HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-03-06Reeeipt #13 oz..RESIDLITIAL 22s North stt it nffPLrcArr,N/PERItrr Sprtngfield, )negon 97477 Bui.Lding Ditsiston ? 26-37 53 aa SPHINGFTEI.D .t},\r/ aa) V I -11 Job Iocaticnt A25 ' '^F/etb 6p€.JL Ta lpt #Aeseesots Map # Subdhtieion: aarcr: 4aaptry' kluc€rr 22€ il 2s+ €TAddtess:Phone cits: S?Plfl F/f<J\ . OP€ zi.p: 42411 Descr'ibe Hotk: trl(€ b4m 44 -97 gooQ E Neu ( rl Value ^c) L .l-Additian RenoCel uA{ Date of AppL W Ad.dvess Lisc. #Erpires A4lnetA st / M4z €-{7 4?0289 Plunbing etut*"i L4 B?,q/A I,lechanical, DETIO OR Sanitary saser eappted at properfui Lil:e Septic totk y"trped a-nn fi,Lled tttth gz,axel Final - I{hen abcoe itens are ccnpleted and ahen dq,olitiott is eanrplete or stvac- tuye moued od. pz'enrises cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- aaoe? otd. aatet Electrieal Camection - Bloclcing, set-up and plmbing eonneetions rnist be apprct;ed before nequesting eleelrteal inspeclion AcceBsory Bui.LCing Firal - After pcnches, skirting, decks, etc. are eompleted. Page 1 of 2 C ons j mrc t'i onJ errdg!_ It ie the responribility o! the penrtt hol&e" to see that alt inepectiot'rs ate nade at the PtoPe? tine, that ecch addtess is teaCable fran tlu at?eet, and tltat the p*nrit cati id located at the frcnt of the Wope"ty.*auiAi.% Nuicion cppro"*ed plan slall remain on tlp Building Site at aLL tines. PRocgDUPE FoR INSPE1?ION RX1WST.'CALL726-3769(z,ecorder) state your City designated job nrtnber,, job aCiress, lUPe-of inepeelicn eadyfolitapection'Contlactolsoia,nersrtclneandp7nnenumbet,.P'equestsreceitedbefcre7:00a,:t ;"iLL be nade the eane dag, requests mcd.e after 7:00 on rytll be made the nact uorking day. you? CitA Desi.gr,ated Job Nutnbe" Is:7#1 E7o /sl SITE TNSPEC?ION: e-caoAfu";El Io be rwde after pri.or tc set up of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & $EC!j.llICA!: To be nade befot,e anyffi7{froered. FOO?ING & F)ANDATICN: To be rmde @ffiffies a"e eicauated ard fotns are erected, but ptior to WurinS ecnereta. UNDSRGRCAND PLUI,IBING. SEWEP,, W,ATER, PBALIAQE: To be made pr"iot, to fil- Tf,Q-Ginchee. ANDERELOOR PLUT,EING & MECI(ANICAL : o7 floor insul,ation or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade priot to ffiTffin o7 flooz, insuT.ation ot deckitq. ROUGH PLA.{BII'IG, ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uork is to be co.uet'ed ffilTthose inspections lnoe been nad.e and approtteC. Prior to plccirq faeing and. befot,e froning inspee- Teque6 ted aftet pLwnbing eL ectt i- A L 7 roofing INSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION : Io be made aftet, aLL insuleticn e,td. required ucpor burie?s @e in pLace but befare ory Lath, Wpsun baavC ot' tnLL cooering is qplied, utd. before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: Tc be made after aLL dnAuaLL is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRU Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uerticale in th a.B.C. Section5.b After installation is CURB & APPROACH APP,ON:u';ZCAAEtnii After fonnsto pourLng cone?ete. SIDEWALK & DRIIWAI: For aLL eon- c"A;na1r6ffi stteet fight- of-tey, to be made aftet aLL erca- oating canplete & forn ttot'k & sub- base materLal in place. braeittg & chinmeys, etc. rmtst be . eontpleted. Ilo uork is to be con- - oecled until this inspection lns ?been nade anC apptorled. IENCE: When complete -- ProtsiCe gates or mooable sectians through P.A.E. - --- ALL project con&itions, such as tle installation of st"eet trees, conoletion of tite required Lattdsccping, etc., tmtst be eatisfied before the BULLDING FfNAL ean be requested. ?INAL BafLDINC: Ihe Final Buildittg Inspection mtst be requested cfter the Final Plunbi.ng Electrical, and. Meclnnical fnspectiona hatse been made and approoed. *ALL I4ANI|CLES AIID CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTIIEII! TO BE I,L4DE AT NO CCST lO CNY ?IIIAL PLUMBIIIG 34FINAL ASCHANICAL PTNAL ELECTRTCAL \t \ 0 ^*LtJOB NO.Sl soLARAC-<Ess REe.-L-CO Bedrooms Lot Faces -Enargu Sgunces Titoe Setbacks lleat Df House Garaqe Aceess llater lleate"Not:th East Fireplace South Woodstot;e # of Stortes Total Height Iopogrqhy LOT ?WE _ Inteticr _ Cormer _ Panlwnl.Le Cul-de-sac Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Cooeraga West D^^^ Building Volue & Permit This pertntt is granted on the eipress condition tltat the said constraction slwLl', in all z,Zspects, conform to the Ordirumce adopted b:y the City of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning Cydinance, r,egulating the ccnsttucttcn attd. use of buildtngs, cnd may be suspen-d.ed or reuokeC at cnA tine upon uic- Lation of anA pncoisions of said ?tdinattces. SQ. FYG ?OTAL VALUE ITEM x Value S.D.C. 7.5 c Buildi,ng Pendt ?otal Clnrgea State Date Paid: Signed: Receipt # Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll constmtet, instal'!., alter ot ehnnge dnA neu cr existing plwnbing or drainage sgetan in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal posseasor of a oaLid plurnber's L'icense, escept tlnt a pe"son nag do plwnbing uork to property uhich is ooned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. N0.FEE * ITEM Ftbhtes Resi^d.entia.L (1 bath) Seuet Electricql Permit Whet,e State Lau requires tlat the electrical uork be done by an Eleettieal Contractot,, the eleetrieal portion of thts pernit sltall not be oaliC until the label lns been signed by the Electrical Contraetot'. Neu/Eatend, Circuits Seruice State ?otal bltanat Hood Vett Fot tlcodstoue -- ENCROACEMENT -- NC FEE CIIARCE , >(- Mechqnicol Permit PermLt rssud.ee Meclnnicel Pernrtt lgcarilyQeposit Storage Mainternnce Penr[t Cvtbcut Sida,:alk ?enee Eleetrieal Ia.bel Mobile Hotte Plant Exaniner Date I ILAW CAREEULLY EXAILINED tle conrpleted application for perTnit' and do hereby certify that aLL infotmation hereon is ttue and correct, anC f further cez,tify that any ard aLL uork perfor'ned shall be dane in aceor- dance urLth the 1rdinances of the City of Spz,ingfield, anl the Laas of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the uot'k Cescribed herein' and tlnt N0 )CCa- PANCY ?,/LlL be nwde of ang structute uithout permisaion of the Building N- uision. I further certify that only contractors and mployeel uho are in eazplianee uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie ptoject IotaL 9 <-K - g2 TO?AL AMOUTI? DUE: *Date llater Plunbing Perrit I ,rorn ,*"rornn ---1 ,oro, *ron" -1 tb.'--! rc