HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-04-13# Job Loeaticn: Assessors Map #.-3d- v cl - Subdivision: Otmer: Addz,ess: SPRINGFIELD IoE Iat # Oe od Phone: P,6, htot k: d fe " RESII--,lTlAL". APPLICATION/PERI4IT 225 North |th Street Springfteld, )r'egon 97477 BuLLdlng D'tul-slon 7 26-37 53 (/)__2 Illa \\\ t--t Nan Additicn RenroCel v Date of Value GeneraL i Electrical lileolwricaL i Conpjr-ctio" Lend1!_ It is the tespotts'ibility o! the permit lalder to see that aLL inspectiotts ote nade at the p?opet time, that eceh address is ren)ahie fmn tle at"eet, and that the permit card ie Located at the frcnt of the p?ope"ty.*Building Nuiciot appyo"*ed plar sha.Ll remain on tlte Building Site at aLL tines. PPOCEDUPE FoR INSPECT|OI: RIQWST;CALL726-3769(reeordet,) state youz, City desigrated job ntmber, job aCdress, laPe-of inspec=i.cn eadyforitl,spe.ction,Contlactal,sqiowP".9ncnecndp.rnnenunber.R'equestsyeeeil;edbefcne7:00m-*i|L be matie the same cicg, ?equests mcde after 7:00 @n uLLL be nade the next uorking day. yout, CitA Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is:I ?o237 q--81 F -(.o 6?5 s.-2uo 7 ux1*cpculo ptuaeruc, stwtp, w.r,r*,J-Lirg trenchee. ia unosnrtozR zLUIETNG & ruECtrANrcAL:tlof floor insulation ot, decking. V posr AND tsEAM: To be nade prLot, to J ffitim;;of floor insulbtion or decking. ROUGH PLU.ETIIC" P.,E,?RTCAL fr_MECE- ANICAL: No uotk is to be co"-et,ed ffiiL these inspeetions haue been made and approtseC. Pt*ior to plceirq faeing and before froning inspec- m fI I l SfiE INSPEC?f)N: To be nwde after erc"oil;;;Tt prLor tc set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL & WCHA\]ICAL: To be made before ang untk is couet,ed.' pot1nc a ro\,toorrca: ro be nad,e after tt,enches are escauated and forns are erected, but prior to pourtng ccncrete. FTOfpr af? nate;AG FruAL PLUYNING FINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL r N s u LA? r oN / VAP)R B AR\!!!t f ll$lilllp N ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn and required oapor buriets tre in pLaee but before ory Lath, Wpswn bcarC ot tnLL couering is 6pplied, and. before ay irnulati.on is concealed. DRYilALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be nade -, after aLL dtyuall is in plaee, but prior to ang taping. MA:,S1NRY: Steel Loeation, bond Eidilgrouting or oerticals in accondorce LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. After i-nstallation ie ((l () CURB & APPRCACH APPON:Aftex, forns.." . ee erecteC but prLo?to pouring ':r conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRTYWAY: Fov al-L eon- erete paoing uithin street right- of-tng, to be maCe aftet, aLL e*ca- ilating cqnplete & fortn wt'k & sub- base matertal in place. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of sLt,eet trees, co:pletion of the required LanCsccping, etc,, tmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDING FilIAL can be tequested. PINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnspection mtst be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrieal, onL Mectnnical fnspect;,ons laoe been nade ard approved.. WOODSTOVE: atrpleted. tion. -l fnuttyg: l,tust be nequested aftet, l) dpp"ooal of rough plttr,bing, eiectri- cal & neclanieal. AL'!. noofing bracLttg t chinmegs, etc. rmtst be . eompleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- . eecled unttl this inspection has :been made anC appro'-ed. DEI.DLTTIOT OR !.:OW) BUILDI;|CS Sanituy saaer capped at ProPerfui Lire Septic tar* pa-,:ped and filled ttth g,a;sel Pinal - h4ten abctse itens are ecnpleted and uhen Cencli*.ion is cornp;Lete ov strac- ture moued ard. prenrLses cleaneC up. tlobi e Hcmes Plunbing connections -- aa)e? od. uatet Electrical Ccqnecti.on - Blocking, set-ua and phrnbing eonneetions rnist be apprcted before requesting eleetrical inspeclion Acceseory BuiLCnng pcrches, skirting, decks, Blocking otd Set-up Pirnl - After etc. are eonp Pege 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I,L4DE I.T IIO CCST ?O CITY (r Descr'ibe *(. tl. tr tr *ffi f:t IENCE: When conplate -- ProuiCejdes on mooable' seetians through nP.u.E. I I \q @ soLAR AC ESS REQ.-dJOB N L-CO Bedroons: Lot Faces - Setbaeks !!eat DT House Cdrade Aecess Wate? :leaterNorth??,/2r-4,"Raltge East FirepLace So1;th fi{2tt Waocistou^e --------- Iot Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Cotserage LCT TWE _ Interior _ Co?ner _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac # of Stories Total Height topographg West /9, Building Volue & Permit This pennt,t is granted on the erpress condition that the said_eonsttaction slnll, in all respects, eonfomn to the Ordinance adopteC b:y the City ofSprirqfield, including the Zoning Cz,dinance, regulctittg the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, and nay be suspended or reuokeC at cng time upon oic- Lation of anA prcuisions of said Ordir,ences. TOTAL VALUE e ffu X VaLue AO a D t s.D.c. 7,5 c €/,tz2>7237rr,./+/7/>;fr.zrFZ6g>ga2, *Za7.rz4lzaEt<furara.4ar a U'c:2Terz e *7?-fat4' €'€4.%6-tfa?5 ITEI"I Main Building Perrrtt ?otal Clnrges PLan Date Pal-d Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon sltall consh-'uct, instaLL, altez' oz, eltange cnA neu cr ecisting plunbing or dtainage sAstetn in uhole or in part, unless sueh pet,son is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnbet,'s License, eceept that a pe?son natl do plwnbing uork to ptoperty uhich is oumed, Leased or opet,ated by the dppli- cant. 2D.oo 4\ FEE PO CHARGE 4>e Residatia.L (1 bath) Seuer zza ao Plwnbing Penrit State Sutchange 2.8o NO.FEE CIIARGE Res. Sq. ftq, Ij4M 7 7 /f.fl/*( /uf.4.,Abrrrur 6"-' /O.q ,*D @ FEE F\rnzce BTUIS khanst HooC Vent Fot i'ieu/Esterui Cit cuits Electricol Permit Were State Lan requiz,es tl2at the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Cont?acto", the eleettical portion of this pemit slnll not be oalii unti'L Label lns been aigned by the Electrical Contractor, \) Mechonicol Permit L-fntla^"'rtr .7 Stete TotaL Hcodstotse Pennit Sidanalk ELee Mobile Hone Pez,mLt rssudtee Meehanical Petmtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- s I HAW CAREFULLY EXLUfNED tle conpleted applieation for pennit, cnd do hereby eertifg that aLL information hereon is tpue anC eorrect, anC f further certify that any ard aLL uork perfotned slnll be done in aecop- dance tLth the 2ydinences of the City of Springfield, ard the La:,;s of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the aork Cescyibed herein, cnd tlot N0 OCCA- PANCy trLll be rnade of any st?uctu?e uithout permission of the Building N-oision. f further eez,tify that o:tly contractors and anpLcyees uho are in eonpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project o €-2{ aa^(/) . TOTAL Al'lOUltT DUE:.d /27-tto Date IT!M )