HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1996-07-29qTr SPruNGFIELD, !SPFINGFIELD 225 North Fifth street Springfield, OR 97477 Location of Proposed Work: 701 S 28TH ST Assessors t'tap #: 18020500 COMMERCTAL/IITDUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLTCATION CTTY OF SPRINGFIEIJD ilob Nrrmber: COMMTINITY SERVICES DIVISTON BUILDING SAFETY Office: Inspection Line: Page 1 95087 1 726 -37 59 726-3759 Tax Lot #: 01003 Owner: ROSBORO I.I,MBER COMPA Address: PO BOX 20 Phone #: 746-84LL ciEy/state/zip: spRrNGFrELD, OREGON 97477 Description Of Work: WATER RECYCLING SYSTEM ADDITTON Value:0.00 Name Architect: MCGUfRE EQUIPME Address Phone General: Plumbing: Mechanical- Eleetrical Contractor SCHANK CONSTRUC OO85]-09 PO Box 795 Marcola OR 97454OOOO UNITED INDUSTRI 0065637 ORDELL CONSTRUC 0063030 350 Shelley St Springfield OR 97477 MCDIARMID CONST OO77O23 85579 Hwy 99 S Eugene OR 974050000 Conet. Contractor #Expires oe /L6 / e6 0s /L8 / e3 0L/02/e7 Lo/24/e6 Phone 933 -207 5 535-6600 747 -8734 726 -1677 No 2 Single Fixture Water Service BACKFLOW DEVICE TOTAL PERMIT -.- PLI'MBING --- 10 fr. Fee Charge 20.00 25.00 0.00 45.00 - - - ITTECIIAI.IICAI. - -- No Fee Charge 3.00 3.00 10.00 25.00 WALL HEATER (FREEZE) WALL MOI'NTED EXHAUST Permit Issuance TOTAL PERMIT QUAD AREA: 2ISW -- OFFICE USE LAND USE: 3999 Item TRUCK WASH RECYCLE Square Feet x $/Square Feet Value 28,789.O0 TOTAL VALUE OF PRO.IECT 28 ,7 89 .00 !SPNINGF!ELD Job Number: 960871 qrr SPilNGFIELD,a Page 2 Plan Check Fee:L22.53 Rec #: 22297 Date: O7/o1,/95 Rec By: BUILDING Surcharge/admin MECHANICAL Surcharge/admin PLUMBING Surcharge/admin SUBTOTAL PERMITS TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCI.I'DING EIJECTRICAL 188. s0 l_5.09 25.00 L.20 45.00 3 .50 278.39 278.39 --- REQUTRED INSPECTIONS --- It is the responsibility of Ehe permit hofder to see that al-l- inspections are made at the proper time. To request an inspection, caLL 725-3769 (recorder), state your City designated job number, job address, type ofj-nspection requested and when you will be ready for inspection. Request,s received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m will be made the following work day. Special fnspect,ions: fn accordance with Section 306 of the State Specialty Code a special inspector shalf be employed by t,he Owner,/Contractor during construction of any following "*" work. A copy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to Building Safety. In addition to the inspections specified, the Building Official may make or reguire oLher inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code. StAB - To be made after all inslab building service eguipment, conduit piping, and other equipment. j-tems are in place buE prior to concrete STRUCTITRAL WELDS - To be done during constr by State Cert, Special Inspector. Results of inspection/test Eo City Building fnspector. WATER LINE - Prior to filling trench. ROUGH PLI,MBING - Prior To cover. ROUGH IIECIIAIiIICAL - Prior Eo cover. ROUGH ELECTRICAL - Prior Io Cover. FRNIING - Prior to cover. FfNAL PLITMBING - When all plumbing work is complete. FINAL MECIIAIIICAL - When aLl mechanical work is complete. FINAL ELECTRICAL - When all electrical work is complete. FINAL BUILDING - When all required inspect.ions have been approved and Ehe building is complete. --- ADDITIONAI, COMMENTS --- VERIFY PLUMBING CONTRACTOR - COULD NOT FTND REGISTRATION I]NDER THAT NAME. IVIDS NOT RQD PER JP SEPARATE ELECTRICAL PERMIT IS REQU]RED Plans Reviewed By: DON MOORE Building Site Reviewed By: LrSA HOPPER Date: 07/29/96 CITY SPF!NGFIELD Job Number: 96087]-Page 3 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all informat.i-on hereon is true and correcE, and I further certify that any and all work performed sha11 be done in accordance with Ehe ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the StaEe of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure wit,hout, permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. f further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with oRs 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that. t,he permiL card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on t,he site aE a1l times during construction. Signa ture Date --. VALIDATION --. ReceipE Number Date Paid Amount Received: Received By: 2Za 77 t /\ CITY OF OFEGOA' SPFUI '|ELO zoning, and doos not roqulre sPocific land use approval.h, o""1'bl'4[t 225 FIFTS STREET SPRINGFTELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQTIEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 / 6oz- oc- Do ,a, 3 t T ON F INSTALT^A LEGA]. DESCRIPTION JOB DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTAII.ATION ONLY tl\ BLECTRICAL PERHTT APPLICATION City Job Nunber ?7/ 3. COHPTETE FEE SCEEDTIIJ BELOY A Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost $ 8s.00 97 4ltlhorized 726-3769 Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereo f Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Sertice or Feeder tla-b B.Services or Feeders 200 am 201 am 40L am Address 5o ciry € e< qe *€ Phone 7 Za-/a,7'7 Supervisor License Number 28rc S Expiration Date /o Constr Contr . Number ZO "/3?O Expiration Date Signa of Supervising Electrician Ovners Name Address s 1s.00 $ 40.00 Installation, Alterations Elec t r ical Contractor ffilc Dt 6**als or Relocation: Z 000 amps_601 am 1 4 6 1 p 1 or to to to ps ps ps ps ess 00 amps 00 amps a\s s0.00 s 50.00 s1o0.0o s130.00 s300.00 s 40.00 s S $ $ e - Over L000 am Reconnect 0n ,s/vo1ts v X citvlFfrftutffill) vn,"e 4(,'4// OVNER INSTALLATION The install-ation is being made on property I ovn vhj'ch is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Al-teration or Relocation 200 amos"or less $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps - $ 55.09 over 4b1 to 600 amps - S 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000-toTIs see "B" above Branch Circui ts Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit S 35.00 Each Addi tional Circuit or vith Service . ^.oor Feeder Permit t7 S 2.00 li? Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each ins tal-lation Pump or irrigation Sign/0utline Lighting- Limited EnergY/Res Limited Energy/Comm C E D 40.00 40.00 oo 20.00 36.00 5 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 52 State Surcharge 3Z Admini.strative Fee TOTAL F,70,i tlz /23, ).2RECEIVED "6 -? e^ SPRII{GFIELO BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGTIELD OR 97477 OFFICE: TNSPECTION LINE: 726-3759 726-3769 JOB LOCATION: ,Zl -S 5z ASSESSORS MAP * , Er, -z-a ZAa TAX LOT #:a,/do - OIINER: ADDRD,SSI fu fuX 7{)PHoNE f,: 7/A-f/// crrY:1P,4a/affi^A STATE:a4 ZTPz tua BACKFLOU PERMIT IS $15.00 + $.75 (STATE STRCHARGE) + $.45 (ADMIN. FEE) = $16.20 coNrRAcro sz /)A/7r2 fu2t<zqnz ADDRESS: CITY:STATE:ZTP: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION #:BXPIRES: BY SIGNING THIS PERMIT/APPLICATION, I AGRBE TO CALL FOR AN INSPECTION ONCE THE BACKFLOV PREVBNTION DEVICE HAS BEEN INSTALLED AND IS VISIBLE FOR INSPECTION(726-3769). I ALSO STATE THAT ALL INFORMATION ON THIS PERMIT/APPLICATION IS CORRBCT. 7-ru^%' DATE FOR OFFICE USE PHoNE *z 48+ -F6A 6 RECEIPT II:<zd 2 ISSUED BY:,2,'*=--, TOTAL AMOUNT COLLECTED U,20 '4 JoB ti. qZaRT/DATE 0F APPLICATIINz 7-7to.% SiPRINGFIELtr, .