HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-01-10A-F.?rzl .. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s ttorth sth stneeAPPLicA?r2N/PERurr Sgr[r.gfield, 1regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 726-37 53 ?eeeipc 4 SPFI'NGFIELD $ Ics Iot # Q ?8aoAesesaotc ]tao t l7-f7.>C-/z ,iob i,oecticn: Subd.!.ts.) s'r.cn: *;ner: t/RqttoCeL Date of l-l 6()Value Ad<bess: wev5. General tfg. Otol"i-ffi;,tas tr r3 et 1Et - Qtl-< |.leclot:ic:L tzt.!01il10:t aR ::cw) 1uI Sanilazg se.ser cqped zt ptcpetrri Lite Septic totk pt:ned ad. filled aith gzatei linal - l{hen abcue itens ote ecraleceiani xhen le:tcli..ion is ecn=Lele bt srt:- tuye noueC si =re:;'Jses elbazed uc. Blocking od. Set-tp Plunbnng connectic-ns -- saue? al. uatet Eleetr)cal Ccateetion - Bloekit4, set-ut and. plwtbing connections nr;st be apptcoed be;'ore z,equesting eleclrical inscectio:,: .!,ecessa,g Builiing Final - After:crehes, ekirt'Jng, deci.s, etc. @e caryLe-.ed. x ?:ie i of 2 Constt c..Tcn_!eds!_ ?CSA AilD 3EA!,1: ?o be ncCe prior +-o instalLaticn of floot, it-suiaticn or decking, \!ECH- ..o ;'neae lrsoee2icz:.s )cue bo-e,r P?,lliilC: iiust be tearcsteC aflerqcrou,zl of rcugh plw-binq, zlect?.:-cal ! nechcnieai.. ALI tcoiirg btacirg 3 chitmcgs, ete. :rtsc be ccnplered. )lo ';crk is to be con- - ceclori unti,L ihis insoeeicn ha,s'beett nanie cnC aporc,^eC. of insoec=icn befcre 7:00 an I-l ie lhe reegonaibi-Lity of -tltc pendt hotd* to see that aL! inopections, dre nade at lhe cropet tLne, that 244ft .-,1,l-2ss is rec;a'ci.e:ro,rt 2in atreet, and tiat the pem:rtt cail ie Located at the frati of tlte ctooetht.'zuilditg viuicrovt lpptot'ed pi^an sir.Ll reaain -o"-tiZ iil.li"r&- iii"-Lt-itt''tiirZiT' ?.1oc DUP1 PoR, IllSPrfICtt I9=Ay1ST.'CALL 726-3769(recorCer) state your City Cesigr-zted ;ob nzorber, iob 61Ciress, tupe ::.Y":_1"1_1"i-?rel ucu viLL be teaiy fo_r inspaction, Contractct,s oly arr"r"-r',on" ira. pU"" ramber.' nequists ,,ecei,aZd,"LLL be racie the aotte Ccy, ?eouests mcte aftet ?:00 ott viLL be ns,Ce the nest wykin4 da-g. vo*? ctty Deoisra,ted, Job rtunber ,, 'ffi 8AAI\3 Si!! i:lsPic::3lt: To be tm.de after esccuatian, but priar tc set up of forns. U:|D|RSLA? -2LU!.Bi:tc, iLEC?pIC,\t 1 m ,:.rce;.:;fc;@ny r'sot,k is ecocrei. PCOTIIC 1 F0U;\DAI:C:I: lo be naCe - aitet arer.ciles are eacancted and forns cte etecteC, but prior to pourtng conctete. iNSULATION /VII.POR B.ARRIER ITISPI1TIaN : To be naCe after aLL insuLaticn ed. required tqor borie?s @e in place brrt beJbne ory l.a.th, Wpsun bcati or rnLL eouering is cpplied, crti beioreotg ittsulatioa is concealed. ft1 DRYVA.LL |JSPICTI?Y: Tc be naCe lf I zf:er aLL ar-Juall is ,Jn okce,* but prior to any taping.- WSCllRl: Steel Location, bonC beons, groutitrg oz, ,Je?ticals in accor<iotce,.,Lth U, ts. C, Section 'i00DS!0'"E: After installatlon ie unoleted. CUFB .n .APPRCACH !?-c.QN: Aftet fornsa,eZ"ectAAiVG to pouili,4 conc"ete. SIDSWILK & DRf;,ElAf : Poz, aLL ecn- ""e." ?aufi-ffim st"eet right- of-,,a'!, tc be naCe e;'!er aLL ezcc- vatina cotoLete & fotn wrk ,tr aub- base rcterJal in pkce. - utDrc?.att:ti ?aL?tpI:iG. sla?. 'i.1rrl. . I DPAillAGi: lo be ns.ie crior -.o jii- Lir4 cretccizee. 