HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-09-02 (2)city of springfield 225 n. sth street SPFIINGFIEI.D I N FO RMATION: 726-37s3 lNS P ECT tott s r 726 -37 6 s SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A U. LocATroN OF SrcN .(ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION O}INER OR PROPERTY 6t-\6 \ Nt € TAY. LOT ? o 2 ADDRESS OI.JNER OF SIGT{ (IF OTHER THA}I PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS r{A},rE oF Busrr.rEss, FrRM, Erc.SPFt-9. Autt ft€a,\r lor8s ,r"u oF .BUsnfEs s R€g . ?F-\S\ NqJ D.USE AI.ID CHA.RACTER OF SIGN: h rorllrrtr INCIDEITTAL DOUBLf, FACE SINGLE FACE MTTLTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS 4',t0 SIGN q'{L+8 .}.DDPJSS \F, H F \<€-{Z .-SJ. CITY LICENSE . DAIE ERECTOR)Sarx& E €'u(/ 3qz - SIGN I.IANUFACTURER CIF ADDP.ESS PIIONE G. e*rsrrlnc srcNs ARE THERE ANy Exrsrurc srclrs? !_yrs _No SIZE IN ATL EXISTING SIGNS rOR. EUSINESS, ETC. Ta $v . I.NLL SIGN HAVE ELECTF.ICAL I,'IRI,T{G? N A IT YES, !fiICE APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGII _rLLIJI{TNATED (rNDrpscTEf LrcHrso) ELECTRICAL COIITPJ,CTOR I H J ADDRES LISC.NTJMBER . SITE INFOF}{ATION (IJ,}ID USE) .. EXISTING USEOF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR i.AST USE IT VACANT) -gfrces ^.INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR I4ERCHATIDISING PR.OPOSED LISE OT' BUILDING < A-/.-g- F. twe oF woRK: ALTERM r*., RELOCATE OTHIiR STP.UCTI'BAL TYPE OT SIGN: & no"r FREESTAND*r. -ndor pRoJEcrrNG MAROUEE T'NDER I4AROUEE OT}TER c. DHEttSroNs, IITSTALIjTIOII & CONTTRUCTTOI, TorAL HErcHr ABovE GRADE 11, b# u DII'IENSION FROM GRADE TO _ t. t, BoTToM oF srcN t- 'k TlrrcKr{Ess oR DEprn 4'AGJ N +# DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PRoPERTy LrNE? _yEs )$_*oIT YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I{ORE THAN 12,,6TEE puslrc pRopEpsy rpE srcN Enrcion}ruST TILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OP HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI.ID PPOP-ERTY DAI-IAGE I}ISUP"AI{CE POLICIES, E VEF.TICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZOMAL I.IIDTII OF SIGN l. DEscRTBE TypE oR yerrarar,s srcN rs '<><). VALUE OF SIGN:K CONSTRUCTED OT.*sr=qL()D5 8tr € HAV applica further permithat a hereby cert erformed sh ifvallgn Cod and tyoflilgnercalni ngth the Ci Spring Iwi dbv ted , EI YCAREFULL E)(A}1 INED eEh 1 te ed t for!oncomP doandE Etha Ia1rmalnfoLtionstruedanrrcoctIandcerti1work1 1ndonbpaccordancw1etherhs1fiesd1 ty UniOrdinanc ormt 1 dethepring8n o fcitheedbasvdopt efi d1 aand I1Soring thero ancOrdin oes f the c of s Ifie the aI^rS1 tof sityprlnqhe ac eECregonptowotirederlicr:.dbe !he J.ne I rfurthe cert ftha Elv tCon acr L1Eor1fvensc!rLe o f.1 1cyfied s fu1n I eforc eand tt c asE I reI 1e deCoreau1dringfSp920z(II E Ia1 u].r d,e 1nsrequesreq D tec Ir.ons 1S onign rovedtheAPP SIGNA' 8-?-6(3) andpermit. NAME (PLEASE OR LAND: 2-q :] PLEASE READ 1) 2) i*w:AseParateapP1icationisrequlredforeachseparatesign.asdeflned Electrical: Anv P-emrtt issued under thls apptication wirl include wirinz ln or an c{mEffiFpTt "i;;; to. "o""II;i;;;;..u" .or!lua-;;-; elecrricar p-"rricls *I.::r::"itgj:::i::t",EIUSE be made onlv by a state-iic.nsea sr""iiil"i-doi.r...or. rllurninare.d s!sns (borh inrernalryand externallv) irust contJrru E"-s."ri.""