne, that each ad,,tness is yeq4ah:-.Located at the fzottt of the prooertuon tha Buildinq Sitc at aLZ'tiines.- PI?O1EDUPE- Fo\ INSPECTI1II RISWS|..CALL 7Pe.quested. and, a.r,:en ilou uiLL be z.eady for'-iZL be nade the sde dcg, requ"sts" ^LiL 26-3769 (yeeoydet,) state youz, City desigrated job nwnben,' inspection, Contractots ot, a,mers- nane Znd plnie number.after ?:00 on ttLL be made the nert aoz,kin- s-", yourcita o""o)-r)o;;;:;" 8 job aCdtess, type of inspee=icn Requests yeceixed befcre ?:00 axrt(t/ SI?E INSPEC?ION: eccatsation, but ?o be made afterpt'ior tc set up of W* .t'lot k is eouet,ed. Fj_OruNc 3 F?UNDATICN: To be naCeafter trenches ape ercauated and. forns_ ate erected, but prioz, topouz,ing ecnct'ete. ww.ArER. ?R_!,IilAcE: ro be naCe pnior-i;-FT- Lir"q trenches. WCHANTCAL:'1O be made prio? to installation offloor insuktion oz. decking. P9- ST AN.D_ 4EAM: To be made prioz, toinstallaticn of floor insulation oz, decking. ROUGH PLUIBII|G. ELECTRTCAL & !,IECH-ANICAL: uo aoik ls-ioE-e ,eF - until these inspeetions haue been nade and. approued. PtPEPLACE: Pz-iot, to plceirs fccinomaterials and. befoz,e fronin| Zr"pnl-tion. FRA].,!I\|C: lfiust be nequested aftet,approual of rough plwr,bing, electri_eal & necLnnical. - nLL robfizq braeing & chinmeys, etc, rrust- be . eornpleted. llo uct k is to be con_. cealed until this inspection lTas'been nade anC approoed. t,equined oapot barrie?s @e in pZaeebut before @1A Lath, gApswn boazC ortnLL couering is cpplied, attd. beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPECIT)N: Tc be madeafter aLL dryuall is in plaee, but priot, to anA taping. MAS1NRI: Steel location, bond beans, gtouting or oerticals in aceordqtce Dith U,B.C. Section To made a WOODSTOI,/E: ccmpT;TA. After instaLlation is IEIICE: Wen eonplete -- pyouiCe gatea or nouable sections through P, U.E. DEI.IOLITIO!:] OR Sartitary sasez, eapped zt properfil Lir.e Septic tank p,ir,:ped and filled wLth grare forms ?ilIAL PLUMBIT\G FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL Pinal - Itrlten abcoe itens are ccnoleted and ahen Cetnolition is cotnplete Zr styuc-ture mooed cnd. prewLaes cleaned up. CURB & APPROACH AppON: After formsee ez,ecteC but prior to pouz,irq concrete. SfDEI,IALK & DRf,,EWAI: For aLL con-crete pauirq uithin street z,ight-of-txA, to be naCe after aLL e*ca-oating conplete & fozn uoyk & sub- base matez"Lal in place. Le Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- aatrter. ad. aater ElectricaL Connection - Blocking, set-up an"d. plwnbing conneetions m^sb bb apprcr:'ei before requesting electrical inspectio;t Aceessory BuilCing Pirnl - After pcrches, skiz'ting, decks,etc. are c.cnpleted. 41 ALL project conditions, sueh as the i.nstaLlatton of stteet tt,ees, co::pletion of tierequiz'ed Landsceping' etc- " mtst be satisfied. befot,e the BUTLDTN7 FfNAL can be requested.. n FrNAL BUTLDTN|:- rhg il:na\: Build,ing. rnspection mtst be requested after the pinal plutnbing \J Elect,ical, and Mechanicat tispiitlioro 'rtsrrn i""i'^"a|" irra app,otsec. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTIIEIII TO BE I44DE AT IIO CCS? TO CITY Page 1 of 2 n T u JOB NO.g SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c Bedroons Iat Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Ccoe?age # of Stories Total Eeight lopography Building PernrLt State ?otal Chatgea Total LOT ?WE _ Interior _ Cornet' _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Ileat D^^^ Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erpress cond.ition that the said-construction slnll, in aLL respects, conform to the Cndinanee adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning h,dinance, r,egulating the ccnsttucticn and. use of buildLngs, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny t'lne upon oic- Lation of anA prcoisions of said )tdinances. PLan Date Paid: Receipt #: PLan Esaniner Date I HAW CAREFULLy EXA.ILINED the contpleted appl'i-cation for permit, and do hez'eby certify that aLL information hereon is ttae and correct, anC f further certify that any ard aLL uork perfornted a?nLL be dnne in aecor- dance urith the 1ydinanees of the City of SpringfieLd, and the Laas of the* State of 1regon pez,taining to the uork Cescribed herei-n, end. t?nt NO OCCU- PANCY tlill be nnd.e of anA stz,uctuye uithout permission of the Building N-oision. I further ee?tifs- that only contractors and enplcyees who a.rb in eazpliance uith ORS 701.055 ui.LL be used on this pz,oject <7 Lot Faces - Setbacks P.L House Caraqe Aceess. North Ran East South West ITEM SQ, E?G x Value lbin C,oaoe Carpo"t Accessot u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No person sLnll constntct, ins+.al'!., alter or change dnA nea cr eristing plutnbing or dtainage systan in olple or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunbet,'s Ltcense, e.scept that a pe?son nag do plunbing aotk to propertA uhich is otned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plutnbing Perrrit NO.FEE CHARGE State * ITEM Fiztures Resil.enti.a.L (1 bath) Seuer Electricol Permit Wet,e State Las requit,es th,at the electrical uork be done by an Electt ical Contz,aetor, the eleefu,ical portion of this permit slnll not be oali.C until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contvacto?, ?L State Nan/Estend Circuits Setoice itn FEE CIlARCE ,( Mechqnicol Permit Vcodstooe Vent Fot khanst HooC BTUI. PermLt fssudnee Mecltanicel Permtt -- EIICROACHMENT -- Egq+t itA Deposit Storage Maintenantee Petmtt - Ctzbcut Sideoalk Penoe Eleetrieal Label MobiT.e llome TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*23,G3 7 { rT!M ?otal C'lwraes State &Eetranqe