HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-09-27city of sPritrgfield 225 n. 5th street A' ,-o.nrroN oF srGN (ADDR[ss) LECAL DESCRIPTIOI.I OT.INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS 5 PFltrrrGFlt-:Lf,) SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATTON: 226-37s3 INSPECTTONS: 726-3769 {L TAX LOT * PIIONIE b. F Srcr.r (I F OTTII'R TIIA}I PROPERTY OWNIiR) BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC 7 olrNER 0 ADDRESS NAI'IE Or' IONI: 1'YPD OI,' EUSIIIESS D. usE Al.lD ciLqRACTEIi oF srct'l BILLBOARD IJTITY ,X/m",-r' roct' }!I.ILTI-FACE READEI{ I]OARD ._.-INCIDENTAL DOUBLN FACE C' ,rrrarult^L TYt'[ o]i srGN MAROUIiI UllDl:lR l4AlI0UliE ROOF TROJIiCTII'IG _FllEIl:;Tn NDrNG B. tvpr oF I,toRK: ALTIiR RELOCATE OTIIt.:R TIIONI: E +h zrP q-1"/11 VENDORS,CONTRACTORS: S].CN I.{A}ILITACTUR.I]R (I}' OTIIER TIIAN EP.ECTOR) IiXP. DATE -m1DPrlollE 4ADDP.NSS SICN ERt.:CTOR T.DDIIISS CITY LICENSE TIT]I'18 .* . EXISTII.IG SIGNS ARE TIIERI: A}IY D(ISTIIIG SICIIS? H' o,ar" srcN I,AVE ,.LEcl'p.rcAL t,trRrNG? IT YES, WIIICII I.PPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGII rLt-ttrrNATLlD (u.u)r P.I'cTIY ucltrno) ilrarotanr, corlrP^croR ADDRIiSS_ Lr s c . NUl.luER---_-PI:Cl'l G tDr- tt c n ETrr ALL EXISTINC S16I.IS rOR Dt]SINNSS, I;TC. }]U}{BEP. S .s _No DII.IENSIONS, UISTALLATIO}I & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAL IIEIGiIT ABOVE GRADE VEP,TICAL DII4ENSION OF SICN HORIZOI.ITAL WIDTII OT SICN DI}IIINSION TROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN NO'[E: IF PROJIICTIOII IS IIORE TIIAN 12" O-VIR puBLrc pRopERTY TllF; srGN EIIECToR I.1UST FILii WITII T}ID BUII,DINC DIVISIOI'I COPIES OT' TIIS/IIER LIABILITY AI'ID PI"OP- ERTY DA}IACE ITISUP"AI.ICE POLICIES. YES F. I *" TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTII DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND ?ROPERTY LINE? I[ YES, DII.IENSION BEYOND PROPf,RTY LTNE OUTDOOP. I,.IERCILANDI S I}IC IIDIPR.OPO J ORD EXISTIT.,'C USETE INITOF}TATIOI{ (I.,AND IISN) USE IF VACANT)LDII.IG OR LAND (OR L\ST INDOOR NUSINTJSS ri 0r SIoII. DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SIGN IS VALUE OF SIGN:K coNsTt(uci'f,D or. .I ilAVE CAREFULLY IIK IIINED tirc conpletetl applic.'ruion for perrniE-and do hereby certify thaf a1I informarion is Erue an4 corrcct, o.,J-i-fuf[f,". cerrify cirar a1I rvorl< ncrformed shall be done in accordance wirh the ifii"gii.ufd'Sign ordinance, the uiri-form Sign Cocle-as-adopred pf the Citv of Sorinqf Ield and aIl oi:her"OrdinancEs of rtre Cir:y of -Spr-ingfielci.;rnrl .Clte law-s of rhe Srace of Cregon ocrcalning to t:1e worl: <Jescr;.bed nc. (.r-n. I furtirer ,ccrc j-L-v tltar: t'tv Xi6n Conf lacror I-i- conno ,ith the CIfy oi Springfield is ilr fuLl. force an<l cffecr as'renuired by SprinS'.1'ield Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). 'f w'itt requesc all required sign inspections Listcd on rhe approved permit. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) srcNAruRE del eo D.l\)SON-) DATE e.@.% 1n,o-- t .- la @ PLEASE R D 1) !gp!qcr Jlgn AppLig4qign: A separare applicaLion is required for each separace sign as defined in che Si[n Code 2) Elecrrical EFe EppV wi musc be made and externall dinancc .. 