HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1991-07-30i a.'RESIDENTIAL - COHHERCIAL SIDEITJALK / CURECUT APFLICATIOhI / PEBIIT SPFIINGFIELD 229 NORTH FIFTI.{ gTREET 5PR[{Cfi |ELD, OREGON 9'14'i'l E].l3 lNEERll.lG D lVl3IOt ldFlcE No. 12b-31>3 NSPECTION LINE, "126-3163 6, .,c3 ADDRE99: ZZZ- ,J ZB t +SiR4Er-T AesEe@F.s mar No.* t.7.-o3 - 3 G- ( 4 rAx Lor No.*?23oo R=C=IPT Xo, 20€zl .,Auu L rl-j=t-?SUSDIVi9ION: oil^{ER FP=t^lr< "3r.Ttfi+ ADDRE9s: '2-22- 7.i z*&t-+Sf- crrY: SPE ,-<F4-urC * Ci-J=C<ED FOR DEL INAU=NCiFg 9TAE: ot?ATqll FHoNENo.)q 6- Bct "ffi< SiDEIIJ,ALK:(-ux= 5lr= o=At6Rl?tlrr-vrylr\rl+ _ 5=itsAc< _ coif;1=RtcAL _CUre.CUT,& 3=CCND DRI\€I]JAY ( 9== TRffiiC ) EAJIES AFPLICATIC,'.T FOR A g=CCI.ID DRI\€UAY(T-.4.iA) oR A cC.t\TY AFPI-ICATiON FOR FACILiTy F=RtiT (C c.g--ta?) ^ l- ro ^Eo| r- /.t ^rrAl I Lr9HtlV,\3S al ') vAt=r .!OR( TO BE FERFoRi IED tsy: K ou^r=R X -,4tl^ geten,J gecet.t4. . __vCA\iTRAC'iOR =a,rr*r,o* *o.* A],],te.39 fr'JN=: =RccEDttRE FoR INgFEcTIohl RE6IrlEgT: EXI 9T[{r-: BJILDhIG P=B1IT NC.( IF APPLICA3LE ) 3ALL 12b'3'169 (R=COrcER ) 9TATE YOUR Crr.r D=9|GNAT=D JOB NUi-13=B JO3 ADDREsg,TypE cFlNgPEcTlct'l R=ou=sTED AND urrlEN You UJILL 3= EADY foi xsr=cirox, corrr=eEio=s oR oi,l),t=Rg N,e-i= a.i>Prcl{E NUIIBER REAU=9T9 R=CEI\6D B=rcRE 1:O@ AJI II]ILL 3E I1ADE rH= 941= DAY, EA'!.I=gTg AFER .i:EO A!"1 I,UILL B= I1ADE TH= NE)<I U}CRKING DAY .rk c mo.,sf o5=E AOOK =AJIRED INgPECTIA{g gIDEIUALK / DRI\EIUAY r-OR ALL CONC TE PAVING IUIT}IINiHE gTE,=T RIGI]T OF IUAY, TO B= I.1AD= AFTER ALL =XCAVATINC15 CO:.1PLETE A\D rc81 I.]JORKA\D 9I3-3A9E IIATERIAL 19 IN P!-ACE cuRS / A?troAct| APROf{, AFTER FOff5 A= =. =CED3UT FRIOR TO PoJR]\G CONCETE. FEE9, SIDEIUALKS LUt<5-LLl I i.iAL< x' TOTAL PERlllT FEE' tlO.OO + r@.19/LF.( X ) OF UALK I 5 I1O.OO+rO.lb/L.i.(X) COiiI=RICAL DRIVEI,]JAY9 9XALL HAVE 5'TO A'FLAIRS 3'- O'STA"IDARD52 -A\4 CAR=FULLY EXAYII{=D TH=COi.IPLET=D Atr)*ICA: CI.I FOR PEF{1IT , AD DO i=R=3Y CERTiFY iHAT A1-L\==IATION I-]=REON 15 TRJ= A\D CORR=CT, AND I F.,.;Rii-.i=R C=RTIFY THAT ANY A\D ALL I,UOR< P=FO31=D3-AI-L 3E DON= IN ACCORDANCE IIJITI..I TH= ORDNA\C=g OF TH= C|TY G 9PRIN.gFIELD, A\D TH= LAU9 OF T!=3:1:= G OR=GON PERTAINING TO TL.]= Ui2R< ,=SCR'==D -==iN, A}{D T+1AT NO OCCUPA\CY I]J]LL 3=F/-=i: ,iNY SiRiJCTURE I,UITHOJT PER-II 99lof.l 4 iH= 3UILDil€DIVISIO\L I FURTI-.{=R CERT;F'r ;r..,iAT O\LY CONTRACTC.R30'165 tllLL ts= U9=D ON T{-.itg pFeOi=cT_r.-) =Mpl -.€=a ,F?E rN COt iPLlAl.lc= uiTH oRg i d K R I ! APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEUAY DATE:-E APPLICANT (PROPERTY 0LTNER) : ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: 0 o4t /3 7,+ ,oc)Z./t/ r /t,t'aA, R J ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR 2ND DRTVEUAY:?22 /k ,') A-4d.) APPLICAI'TT,S TELEPHONE NO. :?4 I Ra The folloving conditions must be ansvered affirmatively in order for this application to be considered for approval: 1). Property is either a single family residence or duplex. ' YES NO K 2).The proposed drivevay vilI take direct acce (not a collector or arterial street). YES ssx 3). 