HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-07-24.. RESIDFTITIAL.. APPLICATIDIV/PERMIT 225 Notth |th Street SprLngfield, ?regon g?4ZZ BuiLding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFINGFTEL.D !ou/, City Desigr,ated Job Nunbey, fs 4"'l{(ll Date: res l,lec Su General Plumbing a ervl€Elec tr ic ian Rerni-nei rt ia the rcsponaibi-Lilu of-tte peririt hotrdet to aee that aLL inapections ate nade at the prope" tine, that each d4ress is realabietyl -tly atleet' ard that the -pennt .card. ie located at the frcni of the property.*Buil-ding D,iticion approu-ed pl.an shcll remain on the ttlal"ig- slite at aLL times. PnocEDUPE FQR rNsPEffIpN*lry!!-!CaU 726'3769(t'eeorder) state your citg desigrnted. job nttnbet,, job aCdz,ess, type of inspecticn - ::*ni!"!","d.|1hen gou uiLL be ready fot'inspection, contlactcts otr asrer""n*,e Znd pno).e rustbet.' -pnq";;i rcL..tiLa bZycre'z:00 cn'*'LLL be rrude the sane dag' "equests ncde aften ?:00 61t ttill be nnde the ncst:,nrki$ dag. 4o # Job Locaticn: /10Aeseesore Map #Lot # S\bdiuision: Omer: r3Addz,ess:Phone 7 - 335/ city: Date of Applicaticn_ Add.iticn RenoCel Nq,t t-t Le ors r ectrica 5b0 Sanitary saser eapped at propervy- Line Septic tank purped a,-d. filled tttth gz,auel Final - ltthen abctse it,ens aze conpleted and uhen Cenolition is cotnplete o? struc- tut,e noued and prenrtses cleaneC up. Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plutnbing connectione -l- sauler otd. aater Electrical Connection - Blocking, eet-ua and plunbing connections rntst be apprc"^ed before requesting eleclrtcal inspection Aeeessory euilCing Fi-ttal - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, ete. are c.cmpleted. Pege 1 of 2 SI?E'INSZEC?I)N: Io be made after escaoation, but pz"iar tc set up of fonns. INSULATION/VAPOR B.ARRTER IIISPEC?TON :DEI,NLTTIAN OR?o be nwde after aLL insulaticn a"d required oapor borie?a @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpswn boayC oy tnLL cooeying is applied, and before oty insuLation is concealed. DRYIIALL fNSPECTf)N: Ic be made @er,-iIT@it-t s in pl.o.ce, but prior to any taping. \LAS1NR!: Steel Location, bond beans, g"nouting or uet,ticals in accordorce Llith U.B,C. Section 2415. hto0DST0\/E: e^7T;TA. CURB & APPRCACH A??.9N: After fornsd,e ereciAEtn;io" to poumng conc?ete. SIDEVALK & DRTIEIIAY: For aLL con-cretena,r@Aiffi s treet right- of-reA, to be maCe after aLL ecca- oating conplete & for-n Lsotk & sub- base naterLal in place. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHLITCAL: ?o be made before ang ttotk i,s eoUeted. FO)?ING & F)UNDA?ICN: ?o be naCe;F;;AencAs are ercaoated and. fozms are ereeted, but prior to pour'tng ccncrete. UNDIRGROUIID PLUMBING. SEWP, h/.4TER. DRAIilAGE: ?o be made pnior to fil-Lirg trenchee. AUDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECIIANICAL : oy floor inaula.tion or decking. ?.OE!-4!p-!EA!t: ?o be nade pr"Lor toffild|dlGilof floot, insulation or deckittg. BA a GH_ZLulUle- E LEII R r c4 L & Wl H - FTilAL PLUI4BIIIG After installation is lWCaz: no uotP. is to be couet,ed- ffii-these inspeetions haue been nade and. approoed.. FLPEPLACE: PrLor to placirq faeing matet*tals and. before fi,anlng i.nspec- tion. PRA|'|IIIC: lhust be requested after apptoual of rough plur,bing, electni-cal 8 meclwnieal. ALL roofing bracing A ehinmeys, etc. mtst be eonpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this i,nspection lws'been nade anC apptooed. ALL pnoject conditions, such as the installation of street trees, conoletion o! tie required LanCsccpi.ng, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FfNAL ean be z'equested. fiNAL BUfLDfNc: The Pinal Building Inepeetion mtst be requested after the Final PttnbirtS \J Electrical, orC Mechanieal Inspections haoe been nade and approueC. FINAL AECHAIIICALqa FINAL ELECTRICAL II *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOATS TIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIETII ?O BE I,L4DE r'.T IIO COST TO CIIY I VaI-ue Desct ibe htot k: b- v0 ug tr T V Yffice: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe L) gEA ot, nooable'sectians through nP.U.E. L_-] L-co dsoLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. Lot Faces - Access.L.House llest LOr rwq _ Intet'icr _ Co?ner _ Panhmtdle CUL-de-sac BeCroonsGT Iat So. Fta. % cf Lct Corserage_ # of StorLes Total Eeight TopogrcPltY -- Fees -- VaxITEM TOTAL VALUE teS.D.C. 7.5 x Fee Date Paid Reczipt # Signed Building Vqlue & Permit This pemri,t is granted on the eq)"ess condition ttat the sciid'constvaction slwll, in all respeets,"';";i;;7;- the tu'dinance adop.ted 6v the ci'tv of Springfield, includ;.ng' thl 2orl.ng Crdinanc-e, regulcting .thn t?1?try.:l:":.r^ i,l u"u". of 'bui,Ldings,- *rd ^ay be- susP.end'ed ot' reuokeC at c'nA tLme upon oLc- lation of mA prcolsions of said }rdir'ances' Building Pernrit lotal Charges State N0.FEE Pi,stures Resilenti.a.L (1. bath) Sa,ter Plumbing Permit No petson slwll consttwet, inslaLl',- alter or ehange,any nel)-c? etisting plutnbing or drainage ";;;;-;;-;tuie o? in part' unless such pe?son is the Legal possesso? of " ifill"ptiii"li 1t"-n""2' escept thrt a pe?sonna:1 do pLw,bing uork to poopnf,A'iil'ii-i" o'*ta' Leased or operated by the appli- @nt. Plunbi.ng Penri,t State Suz'ch.atge ITEI,l Nau/Efiend Circuits Sez,uice 0{ Electricol Permit where state Lan t,equiree tha,t the electrieal uork be ilone by an Electrieal Contno"tor, the el)ctutcal porti,on of this _permit slu1l not be oaliC until the 'Label hws been signed by the Electrical Contracto"' Permit * State TotaL FEE CI]ARCE khafit llood Vent F@l Ilcodstoile Mechqnicol Permit Pevmit fssuutce MeelwnicaL Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,ri Penrit Apbeu! Sida,salk tilobtle Hotne PLan Eo@nlne?uate I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED tle cornpleted application for permit, attd. do hereby certify that aLL information hez,eon is tnte anl. earz,ect, anC f furtker eertify that ang ard. aLL uork perfonted slnll be done in accov- dance trtth the 1rdinences of the City of SpringfieLd, and the Laas of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uork Cescribed hereln, end tlat N0 OCCa- PANCy ultll be rrud.e of anA structut,e uithout pennission of the Building Di-oision. I further cez,tify that only contractors at'd enplcgees uho are in eanpliance uith oRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this projeet l,/- v f 1t,'1,TOTAL AbTOUil? DUE:* Signed /%0,s--r Dd,te f Main l*macp- Adrno?f. Acce-ssot u I Storaae l,bintenattce Total C'ltanqes ?ence Electrical Ia.bel