HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1986-09-10SPBTilGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER September 10, 1986 Planning and Development Department Charles & Bonnie Leonard 730 North 23rd Springfield, 0R 97477 Dear Charles & Bonn'ie: This letter is being sent to you by certified mail with restricted delivery to verify tiat you are slill the owner and occupant-of the house at this address. As a recipient of a home rehabilitation loan from the CitV ot Sprtngiie'ld, you wlii recall that the full amount of the 1oan, inc-luaing tne -principtl and the orig'ination or interest fee of 7 percent' ii or. aio payaoie to tne city upon sile or transfer of this property' Sale or transfer is defined to include the actual or attempted sale by contract, assignment, lease, .artut or other conveyance to any other ;;;;;;,-'ur-*.ti ui tn. transier uv wlrl or inheritance to any person other than a survtvrng borrower upon ifie death of one borrower. (Specifically, for instance, using the house ai i rentat unit while yoy retain ownership is not permitt;;i.' - it will be the practice of the City to contact you periodically in this manner in order to confirm that no such sale or transfer has occurred. Secondly, YOU should also recall that the terms of this loan require you at all times to keep the noui.-inO otft.r improvements on the property insured against--tois 'or damag.-ov iir.. The amount of coverage is to be adjusted when necessary to. i.fil.t not less that the current appraised vat ue of rhe ;;;;;;;y'and improvements. The city gf.spri ngfiel d, at 225 North 5th street, iS to ue'nimea as an additional insured party on the policy.IfthgLgneCounty-HousingAuthorityhasbeennamedonyour insurance policy in the past, pi.ut. ftarl tnts chan-ged as soon as possible' You have also promised to furnish a certificate of this insurance to the City. This cert'ificate of inir"unce-must Ue-iurnished to the City each Vearwhenyourhomeownersinsuranceisrenewed.Ifyorlhavenotyetdone!o, please direct yoyr in.r"un.. company to send !h"- 9il{..the certificate of insurance automltical'ly in--tnu F'i["t when you receive notice of and pay the annual Premi um' 225 North Sth Street o Springfield' Orego ng7477 ' 503/726'3753 Fina11y, in keeping with the home rehabi l'itation policies, the City w'illmake 'dri ve-by' _ i nspecti ons at two (Z) and fi ve (5) years afterconstructi on completi on i n order to determi ne i f your h-ome i s bei ngadequately mai ntai ned. If this 'dri ve-by' i nspect'ion r-'ndi cates that youihome is not being adequately maintained, th; city may request that youallow further inspections of your home to be made and th;t you correct anymaintenance problem discovered by such inspections. If I99 ^!lYe questions regarding this letter, you may contact Bill Schaubat 726'3753. Thank you for your assistance-in keeping ou" records up todate. Si ncere.ly, {r//zU1 Bi I 1 Schaub Reh ab Speci al 'i s t