HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-07-07L Rcce:pt :!.. RESIDF?{TIAI... z|s No,th stlt s;treeAPPLr cAT " "' /r"ERMrr Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision ,qe 2.7r7/ Ll)-o I ou SPFII''TGFIELD * vbbV qo>,\rrl ed: Date ar Re l)'L(.s ,lob Locaticn:1 a 7L N,Fb_ -DZ'3 Ta;x Lot ll 3ctAssessore Map ll Stbcliuision Urol L"yA)ncr: ^r*."- 119 lJ, ?:gb Phone: 141-BZo I 3rW,l"ttll'lCity Describc. h'ork: 11t rac tors lxr", Val.ut O. DDfr'aoDate of App Licaticn lldditicn RenoCeL i.loltile Hone {<^c-(-- General P lurnb 11l.Ca Iil.ec t rica Su l-n El-ec I r:clanfv DT;TNLITIOI] OR ,',:OVE' i]-I rr, Sanilaty seuer eapped et property Line Septic tank ptinced and f.t LLed uith gratsel Final - hlten abcue itens are ccnpleted and then Cencll-tion is complete or atrue-ture noued anC. prenises cleaneC up. Ilcmes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connectians -- sarer and. uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and_ plwnbing connections trust bb oppn"r;Zdbefore requesting elecirical tnspection Accessor,:j But LCing final - After pcrekes, skirttng, d.ecks,etc. ate completed. SLTE INSPECTION: To be made afber eecauatton, but ptiot, tc set. up of fortns. I-t ia the reaponsibi-Lity of-the permil; ho-Lder to aee that aLL inspecl:i,-tns ate nad.e at the proper time, that ecch cdrlress is Teadabie {1om.-t!e stree.t, and that the-penmt.eard is Located at the fronr- of Lho propez,ty.'Butlditn Diuicion appro"^ed plan svuzll remain on tti i"liai,rl',,i).,.,rt tlr t.ines. TROCEDUIIE. FOR INSPECTTOil R9?UEST;CALL 7requcstcd and uhen iou uiLL be ready fot,siLL be nade the eane dcy, requests"nldc 26-376 9 (rccorda") $t;a.te youn Citlt Cesi-grntc-d job nunber, job inspcction,Cottttacl;ct:i or (l)nei-s ncne cnd pnone nwtbcr,!?equ a.f l:et' aCitess, t!?pe of inspecticilpst; receti;ed befcre 7:00 an Iour City Desigratetl Job Nwnber fs 7:00 an uiLL be mttie l;he *:xt ."sorki.nE 'WDb96 T,|t,,1 To nade after aLL DRYlnAt'L INSPECTION: 't'c be madeafter aLL d.t"yt;all is i,n place,but prior to any tayti.no. MASOIIRf : SteeL /.oaat.i.,tl, lonj beans, grout.irtq ot ue r t.ic,z/.:: in accortLance Dtth t).8.C. Section 2415 . I,/AODSTOVE: ccnpt;T;A. After ins ballatton is SIDEITALIL,q DRrVErtuY CURB & AP?RCAC\| AF:?ON: Af Le;. fonns at e erected but pt'ior to pcttring concrete. il UND!:!S\,AB PLUMBTN1, ELDCTR tc,1L .4Mt:ctli[,!tcnL@ny uork is couered, t,equired uapor ban,ier:i a.re .tn pLacebut befone anu l.alh, qtlp:tLtn boarrl ortnLL couerino is applied, and l:eforeary insulation is aonce-aled, FC)TING & FQIJNDATICN: ?o be rnaCeaftiF-TieicEii- "riZceauate-d a nr7 forns. are erected, but prior topouring ecncrete. u N)DRGROUND ?LUME I Nc, SgwEn,-_y,1TER, DIIAINACE: 1'o be nnde prior to fiT-Ling trenclee. Ull DER|tI':OOR PLUIE rNG & MECHANI CAL : 'l'o, be mad.e prior to insLallation of fToor insulation or deckinlt. fOST AryD BEAM: To be nade prior Loinstallaticn of floot, insula!;i.on ordecking. ROUCil PLUI4BIIIG, EI,ECTRTCAL 1 MECH-ANICAL: Uoffi uttil these inspections haue been nade and approued.. FI:?EPLACE: prior !;o plccirz fcci.ttamcberials and before franin"g inspel_tion. FRAII|NG: lhust be requested aftcrappro-ual lf rough