HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1980-12-11lane countyDecember 11, 198C Re: Vari ance APPI i cat'ion No.RV 80-433 (Appl i cant)I'1rs. Charles SchelskY (Address )2553 No. 27th'Sp fld, oR 97477 (Map & Tax Lot)17-03 -24-4L/ 30L6 The above referenced appf icat'ion to construct a carpo rt at a distance of 26 ft' + f CanterberrY St. where a 40 ft.setback from centerline is from the centerline o has been:req uired by Lane Code- f*l approved wj th the' st'i pu1 at j ons and cond'i ti ons stated bel ow denied. The dec.is.ion was based on the findings^of,th'is office (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisions of Lane code is.6borz> The dec'ision will become fjnal on L2l22lBO un'less appealed to tne affiTaG Uoly FBoard-of-0ounty-€ornmissfuners) ffiil s, g;;;;;.i)-on or before tirit oate. An appeal mav be filed bv vou, vour representative, o.'unV other intereited or affected person. in^accordance wjth the provisions of t_ane code ls,gooiSj .* The appear is to be fired with th'is offjce and must state how the decision ]lln'error. if an appeaf is.fi1ed, you and the adjacent property owners w1il ue iavised of the date,'time and place of the hea.ing before the aoPeiiate bodY. IF THIS APPLICATiON HAS BEEN APPR0VED a notice is be'ing sent.to adiacent oroperty owners to a4viuu-if,.* of theit upp.ii rights. For any quest'ions on this matter please contact this office. I Pete Watson,Planner Zoning & Land Division Section * \'our appea'l rnust be accompanied by a$140.00 fi1ing fee' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None. LANE COUNTY PLANt.]ING DIVISIC)N / COUBTHOUSE PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I 125E.8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OR 97401 / (503) 6B/ 4IBb REPONI OiT FINDINGS Appllcant: Charles SchelskY Journal Number: RV 80-433 Prepared 81: Pete WaEson Date: December 11, l-980 @NDITIONS 1 A}ID 2 BELOI.J }ruS1 BE MET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROIED. 1. Conpliance uith any one of the folloutng criteria: b) Tlwt a str.tet or Ltteral tnterpretatton and enforeanent of the speeified neqwLrenent uould result in ptlaetieal diffieuLty o" unneeeseatg hardship and uould be ineonsistent tLth tle obieetiues of this .Chapter. The shape and slze of the 1ot and the existing structures would make it very difficult to locate the carport anywhere else on the Property' (b) That there are eseeptional or estz,aordtnaty circwnstarlces o! eorditions app property inuolved on to the intended use of the property uthich do not apply other properties in the sone zoning district. Lieable to the genemlly to (d That str,',et oz, LiteruL interpretation and, enforeement of the speeified regalation uould depriue the applicant cf ptiuileges LegaLLy enjoyed by the odnets of othen propetties ela.ssiited in the sane zoning distt'ict. ?het th-e gz,anting of Lie uarLanee uiLL not be dett"Lnental to the publie health, safety or aelfare oz. nttterially injuriaus to propet,ties ot,improuements in the neax uicinity. The carport, even if the wa1ls were to be later filled in, would not unduly obscure sight lines at the corner of Canterbury and 27th St. Granting the variance would appear to have negligible effect on neighboring properties or the publlc welfare. I lane counlyDecember 11, 1980 Re: Variance App lication No. RV 80-433 (Appl i cant) ( Addres s )2553 No. 27th, Spf ld,0R 97477 Mrs. Charles Schels (Map & Tax Lot)L7 -03-24-4Ll 30L6 The above referenced appljcat'ion to construct a carport at a distance of 26 ft,+ from the centerline of Canterberry St. where a 40 ft. setback from centerline is required by Lane Code. has been approved for the property indicated above, s stipulations listed below. Th'is decision was based o (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisions of ubject to the conditions and n the findings of this office Lane Code 15.900(2) According to our records, your property abuts the subject property. If, in your opinion, the granting of thjs variance adversely affects your property, you have the right to appeal ihis action to the appellate body (8oa+4+f4or,n+tf{onnts.