HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-11-17$ssn \ CIEfT OF SPH,I}SGFIEI-D INFoR.!,1{TI0N : 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 447 CITY OF SPRI}{GFIELD SIGN CONSTRUCTIOS AND ELECTRICAL I}ISTALI.{TION COIIIB INATION APPL ICATION/ PE R\IIT INSPECTI0:." REQUESTS : 7?6-51o9 LOCATIOX OF SI6N LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII o OiI\LR OF PROPER T ADDRESS olfl,iER 0F sI6N(IF Tltlu\ PROPERTY ADDRESS C 't\ PHONE ztP B S<) S qt--\_) NA.\IE OF EUSINESS, FIR\I, ETC IiORK E OF BUSINESS ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OTHER IDENTITY PROJECIING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE NON- IDENTITY SECONDARY SI}iGLE FACE }ruLTI- FACE VEr*DORS COSTP-lCTORS: TAX LOT ! t PHONE N L FREESTAT\DING PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD Xx, I,JALL R,OOF MARQUEE OTHER P PHoNE 1 a -Yp6SIGN ERECTOR ADDRESS CITY LICE);SE NU'IBER SIGN I'.IA,\UFACTURER (IF OTIIER TIITL\ . EXP PHONE PHONE ADDRESS ELECTRIC.{L ADDRESS NIJ}IBER l-t-.t+* TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRAD:DIIIENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN .-, DIIIENSION FRO}I GRiDI TO BOTTO}I OF SIGN THICKNESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN .)ll(>.' DOES SIGN PRGTEfi BEYOND PROPERTY LINE - YES -:Y.nO IF YES, DIIiIENSIoN BEYoND PRoPERfi LINE- ---!{OTE: IF PROJECTION IS i.iORE TIIPq\ 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TTIE SIGN ERECTOR I'IUST FILE I{ITII TIiE BUITDI}IG DIVISION COPIES OF HISPUBLICLIABILIfiA.\DPRoPERTYDAI.!\GEINSURA.I{CEPoLICIES. rrLL SIGN lrAvE ELECTRICAL I{IRING? -YES {lrO DESCPIBE TYPE OF Y.\TER,I.\LS SII:}I IS CO}ISTP.UCTED IF YES, WHICH APPLY?SIGN ILLU}IINATED (INDIRECTLY LI6HTED) 0.E PROVIDE UL NUI'IBER IF APPLICAB LE VALUE OF SIGN SITE INFOR.\I,\TION (LA,\D IJSI)..EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND LAST USE IF YACPU\T) I PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND OIECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: EXISTING SIGIS (SiGN CODE)ARE TTIERE EXISTING SIGNS?YES FIR.U, ETC. X;Gunoon BUSINESS -ourDooR IIERcHA'\DISING yES, DESCRIBE ALt E-xrsTING.SIGNS. FoR 9LlslilEss,yNo IF ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREIIIISES(SA'UE TAX Lor) I HAVE CAREFULL'Y EXAIIINED the comPleted aPPl ication for Permi t and do herebY certifY that all infornation hereon is true and nsfield Sign Ordinance, the Siringfield and the laws of t;actors License with thecorrect, and I further certifY that all qork perform ed shall be done in accordance wi th the SPri Uniforrn Sign Code as adoPted bY the City of Springfie Id and all other Ordinances of the City of the Hork described herein. I further certify that mY Sign Con e and effect as required by Springfield CitY Codes 8-2-6(i)and g-7-zOLZl. I ri1l requestthe State of Oregon City of SPri ngfi el d perta in ing is in full to forc all, requi red sign insPections I ist ed on the aPProved Perroit NAME(PLEASE PRII{T) SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: ONL ZONE DI SITE/LOCATION TOTAL SQUARE ,FOOTA6E OF SI6N ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL PER.IIIT CII,ARGES SIGN PERMIT j[5.o o CHARGES: FEES T0TAL FEE FOR PER.IIIT: d6i, o o STATE SURCH.qRGE: VrrNrl orHER I (- FOOTING OR METHOD OF ATTACH}IENT "'\LtDtTI0.