3)Plans Rcquired mensions and h mensions Eo pr of conscrucrio of existing sithe Springflel ing informatio a) Show the locaEion of all exisLing slgn(s) as well as Proposed slgn(s). b) Show the lengcir of ttre sr-reet frorrtage tal<en rtp by Lhe business or building. For wall signs , show the length of tite building frotrl:agtr. c) Show fhe loca Cion of enLrances opcn Eo thc pr,rbl.i-c and drlveways . I,/hen required, because of design, sizc, c!c., euginecred drawings and-calcularions must be pre- pared by a Iicensed cnginc". oi slrall confonn Lo tlesign scandards on file at thc iluilding Divi- sion Office. Plans of Insufficielt clarify or dcfail will be r-r:Lurned Eo the applicant wirh no pcruriE being issued. Sig,ns must mceE corncr vision clcarance rcquirenrctrL:; as describcd in Figure 9 of thc Springficld Comprchensive Zoning Code. NOTE: l.lo sien mav be erecfed whir:h is less fhan 12 feet horizonEally or vertically from overhead ETecrrlcal c6nciuccors i1 excess of 750 volts, or 1.er;s Liran 5 feet in any direcrion fron overhcad elecErical lines wirlcit are energized at less tiran 7li0 volrs ' If a sign is noc insralled wirhin 60 days afrer the claEe of issue of thls permic, tire permiE shall be void. . fnspections: Any permit issued uniler thls app1.i-cation will includc wirirrg in or on sign scructure, re. ior c:onnection musr be coviic(l r,rl;rn elcctrical p-ernri-t. Electrical connection olly by er SLate Liccnl;ed [']lecCri<:al (;onLracCor. IlltrminaLcd signr (bofh inCcrnally y) intrsi: conforrn co Secrions 9-'l -4 (n) & (5) arrd 9-7-lB of t-he Springfield Sign Or- : T[is application is to be subrnitted rulLh two complete scts of irlans showing.di-'eight of sign; aclvert-i.sing mcssa6c on sign; local.ion of slgn olt.property vith di- opE.cy 1j.nes, s tr\lcLur;rl Ietails -<.,f .nulrlrotc framing, bracing an<l fooEinlrs; r'raEerials n'ior'sign arid silyr s tr:ucture; cl.cctribhl equiprnenti and lighring; size and locaEion gns on pfopcrty for rtre sanrc brrsicr,ss, all is -iequired to deLermine. cornnllance wj-Eh 3 Sig" br,ll-,'ralrlo (r\rr:i.cle 7 of tlrr: !ipr:lngfield Ciry Code) . AIso,- sl'rcw the follow- n on'-Lhc pJ-oc 1>Iari (pIan showing pr.oirr:r-ty tines arrd locaLion of signs): 4) s) 6) 7) B) e) a) Sire Inspecrion - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the G.ftppli6rb-lo- may be rnarle au the sarne tirne as ttre Site InspecLion. iion ii ro be inadc'af rer holc (s) is c;<.cavirtuti, iruL prior to tirc place Foo t in Ins ecLion Final Inspection - to be madc upon conrple tion of all worl< 1s ereCted a nd before th cal signs must be lnsp,:cEed for elecErical hook up after the sign e sign is turnetl on, c oot ng nsPec- menr of concrete. b) c)Electrical - all clecEri CALL FOR THE REQUTI{ED IItSl,ECTIol.lS ON 'llt]].. 24 IIOUR IIISPIIC'I'IOII LINE AT 72-6'3769 loR or,-CI USI O[]1,Y srGN DISTRTCT _--ZOI{1i DISTRlCT TOTAL SQUARE FooTAGE Or SICt'l h,1 JOB # SICN PERMIT TEE so I s rTE/ LOCATIOII 'r/urorr*" o 7 rr*n. ELIICTRICAL PEIL\IIT ITEIJ 47" STATE SURCIL\IICI D TNSPECTIONS _ELECTRTCAL OTHER ./@2-TOTAL DATIi q CLIiRK 31 t'1490RECEIPT SPECIALcot':D].TloNsToBES^TISIIIEDBET0REERECTIoN0I|S]'CN ADDITIONAI- INFORI-IATIOI'I }II't']DED I]EI"OITE IEIIMIT }lAY IiIi I S:i U liD APPROVED BY DATE Oii ATTACIiI'1IiN SECTION:S;PllIIiGT..It:LI) SICN OITDINANCE *