HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-12-14..RESIhNTIAL.. 22 s lrorth stlt sttreeaPPLrcA?r2v /PERlLr? SprLngfield' Cregon 37477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 ?ecetct {Lo SPFiIF{GFIEL.D ()'L 'ij -9-rr-a-+-'ozr ,S^^^. t."-^5t- Siqned.: aC' tL.oo ,GY s /6,6q Date: lZ-/)-rz Job Locaticn:.7c Tos Lot #Asseseore )!ay # Subd,!;t"Jsicn: .ldtuess: 7SO 2 no f,/"7/C-ldt(a7Phone J zip: ?7"77 i?^eco-; y^ &? KJ ?-v Desct+be llotk: 3l,a oaVai.ueDate of App Licaticz /&'/7 - (z RanoCel # GeneraL ileclwnic:L trPlwnbing ELectrtcaL Dil.l)LrTr)!! aR ::cw) Sanilatg se"ter capped zt prcper4l Line Septic tank p'"c:ped ad. fillad uith gtaLei !'inal - i,rhen abcue itens ate ccr:oleted :ntC ahen !e..tcl):ton is ecnslele cr sr-"i:- xute naueC ari cra::ises clZcr.ei up. tsLoektng ad Set-ug Plunbing connecticns -- scdo! al, uatet Eiectr,)eal Ccnnection - Blcekir4, set-ut and pltobing connections r;st be apprcuei before lequesting electrical insceetiot: Aceesso,y tsuildJn4 Final - After:crches, skirting, decks, etc. @e canole:ed. !:ie 1 oi 2 Constylic-n_Len<ie!_ It is lhe respottaibilitV of tha per*it holder to see tlwt aL'!. oj,napections @e natie at )he proper tLn€' thet aceh a,Cdresa is nea:nbie fron the street, anC that the pernit card ie Located at the fzo* of tte **.roperty. *guiUing Jitti:zov: cpVz,ot:ed ct-an shcll rena"in on the Eu:-Ldtn4 Sitc a't aLL times. Pn1CilUPg POR IttSEmOil R?QWST:CALL726-3769 (yecoyCey) state Aaur City Cesigr.ated iob t"tmbet,, job aCcbess, lUee-9f inspec=icn @eaigforinspeexion,conttdctoysora;,lers-n,aneandplonen;.nbel.P.equestSrecei,:edbefcr".7:00antiLL be nade the sone Ccg, reqests ncde aftet 7:00 at vtLL be nad.e the ne*t'.nrking day. yott" City Desigr,ated Job lhunber fs:8 z a?s? f--'1 sr19 !:15?ZC::)N: I I e.ecaation, buc ) v. ttte. lo be ne<ie aiterpriar tc set up of i ii S UL 4.-r I a N 1 v A ? 9.a, i]1i R! i 1 !!lt t ! I ! ! p it : To be nad.e after aLL ir.sulaticn ed required tqot baz'ie?s @e in p1a,ce but before ay l.ath, W?s1tt1 bcatC cr tnLL eouering is cpplied, ati belore otA ,:nsul.ation is concealed. io'rf.j,rr r -\f QD?aiTall. O^ '^^ -^)^ aftet, aLL at-g6a!7 is i,n olaee, bui prior to czty tapin4. llA50!1RY: Steel Loeation, bond ffil-grouting or ue"ticcls in aceoriotce ,ith a.ts,c. Seetion 24L5. After irntallation is CAPB N A?PPCACH AP.C.ON:After fornsae erec'cei but prJoz, to po'urn)rg coflc?ete. SIt!iltLi( & DRftTnAY: Far aLL ccn- erete pauitq aiYhtn atreet right- of-,x'!, to be maCe aiter ai.L e*ca- Datina eonolete ,i fon ,totk & sub- base neterial in pla:e. I I al alI o u:t3s?sL;.3 ?a:':.s::iG, lLic:PIC,t! I ].ECii).;:IiAL: io te nace ce;ote cng - uor< Ls ccverea, ?o ie nal.e are escaoated ard forms are etecleC, but picr to pourirq ccncreta. u t! DtR c?e !1;! p ? uw I jG,_584 i,-lliEl, DP,AMAGE: lo b;-;Aa pior to jil- ,?er.cnee . ar 1 H^ a ,i; ^n L^,C f1.oor .)nsui.ccian or deeking. POST Ai/D ?EAi,!: lo be ncCe pior to TiililtGiZVof Jloor irsu';,t=l cn ot decktng. R)ilc:] ?au,!Er:!G, !3zc?Prc!L I lttcl- A:\I:A:: .;o ,oT;,. "is zc :e co_-ered. ffilT-;kese itxcecliors haue beer maie a"d. zgprc::-eL. FIP!?!,ACZ: Pm)or to plcctrq fce:.ngmcterials ar,.d. beiore franr4 inspec- tion. lP"A.!'