11 utospracc?. ?!rJ:sr:tc Mlc:tA:t:cAL:it@of floor ineul,atian on d.ecking. naie end, norcved,. I I FI1J"!.ACZ: *tor 'a c'Lcctra tccina l-) ffi& crd, belbre';'.*"irq insgelc- *.' a- M l L Buildirry Insoection r.il6t be requesteci :fter the llral Plwbizg L fnspectzons r..ave been neCe ard zporouec. ?EllC!: ',lhen conplate -- ?roviCe gates o? ;ttooable seetians through Dil? ALL pro;ecx ea-iilions, suci as the installacicn cf slteet ttees, 3ca?leticv. c;' ite requireci Lanlsccpir:g, etc., raat be satisiieC belore the SuiLDf;iG ?lilAL :an be z'equescei.FTIIAL PLU:IBIJO F I ;IA L .'.TEC IIA:I I CA L ??rtAf ?f:No7,-.f. itrag -yeV-.;iVhu €) IINAL tsafLDlll1: Tne Einc llectrical, qnC ltechan|cc .ALL l|AllHCLiS AND CLEAN1U|? IIUST 3E.|CCESSItsL!' .4DJUST:I3:I1 ?0 3i:.:ADE,1.l !t0::ST TC Ci:y J i cpPhone: A'Q.6clt{D Descrtbe llork:lqrlLc# 24t a OLI N€x: r 2 JOB NO tat Sq. z cf Lct ! of Stor)es lotal leight togography Ft?. *tSf, , c*"""g"f4%D SOLAR .CESS REQ,- LCr !v?! _ fr.teticr _ Cormer _ Pc-nharzle Cul-de-sac L-co c Sedtcons Receipt #: Stgtei Electricsl Permit I,lhere Stdte La,t reqtites tl"at the electt4cal uork be done bg an lleett-ical Contractar, the electrical por:ion of thh petnit sha.Ll rot be ualiC until the Label has been aigned by the Eleca"tcal Contractot,. Mechqnicol Permit Zneto,t Sottces fac2 ieet :!aaaSe :arcae A,:cess ildte! ied:er ilcttil liv,eoLaceEast South flUUq! oUtz ilest -- Faes -- r!z:.1 JQ.r-iU :(VaLue .',lczn 1l:ca- Ra'the .'arlLx 4^fiaf .rrf|d aa*a>, S.D.C. 1.5 c JlD 2O I ,71 Building Volue & Permit This oentJt is gtanted on the en7ress eottdition tllat the said-conatmtction shall', .Ln zil tZscects, :onforn lo the lrdircnce edopteC biy the Ciil ci Spr".ngf)elti, inchatr;g the ioning Crdinatce, regulctir.g the ccns;ttct')cn cvi use oi cu:.Liiirgs, a".d nay be ;usoe',,ieC or reuckei at cr., tafle ii.n !1-c- 7.a;icn of .zly prct;isicies cf saiC CYiirances, ?uilding Petrr.t ?o+-al Cl",atgea Plumbing Permit No pereon sha|L constzact, inslall-, alter or chaoge cny nea cr eristir.-g plwnbin4 cr dtainaae systen in ;,titole or in patt, unless such pez,son is the Legal possessor of a ualid plutberts License, "-.ce?t tha,t a per'son na7 do plur,bing xotk to p"ope?t:! uhich is otmed, Leased or opercted bg the appli-ent. .lr.?6 M CHARGE !izattes Resi.dential (1 bdth) Scni Seuet Plunbing Perrit State Surelarce Pes. So. fta i'l au / Est erd. C ireui t s v luea -rl f?-ra v lanocroy Sem.tice /,fr* ,€a I'.ce :?!;4 :;c, i:,tsqaa aAtl t C *hanst HooC Vent ?an '"lcodsco:;e Penrtt fssu.anca l"tecianiccl Pennt Tctal Cnarses L I HAW CAREFULLy gXAHilED lhe cornpleted aopLication ior petnit, cti d,a hereby certify tlat aLL irfomalion heyecn is true arl, carrect, ard. i fulther cettiiy that any crd. aLL xork =eriorned ahall be cione in aceoy,- dance vith the ardintnces of the City of Sar,)ngfiald., and the Lc;s ol lze State cf Cregcn pefi:ainino to the wrk CescribcC herein, atC :)un y0 ,CC'!- P,tllC'I utLL be rm.ie oI'any sx?uctu?e uitLaut Vermisaiot of the SuildinE Dt-vision. f f,ttther zerrif'"i that otly ccntaaeio?s and enplc'gees aha,:re in canol:iance uith CRS 707.055 tti1-L be used. cn this orcject !enee -- z:lc?.cAc:i:t :!! -- Secazn) Penmi.t Cttvco"t! .ta ?O?A! LICU}E DUE: T 2?.% !,lobile llcne c ZL zLtS '?30 O 1-??