4). s). 6). The drivevay vill have a minimum setback of 30 feet from the curb return of an intersection (for corner lots)' YES X NO-' The proposed drivevay (parking area) must have a minimum depth of 18 feet betveen the front property line and the garager carportt fence or vaII, if any (identical to setback for garage)' YES ( No_. The second drivevay must have direct access to a garage, carportt rear yard or the side yard vhere the vehicle, trailer or boat vill be stlred. YES X No-. If the vehicle, trailer or boat is to be parked/stored in the side yard, there must be a minimum setback of 5 feet betveen the stored vehicle and the side property line. This setback is for fire fighting access and to cgmpfy vith the inten! of the zoning code' Setback satisfied? YES X N0 fron a minor street NO 7>. The proposed parking/storage area must not create obstruction to adjacent proPerty <irivevays or movement on a public street. Sat'isfied? YES toY a vision any vehicular NO This application shall include an B !/2'r x 1lil draving shoving existing drivevays, and the proposed drivevay. Please include dimensions, and measurements to road intersections and/or bordering drivevays. A11 applications outside the city limits of Springfield that are vithin the Urban Grovth Boundary require a Lane County permit. /^* )7 Applicant hereby agrees to install the requested drivevay to City of Springfield siandards. The apllicant further agrees to have 6" of concrete in the sidevalk area adjacent to the proposed drivevay and further agrees to pave the area behind ihe back edge of the sidevalk, or drivevay apronr adjacent to the drivevay vlth a minimum depth of 3't of asphaltic concrete or vith a minimum depth of 6r' of portland cement concrete. The area behind the sidevalk shall be paved to the property line or for a distance of 4 feet vhich ever is greater. The applicant agrees that if he/she does not pave the area behind the sidevalk vithin 30 days of cutting the curb opening, the City of Springfield has the authority of close the drivevay access by the removal of the curb cut. A11 incurred costs shall be assumed by the applicant and if unpaid, said cost shall become a lien of the property. Vhen this application is approved by the City, the applicant (property ovner) must obtain a drivevay permit from the Public lJorks Department Engineering Division. PERUIT FEE i d'i 0n an improved street (existing curb): $10.00 plus $.15 per lineal foot of curb cut. b. 0n an unimproved street (not curbed): $12.00 c 0n currently uniraproved streets that are under construction: $12.00. PROPERTT OVNER' S SIGNATTJRE: tlDATE: _.- - -i i /c e,4 =4 , F L oi'nt APPROVED BY: DATE: @ 7lrt/qr A,4fr2oc O , DR,vf u*1 g JB. rne /Joe.rz, t F.s,Z 35' (-cL fv )?frt..- Clt-J Rr spu7 o. 5c-7a &12. "u JT -l I'll BUILDING PERHIT NO.: DATE: TRA 9-1 ATTACHMENT: K City of Springfield Standard Draving No. 3-11 Dated lO/8/82