}i{xl€+.s) (Hearings t]fficial ) become final. If not appealed on or before L2/zzl9o-.--the aPProval w'il I An appeal may be filed by you, your representat'ive, or any other jnterested or affected person in accordance with the provisjons of Lane Code 15.900(8) .* The appeal js to be filed with th'is offjce and must state how the decis'ion'is in error. if an appeaf is fiied, you and other adjacent property owners will be advised of the date, time, and place of the hearing before the appellate body. If you have any questions on this matter please contact this office. Pet Watson, Planner Zoning &Land division SectionI must be accompanied by a $140.0cfi1ing fee.* Your a CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None. LANE COUNTY PLAN NING DIVISION / COURTHOUSE PUBLIC SEBVICE BUILDING I 125E, BTH AVENUE / EUGENE, OR 97401 / (503) 68/ 41IJ6 60.oo lclll(, LUUI lLy " RoAI)s" APPLICAT1CTN IOII: vAnIANCn, TO liHl: c00li cll^rrLR 15,. I tO.oO. rrtlrng f ce, unress ,NlSet,bact< (f ronr) , 15.070 'secback (lrrtcrlor), 15. 080 ....secback from Type D roa<I , 15.075 Dcrllcatlon and Inrprovcmenc ,'..-Requlremencs, 15. 105 ^!P&OVAL OF BUILDING SITf, -.*.-Properry nbut ting end of roa<J, 15. 120 Fac l11ty Permi c /l partltloning is :involvircl] -__ .1" r r)r\ ttit tl,. , 1,:i . L l '; Acccss _!'trlrllc l(rr.ttl:; , t5" 041;,_*__ -. _-.Prlvatt! iir,r,l:; r 15. 051)-___-_ __PfJ.vltc r\( (:('riri Ir:;t'r:ltntli, 1r,055 tsrrlldlng Peror.t u /l lioDrFlc{TroN 0t'' t"utH coDii GtnPmIt 13, "l,AilD DrvIIiro}t" . _l(oads, 1,3.055(f5. _[:lts rlrrll lo t: o r p;rr:r:c l, Bullding lcnni t /l 13.010(4) ._-.Dlrngcrorrs Ar-c;rs , 13.085 -__Gradlng, Iixr.',;rvrcion & Clearing " 13. 0t0 --_I'lan, It;ip 6 llat Sprrr:if lcaclorrs, l,l. 105 Hinor I'art-itirrn Procedure, 13. 125_--_ -_.llltJor Partltion l'r'ocr:tltrr:e, 11. 130_-____ --l!ajor Partltlon IIap Procedure, 13.1.35 -subdlvlston TcnL;rrivc Plan Proccdure,*f:.JCO - l.rat.er Suppty, I3.060 q uc a rrc! *_Urt.11cy 6 liatercorrrse Easeoencs, 13.060 Pedestrl.an & Illcycle Ways, 13.065'--''.*Parcels & Lots (unzoned areas) , 13.070-'-' Zorrt:rl area, LC 10.-__-_ -._Preparation, Survcy & l'tonurnentatiorr of DlvlsJons, 13" ).00 __Se--crage Facllities, 13. 075--- PP,OPOSAL: lIr: prr,,vision(s) chccl.:cd atrove, 1f strtctly or Ijt.r:ral.1y ulneccs:jirit/ hardship or prilcrical djfficulcics I:cclrus,e r.ll'- !.-.e--a-.- -- eJ.e 'i"irt: propcrt.),, or chr ltit,'n,lrrd rt:;c Iltr'ir',tf, j:;:;r,i,]r).:L tr) r'):(j(,1)tj,,ri.rl r:jl.r.rrr,llif.lrrti-.ti r)t totrtJiliorr:; itol llctlcrJil)' lri:p.1 i.,.:;ri-rlc to otlrt'r Irr\)l), rLill; irr t.it,: ::;,i1,.vjr.i1lt:\,, tr:li1rl),, ) Atfaclred ar:e*_.---copics of a sjre plan s;i.trr'..riri11 dinicrrslonr;, [)oints oI ln11r,:ss arrd cy,ress, exlstlng antl pr,li1q56d bul).dings lrrd lrrtlicilLion of trsc, and ro;rtl or cilselrcut locacious,( ) Leg,al.descrlpri.on of thc subJect property. AsSESsoRrs I.UJP r\l.lD TAx L0Ts l-l -O3-Z d-.4t -a 1{i1'AL Ati[.1\ i'tit:stiNT usti 0r I,R0t,!:R1'Y i I(oPoS!:tr LJSn ./Yl ^ - 7.ON I n'(l _ 2---_.___-.-.___-- _ /rpplIc.r,nt I s Slgnacu i.,ldrcss: l.egal lnccrcst Jn tlris i)ropcrLy: 5cJ1 elsft$,,n - -A -G--'-1:7i-a t: t r yeyfi ltutle*t L!__! 0! r : 7 2 Y 7 Cl*ner's Narne, 1f diI[crr:ut frr-.m;rbov.r: ,\,idrcr;s:Cl ty 4 Ltl -e 0-DE : t'1 lcrl :-[-- ) kg)_.s* r',t . r]1' :_-.lA iil:(;Oii,l) ()ir it(:'l l(lii A1r1r,'.