-i:i:i-?+i-i'tsl-"rri s:7:lil_or--*r. springfield sign or-dinance. Et-1!.s Requiredt Ti:.applicatlon is to be submltted wlth two compleEe seEs of plans showing di-fruftEF;od-f'eight of-!i;;;-;a;;r;isi_ng;.;;;;;-;; sign; locarion of stgn on properry hrirh di_T:":}o"f to.proPertv 11ne5,'structurar tu["ii"'"e-""ipiii i;;i;;; ui".i-rrg an<t footinss; marerialsot consErucrion for sign and sign srrucrure; etecrriEir-eq"itr";E,;a-li;f,riiii;-;i;;"i;; tocaEionof existing.slgn:.on pioperty fir ttre.same-6""i""Ji1-.11 as required to derernine comollance wirhthe sprtnsfield sign.Ordinante (Artlcle 7 or rtre-ipirngiiela-cili-c"a.l.--;i;;;:';r,Ii"'tf,i'rorror-I'ng lnforrnarion on-rhe plot plari (p1;;-"h";i";";rliiiri iil;s-ila io""iror, of signs) i a) show the rocation of ar1 exlsring sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s).b) show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bu11ding. For wallsigns, show rhe length of rhe buildifig iio"i.iE.-c) show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. I{tren required, because of design, size, etc., englneered drawings and,calculations Erust be pre-pared bv a licensed engineer oi inart conto# to-a."ig standarEs .ri-rii"-"r-;i;";"iili,i oiri-sion Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be reEurned to the applLcant with no permit beinglssued. signs must Eeet corner vislon clearance reqrrirements a8 described in Figure g of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. NorE: No sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizonEalry or vertically from overheadelectrLcal conduccors. in excess of 750 volis, .i t"s"'than 5 reei-in'any direction frou overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized.r r.""'ttr."-750;;il": -esL '^' e": rf a sign is not' installed \rithin 60 days after the date of issue of this peruit, the pernit shallbe void. Inspections : 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) a)Site Insoecrion - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footine InsoectionGfpFIi-C.-ofil qray b_e r.a"-.i-r[E-".r" tiie as it" si-i" i;il;ii";tion is to be made-after hole(s) ls excavaEea,-a"i-prlo. to iit.-liiier"nt ot concrere. b) c) FLnal ction: -to be made upon coryletion of all work. Lilectrical - all electrical signs mtrst be lnspected for electrical hook up after the signG-;ecEed and before i[t-"ign-i.I Eurnea on. CALL rOR TIIE REQUTRXD INSPECTToNS ON \118 24 HOI,R TNSPECTTON LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT LJhA ZONE DISTRICT I MIAL SQUARE TOOTAGE OT SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: €1 "'-S\TEILOCATIOU _r-,_fOOtfUC OR I4ETIIOD OF ATTACII'IENT -ELEcrRrcAr y'r* _oIIIER -na -1 1-.)-) )u gr) SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISTIED BETORE ERECTION OF SIGN: f." -.\ F=. { 33.9' Tn.,.-'\,5A* F*.-433.s ADDITIONAL IMORI,IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT UAY BE ISSIIED: ,l APPROVED BY: ELECTRICAI, PERMIT FEE: TOTAI.: a- fj;1 Q-z 2 JOB SIGN PERMIT FEE:6 STATE SURCIIARGE 3 47. SECTION: c DATE