HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-01-13# . " RESIDu*{TIAL" APPLTCATION/PERMTT 225 North Sth Stveet SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Buildinq Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPTIInfGFTELD urd-/ Cisr+ Date: Job locatica: 7 L5zreerNo-zzt 2 d Aasessots Map #?a lat # Subdio'ision: Addtess:Phone: Aszter: 4tu, SPnnv<>ccD.City: DescrLbe Hori<: Liac. frCont?acto?s PhoneAddtess General €E<,A ; Plunb*o ELectrtcaL i!echazicel 0R :t)wt Sattitey seaet eapped ct ?ropertl Litte Septie totk g"qed ad. fiLled zlith gta:el ?r)ncl - i,lhen abcoe itens ate cclraleted md 'shen Tenolition is comolete br s:n e- tute nooed ad. prenlses cleatteC up. e Ecmes Pltnbin? eonnectians -- sal)e? otd, ualer Eleed.cal Catneetion - Bloeking, set-ut and. plwnbing co-nnections m;st be qptct:ed before z.equeeting eleclrical inspeclio;t Acceasory BuilCing pcreh.es, skirting, decks, leted. tsLocking otd. Set-:tg Firal - After etc. ue eonp Page 1 of 2 IotE CitA Deeigrated Job Nwtber fs:ABa/e,2 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPIC?ION : ?o be nad,e after aLL insulaticn cC required oqor bawie?s @e in place but befcne or.g l,ath, g7p*ln boarC or tnLL couer'tng is cpplied, and. before oty insulation is concealed, It ie lhe reapoaeibility of tle penrit hod* b see '.hat aLL inspectiona @e nade at lhe propet t1he, thdt eceh address is re-a).bie fnon the strdet, and thct the petmit cad. ia l,ocatel. at the frcnt of ihe oroperht.*yuiiding D.Juiciott eproo'ed pl.ot sitclL yeaain on the Bualdnng Sitc-a: aLL'tines.' PR1CIDUPEE04 INSPECN1N.EI.9WS?;CALL726-3769 (tecorder) stdte !ou! Citg Cesigrated job mm,ber, job aC&ess, tgpe of inspeelicn re.quested ard uthen gou uiLL be readg for irapection, Cont?dctors ci a,mere nane -cnd. plone nutrbcr. Pequests receixbd befcre- 7:a0 qt lzZL be nade the aante dcg, "equests nade after 7:00 @n vLLL be rmde the ne,ctlntkin4'dag. Conslmct'ioa Lender qTFl fitQDifntnit. acdoatlon,ffi ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. 9LECTRIC,\L & i,lECi!!.ilICAL: ?o be macie before anywtk is coueted. lo be nade afterpriot tc se! up of tuCa anl to yllgR, PCOTfiIC & EOUNDATICN: 7o beafter trenchea ate ezcaoated forns ote erected, but prtot, pourLng ccnc"ete. UNDZRGP1AIID ?trWlNG, €8W3, DRWALL iNSPlQfaN: ?c be mad.e after aLL CtyuaLL is ln place, but prior to crry taping. |,LAS1NRI: SteeL Loeation, bond beans, gzouting ot uetticals in accordotce vith U.B.C. Section 241 5. Afte" inatallation is re v I tTl uaoenrLocR ptutgr?tG & i4tCSANrcAL:tlt@of fJoor insul,<.tion or decking. POS? AMD tsqAV: To be nade prLot toffiof floor insulation ot deckittg. fa- R)UGH ?LU/!BIJG. ILECIR:CAL & :,\ECE-tLt - ua:til chese :-nsoeczioz:s Tnue- beer, made at1d, aoprotleC, FT?EPLACE: Pm)or to placirq laaingnaterials atd. before irorrtn4 inspec- tion. FRAI,IIIIG: lhtst be reoueated after ffii of tottgh pltnbing, eiectri-cal & neelwnical. A7,! rcofitt4 braeLng E chinmeys, ete. nuet be . cotnpleted. !!o acrk ie to be eon- , cealed utttil thie inspeettcn las 'been rnade otC approted. nRA@- Li"q trenchee. FINAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHA]IICAL EIIIAL ELEC?RICAL ,t00DS!0,t8: erraM. SIDEWALK d