HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-03-21" RESID\ lTlAL" APPLTCATT)N/PER\LrT 225 North Sth Stv'eet SprLngfieLd, 1regon 97477 Bu1, LdLng DLDl,sLon ? 26-3? 53 SPFTIilGFIELD Reeei ti Date: GeneraT. ELectrLcal l,leclwrieaL ConstrucEon_lendgr 057s 26-3769 (r,ecov,der,) state your City desigrnted iob nunbez', iob aCiress, type of inspec=icn 'inspection, Contractct,s ot, Atmers nctne and plnne nunbcr. P.equests receited befcre 7:00 an aftet, 7:00 an viLL be nade the nect coz'king day Iou" CitA Designated Job Nwnber fs:9foeb It ie the reeponribility of the penrtt holdet to aee tttat aLL inspections ate nad.e at tltc ptope! tine, that "r47 a'l'hsss is tenCaA1-e fron tlu at?eet, atd that the pe*nit catd i.e Located at the fzottt of the property.*Building D.iuiciott appro"*ed plan sltcll remain on the Building SLte at aLL times. PA1CEDUPE FoR INSPECTT)N RSA.UEST :CALL7 eady for,,*iLL be npde the sone dag" requeste mad.e Reoui.red fnsoecticns DEtl)Lrrroil 0R Sanitoy saser capped at pz,oper4i Lit:e Septic tutk puped and filled rrtth gra.sel Final - h\ten abcoe itens are ccrnpleted and uhen Canclttion i.s eomplete or strwc- tuye mooed and. g,enrises cleaneC up. boJob Loeaticn: Ias Lot #Assessota Map # Subditsision: A.mer: N,AZAddress:PV,oneCI &4-?7477 Deset4be Hotk: 9'd /*trf N Ne1) flome ValueDate of AppL.ieaticn Additicn 6-30- Mobile Ecmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aare? qrl uatet Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-uc and plutnbing eonnections rnist be apprcxed before requesting eleclrical inspection Accessory Bui.LCing pcrekes, akirtiilg, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc. ate conp Page 1 of 2 M urosrrrou*D .LUMETNG. sErIEp.),4rER.'J)lirq trenehee, SI?E INSPEC?I1N: Io be nade after ercantation, but pr.Lor tc set up of forna. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHLIIICAL: To be made before angffi7i-i6oered. EOOTING & NOUNDATICN: To be naCe @e"'fierrei; a"e *cattated and. forns are erected, but ptiot, to pou"'ing ccncrete. UNDERFLOOR PLUT.EING & I4EC!]ANTCAL:of floor insul,ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: Io be made prtor to ffi€frTdf,d'of floot, insulation ot decking. ROUGH PLI]!4BIIIG. ELEC?RICAL & MECH-_ ANfCAL: No uork is to be couet,ed .ut Tth"se inspeetions haoe been nud.e and approtsed.. FLP-EPLACE: Prlor to placirq facingnatez"tals and before franLng inspee- tion. P84!M: l,tust be requested after @t of rough plwrbing, electt"i- u,L & neclnnical. ALL roofiztg btacing & chimneys, etc. rrust be : anrpleted. itlo ucrk is to be co* u cealed until this inspectLon laetbeen made anC approoed. FilIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL ?INAL ELEC?RICAL TNSULA?ION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn and required oapor berie?a @e in place but before any Lath, Wpsltm boatC or z,nLL couez,ing i.s qpplied, and. before any insulation is concealed. DRYTIALL INSPECTION: Tc be nadeffi,.aftez, aLL fuyuall is in place, but prior to any taping. I.!AS)NRI: Steel Location, bond 66ffi1g?outing ot, tserticals in accordotee LlLth U.B.C. Seetion 2415. WOODSTO'IE: etnpT;T;A. Aftet installation iar CURB & APPROACH APPON: a.. .t"ctAffi pAA After fornsto pourLng conc?ete. SIDE TALK & DRI\WAI: For all con- c";te p6@Aiffi st?eet r"Lght- of-tny, to be nade after aLL etca- oating eanplete & forn wrk & sttb- base traterLal in place. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street tz,ees, conpletion of tie required Landscqitg, ete., rmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDfNc FIIAL can be requested. ?INAL BULLDIN?: The Einal Bui-Lding Inspection mtst be requested after the Pitnl Plumbing Electrical, and Nechanical fnspeet'ions hate been nade artd appt'oueC.:l *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTITEII! TO BE I.L4DE AT NO CCST TO CITY V Ymcs: when eonplete -- tuooiCe L) gatel o? mooable seetions thnough P.a.E. T Peae 2 0&(o ^+L, :v/ JOB NO.soLAR :ESS REQ.-L-CO BeCa,ooms Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lct Cooerage LOT ?WE Lot Faces - Intetiot, Cormer Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac lleat Df House Access.# of Stortes Total Height Topogrqhy FTG x Va Building Volue & Permit This penn t is granted on the erpress condition tlut tte said constructionslrall, in aZL respeets, eonform to the 7rdirnnce adopted 6:y the City ofSpringfield, inaluding the Zoning Cvdinance, regulctZng th-e ccnsttabticn and.use of buildings, ord may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at "ny tine upon oic-Lation of @ty prcuisions of said Oydinances. ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Pe"nrit Check State ?otal Chatges Signed: NO FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit N9 person shall .consttuct, install, alter or elnnge dnA nea cr existing glunbing or drainage sAsta-n in uhole on in part, unless such penson is- tle Legal possessoz, of a ualid plutnber's License, eaeept that a pbt'son natg doplunbing uork to propez,ty uhich is ooned, Leased or operated ty the ippli- cant. Fistuz,es Resil,ential (1 bath) Seuet oo Ar4-- oo/ Plunbing Petrrit U-D State n)rc Electricol Permit Where State Lan reqtires tlat the electyical uork be done bg an ELeetriealContraetor, the electrlcal portion of this permit slnll not be ualiC untilthe Label lne been signed by the Electrical Cont"acto?. Total * NC FEE CIIARCE * Mechqnicql Permit Nan/Estend. Circuits Sewiee Esha$t ilood llcodstotte Vettt Fan Per'mtt fssuanee Meclnnicel Pertnit -- ENCROACEIIENT -- Seeuritg Daposit Stotage Pbintenance Pemtrtt - Cttvbcut Sideualk Fence EZeettical Label Mobile Honte Reeeipt #: Plotz EsanrLnet Date I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI4INED tte eotnpleted application for pennit, and. do hereby cettify that aLL infortnation heteon is ttae and. correct, and. f fiittket, certify that any ard aLL uork perforned sVnLL be done in accor- dance rtith the 2rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and the Lae of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the wk Cescribed herei,n, at1d. tlat NO OCCA- PANCY ?tLlL be na,Le of any sttuctute uyithout peotrLssion of the Building Di.-uision. I further eertify that only contyaclors od enployees uho arZ in conpliance Dith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie projeet r TOTAL AM)UNT DttE: **;zl , ao Signed //* Date 4r tr\Enaae BTtl's State Suteharqe ?otal Claraes