-REAUI RE},1ENT O .1:-. ?9- HH NU I RE I,IENT *AtrtrRHS$.. N ?3RTI $t' ilT.giIT{I[..ANE L:N'I'Y RE*HAF F'FTOGRAi"I -tlt^,NHR- CHAITLES LIIoNARII 946*4063 730 NORTH ?3RIr STREET tiFRINGFIELITT OREGOI'I 97477 -TtESIGN TEA},I- PRI},t- ST/E- EL,/E- Fl.t./E* BUILI]ING TTIUISION JOT|* ??13 -LE6AL* LCIT ttLuf,H .EHERGY- HEATl" 3* H?O* RANGE- ACT I UF- -VALUE. -INFO.O REF.AIR ftE$IT'ENT IAL 1111 8210?7 / 8?10?7 -STATS.T{LTIG ZONE $TORIE$ FIRE ZOI.IE TtETIRI.I FLOOT'F'LA I N UNITS $N FEET .CCII.ITRACTORS- GENL- F Ll.ttr- ELECT- I,tECH- liE.$*I'tINIt'lu|.t INSFECl'IoNS + REQUIREI'IENT$- ---*EXF trATE-**A[:1' trATE-' INSF.ECTISN RENUE$1'E:tt TJY LUCINTIA ORtiANr INSF,ECTE.tT try IrAN St'1I1'H s2 t 0?6 BttL\3 -11\G-AO("5 PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT L EONARD Charl es and Bonnie Lou s ame Date: 0ctober 5, 1982r 730 N. 23rd Street Phone:946-4063PropertyAddress s ln field,Ore on 97477 g,rp e There is evidence of )eakage below house; an inspection shall be made by a ljcensed plumber to determine plumb'ing deficiencies. ty, **************************************** Deficiencies and Corrective Action Necessary REQUIRED ITEMS ' Sub-structural/Structural 1. There is evidence of damage from wood-destroying agents and/or frommoisture; remove all damaged materials and lirstitf"new standardmaterials in areas as indicated on pest control report of 9-27-gZ.All recommendations on report to control moisture/dimpn.rr shall beimpl emented. Roof/Sidi nglExterior l. The roof rafters and ceiling joists appear to be overspan at thefront part of the house (original seciion); the.ooi ila ceilingstructure shall be corrected to meet UBC iequirements. Extend theroof/eave overhang when roof is restructured. 2. Run-off water from the carport roof runs into the wall/siding atthe south side of the house; remove the ex.isting-ca;pori roof andbuild new roof to tie into house roof in order [o eliminate seepagei nto wal I s. 3. The roof 99veling is curled/brittle and is leaking at the livingroom and kitchen; remove existing roof covering aia initul new235 asphalt composition shinglesl 'including n.i ineatning and t5#fel t. 4. The downspouts-do not drain away from the house; drain to stormsewers to comply with the City of Springfield Auilding Code standards. 5. The r'lindow sash and trim is rotted in the living room, furnace roomand bedroom; remove all damaged materials and windows; reptace withnew aluminum slides, double [ane glass windows; instail nbw trim. 6, The kitchen window opens into a carport;, remove existing window andinstall a non-operable window. 7, Remove rotted/damaged shakes at the rear of house; install shakes tomatch kind and style as at front of house; paint to match. lileatheri zati on/ I nsul ati on l. Insufficient attic, underf'loor insulation; install attic insulation toa minimum of R-30 value, underfloor insulation to R-r9 varue. 2. The walls are without insulation; where walls are opened for construction,install insulation to R-ll value. 3. No insulation on water pipes; insulate undenfloor water pipes. Pl umbi ng 'l INSPECTION REPORT LEONARD - SPRINGFIELD Page Two El ectri cal I The bathroom lacks a ground fault interrupter;'install to meet NEC requi rements. 