HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-03-089J 22 s ilorth stit streea,PLr cA? r,N /PERIdrr Spmrqfield, 2regon 97477 Building ?iuision 726-3753 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPFIINGFIELD Job bcatictr: lacesoo"s :rao I lcs lat # Stbdi:t'Jsicn: A;er: Ad.&o-ss:Phone: Deecribe ltbrk: AClittcn Value t--l , (P,$ Data of App Lia,ticn --or8 GenemL ilcres tslockr,ng od Sat-tp Pl;nbinX cowrecticas - 8a)e? d, uatar E\ectn)ccl Ccnieccion - Blockirg, ser-u=otd plwnbing co?f.ections nr;st b-e a??r.e*;e before request'Jzg elec!rtcal inspee=io- Accessorg BuiAiry :2reizes, slelttitg, d,ec?.s,Fina.L - Afte? etc. @e cato r Date bastrtc?ian Letier ..!- . l, ie 2he teeponaibi-Lity oi-tte pe*i) hotder to dee tlat aZL inapec*iona @e nad,e at ihe propet tine, t!.ct 344ft.rt,bsss is vsa:n'^;,t:ma tl'r,e sClleet, cnC ttct the p*rrit crald ia tocated at the fzvai of tl,,e crooetbt-'3uiuir4 Zivisiot ocroted plbt s;rLL rera,'ln on ttu tuniding- sita-'d elt-|rir;;:- i,lechariccL ..CALL 7 u:aen uou utL reatiy fcrbe rmcie the sanze Ccg,reqaeets ncrie 26-3769 (recoz,C*) state lour Ci,ty Cesigr.zted job tntber, job n)i-ess, tupeir-spcction, cantractc"s ci ante:s- ne,te ,ztd. pitote ttuebct. .o.equ.sts receii'edcita ?:00 en viLL be ru.d.e tle nezt ,,nrking d.a!i.8qoE/ of inspee2icn befcre 7:00 ct axDit?sLA9 ?:L':.|9IJC, ?LZCPrc.1t t, iECi.tili']AL: ?o be nurie beiore atyrori ie coucred. n rcs!::;c a ?ou:!DATTC:t: to be rmce L_l ai:et ayenches cte Eectated crd fcrns ce etecxed, but prio" -"o purtrg ccncret..il I I 7)S-l AND 38Ai,l: To be raie pr)cr toinatalkx'-cn oi iloor iwulaiion cr&ckiry. lot-tcE ?afgt::G. SaSCPlc;i ' :.tzcT-AiliC)L: llo ,so:t< "Ja =o be coterec w:=zl ;hese irscee:iot-s h:tle bea,nvie td 4Vrclt'e.1.f;:t"ilCt.' b)or 'a pkc'Jr4 lcc.-rynrcceticLe ard beione iradnq ineoec- tior-. iP-L!!ilC: i4to? be rec.tected afler @ci oJ' rcugh plw=cirq, zi"itrl-cal J necistti:el. ALI tooi-Jng brar)rq 4 ehitorcga, ete. rtsc- bean_olatcd. :lo ,,rl.< is to be cctr- - cu|Lzl, uatil lhis irrloec;iot i.z,e 'beea ,na,l,e ard, cpproveZ., e7?r rr--.ar7.a.r. acaation, but ,'orms. aretches. FI;:A! PLA:,31:IC ?fi|;L ,,!!,PA:IICAL ?!:iAL !'JC?IC;L ?o be tmCe after p,.1ic? tc se! uV of tfl.7e to o7' ilISULATION /VAPO? BARRI]R IIISPICTIOII :lo be nad,e after all insuktbn e,ti tequired uapor betle?s @e in pla,ce bat before otg La,th, Wpsurl bcatC or tnLL ouer.ing is qglied, o.d. befcreoty ins-tla.tion is concealed. Iour Citl' Desigrated Job llutnbet Is: DRYIALL flSPIClClt: Ic be nadeaftet aLL Crg,.taLL is in place, but pt'ior to cng tapirg. :.;cv=) Soti2oJ sa,tet cqryted, .t p?og.tty L*.e' Septie tank VaryeC ad. fiLLeC uith gr.t;ei Pinal - ilhez cbcue itens are ec:.olete<io:ti uhen Carlition is canrplete br st:uc-tura noued ot preniaes cleaned up. W.SOIIP!: Steel beone, orcu*ing aceorbtce vL;h 2415. 'l00DS?0'/l: Afte installation isaaoleted. t cetenarr@-nGm street right- of-uscy" to be nale after all. ecca- oating sqnplete ..1 lom usork & eub- inse ncteial in place. Location, bond. ot oerviccls in A.B.C. Section ANDEP!'CCR !'LU:,3 I::C 1 !4ICIAIIICAL ;@;;tGffifbor tsuktiot or decking. CURB E APPRCACH A?POtl: After fornsce arecceC irut prtor to patr)ng eona?ete. SIDEIAL;( E 1RTEtlA!: For aLL coa,- l ALL pro;ect cozdi:icne, such cs che.).nstallcticn oJ'sateet eraes, cc-lecion o;'ti'e requireci Zctisccoir4, etc,' til4st be satisiied beJ'ore tip aUiLDfi:G lllrAl:an be regaested. :IIAL AAfLrilC: Th.e ?i.nal 1uild,i,4 fnspection a.st be ,equestxi :j:ar the Finel ?l-unbitqEleccical, otz l,leciur.ical insoeecicns -itqle been nad,e atd'ccorooa4.l 'ALL :'!AJE1!!S AttD CLEAilcWS IIUS! 9E .lCCiSi!7Li' .1DjtS7:!:::: :o 3s :.!