-r i l'i lt.,i lii:arl.rt 1i l) il t r: 3_ __._*___Irr)te r'rc tlon l'nkcn i'l Ifcctlvc l)rtc ,\r:( itrrt 'l;tk,.rr t) r'rJl r lr. /\i,l) i I r'.lr i : A,j.l r r::;r: : Acflon 1'.'rl<crr lli' I Lru 111 x I : -&\lfQ-:- -C ro ri ;; i'i,r.' i,' yr'1q s q, 433 \'.L'ie =)ir^ L'd;r. pralrj-*i ,+eeLir.*-rr.\ -\ q -T/V-"-{- c ,-.,, u J fu-&r,-, l.Il'uc( i vt::. -. .\ N /c7e ) {o 6 @3 uPL/tr -1 Q."[ sl ) ,c\\\, \4 Cp Foe*h \,\ \4 a6h a1 A" s \ "\\ \\i\\ I I "t / -lI tl o-{(. oLdlI l 7 q CERTIFICATION OF MAILING fHlS 15 T0 CERTIFV that r,Jana Johnson served notice of the administrative decision made in the matter of a Road Variance initiated Charles SchelskY: RV 80-433 by mailing a copy of the attached letter to each of the Persons listed in the attached sheet, who appear as record o\^)ners of real property that are within 300 feet of the subject property in the said letter, by placing in sealed envelopes addressed to each of said persons the above-mentioned letter' and delivering said envelopes to the cluly authotized postal agent for the Lane County Cour thouse on this L2th day of Dec.19 80t SUBSCRIBED Al'!D SfiJoRN to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon,rhis 16th of Dec.19 B0 .\ MY ION EXPIRES:r/2184 --) .SCHELSKI-: RV 80-433 School Dist. 19 525 Mill St.' Spf1d, oR 97 477 Gary & Julie Kessler 2596 N. 27rh St. Spfld, OR 97477 Donald & Josephine Smith 2574 No. 27th st. Spfld, OR 97477 Martin & B.G. Barrett 2560 No. 27th St. Spfld, OR 97477 J. & G.F. Messenger 2548 No. 2lr.h Spf1d, 0R 97477 Lenna Ownbey 2536 No. 27th Spfld, OR 97477 Ralph Gertraud Bohn 2524 No. 27th Spfld, OR 97477 Lynn & Anne Petersen 2512 No. 27th Spf1d, OR 97477 A11en & Rita Gilman 2782 BurLington Ave. Spfld, 0R 91477 Paul & Shirley Crouse 2764 Burlington Ave.Spfld, OR 97477 Judy Bodehamer 2746 BtrLington Ave. Spf1d, oR 97477 Claude & Karen Brist 2728 Btrlington Ave. Spfld, OR 91477 T.G. & Katherine trrlindecker 88118 Tiki Ln. Spfld, 0R 97477 Erling & Geraldine Hansen 2781 Burlington Ave. Spf1d, OR 97477 James & Lynette l,rlilson 2765 BurLington Spf1d, 0R 97477 Eugene & Judith Lyngard 2749 Btrlington Spfld, 0R 97477 David & Janet Ming 2731 Btrlington Spfld, QR 97477 Lillian Dixon 27L9 BurLington Spf1d, OR 97477 Lynette Greiner 27476 Canterbury St. Spfld, oR 97477 Charles & Shirley Janz 2764 Canterbury Spf1d, OR 97477 I^li11iam & B.J. Parker 2782 Cnaterbury Spf1d, 0R 97477 Harold & Rita Gil-lis 2888 Yolanda Spfld, OR 97477 Bennett & Barbara Huff 2749 CanterburY Spfld, OR 97477 James & Margaret Fox 2727 CanterburY Spfld, OR 97477 Paul & Ruth Madden 2529 No. 27th St. Spf1d, OR 97477 Roger & Becky De11es 2517 No. 27th Spfld, OR 97477 Robert & Gloria OrNeil 2736 YoLanda Spf1d, OR 97477 I^lilliam & S.L. Hutchinson 2754 Yo]..anda Spfld, OR 97477 tr{ava Patterson Box 523 Spfld, oR 97477 llilliam & Judith Baker 2673 Vievnnount Ave. Spfld, OR 97477 Richard & J.L. Robillard 2667 Viewmount Spf1d, oR 97477 Leon Keefe 2629 Vievnnount Spfld, OR 97477 ,-....: Larry & Peggy Ekberg 2581 Vier,nnount Spf1d,0R 97471 Mrs'. Charles Schelsky 2553 No. 27rh Sr.Spfld, 0R 97477 BS .,: IN RE MATTER OF:JOURNAL NO. P T./ b6-4a= C*a,<rES Sc*rELSr<u1 [1 .o 3.2+,4'l + aotr" Assessor's Ma and Tax Lot Numbers fa zp qb .{a) *Uc \i!o bo ?L o o N-StrrN,rmoolrtl , U Kr^\t ^ \ ,ssrilso,;BC I l M]4-01 \)o crAr\ x", o.n \c * J:a,,.\ r ^ 0 clr rrrsro, \rn:.*\art"r\ sr,", IN RE MATTER OF:JOURNAL NO. C*xzL€s Sctrets l1 '05.2+.4.1 ,o Lt4*\ou Assessor's and Tax Lot Numbers t t t4,,.^)yr^{ D R0nl,..-trl-\* *l"'?o,r \nrurcx \\r.-t-! \:1.r, 4 T5 3 c\ --0l\r,.n, C \".c^^ [on'<oXea*,r^\as:r \ M]4-0',| S.*^rotS"X , C k\oon^ \ l=iQ\ ' ,