\i 1l SeDsrste Sien Aoplicecion: A separate appiicati.on is required for each sep"race 5rgn rs oeir-neo in the Sign Code' 2) Flectrical: Any permir issued under this application wi.Ll include wir- lng rn or on srgn structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made onlv by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuninated signs (bothinternrlly and extern:lIy) must conform to SecCions 9-7-.1 (4)6(5) and9-7-lS ot- che Springr'ield Sign Ordinance. 3) llSns-Reoyi.red: This application is to be submitred with rwo conpletesets or prans draun ro-sccre, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad-vertising nessage on sign; location of sign on properry iith dimensionst-o property lines, structual details of support framing, bracing andfootings; naterials of construction for sign ana sign Iiructure; erec-trical equiomenr and lighting; sizd and loiation of""*isii.ig signs on P!'aperf:y for the sane business, arl as required to determine complianceBirh rhe springr.'ierd sign ordinance (Arriile 7 of the springfieri cityCode). AIso, show the foil.owing infornoation on the pfoi liin qpfanshowing properry lines and location of signs): a) show the location of all existing sign(s) as werl as p'oposed sign(s) b) Shov che rength of the street frontage taken up by the businer.s orbui,lding. c) shon the location of enrrances open to the public and dri.veways. 4) l{hen required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings andcalculccions rnust be prepared by a li.censed engineer or shalr conformto design standards on !-ile at the Buitding Di.vision Offi.ce. S) Plans of insufficienr clarity or detail will be returned to the ap-plicanr wirir rro pernir being i.ssued. 6) signs must meer corner vision clearance reeuirenents as described inFi.g. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NorE: ir"o sign-nay be erected which is less than 12 feet hori:ontallyor verticelly fronr overhead electrical conductors in excess of 7s0volts, or less than s feet in any direction froa overhead erectricarlines yhich are energized at less than 750 volts. . tc -,. - --. . _^- :f _1 rl !a.- ..:-\:1r ra .l_." u! : ji.: :j: .- :h; j;;_ -.f ..,:..;- ;.ithis peri:rit. lire yer:nit shall be void. 9) Insoect ions: i iiA0 a) Sice Insoect ion - to be made before the s 1gnthe is placed rnade at Usual 1y,the samet i.n Foorrnr: Insoection (if e as the SrEe lnspection applicable) Eay be The Footi.ng Inspection is to bemade efrer hole(s) ii excavat ed, but pri.or to the placement ofconclet e.CLERK b)Finc I Inspect to be made upon completion of a1l work c) CALL FOR THE REQUTRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 726-3769. HOUq INSPECTION LINE AT SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ion -DATE Elgclrisal - All electrical signs nust be inspected for electri_cal hooK up after the sign is erected and before tte sign-is---turned on. ADDITIONAL INFOR\I,{TION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT I,IAY BE ISSIJED: PI.A.IIS REVIEI{ED BY: DATE ,--g \ It": 5/gu &*3't o'ffiS,d) rer-t I wro u nt Se d tr i {h bo l,ts . 3U 'aPPRgy@ 5',l9 Po.r i nrg i nr ReaF aln o+i7oe- ( C-oxl6TR v cT t o d rn meuro ( / e-l I 7';,,t'ffiS,*) wo-\ \ rvro u rrt Te- d tst*h boI'tS' ( eU ffireaovsr(- /( t .ItltrX , EJ,5' Siqned Aln i NIPErK Iuttq0e / i nr ReaF OD f,ls INFOR!.!