2. There is evidence of spliced wiring in room area; an inspection shall be made to determine the condition of existing the attic above the living by a licensed electricjan el ectrical system. I I nteri or OPTIONAL ITEMS Install storm windows at all single pane windows. Install a kitchen exhaust fan, ducted to the exterior. Install new living room carpet. The cejling and the walls 'in the I iv'ing room are poorly surfaced and the ce j I i ng sags; the ceil'ing joi sts shal I be rei nforced to meet code standards; remove existing beam at living room ce'iling. Resurface ceiling and walls with new sheetrock, tape and texture. I 2 3 t fl i sraryn q'ri,-STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL INSP' TION REPORT TNVOTCE NO. y.ltfP(Wood-Destroylng Pests or Organisr.,i) This is an inspoction report only - not a Notico of Completion AODAESS OF 8LOG. NO. PROPERTY ,nsreireo 73o E- STREET il, gsrd. CITY €uaone DATE OF INSPECTION 1- ll-?a Andy's Termite & Dry Rot Repairs 425 S. 71st St., Springfield, OR o 746-8612 FED V.A" tr STATE G.I. D A LICENSED PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FIELD. ANY OUESTTONS RELATIVE TO THIS REPORT SIIOT.fl."O BE REFERRED TO HIiI. CONVENTIONAL D --( TYPE OF LOAN ^No AooRESS) .S heBtg5 -Asetlts FHA i] FARM HOME D eD_-., *: _INSPECTION OROERED 8Y (NAME SELLER'S XAME ANO ADORESS BUYER'S NAME ANO AOOFESS I 7 NAME ANO INSPECTEO 8Y LrcENsE "o. 3?? orrernsr Repod ,E &rpplomontat Repon D Numbor ot eagao I TI.IIS IS A SUB-STRUCTURE INSPECTION ONLY. SUB FLOOR LEVEL & BELOW. WE ASSUME NO LTABILITY FOR ANY OTHER PORTION OF STRUCTURE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OT{ THIS REPORT. NOTICE: DIAGRAM AND EXPLANATION OF FINOINGS (see back side for recommendations) This leporl ls an estimate only. Eecause of tho possibility o, human error, ANDY'S TERMITE & ORY ROT REPAIR CO. wiil not be hetd rosponstble tor any damage or tn{ostallon .ateas lf roquir€d for loan purpos€s. This reporl is the sola oplnion ot this company only and not a Guaranteo ESTIMATE OOES NOT INCLUOE PAINTING OR PLUMBING _ NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CHACKS THAT MAY DEVELOP, rgplirE listgd. NOTICE: a Yes Code See Diagram Bolow Yos Code Seo Diagram Below Yes Code See Diagram Below ST Subterranean Termites ><SDR Structural Damage Rot x ftisfng Vents OT Dampwood Termites SDI Structural Damage lnsect X Proposod VentsxWBWood Beetles x SF Structural Damage Subfloor tc CA EM Excessive Moisture conditions IA lnaccessible Area FT Fungus growth Treatable CD Cellulose Debris FI Further lnspection needed L Plumbing Leak x FG Faulty Grade (less than 6" clearance)EC Earth-wood Contacts Other Other Other 'sram: lyrf to fuJo tz, F,A.- 5.& E' I?in ofl DEfitr a) sdt4 f-{ tb D.ru.I I 5g d{-g ffi I I t"CT I SDtr.E? @fiur* Ettt, *C,D-fr/J,, - 3 na, on.IiE'{.-.".Pfpcr \ R ,s,Jhq t,\ c.D. e-3DF.RB P.i8.That tl lt $t &n,ilgittt{4rt rbArn 5r? hr &i,& 0DR O&l,8glolg{ 17.t, son-FJ && Er(r) , t\Jea rrir. urcrr C l.1 If:iIII 1'+-j-+ i l.-r t- l i*f-'ri ti-t-l i lnadequate Clearance Carpenter Ants >< 'f J+-+ E} { 1*t I I i l -r-l T I rt I t,"fi ECOM MEN DED CORRECTT'^ \ffi Remove and replace approx. -X.Jineal ft. of damaged a t I mudsill. Remove and replace approx. /'tf lineal ft. of damaged --ef,-?