HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1996-04-01SPRINGFIELE, Page 1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL) CITY OF SPruNGFIELD, OREGON Name or Company: CASCADE I{ANDLE CO Location: 1051 N 28TH ST Developement T)pe: I Building Size: .fob No. : 950L42 Lot Size Sq Ft 1. STOR}! DRAINAGE Impervj-ous Sq FE 1.0 X 0 2. SATiIITARY SEWER - CITY Number Of PFUs 1.0 X L2 (see Page 2) 3. TRAI{SPORTATION Number Of Units Transportation TotaI 4. SAI.IITARY SEWER - MWMC Number Of PFUs L2 5. AD}IINISTR,ATIVE FEES Base Charge (Subtotal Above) X 0.210 Per Sq Ft = X 43.43 Per PFU = X Trip Rate X Cost Per TriP Per PFU + 18.750 + MWMC Admin FeC 10.00 $0.00 $s21. r.6 $o. oo $23s.00 $o. oo $23s.00 $7s5.15 $37.81 x MI,iMC CREDIT If Applicable (see Page 2) TOTAL - MWMC SDC SITBTOTAL - (Add lEems 1, 2, 3 & 4) x 0.50 TOTAL SDC #7 93 .97 Reviewed By: TRoY MCALLTSTER Date: 02/os/96 OTT OF SPruNGFIELD,ONEGON SPRINGFIELD Job Number: 960L42 Page 2 FIXTURE I'NIT CALCUI.ATION TABI,E Fixture Type Bathtub Drinking Fountain Floor Drain Interceptors For Grease/oi1/Solids/Etc Inteceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/utc Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher Clotheswasher - 3 Or More Receptor For Refrigerator/Water Station/rtc Receptor for Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc Shower, Single Stal-l- Shower, Gang Sink, Bar, Commercial, Residential Kitchen Urinal, Statl/WalI Wash Basin/Lavatory, Single Water CIoseE, Public lnstallation Water CloseL, Private Miscellaneous Number of New Fixture Unit Equivalent Fixture Units L2 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 ) ) 0 tJ 0 ) 1 ) 3 6 2 6 1 3 ) a 1 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l_ ) 0 ) 0 TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS = CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value. If improvements occured after annexation date, credibs are calcul-ated separately. (cafcul-ations are by $L000) Year Annexed: Credit For Parcel Or Land Only If Applicable ImprovemenE (if after annexation date): 0 x 0.00 = 0 x 0.00 0.00 0.00 CREDIT TOTAL =$o. oo (If Land value is multiplied by 1 then the parceL/land credit is not accurate.) CITY OF ONEGON SPRINGFIELD COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAI. PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMI'NITY SERVICES DIVISION BUII,DING SAFETY age 1 ilob Nnrnber: 960142 225 North Fifth StreeE Springfield, OR 97477 tocatsion of Proposed Work: 1051 N 28TH ST Assessors Map #: L70231-22 office Inspection Line 726 -37 59 726 -37 69 Tax Lot #: 00500 Owner: CASCADE ITA}IDI,E CO Address: PO BOX 354 Description Of Work: REPLACE FLoOR/BATHROOM Phone #: 587-8511 city/state/zip: EUGENE, oREGON 9744O REMODEL VA].UE 0.00 ContracEor OWNER SCI PLI]MBING 0057578 PO Box 896 Veneta OR 974870000 OREGON ELECTRIC OO38OO]. PO Box 2237 E]ugene OR 974O2OOOO Conet. ConEractor #Expires Phone 587-8511GeneraL: Plumbing: Electrical o7/2e/e6 oe/L4/e6 935 -2a56 343-1681 --- PtT'MBING --- No 5 Fee Charge 50.00 115.00 10.00 185.00 Single Fixture Sanitary Sewer SEPTIC TANK FILL TOTAL PERMIT 510 ft. QUAD AREA: 2INW -- oFFrcE usE -- LAND USEI. 3999 Item INTERIOR REMODEL TOTAL VALUE OF PRO,TECT Square Feet $/Sguare Feet VaIue 61,700.00 51,700.00 Plan Check Fee 207.35 Rec #; 2028L Date: 02/05/96 Rec By: LORNE PLEGER BUILDING Surcharge/Admin MECHANICAL Surcharge/admin PLUMBING Surcharge/admin IN-LIEU-OF ASSESSMEN SUBTOTAI, PERM]TS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT 319 25 0 0 185 1,4 4 ,548 00 52 00 00 00 80 32 5 , 092 .64 7 93 .97 TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES EXCI'I'DING ELECTRICAI.5, 885 . 51 SPFINGFIELE, Job Number: 960L42 OTTOF ONEGON Page 2 --- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS --- It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that alf inspections are made at the proper time. To request an inspection, call- 726-3769 (recorder), state your city designated job number, job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspection. Requests received before 7:OO a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m will be made the following work day. Special Inspections: In accordance with Section 306 of the State Specialty Code a special inspector shalI be employed by the Owner/Contractor during consLruction of any following ,'*" work. A copy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to Building Safety. In addition to the inspecEions specified, Lhe Building Official may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code. SLAB - To be made after aLl inslab building service equipment, conduit piping, and other equipment it,ems are in place but prior to concrete ROUGH PLITMBING - Prior to cover. ROUGH MECHAIiIICAL - Prior to cover. ROUGH EI,ECTRICAL - PriOT TO CO\ICT. FRAIIING - Prior to cover. INSULATION - F1oor,' prior Lo decking Wa1l/Ceiling; Prior to cover DRYWALL - Prior to taPing. SAI.IITARY SEWER tINE - Prior to filling trench. FINAL PLITITIBING - When all plumbing work is complete. FINAL MECHATiIICAL - When all mechanical work is complete. FINAL ELECTRICAL - When al-I electrical work is complete. FINAL FIRE - When all Fire Depart,menE requirements have been met ' been met. FINAL BUILDING - When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. --- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Pl-ans Reviewed By: LORNE PLEGER Building Site Reviewed By: LISA HOPPER Date: 02/28/96 By signature, I state and agree, t,hat I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is t.rue and correcL, and I further certify thaE any and all- work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any strucEure without permission of the CommuniLy Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on t.his project. I furEher agree Lo ensure that all reguired inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at aII times during constructj-on. t// SignaE 5 Date SPH!iIGFIELD Job Number: 9501,42 CITY OF SPilNGFIELD, ONEGON Page 3 --- VAI.IDATION --- Receipt Number: Date Paid: Amount Received: Received By: 2z2o e q-/