\TI0N: 726- 37Ss CI:TTT OF SPF,IA\TGFIEIJ]D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRINCFTELD SIG:'I CONSTRUCTIOS AND ELECTRI CAL I}ISTALI.ATION COI{8 TNATION APPL ICATION/ PE R\IIT I);SPECTIoT- REQUESTS: 7:6- j:b9 LocATto.Y oF SIGX(ADDRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTIOX OI{I.iER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS oli)iER 0F SI6X(IF OTHER THA\ PRoPERTY ot$\iER) BUS I NESS PHONE zlP PROJECTIN6 INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE o()5\x) U\k ADORESS NA.\IE OF BUSIXESS, FIf\I, ETC. ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OTTIER _( torNrtrr NON- IDENTITY SECONDARY SINGLE FACE [ruLTI. FACE TA)( LOT 4 o'DGI e I SIGN APPLICH FREEST.L\DING PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD I'IARQUEE OTHER VET"DORS CO\Tfu\CTO SICN ERECTOR ADDRESS CITY LICENSE :(LN,IBER SIGN TIA.\UFACTURER (IF OTIIER TII.{\ E ADORESS E IICTR I C.{L CO}iT RACT0R ADDRESS Or-r-).r-o1- PHONE EXP. DATE r((- LICENSE NLFIBER 'ALL\0fi 0 TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GR,\DE o DII{ENSION OF SIGN ZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN DITIENSION FROiiI GRADI TO BOTTO}I OF SIGN CK}{ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN ?2v DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYONO PROPERTI LINE, YES ,ry NO IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERfi LINE I{OTE: IF PROJECTION TS I.|ORE TII,Iq\ 12'. OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TTIE SIGN ERECTOR I'ruST FILE I{ITII TI1E BUILDI}IG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUELIC LIAEILITY .d\D PROPERTY DAIU\GE INSURANCE POLICIES. rILL SICN HAVE ELECTRICAL I{IRING? YES IF YES, WTIICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL 5t,ICN ILLU}IINATED (INDIRECTLY LIGTTTED)$" DESC.D.IEE TYPE OF YNTER,I..\Ls SIG}I IS CO}ISTP.UCTED OF PROVIDE UL NUI'IBER IF APPLICABLE OF SIGN SITE INFOR.\IATION (LA.\D t6E)..EXISTING USE.OF oR LA.\D .(0R LAST USE IF yACA.\T) PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR I.AND ONE IF APPLICABLE:BUSINESS OUTDOOR }IERCHfu\DISING EXISTING SIGIS (S;GN CODE): ARE THERE EXISTING SIGNS?_YES {No IF yEs, DEscRIBE ALL EIIsTING sIGNs FoR BUsINEss,f FIR.Y, ETC.:- or AI,L EXISTING SIGNS ON PRE}IISES(SA,\IE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI'IINED the conpleted application for perait and do hereby celtify that all infornation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify thit all work performed shail be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniforrn Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertiining ro the work described herein. I further certify that D)' Sign Contractors License uith the City of Springfield is in fuli force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(!) and 9-?-2oL2\. I nill request all required sign inspections listed on the approved perroit. NAI,{E(PLEASE PRIm)(Al\RI A \+ E,AIA,, GP,2'JI stcN DrsrRrcrJbywJ4l .DATE i/; INSPECTIoNS REQUIRED: SITE,/LoCATIoN GNATURE TOTAL SQUARE .FOOTAGE OF SIGN FOOTING OR I'{ETHOD OF ATTACFI.\IENT ELECTRICAL ZONE DISTRICT ONLY FEES TOTAL FEE FOR PER.\IIT 6-<.cc a STATE SURCH.{RGE: $t*^t OTl{ER SIGN PERMIT: CHARCES:6 S. a o ELECTRICAL CTIARGES: PERIIIT:-o PLEASE Si.{O l) Seperete Siqn .