-_- header. Remove and replace approx. n"flf feet of 4sl', S4+(a; siding' Remove and replace approx. Te. damaged joist end(s) $tg' Hemove and replace approx. damaged full length joist(s) lnstall appror. A ft. of new beam to support joist splices. Remove and replace approx. /O tineal ft. of damaged LIe- support beam lnstall appro*.---''l5- new piers and pier blocks. Remove and replace approx. damaged pier posts. y Remove and replace approx. --3Lsq. feet of damaged subfloor. --)f Remove all scattered wood-debris and fgrfr bqards from subarea, M-X- H--* lnstall a -l-mil vapor barrier over intire subarea surface' Piece in missing vapor barrier in approx. -foot area. Straighten existing vapor barrier as needed. lnstall a gravity flow drainline from subarea approx. -lineal feet to street. X lnstall a subarea sump pump and approx. -,}y'.-tineal ft. of drainline to $becf . }( Trench subarea as needed, to drain or--sumg-eg, as needed to alleviate standing water condition, : lnstall approx. 3 yards of z" touno-ffil6ck in subarea trenches. lnstall approx. -yards of 3/c" round river rock in subarea low spots. Excavate subarea to allow proper access and clearance, approx ubic yards Trench subarea as needed for access, approx. --lineal feet Make access to inaccessible areas, as needed to allow further inspection (cosr of any damases lound nor included in bid). Further inspection needed in damaged areas where indicated on diagram {cosr or any damases {ound not inctuded in bid). lnstall approx. -feet of metal flashing to correct earth-wood contacts in _- porch. Repair foundation cracks. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Subterranean Termites. X Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Dampwood Termites. -)(. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Powder Post Beetles. Chemically treat as needed to eliminate Carpenter Ant infestation. X Chemically treat substructure as needed to control dryrot fungus Spot { Fl 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. o 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. €. M. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. *. 55. 56. x# * rE Replace underlayment flooring in approx. _ area lnstall new linoleum in approx. _ area. Reseat toilet on a new wax seal. lnstall - replace bathtub shower kit. Caulk base top -. of bathtub. -X- Have a qualified plumber check and repair water leaks (costs not included) lnstall approx neal feet of concrete block foundation \ Lower exterior grade level to correct earth-wood contacts, approx. --f,flteet.x Shorten wood siding to correct earth-wood contacts, approx. - / s feet. lnstall approx. --feet of non-wood skirting. lnstall approx. --- of 6-inch concrete flashwall to correct earth-wood contact. lnstall _- additional screened vents through rim joist through foundation wall - --X- Rescreen I existing vent(s). -)+ lnstall l/ vent well(s). X lnstall '/ crawl hole well(s). '{* lnstall / new crawl hole frame and door. Repair or replace portions of existing gutters as indicated on diagram lnstall approx. ---lineal feet of new gutters. r Replace install - dciwn spout lines from gutters. lnstall - spashblocks lnstall approx. --lineal feet of downspout drainline to lnstall -- dryweils. X Additional bid needed for items not on this report but required by -V.A. - F.H.A I Mr fd$' */"n, / county Other comments_ ra