!illC: i4tst be recttested cfler qgrovaL cf raqh plwnbing, electri- cal I neci,anieal, AL! rcoiir4 bracing 1 chimcys, etc. rtst be conoleted, llo ';crk is to be ccn- cealed until this insoecicn is,s been nad.e cnC aporo"^ed, -icoDS!2,n - ectflo Let€d., FIiIAL PLU:I;91:iG FI;IAL !,IECHA:IICAL ?Tltif ?f?addTFrf ALL pro;ieet condt)lions, ;uci cs the "l.nsxallaxicn cf stl,eet ctees, :c:rcletion cf ie rcquired Landscoir4, etc., :mtst be satisiiei befcre the tsUiLDf;iG lfi;Al:an be req-uesteC. FII|AL tsUILDMC: Tne Final Bu:,Ldirtg fnsaection nast be requesteC zfter the ?ir,al ?lwxbingZlectrieal, crd, i,leciun:iccl lnsoections hauc been nade ad atprouec. *ALL !4A:IHCLES AI|D CLELitOu-?S itUST 3E.qCCESS:Zi.i, .tDJt-,ST:!::tt lO BE:.!.08.1.! lto.:35? lC Cfy d/ an"o, &x-tuni 4 f/*o^L- /rn -" -0 tr i!tfC!: llhen conpZate -- ProuiCe gaces or nouable eectians through D lt a LCT ?Y?S _ I"-terio" _ Cor.ner _ Paniunrile CuL-de-sac 2 JOB NO.$z%1s7 SOLAR ,CESS REQ.-L-co c Seircons Iat Sq. Fr6. I cf lct Caseraga ! oi Stodes lotal leight Topogryhy Lot Faees - DT Aecess ?i ta.;e FTC K VaLue lAFaf ',r" o s.D.c. r.5 : 7-.7 Building Vqlue & Permit This penrrJt is granted on the etp?ess conditicn tlwt the said eonsctaction s-ha.!.L, -i..n z.iL .z.esoee=s, :on!:zn to the )rCinance zdoo2ed by the 1ii7 ci Sprtngf)e7.,'1., '-nc1-u4tng :he ionittg Crdinar."ce, regulctirtg ."h'e ccnsty,t-ctlcnqnci.use of butl,l,in4s, cnd nay be ;ueperzeC or rZuckei Lt o:7 t--ne uicn oic-T.attan of .zny orcoia-ions of aaiC Criiruinces. !o+-al Ch,argea State CAP,GE !istutes ResiCenti.a.L ( 1 bath) Seuey Plumbing Permit No, ?er.eon sltall consttact, instal1., al.ter or change cttA nea cr ecisting yLurnb_ina cn dratnage syste-n in ,,sitole or in pott, unlesL such pet,son is theLe-gal.possessor of a ua7-id plwtbez,,s License, e.ce?t Lha.t a p'etson nay doplut;bing aotk to prope?tl uhich is ormed, Leased oi opercted by the qpli- caflt. Plunbtng Perr;it ;al Semtice Electricol Permi t Wlene State Lan requires that the electtical woz,k be done by an lleetrtealContraetor, the electr.ical pottion of this permit sltall not be ualiC untilthe Label has been aigted by the Electrical- Cottt"dcto?, blunst !!ood. Yedt ?ot ''lcocistote Mechq nicol Permit Perlrtt issu.otce Meciunicel Petnrit -- ltc:cAci:.!::!! -- Ses"unj J'pC.Z)tl L t 7 :CTAL A,"!OAJ? DUE:' Reeetpt #: PLc,n I HAW CA-REFULLY !K4b|INED the conoleteC coplication ior petnit, crvi dahereby cettifg tha.t aLL r|nfotnatton h.eteon- ls tnte at-d. eczvect, anC f fuz'tker certli! ihat dnA ard aLL xot,k perionned slwll be done in acear-dance'aith the 1rdinexees of the City of Sodngfield, anC ;he La;s of t'neState of aregcn perinining to the aork CescribeC herein, crd. :hc,e tto )CCA- P!-!lc.:{ trili b_e nade oI' ctlu st?uctu"e uithout permission of the 3u:-Lding Di-uision,. f fuz,ther cettilog tirt o:zly ccniractors and enp-Lcgees ui.