{oplic:rion: A separare application is required for each separare rrgn:rs.:efineci in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any pernit issued under this applicacion will, include wir-ing rn or on si.gn structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electricrl connection must be madeonty by a state Licensed Electricel contractor. Illurninated signs (bothinternelly and externelly) must conforn to Seclions 9-7-4 (4)€,(a) and 9-7-1.3 of rhe Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans leouired: This application is to be submitted with two completesels or plans drarn to scale, shorving dimensions and height of sign; ad-vercising nessrge on sign; locati.on of sign on properr)' with dimensionsto properry lines, structu3l details of support franing, bracing andfoocings; natcriels of construction for sign and sign irructureJ elec-tricel equipnent antl lighcing; size and loiation of existing signs onproperly for the sa-ne business, al1 as required to deternine compli.ancerith che Springfield Sign Ordinance (Articie 7 of the Spri.ngfield CityCode). Also, show the following information on the plot plan (plan showing properry lines and location of signs): a) Shov the locacion of all existing sign(s) as well as proposec'. sign(s) b) Shora the length of the stree! frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Shov the locagion of entrances open to the publ.ic and driveways. 4) l{hen required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings andcalculsrions nust be prepared by a li,censed engineer or shall conformto design standards on file ar the Building Division Office. 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap-p!.icant xi,th no pernir being issued. 6) signs must meet corner vision clearance requirenents as described inFig. 9 of the Springfi.eld Comprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NOTE: lio sign raay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontallyor vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750volts, or less th3n 5 feet in any direction froo overhead electricallines vhich are energized at less than 7S0 volts. t B) If r si;n is no! insralled r{ithin 60 days after the date of issue ofthis permic. the pernir shall be void. s)In tons: a) Site Inloection - to be T ','.11 I DA' the Foott;rr: lnsoection ( tine as rhe Site Inspect made before the si.gn is piaced. Usual.J.y, if appl.i.cable) nay be made at the sane ion. The Footing Inspection is to be nade after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placenent of concret e. b) Finel Inspection - to be nade upon completion of all work c) Electrical - All electlical signs nust be inspected for electri-cal hook up efrer the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUTRED TNSPECTToNS 0N THE 24 HOU4, INSPECTION LrNE AT726-s76s. ;r SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: CLERK DATE ADDITIONAL INFOR\IATION NEEDED BEFORE PE&VIT I'IAY BE ISSUED: PI.,.fu\S REVIEI(ED BY: \ E le.totiost 3/rCoNsfPuctr o^/a. Sheels7 a_N l,tsd b{co'tsU s teel aNqle i ror,l' SuPfo"*S Sv.orn to Ono s+ .rnd P / Ste,-[ An Ste. Ifno hl I lApP &:-_- I Rrn BRr,c6,(f ut 00 s x € e <E r0o o ,1,s Rfn 6 4 9 el- H \r utr r)o oF Si Signed ) Gs"a Sccle: 4" p.rE \ 1tso+h 6rde5 r-tlr.,for.eJ I' . tP i +h s*eel g, deurircf\i / / / ttll2ldlfl \rl xl\l ool+ ))) Fro* t of S N ,( I I) ) Signed ( @l d1 nni I O-r r Bo"t i U S B+l )))a8+h Street DRtyct tftl A 1fi I -rtv1 Street Fnorytafa ApPno{. 5O{+' g u ide.^ri re-s Po op Wltt sto tl 9AC/rpooe- Jj fla I Signed t \ t,i' li, oxsrcirorr\-F+. Ot)o t I N oNd R€"3 E:'#b w ,/ ) Fro nt t fSio N l+: $"per fJ , AfiPROVtE \ /(- "ry l9 gL lt. ) ) \{ I O-r r Bo"t i U S liigned B+I @l nni 11 ocK o$ Signr Scq.le:4"prrl] E levotiosl Snorn Qno ulio s+. nlJ 5 c s a-Y ,/ ,t s mJqTEe /A/-( 3/4,,p/1w*J&. 