\( I(NO \\/LIDGN,I L]N'l'S James Monsen-Daniels, Rosboro Ou'rrcr Natrru ( l)rintctl) jill R J_ Ene_ilsqfilg_ to . Enlineel or Architcct l.inu ll,rintcd) City of Springtield Conrrnurrity Serviccs I)ivision 225 lrilth Strcet Sprirrgticld, Ol\ 91 47 7 Teleplrorrc: (51 1) 7 26-31 59 lrax: (5,1 l) 126-3689 0rvrr Ignatrlrc Engineer or Alchitect S afi, Qao b 7 Building Pernrit #Date Prtrjc it le h Project Address Ordell Construction Co. Gsn. Contractor Firrn Nanre (l,rinted)Contractor Signature B(.aur^t1]nle r+ec Spccial Ins y Nanre (Printed) Spccial Inspcction Aod Tosti g ha\c finishcd, acknowledge ar r'dersrarding ofrhe irformarior by sigfling b€low, and retum th-is forn to rhe city. lo lhe Ciry for review and approval thh fonn coDrpleled on both the lronl and back. The own€r aod General Cont[clor, where applicable, shallalso acknowledge $e following conditions applicable to Special lnspectior and/orTesling. L Conlrltctor h rcsponsiblc for prop€r noliticalion for the lnspection or Testing ofitems lislod. 2 'Iesling ltborntory shall t$ke appropriale samples and traNporr rhem to their laboratory for prop€r evalLration or tesling. . Copius ol ll l0boulory rcporls and inspections are Io be sent to the City by the TestinB Agelcy. 3. Sptcinl ltrspccli{rn Agtncy is to subrnil naues ond qu illcations ofo[-site Special Irspectors ro the City tbr approval. 4. Spccinl Inspl:ct0r shull provide inst)ecrion reports lo the btritdilg o icial ofa iDspection acrivilics. 5. Corlrrclor is resPorrsiblc lo review thc city approved plans for addirional illspedion or testing requirernenrs that ll)ay be noted. Bro,rn Inle c+<L \"lesting l-aboratr"rry Narne (l)rinted)'l-esting Laborat S orfi cial Nanie (Printcd)B dl-s ial Sigrrature I S PIICIAI, I NS I'IIC'TION AN I) TIiS'I'I NG SC I I T'I ) I ] I,II .Reilrfolcetl Concrete, Gunitc, C rorrt an<l Mortar recast/Pre-stressed Concrete: rIOKE CONT'llOL: I-eakaie testing Corrtrol verificatiorr Ratch irr g FIREPROOFING: Placenrent inspection Density T'ests Thickness tests Inspect batchine -Desjgn GIIAI)tNG, EXCAVA]'|ON, AND nLL Acceptance tests * _--pSF Establislr firral gr ntle Fill placernerrl ins;rection/colrtirrtrorrs Soil Density s]'Rt r('t'U llA t, sTIitil,/\\,tit,l)t N(; Sarnple and test (list spccific lrrernber.s [rclorv) Shop rnaterial idcntificatiorr (rrrill cert) ,- Weld inspectiorr ShoP _y' Ficlcl Ultrasonic inspectiolt Shop __ I,icl,:l Iliglr strength boltirrg Shop _,_ Ficlrl A325 ___N X F/.490 _N X F Metal deck welding inspectiorr [(eirrforcing Stecl rveldirrg irrspccl ion Reinlorcing steel rrr ill certifi cate Metal stud welclirrg irrspectiorr Corlcrete insert u,elrling irrsns61i6,i Mt,11ys1l1 resist irrg stecl fi'arrrcs S'TIIU( :'I'U IIA I, WOO D : Shear rvall nailin-e inspectiorr Slrear rvall anchors Irrspection of Glu-larrr [ab. * _ 'l-lC psi Inspection of truss.ioist lab. Sanrple and test conlponents Fabrication rveldirrg of steel accessories I\IASONII\': * einforcing [ests ROOFING Insu lat ion instal lation/R-r,alue* Test strips/seanrs ADDITIONAI, tNS'tRTlf119ryS, O't'IIIiR I'IiS'[, .I INSI'ECTIONS: Special inspection stresses usecl* _ l-nr _-_fg Preliminary acceptance tests (rnasoriiffi its, wall pLisrns) Suhsequent tcsts (trrollar, grotrt, fielrl rvall prisrn<1 Placement insltectiorr ol urrits, arrd rcin[orcernerrt Mnsonary, rnortal, grout. and rcinlorcinp ,;teel r:r:rtificates Porrrr corrrple(cd h1 :_ Gurrite (l ror rt Mortar o PROVII)l! S'rtrENG'l'll IlliQt,lllEl) I|\' ,\llClllTIi(-'l'()ll IiNGlNIinlt OIr (lON'IIln CT I)O(tt,N,ltiN I' t,O('r\'t'lON Oti \,,,\l,lr,.S Date _l_95 ( -r- --J B Date "7* 2G-q<- Please deliver the Following to:c 72A - 4b8? J. Hill Engineering Co., lnc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS / PLANNERS 28333 SIESTA LANE . EUGENE, OREGON 97402-9099 . (541) 344-9116 . FAX: (54l) 342-s981 FAX TRA}ISMITTAL R Total Number of Pages Including Transmittal: Our Fax Line Number is: (541) 342-5981 If you do not receive all of the pages indicated above, or have any problems with clarity or questions, please call (5a1) 344-9116. 2z ,, ga oo?/^fuerzrr # Z a94480 ?a&/e? CIVIL STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL INOUSTRIAL