HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-10-28..RESIDIT\TIAL.. zzs North sth streeaPPLrcATr,N/PERMrr Sprtngfteld, )regon 97477 BuiLding DLoiston 7 26-37 53 SPFI'NGFIELD D J Job bcaticnt 22 5'2 f'--^ s voAasessote |lq ll Icz bt #e7a Subdiuision: € r'-_ /-CJAsnet: '* etune:Q, fg -Addro-ss:2iD Date of eppli*ti^@ Descz-"be h'otk:tl lIq,) L 6 OA, oo lvo Po u"--l-r';x', val-ue (e Espires PhoneLiac. tA<idtessconttacto?a TjY t3 _( CaetaL llectrtcaL Pltnbin4 f,lecltaricaL Sani1ey se:.tet cqped * pro?er4i Lire. Septie totk V"tryed aan filled vtth grr;zL Pinal - it|ren &cue'iiens are cc:wlete<i ali uien Cer.tclltion ie conplete'or st:tc- ture mouo-d at prerLses cleaneC up, !,!obile tsLockin4 o'd, Szt-up PLmbinX conneeiions -- sane! od. ualet ccrekes, sbJz.ting, Cec.i,s, 1^!^S Electrical Ccnnec'tion - Blockinq, sei-u, and pltnrbitq connections m;st be apprcu-aC before requesting eleclr|cal insoec=io:z Accessotl- BuilCing Final - Aftet ete. @e cato Iout Citg Designated Job Nuitber fs:2 IfiSULA?IOII/VAPOR BARRIIR IIISPICTIOI| : Io be rnade afier aLL insukticn cti tequired uqot bawie?s @e in pla,ce tut befcre ory |a,th, Wpsn bao4. on ULL couering is oplied, otd. before oty iwulatian is eoncealed. It ie lhe resgonsibility of the penrit hoLd,et to see that aLL inspectiotls ae nade at 2he ptopet line, that each cddress is rea;az'>e frotn the street, cnC tlct the penmt cad, ia l^zcated. at the iruat of the gope"ty.aiuildi.H b)uicio- appro"'ed pTbt s;ril r*.a-in on thz tsuadnng Sirc Zt aLL- tLhes.- ?1)C1DAPE-FOR IIISPS*ICN RTQWST.'CALL726-3769 (yeeordet) state !o11" Citg lesigtnted job mtber, job oC&ess, type of inspec'-icn requested cd, ui".et gou rtLL be reody for i*pection, Cont?actc?s c? Aters nene cttd. p?one rnnb*. Fequests recei';e<i befcre 7:00 ,=t:tLL be ranie the sane dc-g, "equests gtaie aft* ?:00 an urLLL be nnCe the nezt..nt'kitti- dq1. Coasiercttcn_Led"!_ AilD,RSLAB ?'L'!,!BT\IC, ZLAEFICil, A WCH!.;IICAL: 7o be natie beiore any arrk is couered. FC)?IllG , l)UllDA?ICll: To be naCe Mffi;;d*carated and fo;rms are etected, but prior *"o pu*ir,g ccnc"eta. UIID'RGPAU]D P'\,MP IIIG, SYTEP,'I,1TEP. DRA|IIAGE: To be r*ie g+or to ;'iL-TLnq enehee. UIIDERF'OOR PLUTB E]G I, IIEC1AIIICAL :@o1floor inauktio-n or decking, ?0ST .AND BBA\4: ?o be nad.e prior to:--instali,atian of floor insu1.a.iiolr ot deckitq. but prtor to cng taping. W.E9!!.PYt Steel Location, botti beons, gzvuting or oerticcls in accot d.otce Lti'.h A. B. C. Secti.on .4fter installetion ia l- SITE IilSPSC:ICN: To be naCe afler'L_f @G pticr cc set up of - fcrms. I I uOjDsrovl: eryDt€A. Tc be nade in place, rmCe od =oorcved.| | ?I?EPLACZ: tu)or b plccirg fcqt gI | ffiG and before \r*rtry inrp"Z- tion. ?P.,tl'!IllC: ltust be reqaested aflet qprouaT- of raqh plunbing, electri-cal I nechanieal. ALI. wofi>tg brac-ng E ch*meys, etc. tust beanpleted. llo ,,tcrk "ia to be eon- cecled until this inspec;ica ias aftDD 9lDDOnAad 1tfiir.After forms @.e-A;;;rAA-Eut ?Ao? tu pcurins eotl,e?ete. SLDEHALK & )RIlTlA!: For aLL cot- elete@ffi; street fi-ght- of-t"cy, to be maCe aftet aLL ,esea- uating canglete ,1 ;'om