7J Ll Jtl6lutlll \ b(.co't s S tee I aruq Ie t ror'J SrPflon*-s \ tso+h 3rdes u"eirvforceJ tr: i+l Steel g'deu"'ire $x uO Ste.* Augt". \> Itnor.,J I Signed \i F RRrN T 4(k e*{ BRxcgLC(f, uta s x € e4. TTo s*3 4 ax a #:-::, oo / l{Y.otr U o Si N Ca"e_ / / 4 FRRrn E a8+h S*reet ft,€"3 tr I -'J.f1 DRtyc utAJ streel f661{afa AlProY.. so{* g u ide.ri re-s Po oP Wltt sto tl 9Acx pooQ_ J ) fl0 I .19 rloN3leirorul- \O\)Q_-o t,'N c^d tJt Irl CI:TY OF SPH,I\TGFIEIJ]D INFO&{\TIOX: 726-3735 SPRTNGFI ELO. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRT!(CFIELD SIC:{ CONSTRUCTIO}I AND ELECTRICAL TNSTALL1TION CO}IB TNAT IO}I APPL ICATIO.\/ PE R\!TT I\SPECTIOIi REQUESTS : 7:6_ j:o9 LOCATIo.Y OF SIGY(AooRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTIO: ?1 O[Y}-ER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS OlrlER oF SI6.\(IF OTHER TltL\ pROpERTy ADORESS t :{A.\IE OF BUSISESS, FIR\I, ETC IiORK G rtl TAX LoT t .1 o PHONE zlP D(} a\ u3f:-qBUSINESS J ERECT RELOCATE ALTER CNIER _( rorNrrrr NON- IDENTITY SECONDARY SINGLE FACE }ruLTI. FACE PROJECTI$G INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE PHONE PE OF SIG:'I:SIGN Cili\Rr C.\ts LE*ffru>FREEST.\\DING PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD ITARQUEE OTTIER YENDO SIGN ADDRESS CITY LICENSE }iI,J:.IBER 1?r, SIGN }IA.\UFACTURER (IF OTIIER TII{\ ERE A.00REsS E LECTRI C.{L CO}TR,TCTOR I ADDRESS --J o1- PHO}iE EXP. DATE it (F PHONE PHONE ZL: LICENSE NI.'}IBER TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE DI.IIE}ISION FRO}I GR,rOI TO EOITO}I OF SIGN DOES SICN PRO.'ECT I;OTE: IF PROJECT HIS PUELIC ICAL DITTENsIoN oF sIGN e ICKNESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN HORI :ONTALu I{IDTTI OF SIGN ' BEyoND pRopERT.r LrNE, _ yEs -{ *o IF yES IO:{ tS i.iORT TIIAI\ 12'' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY T1IE SIGN E,LIABILITY A\D PROPERTY DA}L{6E INSURANCE POLICIES. , DIIITENSION BEYOND PROPERfi LINE RECToR l.lUST FILE I{ITII Tt{E BUILDL\IG DIVISION COPIES OF IF YES, tfiIcH APPLY? ELECTRIC\L ILLUUI NATED (INDIRECTLY LI GtrrEo) rlLL srGN uAvE ELEcTRTcAL lrrRrNG? yEs [toDEscg.rBE TypE oF y-rr'Rr.{Ls sr6}r rs ilnrrr.,io, o.* PROVIDE UL NUTIBER IF APPLICABLE SITE INFO&inTION ( LA.\D rJsE ) -_EXISTING USE . OF NG OR OF SI6N OO. IF VACTT\T):t/o 1kf or O .r-t l.^ x ,,q xQ r./- I ,x-! PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAIJD:S EXISTMG SI6IS (S;G\ C00E): FIR.Y, ETC.:. ARE fiERE EXISTII{G SIGNS? YES BUSINESS -OTITDOOR IIERCHfu\DISING 1$o rF )Es, DEscRTBE ALL Etrsr.rNc.sIGNs..FoR BusrNEss,( ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREIIISES(SA.\IE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED the corpleted application for peroit and do hereby certify that all infornation hereon is true andcorrect, and I further certi fy that al.l trcrk perfo:med shall be done 1n acc ordance with the Springfi eld Sign Ordinance thefield and the I aws ofUniform Sign Code as ado pted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springthe State of OregonCity of Springfietd Pi s in full force and effect as required by Spri.ngfield City Codes 8-2-6(J) and 9-7-2OL2\. I nill request ertaining to the work described herein. I further certi fy that lay Sign Contractors License rith the inspections listed on the approved pernit.all required sign l{AI.lE (PIEASE pR lirr)IGNATURE DATE it OFF SICN ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE.FooTACE 0F SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION FS9TING OR t{ETHoD OF ATrAcrd\rENr ELECTRICAL E Vn NAL OTHER FEES: TOTAT FEE FoR PERTT'IT: g d. -u&+'51T; tt,} tl SIGN PERUIT: CHARCES:65, a o ELECTRICAL PERI.TIT: CHARCES -bi-- STATE SURCH.