HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1984-08-1022s itorth stit streeAE?LrcATrcY/PERIE! Scr.ryfieLd, 1regon 97177 BuilCing ?iuision 726-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SP'IINGFIELD Job bce:icn: Aasesoors :4ao I TcE Lot &tbdirlsicn: O-xer".. Ad&ess:Plone: zip: Deacibe Hork: ACli;ica ;-L 7/d.brr/ tt l*,t ValueData of App lia,:icn ,/o/&/ ?.cee:- Date: GenercL Coaatrtcrictt Latder CALL 726-3769 (recorCet) state yout City lesigttteC job mrber,'!ou teatiy for ir-spcctioa,ConAactcte ct A;ne:s nae ,=td,pizone tunbct.tntie thc sane C.c7, reqaests nde cft* ?:00 ctt vLLL be nule the neat :,nrtitq dag. i{ .Si?g .L7iP:C;i.T.. To be nace Ecavct'-on, cut prl,cr ,-c sea tcflB. WD'PSLA3 ?IL':TgT:IG. ZLZq:Prc,iT,';aci;s:!r:s@y rrrr is cove:ed. fi te-.a:::;c I tou:tonrct: to be tE,de L_t ai'-et =:enches crs a=ca)ated crd. fctns cre etecced, but prior apurtra ccnc."et€,. - ,mfrc?cnD ?aLwi:tc. s7Ep. t.t:!p-,J Lir4 --rerci,es. V uac*:lccR !,tu:sn:c 1 :a!c1A:trCA!:t t lo ce flu.c pricr ra insccli-at--on of tbon ircukcian or deckir.g. 7)S? AltD 3tAi.l: To be raie prJcr winstali-.'-cn oi 11oor insul,aiioi, crdtckiry. ?onct ?ai:s!:;C. :lzf?!C;a L'Eq?- un=;-L ihcsa irscec:iots 'azue i;eez*i.e z-C, qVr*t'e!,. Fi?*L;Ci: }-:ior -a pLcs-r4 fc=zr4nccenzle ard bcfore irainq inagei- ciolt. ?P.tul!i!C: iLB-- be tec.res;ed af:ar cpprcual of ragh pZurair4, electi-a,L t aeciun*aZ. - AL! rcoi-JnJ brae|rq ! chitrmeye, etc. ntac beaagla--ed. ilo .;cr< at to be ccrt- -cecled. until ahis inseec;:"cz- iae'bccrr tole atd. cpprtved., af!* u? of lou, Citg Desigaated rab xunber ,", XL/ O S7 7 flsltLA?!)il/vA?cg SASRr]R r!!S?!C?!oil : To be rania aftet aLL izzsttkcicn d, reqaited uqor beiete ee in pla,cebtt beJ'ore oq la.th, Wpstr.l bcaC ot r,z,LL oveying is aolied, otd. beforeoty ir,s.alation is cotcealed- DPY,IALL l:lsPrelClt: Tc be nanie after aLL drlDaLL is in place,htt prior to cng taVirq. W.S1N?!: Steel Locatiotz, bonC beans, grculing or oettia,ts in accofu.ce virh U.B.C. Secttbn 2415. ,IOODS?1'/!: Afte* i>t^stalTa,tion isq;tolexed. t job a)i-ess, tgpe of inspec)icn P.eques-"s teceixed befcre 7:00 ,=- DEti0Li?10!! Soi'-al se:,tet cqted =t progettg Lir-e Septic tank Va:teC ad iilZeC uith grc;e- Pincl - i{nen cbate itqns ee cc::oletad cti uhen lercLi..icn ie eatplete o:: s;-.---tute notloL oc, pnarises cle,nzed 14. tsLockr.tq ad, S.t-rp Pltnbittg cotptec.':cr7s - t a)e? od, uatcr Etectrtcci Ccntecx'Jott - Blockittg, sei-us and plmbt:tg crlncct.:onn m:st 'se q2ra;'ac before reques=it g e!,eelrleal ir-scec--io- Accessorl Juiliitrg ?inal - After ::rehes, sbJrting, d.eci,-s, etc. @e cat_oieted.r CURS E APPRCACE A?fiN: Aftet fornsoe ereexeC but priot to pa*ing conEtete. SID9rtALi( E 1RT,EiA!: Fon aLL ccn- cTete P@)irq tithtn st?eet rtght- of-el, to be naCe a;'!at aL!. ezca- uating cattplele t ;'on uork & eub- inse natertal in Vlz.ce. -tr9?VCg,' tthen conplate -- *ooiCe gates o" nooable sect;bns tltough P. U. E. FI::A3 ?!U:.BI::C !T:I;L :!I:U:IICAL ALL pto;ect cctdi;icns, such cE th.e .l.ns=alZc:lon Of s:teet =rees, ccnlcion oy' :iereqtit'ed icnascccirg, .tc., r;ast be sar-siied befcre *e 3UiL2I:lC ?!!iSL:an be reqested. ?:XAL AAfiJl:tC: The Final Suidin4 fnsoection ttst be reqttescati :;.:er ;h.e iinal ?trnbirqi!,ec t.tec L, oi :4ec itantc=L ins' e c =.t cns],<ue b e en ncie ard' ccc:c.s e i. ?,tlt | =-=-6 f -. ?