\Dl !.! liO ljST ?2 CM ?=1a 1 of 2 ?lNC9: I,lhen co,nplete -- *ooiCe gates ot tauabie sectians throuahb.u.e. L_l T ,( ?nhc:,tziie CUL-de-sac _ Inxerict Corqte: i,ot Sq. F'-.. Z cf lcc Caterc.ge ! of Stor)es lotcl liEiz= logog -h4 aot !.ces - iousa !.bin A=cce ^^t.f lrrf .'c s.D.c. t.5 : .gogo ;t0 FZ? I C:.1-?3; -trritlo"es Resiztrti.a.L (1 bcth) Sa.itzrl Seten icte! Res. So. f+.o. Ila,t/E:tetd Cir:tits Tatocraa Sentice - al, t aaai?iv iit:r,36q 3711'5 b,ltast HooC Yent Fzt JcoCsto:se Stor:.ce llrJnte.n=r:a Sid.e,tatk JOB NO. 3 iec t'lobile i{ae soLAR ACCESS REQ.- 'ii;t>: a--. I L-CO G+ 3ec:tcns -- Fees -- t: Sig:ted: a PLan Ecattiner Uc:e f EAW CAiEiALLy IX.LUIIIED tlo conp!.atzC qglicaticn for peni;, cnd, dclereby ce"+.if! tlat aLL itfot:ation hereon ia *ae atC ccrreet, atrC f fitthet eer.+.ifV that @tA ard, aLL aork cerJ'onted ahalL be done in acccr- <iarce ,,tith ;.he Ordinsces of tfu city oi Sgringfield, od. the Lc;s of ."ie State of )regcn per-;inino to the larrk CesxLbed herr)n, ad. :ha,z :10 CCCA- P.UIC'I lriLl ba taie of dry sttuctura uithott petnission c7' ;he 3uiiding Di-tision. ! 1-t:rther certify,-hz.t o-Ly.onfudc:ots o..1. qlsgees ut"o aZ in canol|ance Dlth CRS ?01.055 uiLL be useti on this project Building Vcllue & Permit This pemtt,h grcnted on the eqreas codition'-l1ct the sad.constntctionshall, in all rescects, confcrm to the Crd,inat;ce cd.octe.i b:y the Ci;y of Spr)ngfielC, 'Jncludtng lhe ioning CYdizlrece, regulctln-o ;he ccnstrtccicn sd. use of butid.ings, a,C n=E be sucoend.e,l. or rertckei et dy !'ine upon uic-kttctt of a.y prcuisions of daiC CrCi.r,ances. ?uiUir,g ?er-rtit lotcl llo:ges Plnkng Pen;it 1 Sr:.cte Pe*rit fssu.zrce Uo^i--.'^-1 D.r*: L -- a;lcF.cAc:i: !3:!! -- t Plumbing Permit No, person sitall consimtet, instal!, alter ot ciunge cv.A tea ct eisting glwnbing or drainage systai in aiole or in part, ur:Less such petson is- the Le_gal possesso" of a oalid olunbet's License, esce?t th,ct a De?sort r,a.7 dopltnbi:tg uork to propettg aldch is owted, Laased ot operated by the alpli-@.t. Electricol Permit l{heve State Lan requires that the electrical uork be bne bg an glectr\cal Contru.ctor, the eleelrtcal portioa of this pe*nit sha.Ll rot be uali.C tmtiltle label has beez aigfled bg the Electrlcal Cont"acta?, Mechqnicol Permit a -v.g^ l3lAL *tlCUit? cu!:.8 t r// lccassc-'t TJrrx IiZ!! .r35r __-_-- loi:L *ozan Swthaoc o IELI 0t3 SfBq-o)('7 DATE: J-Iq- 84 r TO: FROr't: SUBJECT: Build'ing Department Spri ngf i el d Fi re Deparhent Structural Damage to Bu'i1 di ng Address or'locat'ion of building 4t9 N ),<ru (?!6- €yy7) Name of or.,ner / e l.a ?/oa ers Type of bu'i 1d i ng (1ing, Store, l,Jarehouse, etc. ) Estimated value of building $o Est'imated I oss to bui'ldi ng $ ,.ooo Date of fire ) - rc2' I L/ Location of damage in building hric z f; rz Ptct-re ', r eCvtar-p-i' (Roof , t/a11, Exterior, Interior, etc. Structural weakness as a result of the fire J t j onal perti nent i nforrna t'ion (Burned rafters , Beams , "lgi sts , etc. t seo /,-6 ZrscRT^Addi */3o ,Gc-an"s4 ,Gar ,frf a e T/.r'd .AUEA Ga Electrical Hazard (t^]iri nq, 0utl ets, etc. %cc: Sjqned l, * /;n c.-<) Y FIRE DA}4AGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD r,t /.b.,< ) ,,t