HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-08-08Reeei Date: I.. RESIDFTITIAL.. APPLICAT],W/PERMIT 225 North |th Stv'eet Springfield' 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPRINGFTELD (-- Job Locaticn: d33 lcs Iot il QAssessot,s Map 'il Stbdioision: v)0tmer: Phoner e t Js-Address: Ci.ty: Describe h'otk: NeL, Cfr VaDate of App Licaticn edditicn RenoCeL on rac Eor s Ceneral i Plurnbi l.lechanica ec E. r ica Sup ElecErician It ie the reaponsibitity of tle permit ttoldet to aee that aLL inapections are nade at the pto?er tine, that ecch ,;ddress is neadabie fron the atreet, and that the penrtt cati ie located at the frcnt of the property.,Building Diuicioz approted plan slu:Ll remain on the Building Sitc at aLL times. PROcspUpE FOR INSpEq!9N-EglES!:iCalU726-3769 (necorder,) state yout City Cesigtnted. iob nutnber, iob aC&,ess, type_of inspeclior eadyfot.inspection,Contractot,solasners-,,c,,e-andphonenwtber.P.equeststeceit:edbefcre7:00clt'sill be nnde the sane dcy, ?equests ncde aftet 7:00 otr viLL be rrude the ncct :,nrking day. Iout City Desigra.ted Job Nwnbet fa: |I!E llEPLcll9N: ?o be made afterqcaoatlorb'but prior tc set ip of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECARICAL & MECHq\IIICAL: lo be nade before any 6it7i-i6uered. FAOTINC & FOUNDATICN: lo be IMCe aftet trenches aPe ereaoa ted and forns are erected, but prior to Wu?'ing ccncrete. FIT|AL PLUMBIIIC FIIIAL MECIIANICAL FITIAL ELECTRICAL iltsuLA?roN /vAPoR BARRTER r trSP|C?r0N : To be nade after aLL insulaticn ed required oapor batwie?s ave in p'lace but befone ang Lath, Wpsurn bcarC or tnLL eooering is appli-ed, and before ay insuLation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPEtrf1N: lc be nwde @n-nT@TTte in ptace, but prior to cny taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond d6ffijgrouting or oerticcls in accordorce tLth U.B.C. Section 241 5, I,IOODSTOVE: cc,npT;tA. After installation te V ummcnoutD pLUMry ugr_SEwE12_ vATELIJ Lirq trenehee. 7 unoenrLooR pLUtEItttG & MECI\ANTGAL:tlof floor inaulction o* deeking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be made prLot to Tiiliffiilffof floor insulation ot decking. RO!]Cil Pr,U!,lBttC. ET,ECAqTCAL & ttECH- ANICAL: No ttotk is to be co"^ered GllTthese inspecti.ons haue been made and. approoed.. FIPEPLACE: Prtor to plccir4 faeing mcterials and before froning inspec- tion. PRAI'IINC: I'tust be nequeeted after appz:oual of rough plutnbing, eleetri- cal E neclanical. AIL roofing btaeing E chinmeys, etc. rrust be eompleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled until this inspectton las 'been nade anC approued. cuRB & 4P?ECA!!_j!PoL Aftet fornsaz,;;recteT6rVdi tu pout'itlg concrete. SID\WALK & DRIIlEl'tAl: ?or all con-c"etenffiArQn street right- of-tx!, to be nade after aLL exca- oating canplete & forn tnrk & sub- base npterLal in Place. PENCE: gatea l{hen conplate -- ProuiCe ot mooable sections through I P,U.E ALL woject condibions, such as the 'lnstallation of street trees' conpletion of the requ'ired Landsecping, ctc., rmtet be satisfied befote the BUILDINC PINAL ean be requested- FINAL BUILDINC: The tinal Building fnepection mtet be requeeted alter the fi.nal Plwabing Electrical, od. Mechanical Inspections hqtte been nade atd appt'oued' OR Saniluy sa.tet capped et p'opetQl Lire , 1rA, r,r,ri'litr'{vYfld.\tr,,bl j..! ll t., t Septic tork y,rrped and fi,Lled tith gra;sel Pinal - Lthen abctse itens ate earpZeted and uhen Cqrolition is complete o" stta3- ture moued attd. prenrises eleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking ord Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaie? qtd. uater Etectrical Ccqnection - Bloeking' set-ua and plurnbtng eonnections nast be apptcted before requeating eleelrical inspectiott Aceeseorg BuilCing skirting, decks,' pct ckes, leted. Piral - After etc. ate cornp Pagte 1 of 2:l TAI,L I,IANIICT,ES AND CLDANOUTS IIUS? BII ACCESSIBLE, ADJIJSTIIETIT TO BE T,IADE /.T NO C1ST TO CI?Y T r v roe No C DIUYt Accesa tat Paces - P. L. Fire Z of Lot Cooerage_ ! of Stortee TNT TYPE _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panlnndle CuL-de-sac I?EM F?G x Va Lot Sq. Ftg. Total lleight Topogrqhy I'lain Gcraoe Carport Acceesoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 s CIlARGEI?EM NO.FEE Ftiturea Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sa,ter llater - CHARGENO. Res. Sa. fta. Nea/Esterd Circuits latporey Settsice ITlM 4 Mechq nicql Permit kha.tst Hoo,l. llcodstote Vent P@r Perwit fssudnce l,lechanical Pemtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seeuritu Deposit Storage Maintenanee, Pcrmit Cl*bcu! Sideualk lence Electrical Label t'tg\e,Hone __.r^r 3K 5(J SOLAR A cEss REQ.- Gtc L-co d Bedrooms -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permlt is granted on the eipress condi.tion that the said constraction slnll', tn all r"espects, confonn'to the ordinance adopte,T tiy the City o.f Springfteld, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulathtg the ccnstrutcticn drd uib of buildi.ngs, antd nay be suspended or reookeC at cnA time upon oic- lation of any prouisions of said h'dinances. , Euilding Permit State Total Clargea Plunbing Pemit State Total Stcte Total ?otaL PLan Date Paid: Receipt ll: Signed: * Plumbing Permit No pe"son shdll constntct, install., alter or clnnge -cnA neu-cr etisti.ng ptintittg or dtainage syeten in altole or in pa?t, unless such person is the iegal pbseesro, o7'o rtZlid plurbur's Licensb, eacePt tlut a pe"son may !o.ptimtiig uork to property ihi"h is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrico I Perm it were state La requites th.at the eLectrical uork be done by _an Eleetrical Contnactor, the el)etuical portion of thte permit slull tot be oaliC until the Label lus been signed by the Electtical Cont'racto?, Vtan haniner'Date f I\AW CAREFULLy SXA.I4INED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby eerttfy that aLL info:nation het'eoi ie true attd cotrect, an'C I ffurth-er eertify that ang ard all uork penfotned alnl,L be -dote in accon- danee rtLth the- ordinances of the ci,ty of Springfield, and the Lat:e of the* State of 1regon pettaining to the wtk Cescribcd here1-n, cnd that No 1ccu' Pl,NCy LlLLL ble nade of any structut'e ui,thout permieaion of the Building Di.- oision. I further certifil that only contractons atid ezplcyees aho are in eazplianee uith 1RS ?01.05s wiLL be used on thie proiect $**,Y"b 9-3" 7o TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:.8 Signed D,z te \c\\'f