DRI"EWAY,cre;;iffiEfr" CURB ,3 APPRCAQT 4f;?.0n: After forrnsa.e;"ecteC buTiffi to pout+ng conc?ete. Eor aLL eon- stTeet right-of-te!, +-o be maCe after all, esca- oatino canplete & fom utork & eub- fu,se naterial in place. Ea *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS uuST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTltZilt ?O BE I.L4DE tr tt7 C3S? rO Cr:t ALL project corditiono, suck cs tize;-.nstalZation of street frees, .o@leticn of the rcquired Land.scqirq, etc,, rmtst be satiafted before the ilILDING FilIAL can be requested. ?INAL BUfLDING: The Fi.nal Building- Inspection nust be tequested aftet the Final ?LunbingEZectrical, otd. !"lechanical Insoections haue been nade ail'acoroueC. Y Qnn t/.arYafap Date of Applicatian_ l-l Na,t tdditicn V Ygucs, llhen cowlate -- *ouiCe L) gates or notab\e- sections thrcugh P. U. E. 2 JOB N 2 SOLAR 3ESS REQ.-L-co c Bedtooms: Lot Faces -Enerau Sourees ?uDe Setbacks :ieai DT Hou6e Cataqe Aceesa,Waten lleater North Edst FirepLace South lloodstoue bt Sq- Etg. 7 cf Lcx ,,"r*"@ # of Stortes Topography LCT TWS _ Interior _ Comer _ PanTnnd.Le CuL-de-sac llest -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This penrtt is gnanted on the ei?ress cottditicn tttat ti@ said.-eonstzaction sita.Ll-, in cll z,bspects, confotn to the crdinantce adopted 2y th-e Citg o.i Spz'ingfieLd, incl-udtng the loning Crdinance, regulctitlg the ccnsttuecicn and use oi butldings, ar,C nty be dusoend.ed or retsokei al cng tine upcn uic- Lation of any prcuiaions of saiC 0rCirances. ,Uo Pt;,ys 5-Za* / 7z€> . .f;u -1)TOTAL VALUE r!il4 VaLue J 6 Sig-.ed - -tUZ. 23 Euilding .DemrLt State ? Plumbing Perrnit No pe!€on slnll coruttact, i.nstaLl, altet ot change GnU vea cr eristing pLwnbing or drainage systsn in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person is tke Legal posseasor of a oalid pllnbet's License, escept t'i2at a De"son nay do plunbing aork to pl,operb! ulrLch ts wned, Leased or operated by the apPli- unt. FEE CHAP,GE .fo? 24 t- !i.stw,es Resil.etrtial ( 1 bath.) Seaer Plwnbing Perw[t 1 et} ee Electricol Permit Were State La,t requiree tha.t the electrLcal aork be done by an Eleetrical Contraetor,, the electrieal portton of :his permit slta.Ll -ot be oaliC until the Label has been signeC by the Electrical Contractor, /5.c" c'G Total ?a Nan/Eatend. Circuits Sentiee 1A ?a FZE i Mechonicol Permit I khalet EooC llcodstooe Vent For OA adl Permtt fssuowe Meclwnical Pernit * 2Z ac Sea,o'ttu Decosit Stotaoe Maintenance Perln'it Ctobaut SLAeUd.Lt< Fence Electrieal La.bel ?a Mobile ilcne ?OTAL A},IOUIIT DUE:*/a7. to - J.u D. I EAW CA-REFULLy ?XAAINED the eornpleted aoplication fot pentrtt, crui da hereby eertify that aLL informatton hereon la ttue anl. ccrrect, and. f fu"the! certify that cny arl aLL aork perfotmed slwll be d.one it accot,- dance rtith the 1rdinatees of the city of Spza)ngfieT-d, awi tha tans of the State of aregcn pertaining to the aov,k Cesc"ibcd herein, cnd tint N0 1CCa- P/.NCY vLLL be raCe of crLA stnactu"e ,rithout permisaiott of the 9uilding Di- v4sion. f fw,ther cettifg tlnt otly contTec.ot,s atd. a'nplcgees ah.o ce in conpli,ance atth ORS 701,065 aiLL be used on thie projeet /- t3 -I ,:] ?otal Clwrges