-o arZ incotpliance u:.th CRS ?01.055 util|. be uaed on thie ptojeet Mobila ilonte -lAii-- I I?Z:-I l.b:'-n j,z:cz |1 a,t / Ett end. C iteui t s :?!.u ,,.'C. lo)cl Cbcyaes Stata Stotaoe Iaintencr"ca, Vq aI STANDAR-b-dTR UCTURAL PEST CONTROL INSPECTIO.r REPORT TNVOTCE NO._ry359_ (Wood-Dostroying Pests or Organisms) This is an inspection report only - nol a Notice of @mpletaon. AODRESS OF BLDG. NO. lfrT.t*l'" zgo r*rm>I. STREET il. A3 rcl. ctw Fq DATE OF INSPECTION 1- l?-ga Andy's Termite & Dry Rot Repairs 425 S.7lst St., Spring/ield, OR o 746-8672 A LICENSED PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FIELD. ANY OUESTIONS RELATIVE TO T}IIS REPORT S}KX[,D BE RETENNED TO H!'. TYPE OF LOAN INSPECTION OBOERED BY (NAME AND AOORESS) FED V.A, D STA G.r. tr FHA D FARM HOME tr CONVENTIONAL D IC nD i t -) Ll L. l./oA <e\a 6f,\{]tSELLER'S NAME AND AOORESS BUYER'S N^ME ANO ADDRESS '6( DIAGRAM AND EXPLANATION OF FINDINGg (see back side for recommendarions) This.roport is an estimate only. Because of the possibllity of human error, ANDY'S TEFMITE & DRY FOT REPAIR CO. will nol be hold rosponstblo for any damago or lntostation aroas it requirod tot loan purpos€s. This report is th6 sole opinion ol lhls company 6ntiani not a Guarantse ESTIMATE OOES NOT INCLUOE PAINTING OR PLUMBING _ NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CBACKS THAT MAY DEVELOP. repai,s listed. Diagram: f/of to gcalt NAME AND INSPECTEO IN LICENSE NO.Oilglnal Feport .fl SlpplomontetReport E Numboroteeges /- THIS IS A SUB-STRUCTURE INSPECTION ONLY. SUB FLOOR LEVEL 8 BELOW. WE ASSUMEIIIO LIABIUTY FOR ANY OTHER PORTTON OF STRUCTURE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS REPOBT. NOTICE: NOTICE: Yes Code See Diagram Below Yes Code See Diagram Below Yes Code Seo Diagram Below ST Subterranean Termites ><SDR Structural Damago Rot Existing VentsxDTDampwood Termites SDI Structural Damage lnsect x Proposed Vents WB Wood Beetles ><SF Structural Damage Subfloor tc lnadequate Clearance CA Carpenter Ants X EM Excessive Moisture conditions ><IA lnaccessible Area FT Fungus growth Treatable ><CD Cellulose Debris FI Further lnspgction neEded L Plumbing Leak ><FG Faulty Grade (loss than 6" clearanco)EC Earth-wood Contacts Othor Other Oth€r . -"tfui I ill.l I 1l /"\ tr,o, H .[,, Rgrn.$F -Ql t5',' -r I EF6) t0, *;lo;-:.-: -.: :- I I i r i i- ii,:"r 'l-' ,l !: .i l : i. ] fl& - &e. ,Jl ,ot{DqEm o{ 'ii r 1 ) Sf,. fu &ord3 I t 'Eb ,' I $Dfi.FB r&sil\e?r ,t ..) -i I \i sOn O.Bl.0e{aS, '' | | ' i I I ;-rl, lF.r. \ l ,t I'l11:..; IM l' tdil't cllr- '- 1.x -.-- )ECOMMEN DED CORRECTION. Remove and replace approx. --$-tineal ft. of damaged mudsill. Remove and replace approx. -_rt4-tineal ft. of damaged header. Remove and replace approx. # h feet of ASb, Sfulla - siding. Remove and replace approx. __:l* damaged joist end(s) *1y_ . lnstall approx. b ft. of new beam to support joist splices. Remove and replace approx. --lgulineal ft. of damaged e+g- support beam lnstall appror. ---5- new piers and pier blocks. Remove and replace approx. damaged pier posts. 2. 4. 5. 