- -.t^u _*--../v^u 'Aiz :!A:iec:is AnD CLSA$CUIS :tUS! 3E ACC1SS:1||, .lDitsi:!=::: :o 3s :.![Ds !..: ::o ::sr ?c cry ?zie ! oy' 2 Ci:y: &?-dl V ,,ourr" rn" P-;/'-,L t, it 2h. rccpoaoibi-lity of .tla pcrdi) holdar u aee :tat at! inspectiotls 6re ,rad,e at :he p?ope, !in6, t!.zt ccch sl,t.ess is rez;-'-'-i.|f{-t!Y ,cfe..t,. crd trat the petttrt; ca.d rla l.ccated at.the frai of ttze propertg.'3uiai-q t)uicio:- a).!ou-ed pLbt si"c.il raa,in on tG a"iZi::"b'siie at all tilnes. T trr T ,icb Nunbet:tq a s 7a-Referenee |lwnbers Zcne 0ccupancu Ct'ot Be'it ooms: itat sq. rtg. li cf Lct Caoenage. | # o7 strrt"" lotal lleight Iapogruphy )lain Euilding PemLt State Total Clnraes Stete Total Vent For Permtt fssuance llechanical Perwit Building Volue & Permit LOT TWE _ fnterict _ Cormer _. Panlwnd.Le Cul-de-sac Lot Paces - Ihis pertnt t is granted on the esprels condition tlnt the sail. consttaeti.on slnll, in aLL respects, eonform to the }rdinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc|udlng the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulati.rtg the ccnstmtcticn otd use of buiLdings, and may be suspended or retsokeC at dtA time upon oic- LatLon of anA prcoisions of said 1rdir,ances. Receipt #: Mechonicol Permit Enerou Soil"ees !itPe Setbacks Df House Can aae Access lleat llater lleater North Range tdst FinepLace South West sq. FlG X Coloot:t Accesso"tl TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Date Paid: $Lglted Plumbing Permit No p,ereon shall cottsttuet, 'instal!" alter ot, clwnge an7 nev cn ecisting plwbing or drainage sAstal in uhole ot, in part, unless eueh petson is tle Legal possessor of a ualid plwnber's Licenee, etcept th,at a pe?son mag do plunbing uork to property uhi,ch is olmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plunbing Perwit NO T LL LTlAEULI?EM Fi.ctures Residential (1 bath) Satti SeDer :ta FEE Res. Sq. fta llal/Ectend. Circuits ?empc?@A Sensiee Electricol Permit Where State Lan requit,ee tllat the electricaL uotk be done by an Electrtcal Contractot, the elec+-tical portion of this perrnit slnll rot be oaliC until the Label tns been signed by the Electrical Contnactot,. d i-rM F9E CI]ARCE ?uncee 9tU'S Ezhatst HooC Ilcodsto:se -- EIICROACHI.IENT -- Seeitt"LtA Deposit Storage I.laintenanee Pctmit Cutbcut Sideualk !ence L o ,2 0 ilobile Hcnte aoTOTAL A.llOUilT DUE:r I HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED tle cornpleted application for permit, and do hereby eertify that aLL infornation het'eon is true and cctrect, attd f fi,rttkez. eertify that ang ard aLL uoz.k perforned slnll be done in aecot- dance with the ordi.nances of the City of Springfield, and the la,te of the State of 0regcn pertaining to the uork Ceeeribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 OCCU- PANCY Lrtll be nnde of any structut,e uitltout permission of the Building >i- oision. I further certifg that only contractots and enplcyees uho are i.n conpliance uith CRS ?01.055 aiLL be used on this pnoiect Plaiz Eaomnet,uate Total DateSigned * Value PLan Check Fee,: Water ?otal C'llct aes Total C'lnroes State Sweharqe 0 U^*"K t-,)^Llu*ol