HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-08-17oR 97471d27 th2512 N.Job Locaticn: Tcn, I'ot # 3011 Aqsessorg MaP # \7 0324 4L CanteSubditti.sion:Vil1a e enAsner:&Anne Pet OR Phone: 746-7352Address: 2512 N, 27lh r1n f ield Ilorlc: Augus t 1, 1989Date of Additian Kitchen Remodel & Addition value $35,000.00 .. RE APP 225 NoYth |th Street Ziii"ir+,"ta' oreson e7477 BuiLding Di'tsi-sion SIDFT{TIAL 'LTCATT. .,/PERI/IIT SPFII{GFIET.D \ ? 26-37 53 Date: 172 Banton1e Construction 99ORnGeneral Joe Plumbi Eu ene Plumb t,r oers EI 4JElec t t:cian Rcatinei SIIE INSPEC?ION: 7o be nnde after ercaofifun,El prior to set up of forne. IJNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & UtcPnntCaf: To be made before anYffifi6oered. l-Ta poormc & F)UNDATT)N: To be nsde LAI af*rmAt """ "reaoated and. fonns ane erected, but priot to pour"iftg ccncrete. UNDERGROUIID PLIJMEING, ,!WER, W,4TER,+DRAIIUCE: To -be nade Prior to fil- @-6dnches. UNDERELOOR PLUMBING & MECHANIC+I' : of floor insulation or decking. fJ1 posr AND BEAM: To be ma.de priot to W Zffi"L-ffi1o" of floor iwu|,ation ot TNSULATTON /VAPOR BARRTER IIISPFCTION.: ?o be nwde after aLL insulaticn attd required oqor boriers @e in Place bui belore ory Lath, gaPswn b-oarC ot tnLL eooering is applied, aad before oty iwulation is concealed. r71 DRYWALL INSPEC?f0N: Tc be made l:'.Y I aftA-m@afts in ptace,* but pnior to any taPing. I.IAS1NRI: Steel Locati,on, bond ffiilgrouti,ng or verticale in ancotdanee LrLth U.B.C. Section 2415. 'IOODSTOVE:@mpf;m. After installation is Bloeking otd Set-up Plutnbing connections " sate? d ualer Electrieal Conneation - Blocking' aet-up and pltnbing eonnections rrust be qpncted befite requestittg eleelri.cal inspeelion Accessory Building Pinal - After pcrehes" ete. ane conpleted. skirting, decks, r-1 ROUGH PLA$ITIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH-txlw-- . - .until these inspections lwnse been deeking. nade and approueC. CURB & APPR1ACH 4!.?0N: After forns A,e e"eci;TTut pilo? to pouring connrete. SIDEWALK & DR|IWAY: For aLL con- cret; pao@ dlffin street right- 4f-tny, to be made after aLL esca- t)ating eonplete & forn wrk & cub- base nater[al in place.FTPEPLACE: 7ffi;;ta'T; Prior to and tion. PRAI.IING: lttust be requested aftet approttal of rough plwrbing, electz,i-cal & meclanieal. ALL roofing bracing & chinmegs, etc. rmtat- be i conpleted. No uonk is to be con- ".oealed until thia i,nspectton lasrbeen nnde anC approoed. \ FflAL PLUMBING FTNAL MECHANTCAL FruAL ELECIRTCAL PENCE: When eonolete -- ProoiLe gatel or motsable seetions through P.U,E. ALI project conditione, such as the installatton of street trees, conpletion of tie required Land.seeping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL ean be requested. FLNAL BAILDIIII: Ihe Final Building. fnspection mtet be requeated after the final PlunbingElecttical, ad Mechanical fnspections hque been nad,e ard'approued, *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S I\IUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE MADE A? NO COST TO CI?Y OR Sanitaty seuer capped at pt'opertv- Line Septic totk pwped attd. fi,Lled vtth gta;tel Ptnal - l,tlten abotte itens are eonpleted and uhen danalition is cotttplete oP sttas- ture nooed ord. pranLses cleaneC up. Hcnes Page 1 of 2 lout Citg Desigrrzteil ictb Nwnber Is tr JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ._ - L-CO G* TotaL pr Houae Not,th llea East South [,/est _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panhandle _ ,Cttl-de-sac Bed?ooma:Lot Faces -LOT ?WELot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooerage fl of Stories ?otal Height ?opography sQ. F?c x TO?AL VALUE LteS.D.C. 1.5 t Date Paid: t#: \i"--e"t*Lt-is gnanted on the e,pr.ess condition trat the sciid. conatractionstall, in arl resoects, gonfortn io the o"iii""u "aoplii ti-ilrz"'cita .rspr-ingfie\d, inctluding- tt " \o"i"g cyinnl)ZJ, n"grtating the ccnstmtcticncnd .use o-f buildings," and mag q."-" ";;i;;;; ot, r,euokeC at cny tine upon uic_Lation of any prcrtlsione of'said o"alrniii". Building Perwtt ?otal Clnrge:t State Building Volue & permir ITEM N0.rEE CHARGE Fi;rtuz,es Resi.dential (1 bath) Seuer .4> No, petson slu_ll consttact, inetaLl, alter ot elange dnA neu cr existing qlwnb_ing on drainage sAstqlt in uhole ot in patt, unLesi euch person is- the Legal .possessor of a ualid p'L.wnber,s Liceneb, eeeept tlat a pZrson nay doplunbing uork to ptoperty uhich is orsned, Leased or operatea Ay ttte ippli,- cant. Plumbing erm it Plutnbing Pernit State Nett/E*end Circui,ts Sez,uicet Electrico I Permit Were State Latt requirea tlnt the electrical uork be ilone bg an Electrical Contnactot,, the electrical pottion of this pernit ahall not. be ualil, until the Label las been aigned by the Electrieal Contracto!, 1 *Iotal ITEM NC FIE CIIARCE bhanst Hood Vent Fol Vcodstote a2 State Permi.t fssuan:e Meclnnical Per.wtt ?emit dtrbcut Sida':alk Mobile Hme TOTAL AMOullT DUE:*qa/-+/ r HAW CAREFULLI EXA\INED tlre completed applieation fon perrnit, and do ierebu certifu tlwt aLL infortnatibn het,eoi is t?ue antd cortect, cnd f'l;";i"r-;";l:iiy that any ird aLL uo.rk perfotned etnll be done in dcco?- 'd";;;;;1; tii oiui"i'"Ls- of the ci.ty -of -sprinsfield' attd the Las of the state of ,regon p"ntoiirlis-'to- tin uoik ceezriied hey,ein, and tlat No occu- p!.Ncy ,LLL be nace or"lrii''ii"zii"i"""iitlz"l izr^'i.""1on b7 tne Buildi'ng ri- oision. r fut'ther ""rfi'1r""in2]"-;;:i;;;;;:;?Jt'i" *a oopl'v"" uho ee in ;;pL:;;*; Lr:ti ons r'01-"o"ss t'tt'tt be- used on thie proiect ocks CaPdqe Aceess. Fi-nan Mechs nicql Permit *