{RGE: --i:-' -N o LA\D sYr-' \ CIE:T OF SPF,I}TGFIEIJ]f INFOR\I\TION: 726' 3753 SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRI!(CFTELD SI G:{ CONSTRUCTI OT AND ELECTR I CAL TYSTALL\TION COTTB INATION APPL ICATION/ PE R\IIT ISSPECTIO){ REQUESTS: 7:6-j:o9 LOCATIoX OF SIGN(AoD LECAL DESCRIPTIO:I o OITIbR OF PROPERTY ADDRESS OF BUSINESS TAX LOT T PHONE ZIP l= IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDEI{TAL DOUBLE FACE oril{ER 0F ADDRESS SIGX(IF OTHER T}I.f\ PROPERTY 0rfNER) l-)l\,(<\-> SA.\IE OF BUSISESS, FIfuU, ETC. X. ERECT ALTER gNIERRELOCATE \S :p.Nv'1 F NON- IDENTITY SECONDARY SI,'r"GLE FACE IIULTI. FACE L 5 IGNxE : FREESTAT\DING PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD T"tARQUEE OI1IER it00F I{ALL 9n-I 6PT CO\TP-\CTORS: SI6N ERECTOR ADDRESS CITY LICE)iSE }iIX.I8ER SIGN I|,I.\UFACTURER (IF oTltER TILL\ E PHO}iE L'L-4,-EXP. DATE- '_Z-A_E:J.YP 6_ PHONE ? U h-J> (. A.DDRESS ELECTRIC.{L CO}ITR \CmR ADDRESS PHONE IICENSE NIi}IBER TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GR,TD:CAL DI}IENSION OF SIGN HORIUONTAL ITIDTH OF SIGN ., DIIIENSION FRO}I GR.\D[ TO BOTTO}I OF THICKNESS OR DEP'I]"I OF SI tl rILL SIGN }I^VE ELECTRICAL IVIRING? YES {No rF YEs, wurcr APPLY? E TYPE OF I1\TER,I.'\IJ 516]\1 IS CO}IST9.LICTED OF PROVIDE UL NUTIEER IF APPLICABLE SIGN ILLU}IINATED(INDIRECTLYLICI TEO) VALUE OF SIGN SITE INFO&\I,ITIO|{ (LA,\D I6E)..EXISTING TJSE OF BUILDING OR LA.\D I,AST USE IF YACA.\T] PROPOSED USE OF BUILDIN6 OR LAIID: CIIECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: EITIOOON BUSINESS OI'TDOOR }IERCHfu\DISING -EXISTING SI6IS (siGN CoDE): ARE TI{ERE EXISTING SIGNS?_YE5 )dNo IF yES, DESCRIBE ALL EXTSTING.STGNS FOR BUSINESS, FInY,ETC.:, Ar.L EXISTTNG SIGNS ON PREIIISES(SA.\IE TAX LoT) I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED the completed application for pe:mit and do hereby certify that all infomation hereon is true andcorrect, and I further certify that all rork performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniforrn Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of lhe City of Springfield and the laws ofthe State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that ny Sign Contractors License yith theCity of Springfi.eld is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-?-2OC2\. I yill requestall required sign inspections listed on the approved perruit. NA.r'rE (PIEASE PR IN-r)SIGNATURE SIGN ZONE DISTR TOTAL SQUARE fOOTAGE OF SIGN ELESIRICAL VhrNu ol:tlER7INSPECTToNS REQUIRED:SITE,/LOCATION OR }IETHOD OF ATTACI{,\TENT FEES: TOTAL FEE FOR PER,\!IT '8,{" I o SIGN PERMIT GIARGES:{6.a o ELECTRICAL PER}IIT CI{ARGES STATE SURCHARGE: AL 2 u t DoEs sIcN PRorEcr 8EYoND PRoPERTY IINE _ YEs _Yllo IF yES, DIt'tENsIoN BEyoND pRopERfi LINE_ '-'.-liOTE: IF PRoJECTIoN IS i.iORE TllA.\ 12" oVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIIE SIGN ERECTOR l.lusT FILE lr,ITIl Tl{E BUILDI}IG DMSION COPIES OFHIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ND PROPERfi DAIIAGE INSURI,},ICE POLICIES. + slln.11f,p,t I