u:otk & ;ub- inse r,uterial in plaee. these it'tsoectia.s h.zuo- beel 'been taCe anC cpprcued. FTIIAL PLA:,|BI\IO @rut ;.rEcHAnrcAL gW*t ,LEC?ercAL ALL pz,o.iect condi:toaa, such as the insxallation of street ttaes, conleion of tie required i.andscqtrq, ctc,, rast be satisiied beiore *.e BUILDI\IG ?I:IAL.en be reqttested- A ?rllAL tsarlDrnc: Th,e Einal Suild.inq rnsoection rrust be reqtested zi'ter the Final ?Lwlbing Y/ Eleecrieal, otC llecharical insoeet;.cns hqrc been nade ard-cpproueC. .ALL |rAttEcLES AND 1LEANCU?S itus? BE A11ESSISLE, .lDjUsT:'!J:,lt ?o BE :'!ADE !.! llo :rST Tc CI?y T tr ?0NCE: I{hen conolate -- fuouiie @ or nouable- sectinns throngh |-lP,U.E. I I 2 JOB NO. bt Sq. Ft-7. i cf Lct Cotercga : of StorJes lctal !z,i.gh: iopogrqh,y ?L;nbing Pet,it (17 h/ State Surelanae !otaL Pettr:,t Isstt*tca !,lechottccl Pennli --,;lc,".cAc:7:.!E:!? -- total Acl.ses soLAR -:CESS REQ.- f ,ai aw? _ Intertct _ Corfle? _ Panhctaite CUL-<ie-sac Plumbing Perrnit L -CO G+ # Signed No person si@ll coTtsirl.tet, install., alter or chan4e anlJ leu ct etisting plwnbing on dtainage sgstal in thole or in patt, unLess such person is t|".e Legal posseasor of a oalid glttnbet's License, eccept that a oe:soa nay do pltnbing uork to p?ope?t! uhieh is oumed, Leased on operated bg the appli- ccnt. Electricol Permit lllere State Ian reqtires tl,at the electrical uork be icne by st glectnical Ca.tt:actor, the eleelrtcal portion of this petnit sha,Ll rat be oali.C until the Label has been aigned by the Electr;-cal Cont?acto". Mechqnicol Permit PLc:n Ecar[ner f EAW CA-REIALLy ZXAJ4I:|ED ile conoleted aoplicaticn lor 7etmiz, arui dc hereby cettify thet aLL il,lc-=ration hez,eon is true anC ccz,reet, and I fittket cer+-ii'y thai dLA cri aLL aork perforneC sla!,l be done ia acccr,- dance :,rith the 2rdincnees of tice City of SpringfielC, anC. the La;s of the State of )regcn pertat)ninc ,o the w"k Cesq-Jbed herein, cnd :iu.c llo CCC!.I- P.4:lC:/ 'till be ru.de of dr.! ai"1.tct"t!e tsithcut oenis;icn cf the 3uiid,Jng Ai-uision. ! i'1t"rhe" cert.Jfl tket otly cont"actors c,C eryLcgees xko are in catpliatne dath CRS 707.055 uiLL be use(i on this projecx L t0 - :cauiav.c:r 3eitoona: Lot Faces -lnerou Soutces Tuee leat)r Cctaae A-eca,ss.Vcte" iaaiarlio?th e ?ireoicce Soith ',laod,s;oDe I Building Vqlue & Permit This genrr|t ,)s atanted on the eqtess eondltion tl1c.t the said consiruction shalL, tn all rescects, cor.fcrn ,o the CrCinance cdoc;e,i. 2,1 ihe Citg of Spr'.ngj'-elC, '-nc|u<iing >he 3or,.ing Crdin6nas, regale-.:-ng ;ke ecrstrtecicn std, use cf butiiings, oti rzy be ;usoend.eC or rer;ckei zt cny tine upon uic- Lation or- zty ctcuistons oj ea.JC CrCirances. :-'3.V L I/AL'JE Aoa " 60 Check Fee: ? wtA-:e L s.D,c. 1.5 s 9uild.-rq Per,rtt lotal Chagea Stdte -ao 4 37.4 ltba;tes /@."o /@,oa Residedtt-a.L ( 1 bdth) Sanitarl Se.ter 'icte! ,Qp., a o*e 1€,4b '-! :a-' 3es. So. fla Ia,t/Eztend, Cireuits lqfiocrq Seotice :iC fr*r.eee 3!tJtS E=|ta/et ilooC VetlZ Tcodsto:te Seqt:i Stcr:te .',!cintencr:e Sile,taLk 73TAL A,},!AUIT DU!:'{qz. , !4oAt!e ilane 2& K) .EiT- lctcl Amaes State Suycheee ?en:e