HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1991-02-13t N FO RMATION : 726-37s3SPFITNGFIEIJ' INS P ECT tONS s 726 -37 6I SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION clty of sPringfield 225 n. 5th street qkf^,1'Ul -4Tq( TYPE OT .BU ZTP q t t n ts lh,.ui I&*i(try,nf t1 *() q lulBr a,l-t{l/ O}INER OR PROPERTY 4/-r! Lt (. C re.r lot -f PHONE LECAL DESCRIPTION ADDRESS OIJNER OF SIGI.I (IF OTHER THAII PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS \f zt NAME OF BUSII.IESS, FIRM, ETC. A. toaorroN oF srcN (ADDRESs) D. uss AI{D cl'aRAcrER oF srcN \.'rnrntrty /rour*.F INCIDEMAL SINGLE TACE FACE YTILTI-FACE READER BOARD BTLLBOARD ROOF PROJECTING MAROUEE UNDER I,IARqUEE OTITER SIGN:STPI'CTURAL TYPE I|ALL B. rype oF I{oRK: {*rr* RELOCATE OTHER _ERECT SIGN I,IANUEACTURER CIF OTHER T}IAN ERECTOR) '{fL{-wttz 41'l0z E PIIONE 7tD DA PIlONE . VENDORS,CONTRACTORS: 5 r( ADDP.ESS SICN ERECTOR- ADDPTSS CITY LICENSE EXISTING SIGNS ARE TTIERE ANY EXISTIIIG SIG}IS? YES G.il IN ATL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINNSS, ETC. I.'ILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAL T,IIRIIIG? LI SC . NIJMBER_PI:CIIE- l^rt dt l,l. s IGN!MICHIFYES ILLtn{INATED CAL COITTRACTORil*.r*, ADDRESS DU,IETISIONS, I}ISTALLATIO}I & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEPJICAL DI}4ENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDfiI OT SIGN DII.IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTH DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIoII IS }IORE ,rfo*-ff -OTEE pugLTC PROPEPJY TIIE .SIGN ERECTOR l'rusr FrLE wrrl{ THE gurtoiNc DrvrsroN COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI.ID PP.OP- ERTY DAI'IAGE I}ISUP"ANCE POLICIES. Til E YES f,o i.{t-, " l2't 201W l. DEScRTBE TypE oR yATERTALs srcN rs D{i'lL co or [orwrl fitrot J'rr* rNFoF]{ATroN (LAtrD us') -- ExrsrrNc usE or-suir,orlrc on leNo (oR r-Asr usE rF vAcANT) BUSINESS _OUTDOOR I'IERCHANDISING PTT.OPOSED LISE OF BUILDING OR I.AND:10,. VALUE OF SIGN:K . I HAVE CAREFULLY E)$IIINED the comPleted applicaEion for permit-and 9o hereby certify thau all information ts rrue and correct, "r,f,"i'f;I[i;;-;;;iiiv-t[.t all work perforired shali be done in accordance wirh rhe Sprlngfield sigl otai;;a;, -it9 ui,rioA siE" cid'e-as adopted bv the Citv of soringfteld and "-ii oltui-ordinancEs;i-;i;;--ar;-y-"t-spir"efj-.iE ""a the laws-of thir srate of cregon percalnlng to E:le worli <rescriulu n"I"i"l' r g"iit "i "urtlfv that rnv lilgn' contractor I-L- cense vrirh Ehe ci.i"oi-'ipii"'gri"ii-i;-i""i;1i--ior"".""J--uir""c as'required bv-sprinrfield codes g-2-6(3) and g-7-20(2). r will r"qil.i""ir-r"q"ii"a-"ign lnspecrions' ltsted- on the approved fr,u,'n J Dn{.1 s permlt. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) }.PPLY? LIGIITED) PLEASE READ 1)Sep4rate Sign Appllcag:lon: A separate appLicatlon ls requlred for each separate sign as defined iE@ 2)ElecErical: Any permi.t issued under thls application will lncludq wiring in or 9n !ign structure, EEe supfiIy wlres for cor,.r""Eion musc be covlied on an electrical f'ermir. Electrical connectlon must bi'made only by a State Licensed Electrlcal Contractor. Illuminatei signs (b-oth.internally and exgernally) irust conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance, Plans Required: This applicatlon is to be submitted wlEh two complete sets of plans showing.di- ;ffieighi-of.s}.gn;ad,erEis1ngmessageonsign;1ocatioilofsignon.proPertywithdi- mensions ro propuriy linei, structurai teiaLls"of suppSri framing, braciig and-footings; materials oi "."iir""rio"'f-i"sifi-ar,a-.ign structure.; elecuritil_equipmenE and liglicing; size and locaEion of existing signs o" pfop"rty t6r the same busienss, alL is required-to determine comoliance with ;f,.