plur,bing, eiecLri_eal & mechrznieal. aLL ro-ofingbraeing &- ehinmeys, etc. mtst;. becompLeted, !,lo t,tcrk is to be con_cecled untiL this inspection has been made anC approued. L-ot' ai,L can- crrzte pauinll Utnii st:reet riltht-of-acy, to be maCe after aLL exca-Uatinq complete & for:n usot,k & sub- base material in pl.ace. |4#x'hrhen comp!.,:t;rz -- protiCe- or mooable sections l.hrough t) P.U,E FTNAL PLUMBING rINAL MECHANTCAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALl. project conditions, t;uL;!': as tlrc i.nstaLlation of sLreet trees, aonpletlon of Lhercquited Lanrlsccping, cte., rntst' he satisficd bcfore. tte ouitiinc rIiAL can be requested. ?lN.4L BUILD\NC: The Firnl But'.Ld.i,q. fnspcel:iott nust be requested aftcr thc littal lluntbirq\-,/ Elcctrtcal, anc Mechanic,;L In:;pecbions'haDc been--iad"e" a'nd app,oucJ. XAT , MANIICT,ES AND CLEANO,TS MIJST BE ^CCESSIIILI:, AD,IUSTIIETIT TO BE I',IADT ,4T I]O C.1ST TO CI?Y Pei:e 1 of 3 E SOLAR ACCESS REQ._L-CO G*JOB NO Ileat House Cat aqeP.L Not" bh ellEastltSouthilWest Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cctserage I of Stor4es Total Height TopographY LCT TYPE _ Intericr Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac BeCv'oons: Lot Faces - Zone: Building Volue & Permit Tttis permit it; gnanted on the el7?ess co-ndition tLnt the:tattl'consttaction stwll, in azL z'espects'";";;,i;;'to th-e. otrl'Lnance edop.ted 1t'y the C:tY of sptringfie.Ld., inctudtng' th" Zo"l"g crrlincmc-e, reguLatlng the ccnsttacticn Zlnj ,,"""o oi Ltrildtngs," oni"y a'n" suspended Zr nbuokec at t:na ttme upon uic- Lation oY uny pt'cuisions of said Ordinances' -- [ees -- VaLueI;U XITEM S.D.C. 1.5 r e TOYAL VALUE Building PeYnrtt Total ('lnrges State Date Paid Signed Receipl; ll NO,T'F,:E CHAROII Plumbing Permit No nerson slmll constrtcL, instal!, alter. or change cnll nel-ct" etisting ')i,rjrZ't"-l'"'""'i""tlZil ""i""tL,i'i"- inoi" or in part' -unlesi such pe,son is the -tesal posse;sot" of . ,i"i;;"pV:;;u"'1i 1ttn""'"' eicept bhat a pe*son na's do pltnbiils uork to pr.pii,'ri*""ni:r',";'";"r;4, Lelsed or op"r,ot"d by the appli- cant, Eirtures Residential (1 Inth) Seuet' Plunbing Pettr:ib State Swckarge * NO Electrico I Permi t hrlpre State Lcw requites tkat t'he electri.cal uork be done by an Eleetrical conbrctctor, the electriZol''f,zrtr."n-.f th.is_peiii shall not be oalic until ;ir';';b;1 \n" b"en signecl by the Electrical contractor'Nas/Ertend Circuits Set uice t Stete Total ITEM NC CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit Ethanst Hood Vent Fan llcodstoPe PermLt. Issuance lleclnnictl Perrnit SecarL Pernit Clpbcut Si.deuaLk L Mobile Home r HAVE ,ARBFULLy DXLMTNED tke compLeteri application for pennit' and do herebu'certifv tnot oti"'t'fi)'atilon het'eo'i-i"- i""n and' cbruect'' anC r ii,,ri"n," cerLi'fv tnot olnv"ol'i' *:";:::-y;l[Xy:"i;Y:r:'"#1;",LLi"ZTin: fr,.:,:i,4"iT3;";]"r'#::i:f ,':,?",iJ:,',:zx;f ,ii*;;:'*,iz;;;;;f:;1",'Ki.f]'rri"l1- y;'::;:;:"', ?:n;:" 2'u,",f,'rr"",1,27'.2::i;;;:;i:,"'.:,1: *1,?:plcvees Dho are in conpLiance uith cRS zoi"o"ss uiLL be- used on this ptoject Date ?- TotaL Signed ,IOTAL AiIOUiiT CUI:'5 \4 Date 7 tlai,n Ca"Dort Acecssot u Pl.on Check Itee: b,a>