HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-03-13SPFIIl\lGFTELE' \. 9'. tNFoRMATtoN: 726-3753 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATIoN city of springfield . 5th street,2" INSPECTIONS: l 26-376r d9 zz3aa ZTP A.{t TA-Y LOT -.*- TYPE OT ,BUSITIESS g 6_ 74 oTJNER OF SIGr,r CIF oTltER THAIr pRopERTy OWNER) NA}18 OF BUSII,IESS, TIRM. ETC. ADDRESS LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTIO* /? O}INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS l*"o.or" / OTHER t=ui<t,ruq S tJN AITER B.TYPE OF WORK: ERECT STP.UCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN:. TIALL FREESTANDI}IG/V NOOT PROJECTING },IAROUEE ITNDER I4ARqUEE OTI{ER USE AI.TD CPJ.RACTER OF SIGN r./ IDENTITY -INCIDENTAL./ oousln recs _srNGLE FACE },ITILTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD D. E. /assAD EXP. DATE CIF OTHER TIIAN ERECTOR) Aui.rxLSS 375 A l'e P-coiiE f74 -7 - VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR .ADDPJSS CITY LICENSE }ITJ}'B SIGN I,IANUTACTURIR . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THNRE ANY EXiSTIIIG SIG}IS? G t, FTG YES NSIIIJT{BEP. A].L EXISTING SIGNS FOR DUSINISS, ETC, I.IILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAL IITI.TTICI. /1/O IF YES, TfiICII APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN _rLLII{TNATED (rNDrpJcfF ucurro) ELECTRICAL CONTPJ,CTOR H LISC. NUMBER ADDRESS DII,IETIS IONS, UISIALLATIOI.I & CONSTP.UCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DI.I'IENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDT1I OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GBADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN IT YES, DI}IENSI.ON BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NoTE: IF PROJECTIoII IS tIoRE ,ilrlF- OVER PUBLIC PROPEPJY TI{E SIGN ERECTOR I'IUST FILE WITII THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OT HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI.ID PP.OP- ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"ANCE POLICIES. JrucA E 2011-Aa. YES -t4o aE+ /e TIIICKI.IESS OR DEPT}I DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? DESCRIBE TYPE OR MAIERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF.l, t' 5/r / '',gl' -' ' Arzort (, K' ,o"u, o, ,..*,#a lS oo t. I 'srTE rNFOFltATrol{ (LAITD IISE) -- EXISTrNG USE OF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR TAST USE IF VACANT) ,,/rNoooe BUs rNEs s _ourDoo:D. l'tEncHAt: D I s rltc PB,OPOSED LISE OF BUILDII:G OP. I-AllD ' Sa-f J DATE aPp furE agn d Coda! d ng r.ri . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}IINED the rmit and do herecompletedrpe tha l-ication fo bv ccrElfv rhac alI t', rned sha I i bc Cone ltlinformation is Erue and correc t all work oerfot, and I her certify Cttv otdooreC bv thcCode as aforn Siaccordance with the Spri.ngfield Signr Ordinances Ordinance, the Uni and rhc laws of che 9c.rtc ong fie ISorinefield and alI oche Crey'on oercaining Eo t:1e of the Ciry of Spri r-( -t!.fv thaa nv I1;^ Cortr:rclorworl: <lescri-b €d hererl. I furtlrer cer as reouircd trv SPringf :c li!field is ln fu1l force and effecte Cic of Spri ecEions Iisred on rl'.c ltPorovo9-7 -2 vo(2). r 11 request all required sign inso PRINT) cense with Eh 8-2-6 (3) andpermic. NAME (PLEASE SIGNATUB.S t C. ttFA< 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 5) 7) 8) e) PLEASE READ *ffi:Aseparateapp1icaEionisrequiredforeachseparatesignasdefined Electricar: Anv permlt issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign scrucEure,EEe suPPly -wire! iot "o""""ii."-.""c ue covlieJ-;;-; "r."ri-i".r-p="iiii. Elecrricar connecrionT::t^l:^i_"1:,:l1l- bv a Scate Licensed Electrical conrracror. rllirrninared signs tq"ir,-i"l"rnar1yand exEernally) rnusc conform to secrions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 oi-rhe-a;;i";ii;id-'s'ign or_ctLnance _ Plans Reouired: Tfris application is to be submitted wlth two complete sets of plans showing di-_.-....:--_J-..mensions and height of.sign; advertising message-on sign; :.ocatioi-oi-sign o" plot.ity-ritn ai-nensions Eo ProPe-rEy lines, _strucEural details-of supp{ri eranin!, Ui""iig ".ra'folti"'es;;.aterrarsof conscruction for sign and sign strucEure,; elecrritii-;q;iil;;E'""a-rigf,ti"g, iir.- lij to".rio.of existing.siqn:.on pioperty f6r the-saqre busienss, all is l"q"ir"J-to deterninq comoliance withthe springfield sign. ordinance (Arricre 7 of the spii"gii"ia-cirv-c"a;i.--Ar;;;.';r,"i-'ini-foltow-ing lnforrraEion on che plot plan (plan showing proi,.rti iin."-"r,i i"."lio" oi-"ig""i,---- a) show the location of all existing sLgn(s) as well as proposed stgn(s). b) Show the. length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wallsigns, show che length of the building frontagl. ' c) Show the locacion of entrances open to the publlc and driveways. I'Ihen required, because of design,- size, etc., engineered drawings and calcuLati.ons must be pre-paried by a licensed engineer oi sha1l conform ro"design srandarEs o"-rir" "i a5; B"ilai"; Divi-sion Office. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit beingis sued. Signs musE meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. NoTE: No sisn nav be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or verticaLly from overhead - erecEricaL conducEors j-n excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feeE in any direction'frorr overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized at less'than 750 "oit". ---- -" ---l rf a sign is noE installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shallbe void. Inspections: a) 9iE"==Il??"ction - to be made before the sign is pJ.aced. Usually, the Fooring InspectionGr€jj-I1-ca_orerqrayb-emadeatthesaEletiieas..tr,"sii"I;;P;;ti";--ffiInsPec-tion is to be made after hole(s) ls excavaleci, but prior to th" pticerneni oi-"""!r.t".b) Final rnspeccion:- to be roade upon coroplecion of al1 work. c) Electrical, - qu electrical.signs oust be inspected for electrical hook up after the signfs er--ar-EE eA and before the sign"i" E"*.a-o;.-'----- CALL TOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 SIGN DIsrRLcrTl'i!.' . TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF REQUIRXD INSPECTIONS: ZONE DISTRICT SIGN 64 ffi l'{ I _SITE/LoCATTON _FOOTING OR METHOD 0F ATTACHMENT/- _ELECTRICAL LTTNAL _oTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BETOR.E ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATIOI.I NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: n (/4 / APPROVED BY: \. ,/: f DATE ,- - i. ?SECTION: SIGN PERMIT FEE: .flg,o* *lU-gLLREcErPr 1o r88 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE 47" STATE SURC}IARGE: TOTAI.: DATE -o- H CLERK JOB ff6,afi 4 SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE 3'8