6" 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. }(-f \1 -,lF-\( =---)€-x- * 14. - Straighten existing vapor barrier as needed. 15. - lnstall a gravity flow drainline from subarea approx. 16. 't7 x--)+ lnstall a subarea sump pump and approx. 2n lineal ft. of drainline to Trench subarea as needed, to drain o, .r*p-p[-p, as needed to alleviate lnstall a +:-m il vapor Darner over enttre suba rea surface Piece in mrssrng vapor barrier in approx.' foot area. lnstall - additional screened vents through rim joist Rescreen -+- existing vent(s). Replace vent frame(s). o maged subfloor from subarea,M-x_ H_ neal feet to street Sqbqac+. standing water condition. through foundation wall _ 18. Y lnstall appro*. j_yards of 3A"rounilrIEr rbck in subarea trenches 19. - lnstall approx. yards of 3A" round river rock in subarea low spots. 20. - Excavate subarea to allow proper access and clearance, approx. -cubic yards 21. - Trench subarea as needed for access, approx. -lineal feet. Make access to inaccessible areas, as needed to allow f urther inspection (cost o{ any damasB tound nor inctuded in bid}. }4 Further inspection needed in damaged areas where indicated on diagram (cost or any damages found nor included in rricr) Vent dryer to outside to prevent damage from fire or condensation, approx. feet. Repair foundation cracks. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Subterranean Termites. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Dampwood Termites. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Powder Post Beetles. Chemically treat as needed to eliminate Carpenter Ant infestation X Chemically treat substructure as needed to control dryrot fungus Spot X Replace underlayment flooring in --- approx. -- area. lnstall new linoleum in approx. -- area Reseat toilet on a new wax seal. lnstall -- replace bathtub shower kit. Caulk base top - of bathtub. Have a qualified plumber check and repair water leaks (costs not included). lnstall approx. -lineal feet of concrete block foundation. Lower exterior grade level to correct earth-wood contacts, approx. ?rt feet. Shorten wood siding to correct earth-wood contacts, approx. / €i16ei. lnstall approx. -feet of non-wood skirting. lnstall approx. - of 6-inch concrete flashwall to correct earth-wood contact. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. u. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. lm. 41. 42. 43. 4. 45. 46. 47. 48. 54. 55. 56. Remove and replace Remove all scattered lnstall lnstall approx. _=351_sq. feet of da wood-debris and form boards _x_ --K--+(- -#- -* --+- vent well(s). crawl hole well(s) lnstall -J- new crawl hole frame and door 49. - Repair or replace portions of existing gutters as indicated on diagram 50. - lnstall approx. ---lineal feet of new gutters. 51. - Replace install -- down spout lines from gutters. 52. - lnstall - spashblocks. 53. - lnstall approx.ineal feet of downspout drainline to lnstall -- drywells. Additional bid needed for items not on this report but required by -V.A. - F.H.A.,/ ,r*.,/ county lnl, Nfi t*' -+(- Other