=$;i;;Eiii["iriii b;ai;ilt"-tArii;i;-7-oi-H; a;ii"eri.ta-ci-y-coa.1. Als-o,' dho, the ro1low- i;g i;i;ffi;irot orr"itu-proE plari (plan showing prolertj llnes and locatlon of signs): a) Show the locagion of all exJ.sting slgn(s) as welL as ProPosed stgn(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bulldtng. For wall signs, show ihe length of the buildtng frontage. c) Show the locaEion of entrances oPen to the publlc and driveways. When required, because of design, slze, etc., englneered drawings and-calculations musE be pre- p"i"a-Uy i licer,seA engi-neer oi inaff conform to deslgn standards on flle at the Building Divi- sion Offlce. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be reEurned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs musE meeE corner vislon clearance requiremenEs as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sisn nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead ElE?rrlcal c5nduccois in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feeE in- any direction fron overhead electrical ll-nes whLch are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the dat,e of issue of thls perroit, the permit sha1l be void.. lnspections : 3) 4) s) 6) 7). 8) e) a) Site Inspection - to be nade before the sign' Gf-ajj76ilIcaEfil may be made aE the same time iion ii to be made-after hole(s) ls excavateci ls placed. UsualLy, the Footing Tnspgctionas the SiEe Inspectlon. Tre To-oting Inspec- ,, but pri.or to the placement of concreEe. of al1 work.b)Final oectlon, -to be oade upon corupletion c) Elecrrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the s- ffi;ected and before the sign is Eurned on. ign CALL FOR THE REQUTRED INSPECTTONS ON T:ltE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3759 SIGN DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARX ZONE CT FOOTAGE OT SIGN REQUIRFD INSP4CTIONS: SITE/LOCATION udt ncrnrcal FOOTINC OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT 5frnu. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISTIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSI]ED: APPROVED BY: DATE ffi TOTAI,: RECEIPT3--1 JOB # CLERK DATE SECTION SICN ORDINANCE {\3 q( SIGN PERMIT FEE: OREGO'VCITY OF 225 PIFTE STNBBf, sPRilcrrBu), oREcoN 97477 INSPEGTI0N RBOUBST: 726-3769 OFEICB: 726-3759 1.OF Electrlcal Contractor J-/ Address / [7( t^/, 7 r: ct Phone Y,?'1 SP' GFIELED EIJCTRICAL PERTIIT APPIJCATION City Job Number a lDlDlo 3. COIIPI,ETB PBE SCEEDTTI.E BEIOS A Permlts arE non-transferable and expirelf work ls not started vlthin 190 daysof lssuance or if work ls suspended ior 180 days. 2. COIITRACf,OR.INSTALIJITION ONLY ftems Cost Sum 1500 sq.ft. or less Each additlonal 500 --sq. ft or portlon thereof Each Manufrd Home or -Modular DweIIlng Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ 15.00 $ 35.00 Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Clrcuitsincluded). Installatlon, Alteratlonsor Relocatlon: Nev Residentlal-Slngle orHulti-Famlly per dwelllng unlt. Servlce Included: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps- over 1000 amps/vorts -Reconnect 0n1y B tl,z $ 35.00 $ 60.00 $ 90.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 3s.00 Supervlsor Llcense Number trwr Explratlon Date ll9 - l- 0l I Constr Contr. Number ZT7 Z Explratlon Date - 0t-qZ Slgnature of Supervislng Electricianitr Ovners Name Add ct Phone 5 OUNER The installation is belng.made on property I ovn vhlch is not lntendedfor salel lease or rent. Orners Slgnature: DATE: C. Temporary Services or Feedersfnstallation, Alteratlon or Relocatlon above D. Branch Clrcults Nev, Alteratlon or Bxtenslon per panel One Circuit Two to ten Clrcults Each Addtrl ten orportlon thereof E Mlscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not lncluded) -Each lnstallatlon Pump or irrigation $ 36.00 Sign/0utline Llghti"g-I $ ge.OO gG Slgnal Circuit or Iimited energy panel_ $ 36.00 5. SIIBTOTAL OF ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL 200 amps or less $ 35.00 201 amps to 400 amps - S 40.00 over 401 to 6oo amps - g go.oo 0ver 600 amps or 1000 volts see trBtr \ $ 3s.00 $ 50.00 s 15.00 RECBIVBD BI. CD f r)fttA[ rf,\au.auon