HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1991-02-07t.. RESINENTIAL.. coMBrN ATr ON * - - -',Lr C Aru) N /PEP'|',Lff 225 Ncttth |th Stteet SprLn4fi.elC, Otegon 9?4?7 Bui,Ldtng Di.tsision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIELD oIc,E Lot il C') iob Loeaticn: Aeees0o?s lhp I IPlane:Addreas:H^-)I Qrp^n-,u. ba' 3o^1616 Wue,, Deecrtbe t'lork: :) .)Value eenenal ,S 1 ^) Ir+Date of Additicn RenoCeL I-t ie .!he tesponoibi-Lity of tte penrit hollet to eeeIlan -t!y atreet, and, tllat the penrtt eard ie l,ocated,.BuiUins Nvicion apptoced pti iitl-rZiin on the tlut.all-incpeetions ard nad,e at ile p"oper tine, that ecoh;ddreso is re.;-bieqt .thS frolt of tte pro.petty,Buiding Stte at aLL'ttnee. PPocEDu!?E P1n INsPEorott RgQaEsr: calt726-tl6g.becorder) state youn city deaignatad. job rutnben,requeeied and' when uo''iilr-Eineadu for inepecti;:--c;"t";";|i'oli ar*r" ttaru and phone rutnbcr.t'sil'L be nanie thc ei,e dcy' requeetd-icie o,jlb ztoo'-, uill-i;'-^;" the ne,,t wrkiry'day. of inspecticn befote 7:00 cl a.P- tyPe Peqte job aCdnees, eta receixed Iou:. Cifu Deeigtuted, .lob ttunb* Ia: q I lo Sotilaa aaxt ccpoei :t ptopa:ti Line Septic totk puttped a:; fillad, ..rtth gtal;tel !y!,-.t,4ten cinue itans are catpleted,@icl uhen Caciition ta c*.alete b, "tn "_twe noued od prearises cl'eanei ip.--* Plunbing connecticns -- sa.)er and, uater Ele.ctriccl Ccnnection - Block!r.?, set-uoand- phnbing connecticna *.rri i'iJroiZa b e f or e r e quZ e ti ng e t e ; : ri iZi' ;;; p;ri;;:"" " Acceasory Buiding l1y, _: _After -pcrchee, skirting, decks,etc. dte canpiated. Blockirq ard. Sat-up F;ie 1 of z ?&CA ' ?o he tmda prian tc aeteaerlua forma. PIIIAL PLAMEIIIO FTNAL HECilANICAL f1 enaa E.ECTRTIAL r_l Sianed:p8 Date:D -')4t after uP of 'd,{,ffi,tnrk is cotered. fc{frY-!_r?unonm: ro be na.d.ecrlvt?r. ttenehet, d.re eaaa\dted and !o!r, *" erected, but pniot toWuring ccnc?et6. ffi'",floon inaula.tion or dec*iiol---" -' Plrr 4ry0 B9AM: To be rade priot toLnstall,cticn of floon insulation ona€ckltlg. DBJ\|ALL.USPECIION: Tc be nad,ealter aLL dtywll ie in pla,ce,but ptior to oq taping. lllS0NRI: Steel location, bond. be@asr- gtouttng on oerticala inaecordoue ,,ith U,E.C. Section2415. H00D€J0VE: After instdllz.tion ieenpLeted, c{EB 8 AIlpRg4cE Ap.ioil: Aftet formsate _ete.cteC but prioi to pourtngcotu "ete. S.IDTALK 4 DRnfirM: Fot aLL eon- :i"::..Wiirg inthii e.tteat ri.sht- ?!:YY' to. b_a noCe aftet all Zzca_ YllrnS qanqlete & fom w* e ettb-mee naterial in plaee. !E!,91t Men conplate -- prouiCe gaDea ot nouable eectians throughP. A. E. ALL project conditiona, .such ae ttu instaltatngn of sJreet treea,i*ri*^r ru-raquined tattdecapins, ato', mtat'b" 'iiiiii"aL:iriir"-iir"itiili:b Frihl:an le rec.tteatod,. 'i#i,1r!j"T'ffi ,#ffi:!i!i#yu!;,r,1?,!12"Tii02"offiffi ,ylter:heFinat?twbins wit,LL these itupeclions haue been,Mae and applveC. tIPfl!:AgEi tuion to p.lcci.rg facins*oroor" anci before frudni i;;;;;Z- !!.,:','U5.- Must be requeated, aften {{ii,i:r*i:"21,!'lYliti,k"zi*-1:::iy- ! ohinncye, etc. mtet beco,npLetoct..,llo_utor.k ie to be ci_cecled until thio tnepectici -ii been nude anC appoued. I .ALL I,IATITTOLES AIID CLEATIOIJ?S T'AS?B8 ACCESSTBOE, A&TUSTIENI ?O BE M4DE'AT NO COS? TO CI?Y -gaa-'Q olre-\:rrc,^r*-,u Ljr*^ror,& 7 ,,oorrn ro n l I rr r Jcb Nwnbcn: L-COC II : DI House No"th Eaet II Fireplaee South l Ileet ll LOT TYPE _ fnterior _ Corner _.. Panla ndle L\L-de-eae Bedroone: Lot Faces - ?.one : Iot Sq, Ftg, % of Lot Couenage ll of Stor.ieo ?otal lleight Topogruphy toxe F?G x Va ?O?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 s Date Paid: #: Sigted: lhis pettntt io granted on the espreea condition ttnt the eatd constnction'ehalL, in all respects, confom to the Ordtttance adopted by the city of Sptingfield, including the Zoning Crdinanc-e' regulati-ttg the conatlucticn *d ""rZ of buildi,ngs,- and may be- euspeded or reooked at cn, time upon ui,o- 'lation of any prcttisione of eaid Ot'dirancea. Buitding Pdtttit Iotal Clangea * State , Building Volue & Permit Fittwes Reailential (1 bdth) ISeuer Plumbing Permit No oetaon ahall construct, i.natall, altet on choqe-ang neht.of eriati.ng ;iri,i;i;".;2;;r;;;-"-;;"1^-ii'ii1' ot in patt' inlees auah peneon ie the Legal poeeeeoo" of " ,""1iZ"pli'o"o1i 17o""".2' &cept tlat a P?""?? nnv do plwbing wk to poop"|W'iiZi-i' *ta' Leased oi opetatd bv the appl'i- unt. * Plunbing Penrit State ITEM Nat/E$tcnd Citcuite Serotoe Electricql Permi t Where State Lat nequites tlut the ele-ct*ical uork be done by an Electrical contractor, the electzi'e"i'1t"1'io"- 'J tt';" -p"'-'tt "t-LL not be oalid until "iiilZlZl't-L'i"i" uts""a av the Etectrical con*actor' NC,FSE E&,ha;.et Hood, Vent Fa l,tcoiletooe 4 Mecho nicol Permit lleolunica L Pertt Pemdt Issua,@e Sectri. Pcnnit APbcu! Sida,talk Mobile llaae I HAEE CAREFULL\ EAAMINED tle conpleted' a-poli'cation for pennit' and ilo WrwWAPANCY diLL be natre oi,ai.on- I furthet canPliance uith ORs Date L J Date * PLart \OTAL AMOUT? DUE:A bu c I i ; I I Referenee ltunbers: SoI Canaae I Range ITEM tbtn 1aroap- Aopmrt Acoe,saoPit PLan f.ho-ek Fe-e: IFEE-f- c4aaGsN0. 9oa- Sn- fto. Tdttpor@Y * CIIARCE nnntee PTU'S I I I I I I I I I